Sunday, May 10, 2015

It Could be Vegas and it could be Varanasi.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

“We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment.”

Katy said something over at the most recent Origami about how people are all stressed out about the coming trials and tribulations. Doubtless there will be some. I tend to agree with what her comment implies. All my preparations are about transforming myself into a better person. I am sorry it took so long but the terrain was seriously inhospitable and fraught with ambush and pitfalls, not to mention the occasional pratfall. Like we tend to believe here, it's not how you got there, it's whether you got there. We are, of course, defined by our intrinsic nature; to the degree that we allow it to hold sway. It is what it is. It could be Vegas and it could be Varanasi. It could be up and it could be down and it could be in and it could be out. The first verse, or chapter, or whatever they are called in The Way of Life by Lao Tzu says;

Existence is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.
In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,
Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.
If name be needed, wonder names them both:
From wonder into wonder
Existence opens.

I am mostly focusing on this portion-

And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.

What does that mean? Think about it. To quote a Beatle; “Your inside is out and your outside is in.” Hmmm, indeed. It makes you think. It is judgments made on an imperfect knowledge of life that gets us into trouble and confusion. Spiritual purists think that everyone else is wrong and only they are right. Hedonists don't want to miss a moment of their temporary paradise in flesh. Mystics want a god that is not themselves but who can manifest or appear to or in them. Atheists want to be the sole authority. That's funny, given how very little they know. The reach of possible knowledge is like the oceans that surround us. Each of us are like cups and can contain only so much, then it overflows, which is a good thing, depending on what it is that is overflowing. There is nothing that the ineffable does not know, except what it chooses not to know. For instance; such as seeing us in our possibilities for improvement as well as our essential beauty and turning a blind eye to our failing, more often than we might think. It is not so much god who needs to forgive us as it is us who need to forgive ourselves. What makes the latter so much more difficult than it might be is our need to pass judgment on everything and everyone else. We all do it. It is a very hard habit to break, take it from me.

As complex as it can all seem, especially in these bewildering times, it is really quite simple. It comes down to one's level of commitment and what one is committed to. It comes down to intention and consistency of determination. Either you are in for the long haul or not and IT IS a long haul. In some cases, for those who need to keep coming back here millions of times, it is a very, very long haul. I couldn't do it. Or... have I done and just don't know? Somehow I don't think so.

How do you prepare for the looming shadow of world dysfunction? Do you turn into a squirrel? Do you go into packrat or magpie mode? Do you make sure you can afford whatever you need or want by having the funds to purchase them at whatever the cost? The thought crosses my mind but I am just not motivated that way. My existence is in other hands; saner and safer hands than my own. This is my area of preparation. If you are valuable to the ineffable then the ineffable looks at you as an investment and will protect it. Of course, we are all valuable but many of us have reduced our value. Rather than elaborate on that I will leave it for your reflection. As Lao Tzu also says;

Be utterly humble
And you shall hold to the foundation of peace.
Be at one with all these living things which, having arisen and flourished,
Return to the quiet whence they came,
Like a healthy growth of vegetation
Falling back upon the root.
Acceptance of this return to the root has been called 'quietism,'
Acceptance of quietism has been condemned as 'fatalism.'
But fatalism is acceptance of destiny
And to accept destiny is to face life with open eyes,
Whereas not to accept destiny is to face death blindfold.
He who is open-eyed is open-minded-
He who is open-minded is open-hearted,
He who is open-hearted is kingly,
He who is kingly is godly,
He who is godly is useful,
He who is useful is infinite,
He who is infinite is immune,
He who is immune is immortal.

I probably revere Lao Tzu more than any other luminous visitor here, except for Jesus Christ and of course, Krishna ...but I think they were pretty much the same. Lao Tzu's simplicity and integrity just breaks my heart with the purity and clarity of his voice. I consider being of service as the highest station I can aspire to. We don't all serve perfectly. Those so identified are very few and far between but however we may serve, it does not pass unnoticed and it all has an effect like Lao Tzu also said-

A man's work, however finished it seem,
Continues as long as he live;
A man, however perfect he seem,
Is needed as long as he live:
As long as truth appears falsity,
The seer a fool,
The prophet a dumb lout,
If you want to keep warm keep stirring about,
Keep still if you want to keep cool,
And in all the world one day no doubt
Your way shall be the rule.


When I was very young, I used to take that great LSD and then sit for hours reading this book; the Witter Bynner translation of The Way of Life. I wanted to imprint it on my consciousness. In hindsight, it does not seem that I was really effective at that but... I tried (uh oh... sorry to say I have noticed a great deal of subjectivity in this posting, please forgive me.:).

If the world scorns you and is as dismissive as it usually is, when greeted with speaking of the one ...and if the organized religion bully boys hold you in contempt, then you are going the right way. Here's how it works. Some get all manner of honors and praise from the temporal establishment, to which they also give their fealty and allegiance. Some get next to nothing here but please remember, “as above so below”. That can mean a lot of things. It can mean that if you don't get it here, you get it somewhere and if you get it here you might not get it anywhere else. Of course, some of us aren't looking for it here or elsewhere. It is sufficient that we have done our duty. We all have duties, though we may be unaware of them and not even get anywhere near performing them. Am I my brothers keeper? Everyone answers that question in their own way.

Most of us do not look forward to the tests and trials that come our way in our journey through here. Yet each of us must admit that these things have shaped us into what we are. We are none of us what we were. We are all what we are and... that continues until all of the trappings and concealment's have been burned away in the crucible of experience. We only become what we already are in essence but we are all cloaked from ourselves and each other by the camouflage of what we are not. For some, the experience here is about even more concealment and artifice. It is the singular soul who is fully disenchanted with all of that and seeks only to know and be known as they truly are; 'to know, to will, to dare and to keep silence'. These are the powers of the Sphinx and some of us are Sphinxes; .“To attain the SANCTUM REGNUM, in other words, the knowledge and power of the Magi, there are four indispensable conditions--an intelligence illuminated by study, an intrepidity which nothing can check, a will which cannot be broken, and a prudence which nothing can corrupt and nothing intoxicate. TO KNOW, TO DARE, TO WILL, TO KEEP SILENCE--such are the four words of the Magus, inscribed upon the four symbolical forms of the sphinx.”

Well, as might be assumed by that, this sort of thing is not for dilettantes and weekend warriors. It's full on or it is not at all and there is that special feature all too often overlooked by those who put too much faith in and place too much importance on their own abilities. I will illustrate that with a personal anecdote (at the risk of being subjective again). Yesterday I was doing my workout, which I have been at with real zeal now for a month or two and yesterday I was not initially drawn to do it but then I noted I was doing it and that nothing was going to stop me from doing it and I said to myself, “Wow! I'm really committed to this.” Immediately a voice came into my mind and said, “No, I am really committed to this. You are just along for the ride.”

“Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey.”

Be well...

End Transmission.......

There may or may not be a radio broadcast this Sunday.


Brian Crossland said...

It's a Marathon, not a sprint.
I am going for a run now, god willing.
Thanks Vis.

Anonymous said...

consistency is the secret to speed

one must have true information to reach a true conclusion....

6,000 years of the lying pen of the scribe has misdirected quite a few
self absorbed, self righteous idiots
who probably meant well bowing down
to the stool sculpture deity...

no man can serve two masters

Did God have a wife...



Anonymous said...

"It is our tears that give God His great power." Chef from South Park


David Alan McBride said...

I thought for sure that has to be one of the longest song titles. According to this page it sits at number 63.

Thanks again Mr. Visible.

Whispers for Visible said...

Utterly gorgeous post, Viz-man.

Lao Tzu is such a gem! And so are you!

Please be personal, it suits you very well. But you are most allowed to keep some things secret, if you wish. Sometimes it is useful.

Oh man, you prove the sentence that "beauty comes from the inside" a thousand times over!

Here's 2 works of art and staggering beauty (in my humble eyes) for your perusal, if you wish:

bombing an abandoned mall with beastly insane wonderful graffiti + some good classical music. 7 minutes:

An offering from a contemporary American musical genius, 1 hour;
"Love songs to The Source" by Bluetech:

Everything is going wonderfully here in the closed psychiatric ward, even though my farts smell from the dead flesh of abused animals and they're giving me anti-psychotics. Shiva drinks the poison and makes it pure. I'm reading a book on cats at the moment, a couple of pages every few days, digesting their lessons. The sphinx paragraph was a home-run for me. It is what I am doing, but it's so very nice to have it put to words. The One that lives in Us, and has become Us, and that has made and sustains All of This, seen and unseen, keeps coming with new and Divine Surprises! Oh Oh Oh! What have we done to deserve being a part of this wonderful play?!! Praise Praise Praise! May my life be one long prayer, one long holy song. A dance, a play, and a battle against ignorance. Just like you inspired me to, in the first place. Thank you :)

Be well yourself, You Wondrous.

" <> "

Anonymous said...

"Got a complaint about the quality of my productions from a site that has been linking my work for awhile. I've been too subjective (grin)" (Quote from last Origami)

So glad you don't seem complying! Thanks again for another great post.

Eudoxia said...

"To attain the SANCTUM REGNUM, in other words, the knowledge and power of the Magi, there are four indispensable conditions--an intelligence illuminated by study, an intrepidity which nothing can check, a will which cannot be broken, and a prudence which nothing can corrupt and nothing intoxicate. TO KNOW, TO DARE, TO WILL, TO KEEP SILENCE--such are the four words of the Magus, inscribed upon the four symbolical forms of the sphinx.”

Spot on. I've been pondering the mystery of the matrix people. The types who George Orwell refers to as the Nationalist. You know the ones who call fascism democracy. Those who will rip your head off the moment you want to smear some shit on their rose colored glasses. I'm almost certain they are here for a reason, specifically to hold the Matrix in place. What other reason could they possibly have then something else dawned on me. Gurdjieff used the term Food for the Moon. So they have a dual purpose, to feed the negative entities with their hysteria and toxic emotions and hold the matrix in place. The willfully ignorant came to mind - it's not that they won't see the truth, it's that they can't see the truth. They have no access to higher consciousness so they can only rely on belief and dogma to get them through life. Fuck the so called authorities I say.

Well I just failed the meat selection choice, I didn't select the shit that was between the dunkin donouts so I had to go to cake.

Katy said...

L.V.: "...My existence is in other hands; saner and safer hands than my own. This is my area of preparation....
"--an intelligence illuminated by study, an intrepidity which nothing can check, a will which cannot be broken, and a prudence which nothing can corrupt and nothing intoxicate...."

These are a sweet gift. a modern mantra.

Ray B. said...

Vis, good column. Thanks! (Carry on being 'subjective', please...)

Vis: "If you are valuable to the ineffable then the ineffable looks at you as an investment and will protect it."

I see this as a response by those who 'came down to drain the swamps'. In other words, those who are intermediate between earthly-us and the ineffable. To those folks, anyone who is showing serious signs of waking-up is someone to watch and possibly to help - or at least 'shield' from counterattack. Otherwise, those folks are on the slippery-slope of interfering with the free will of an individual, which many 'good guys' will not do. I suspect there are lots of situations where this 'prime directive' (ala Star Trek) is tip-toed very close to the 'line'.
Vis: "I consider being of service as the highest station I can aspire to."

Agreed. I was thinking about this the other day. I finally 'got it' that each person is serving to the best of their abilities and to the extent of their awakening. It just looks different from the 'outside'.
Vis: "Am I my brothers keeper? Everyone answers that question in their own way."

This is much like the answer above. To the extent that the upper chakras (portholes *grin*) are open or unobstructed, there is a background of "We Are." After that, it is the play between people learning individualism (and it's consequences) and "We are all in this together." Somewhat tricky...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 09:49 AM

Article 1 - Section 8 of The Constitution of the USA.


1. Tax (on behalf of the Bankers) and pay debts (to Bankers)
2. Borrow money (from the Bankers)
3. Regulate Trade (but not operate Trade, except loss making ventures such as Post)
4. Bankrupt (Citizens, corporations including Government except the Bankers)
5. Coin money (but not Printing Money which is the Banker's Monopoly to purchase the CONGRESS and Senate and President)

11. Declare war (of reprisal and plunder on behalf of the Bankers)

1. Can you see Adam Smith's Invisible Hand or Karl Marx' Visible Hand behind the drafting of the Constitution of the USA?
2. Why did this TruthMan of all people have to come up with this book and this late?
3. Why do truth tellers and truth seekers and particularly, FAKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS say: "It's not THAT! It's not THEM!"?
4.  Is it really Life, Liberty and Happiness or Death, Slavery and Misery?
5.  How much brain power does one need to connect the TRUTH dots.
6. What do yo do? Cock a doodle do! or Know not what to do!!
7. Turn over the TRUTH to take it to TASK!

Only (M1. Money M2. Mind) Matters. Everything else follows and has only ONE degree of separation.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015 09:49 AEST
Neil Windsor

Visible said...

"I am Groot"

then at the end=

"We are Groot."

Ray B. said...

Vis: "'I am Groot. Then at the end= 'We are Groot.'"

Yeah, I saw/heard that. A bit of metaphysics sneaking in... (grin)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Hank said...

Having been in an almost constant quest for knowing ever since my parents lied to me about santa clause, and I lost that argument to that kid in the neighborhood that everyone didn't like much, I have learned a few things. Mostly that I don't know much.

I have learned that almost everything that we have been taught about who and what we are, and where we came from is a lie. Religion, government, history, money and the things that are important in life...all lies. I believe that at this point we have no idea what is real or true....unless we close our eyes and look inside. Yes you have to close your eyes, because if we see ourselves we'll reflexively judge ourselves through the filter of all the bullshit I just listed.

The only clarity I have ever gotten in my life has been discovering who and what I really am inside. It is in our DNA and our connection to the creative force in the universe. The universe speaks to us and learning to listen and hear takes time. You have to be willing to let go of everything you THINK you know and create that empty vessel in which true knowledge can reside.

One other thing I needed to learn is not to discount what the universe teaches me just because I can't prove it. I think most people have natural knowing but discard what they know because they can't prove it. Do you love your mom, your dad, your wife and kids....prove it.

I have learned that when I am being the me I have come to know when my eyes are closed I am powerful, and have a strong effect on the world around me. When your happy with who you really are people just know it, and they are drawn to it, I think because the real them wants to get out, and in some way the real you gives them permission. I have also learned that many of those 'trials and tribulations' are the universe trying to tell me something. Learning to listen has been and still is a challenge.
But what do I know, I'm just a mechanic...who has a tendency to ramble.

Peace to all my friends, and thanks again Vis for your constant food for thought.

Visible said...

Very well stated, Hank. I dovetails with the Petri Dish going up at this moment.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

American Stupid LTD, Accept no Substitutes.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

To be Free in the Realm of Bondage and Confinement.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Dr. Hauser: But evolution of life...

Prabhupada: What is that life? That is different from matter. That is a different energy. That I am speaking. Matter is... Life is the origin of matter. The evolution is not of the matter, but of the life. That Darwin does not know. Therefore I say nonsense. He does not know that.
Life comes from life(so does matter)

Lord Vishnu's yoga nidra



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