Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Winds of Change are Blowing in from the Sea.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

“You can tell by the kindness of a dog how a human should be.”

A year or more ago, we mentioned on these pages that this person was a scam. It appears that the truth of it has now surfaced and we are glad for that. We are glad whenever the truth makes an appearance in the midst of the madness that composes the world as we presently know it, simply because we do not know it. Ah... but it knows us. It's a button pushing automaton that knows where our tendencies and weaknesses lie. It's engaged in a full scale assault against our better nature and that accounts for why there is such an army of walking wounded, accompanied by zombies in the making. It's not a pretty sight.

Here is proof positive that in the land of preeminent materialism, insanity has become full blown. There is madness in the enforcement arm of corporate controlled society and madness in the culture, as it reaches for ever greater absurdities of experience.

Then there is the odd and inexplicable, as evidenced by this. Here is one of the most powerful men in the industry, being taken in by a woman with a known track record for this kind of thing. Of course, Harvey might not have known but it is to be expected that someone like him would have people vetted. However it is happening, forces more powerful than Harvey are bringing pressure to bear and we can presume it is not just Harvey in the crosshairs. But... this is a police sting, which seems to mean that Harvey might well have been a serial offender and they brought in a pro to snare him.

Who is doing these things and do they know they are doing them or are they just more actors shifting from moment to moment in their roles, thinking themselves to be independent actors when they are not? It should be known by everyone seeking to know that power and force come from only one location, regardless of whether the thought, or the speech and the action is defined as good or evil.

It's been stated here many times that the universe is mathematical. What this ultimately means is that everything is sorted mathematically. Evil and good both have destination points. Think of them as slot cars that must arrive at a predestined end. While they are cruising and racing in the grooves assigned to them, they imagine that they are headed in a chosen direction. They are indeed but it is not a direction chosen by them, it is chosen by the math of unshakable probability, based on cosmic action reaction result. Whatever you do has consequence. We do not operate in a vacuum. We do not operate independent of predictable results. What messes people up in this fixed, yet flexible, equation is the time stretch in respect of consequence. Sometimes it takes a long time and one comes to believe there are no consequences but I assure you there are. It would violate every law of existence for there not to be consequences good and bad to follow, dependent on whatever the original motivation and intent was.

I'm sure there are many people who will disagree with my analysis and assessment. It's one of those things like the pope and his court torturing Galileo, as if the sun would suddenly adapt to the controlling ignorance of the time, or tormenting and burning Giordano Bruno, as if that impacted on the truth concerning celestial bodies. It didn't. Yes, there are casualties but the truth is revealed regardless.

It seems pretty clear now that all the raving pundits, seers and fortune tellers have been wide of the mark with an amazing consistency. Practically no one has been right about anything, with the exception of some minor prediction here or there. Mostly they don't know what they are talking about and I am guessing that is the point. I don't expect it is going to matter much or deter them much in their continuance of error, given the level of the depth of the pervasive dream state, going on and on and on ad comatose at appetite central.

The LOOMING disaster of California, Arizona, Nevada and sundry is truly epic in their potential for nation changing impact. This is serious tragedy in the making. Were I in a position to wave a magic wand I would but I am not; subsequently, I put myself where there are great supplies of food and water but... what if shipping goes down? That would mean all sorts of amenities would no longer be on the living menu. One can survive their absence however and nothing manifest is forever.

Running out of water is only one part of the equation. California has hundreds of thousands of gang members and their affiliates. It's got millions of poor, living on various margins and it's got a whole lot of rich people in gated enclaves and private estates, with private armies that will do them no good whatsoever when the troubles come. I'm looking at the math and I do not see how they can solve the water issue before the inevitable reaction to its absence goes into motion.

There is theft and then, there is THEFT.

On the one hand, the powers that think they are, believe that the army and the police will be enough to maintain their idea of order. This is not the case and only a fool would think so. They are fools, however, so... we shall see. Think of the possibilities that might well come to pass. I simply do not know what to say to this. Meanwhile, the people move through the dream fog, as if none of this were hanging like some ubiquitous guillotine of Damocles over their heads.

My point is that a lot of people think they know what's going on but they don't and of those who might know what's going on in some specific or partial manner, they aren't saying anything. It could be that the wind carries the news, it often does but... who can read the wind? Certainly there are voices in Nature that speak about what happens but only very few are in a position to understand and they receive information from many strange and curious sources. Once again, they don't say much except in cloistered circumstances.

It is a given that those playing the bad guys this go around are feeling the heat of necessity as concerns their strategies and plots. Regardless of their seeming force and appearance of power, they are traveling on shifting sands and the surface upon which they move is unpredictable because, for some reason, events are happening that are outside the scope of their control. They are finding this very difficult to understand. It just doesn't happen but it is happening.

Arguably this is not something they would discuss in public but... like I say, the wind and other mediums carry the tale and if you were to ask me, they stink of fear and desperation and they should. As has oft been stated, it is one thing to prosper in evil, during certain portions of the Kali Yuga. It is the Nature of the times for this to be a standard and why so many of them crawl out of their dark holes during these periods. It's a chancey thing though because at some point, Mr Apocalypse and the whole collection of archetypes change their method of presentation. As soon as this happens, the traditional forms of government and religion that have held the masses in a particular state of hypnosis begin to fade. The power moves into new forms of expression. The infrastructure begins to both crumble and rebuild. The cultures change. The powers that think they are, begin to scramble in order to gain control of all these new manifestations. They are in a schizophrenic turmoil because they are also trying to hold on to all the old forms that are slipping through their fingers.

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there and just because you can, doesn't mean it is. Things are in flux. They are always in flux but... sometimes... they are in a state of real and dramatic change. These are such times as those. As the song says, “something's got to give.”

End Transmission......

Sunday's radio broadcast is available for streaming.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Calipornia. . .wildfires later. Gubment officials sometimes set them, and me thinks this year this state is gonna get whacked big time. That won't be in the MSM, but I'm expecting things to get real interesting around July. . .IF I'm still here. (:O))

What blows me away, is most people are totally oblivious to it all at this point in time. They are going to be in for one mighty rude awakening. Wonder how many towns are gonna be wiped? Needles? Riverside? Blackhawk, with all it's billion dollar homes? All the other filthy rich remote towns in the hills? We're a few kilometres from uber danger. We could be taken down. Hey! A few years back, if I'd managed to get into the shower 5 minutes earlier I would have been toast from the crack 'ho down below burning our place up when she dropped her pipe, or torch, or whatever. The bitch destroyed 4 units, and we lost a Mac, which was on when it happened.

Oh well. I'm just glad I'm retired from life, so I don't have to care. Knowing what I know, I can just enjoy the remainder of the ride in a schadenfreude kinda way. After all, I HATE THIS REALM!!!!!!!

So why am I here? After all, I did ask for it. Proves you're as stupid on the other side of the Vail as this one. I believe I may have mentioned in a past post I wanna take a flame thrower to my former self, but what's done is done. I guess I just needed this final stint to get over this disgusting realm for once and for all.

Ray B. said...

Love To Push Those Buttons, interesting take on future CA 'wild'fires. Don't know if Southern Californians like you (grin) know about little Weed, CA, close to the OR border. They had a small fire break out last year and ferocious winds whipped it straight through the town in minutes. I had driven through those streets when taking breaks from the I-5 drive. Sad, and sobering.

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

galen said...

A little fun on Tuesday night. . .

Spirit assigned to me a job
Set forth, be quick
Go find McCob

Perhaps some misfortune
has found his fate
some trying obstacle
poised as pain

Or perhaps some good fortune
came unawares
taking him all the way
up the stairs
where soul explores
and floats with body
and heart aligns with quiet mind
so friends are sometimes
left behind

Still look, seek
beyond a curious hunch or hint
of faith or doubt
Go out
and find him

asked I.

Yes, you,
for in your mind
uneasiness lives
craving assurance that
your friend
is well and wanting naught
you must go this very night

I seek that assurance
but wish not to intrude

But love intrudes assuredly
and if scolded
or misunderstood
love enters again
with a cup of Good
a drink not seasoned
with should or could
So show your face from under hood
and share a cup that love would

My shoes, I lace
my carry-on full
first to London
then Brazil
From there to China
and Asia Minor
An unlikely order,
yes, I know
but guided by the answer to:
"Where would he go?"
Try here, try there
try everywhere
use ear and nose
hear song, smell smoke

My eyes,
ask I,
how will they serve me?
for know I not
what he looks like
He looks like God
in a grown man's body
carries a light
he found in youth
Think back to a daydream
some years ago
You saw him in an old trench coat
He uses it to protect from life
when life is unrelentingly tough
and when he feels he's had enough

What shall I do if him I find?

Never mind
That moment will attend itself
Just go, now, before night falls
take strength, grow balls
and set your mind
on a course of completion
wherein you find your friend is well
Then you may, you certainly may
royally, raucously, give him hell


Love To Push Those Buttons said...


I'm Bay Area in the foothills. First ridge. Technically North Cali. I know about the existence of Weed. I also know someone in Washington on the other side of the Cascades by the Canadian border who is periodically threatened by fires. Drives us nuts whenever it happens.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


I forgot something. When the fire season starts, I'll be checking out 'CALIFORNIA FIRE MAP' several times a day.

Too lazy to hunt down the hotlink info, but here:

Anonymous said...

Galen: I am okay!

Your poem blew me away! I am really moved!

Love, McCob

Josey keeps reading said...

Les, strange but certain times I read every word as though my life depends upon it, maybe it does, today was one of those days.

I sense a very strong cyclic change is about to happen, a line of demarcation similar to 9/11 but positive.

Anonymous said...

Things feel out of sync. Weird lull before the big shitstorm? Odd little occurrances abound; items misplaced/disappeared; unfocused energies swirling around feels like constantly wading through knee-deep water. Unreal feel to it all...

Another false flag on the way?-- maybe they think they'll get it 'right' this time?

Lady Nature and Mr A. fixing to reset the board?

Glad not to be in Calipornia though there's no garantees anywhere.


galen said...

"Okay" is such a grand word. Unpretentious, and often underrated, it sneaks in casually and sets the day on go.


Ray B. said...

Love To Push Those Buttons, I frequently 'razz' San Francisco residents about being in So CA. I tell them that No CA begins about Sacramento. Usually drives them up the wall; hives and everything. (grin)

I am an aficionado of the 'State of Jefferson'. Detach the area north of Redding CA where you start to climb out of the San Joachin Valley of CA and the area somewhere south of Eugene OR before you are entering the Willamette Valley of OR. Both these areas have culture and climate significantly different than their hosting states. Combine the two and voilà: the State of Jefferson! (Free of being exploited by either the big cities of CA or the big cities of OR.)

No chance of this happening in normal times, of course. Perhaps a big shake-out might enable this... (grin)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Hi V/All,

Ray B., South of Weed sits Paradise Kalifornia and still a little farther south is Cool Kalifornia. I used to live near Nevada City in a town called Downieville. Whatever town we live in could flame up anytime here in the wild west. From my blissful inner journeys (the highs & lows) I have come to the point of knowing that WHEN the 'fire' comes I will be ready, ready and willing to be of service to others in full unity consciousness.

Love to All!
David Widner
San Juan Capistrano

Ray B. said...

David Widner, I visited San Juan Capistrano long ago. Nice place. College town, if I remember correctly. I also enjoyed Mendocino County. Very beautiful, and almost like the State of Jefferson! The 'Lost Coast' of CA is also beautiful.

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Dear galen: The most beautiful word in any language is 'friend'. You are very sweet!

You aren't the first person to write a poem about me. I inspired these verses:

I'm a toasted hippy
I wear a tie dyed shirt
I drive a V W bus and
I'm comfortable with dirt
My brains kind of fuzzy
So is my bread
I'm not at all grateful that
Jerry is dead
I miss peace and love
And all that was
I'm a toasted hippy
Just tryin' to catch a buzz

I don't like killin' I wouldn't
Squash a spider
My favorite movie is still
Easy rider
I listen to Jimi
In my bean bag chair
I wear beads and feathers in my
Stringy hair
They say I'm a freak cuz I don't like the fuzz
I'm a toasted hippy
Just tryin' to catch a buzz

I'm all mellow yellow full of orange sunshine
I still believe Jesus is a friend of mine
Not a strict vegetarian but I dig wheat germ
When I drink tequila, I swallow the worm

So don't hassle me cuz my hair's too long
And don't be a two-toker pass me the bong
I got a lava lamp but it won't light up
I can't get a job I won't pee in a cup
Not taking orders from the man and that's because
I'm a toasted hippy just tryin' to catch a buzz

by Lori Lovebeads

If you want to hear me sing these lyrics (and who wouldn't?) hear is the link:

I am not hard to find. My heart is open to you.

Love, McCob

galen said...

McCob, you're welcome and that's quite a fun, hippy-dippy song. And smooth voice. Took me back, waaaaaay back. Interesting that that guy co-habits with the inner mathematician. Some curious planets there.



Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Memory Lane can Intersect with Amnesia Road.

Anonymous said...

galen: Thank you for listening! I have read your poem multiple times. I am making a copy of it and every once in a while, as time goes by, I will take it out and read it. It's beautiful! I am honored and taken aback that you would call me friend. I like you, too!

Much Love to You! McCob

Anonymous said...

galen: Lots of squares in my chart.


P.S. *snogs*



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