Sunday, February 7, 2016

Some Thoughts Upon the Day and in The Hour of Our Need.

I've been thinking about the importance of 'Black Oscars Matter' and I've come up with a few ideas on the subject. I think the first thing to do is to hijack the blockbuster meme. Start making films like, “Blackman and Robin”. You know what? I could get real comedic here but I'm not going to. What I am going to do it treat with the absurdity.

First off, the Oscars are full of shit. Very often the best films don't win. Like when, increasingly those CIA inspired propaganda movies like “Hurt Locker', “American Sniper”, “Argo” and “Dark Zero Thirty” start getting megaloads of press, nominations and positive reviews, when they are basically garbage and who is it that runs Hollywood and who is primarily responsible for where blacks would be at and how their characters are expressed in the medium? Do I have to say it?! Let's go back a few decades when the only blacks you saw in films were the google eyed Stepin Fetchits. Maybe you weren't around when this was happening. I was. No one has victimized and culturally slandered black people like the Tribe cabals that own the studios. From Aunt Jemima to Amos and Andy they kept black people in their place and they don't want them in Israel either.

All of this has changed somewhat in these modern times but now we got the gansta theme and the playa theme and various themes that accent the sexual dynamism angle, in order to promote certain cultural changes in real life. Now... whether they want to run their 'blacks on blondes' agenda, or create their myths of super potency and superior sexual prowess is none of my business. I grew up on military bases and was exposed to black people before most others. I played with them and had them as friends and that has continued through my life. I've been locked up with them in the most dangerous environments and it is a testimony to my freedom from racist attitudes and fears of the kind that I walked out of the whole affair untroubled by horrible possibilities that were rampant at the time and probably still are.

Still... equality is not about handing out appreciation and merit when there is nothing to appreciate, as is the case this year with films that got black actors in them. The ones I know about were subpar and in some cases, like “The Hateful 8”, a total piece of garbage. I don't recall any Asians getting attention and I don't hear any of them crying about it either. Native Americans? They hardly get any roles, much less nominations. Did The Chief get one in, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?”

This year, “The Revenant” is getting all of the buzz and there was no acting to speak of in it. Apparently it is Decaprio's turn in the barrel and it doesn't matter whether it was any good or not. The best one can say is that it was much better than “The Hateful 8.” Probably the best acting job this year was Steve Carrell. Christian Bates is nominated too and that was pretty good but then, he was also in that abortion, “The Knight of Cups” and he should be docked points simply for that (grin).

I don't want to talk about movies. The reason there was no post for over a week is that I don't know what to talk about anymore. I've said all I can say and I've said it a hundred times. I seem to drift these days. I awaken but I do not know what to. I let myself get lost in the rubbish of certain entertainments as a preventive against making up my mind about what to do. Every time I have made up my mind in recent years, I have made a mistake. I don't know where to go anymore. I don't know where to stay. I think perhaps I should go to India because the commercial wastelands of this world are not going to offer anything and I know I could find succor in the Himalayas.

Some of you know what it is like to be possessed of a longing and an attraction that is not of this world and which yearns with an unspeakable passion for another; half invisible and half potential. It stands to reason that one cannot find this in the marketplaces of the world and of course Mumbai and so many other places qualify but I know of only two places that are somewhat possible and that is The Andes and The Himalayas. There are brotherhoods in both locations and possibly elsewhere too. I was told years ago that there were seven locations that would be saved when the heavy shit went down, as it will. One is also in Mexico and one in Russia, another in Mongolia. I suppose I know more than I am saying but I don't get to say all kinds of things because they are hidden from my sight every time I go to say them, they aren't there anymore and anyone who has these labors upon them knows what I am talking about.

So... each day I rise to some occasion and often just sit there, frozen in some moment of time... suspended like chemicals in solution... waiting on something and I have no idea what that is. I never imagined it would be as hard and difficult as it is. I never imagined that every decision I would make would be wrong. I am not a stupid person but somehow, I have failed at everything. Destiny can be merciless and fate unforgiving. So now I wait. John Milton once said, in his Ode to My Blindness, or whatever it was called, “they also serve who only stand and wait.” I take some comfort in that. I wish I were stronger, I'm sure all men do but we have only what is sufficient to the day at hand. I think of the immortal poets more now than I ever did and I know this transient veil of life, obscures a brilliant light that is beyond our mortal ken.

I feel humbled by that which is beyond the reach of my essentially corrupt nature. I wish I were a better man but I am not. I would stand and fight but... the greatest enemy is within. As the Lord of the Rings plays alongside my writing this today, all I can think is that I wish I were an elf. I'm told that a human birth has so much more potential than a Devic birth but I have been attracted to that realm far more than anything I have ever found here. The human experience has left me with the taste of ashes and an enormous sense of regret for all of the things I could have and should have been and done and didn't; paths that might have been taken and were either ignored because of reckless abandon or... never possible to begin with and simply imagined in retrospect.

I'm not a bad person. I serve in every moment where opportunity provides but I fall short. I always fall short. I say this with all the naked agony of my kind. Somehow the miles and the years pile up and when we look back upon them they seem so brief but... as the mind conjures an awareness of where one was at the time, it seems so long. How did we manage to fuck up so many possibilities? Perhaps they were only phantasms. Perhaps we never had a choice and it is just the nature of our ignorance that we believe we could have done better but no... we did the best we could. Regret is the perpetuating state of the dream worlds of mortals and... I am not that but it seems as if it is so.

I'm just sharing this with you today because I don't know what else to say. I don't want to talk about all of the dumb and mindless crap that we use around here as a backdrop for what we really want to say and always get around to saying at some point in these epistles to whomever. I'm tired of this Ashkenazi bloodbath around the world and what they don't kill in the body they kill in the heart and the mind and the soul. I'm tired of the male driven imperatives of the Arab world; the contempt for women who are the single bravest and most beautiful portions of ourselves, who are in reality, our higher selves, who are the gentler and sweeter and more perfect portion of what our souls are all about. I suppose I am heartbroken at my own insufficiency and the fact that I never appreciated them half as much as I should have.

This is a cruel and unfortunate world where we, in blood and flesh, consummate and extract our debts from our own person within ourselves and upon ourselves by extension. Were it not for the greater love and mentoring that is bestowed upon us in this crucible of pain we would never escape. Thankfully we are saved according to our ability to sacrifice ourselves before the greater challenge of service to our fellows. There is no greater joy that is possible here and one discovers this to the extent that their selfish nature persists in keeping them from the recognition of this and at the expense of grievous suffering in respect of that lesson learned. It is just how it is.

So... it is that I have written this today and I hope the day finds you well.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

Wow Les. Way to lay yourself bare. I relate so strongly. I've been struggling with my cunning and deceitful self terribly as of late. Actually maybe there isn't much of a struggle hence my depression. I recognize it but it's winning out currently. I loathe myself right now.
Thank you for sharing this Les. I needed this.


Anonymous said...

How is it possible for anyone to write with this much naked honesty?


L.L.O. said...

Wow, that last paragraph sums up where I am at. Thanks for giving my conscience a nudge.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Awesome post for someone with nothing to say. All I want now is in the next realm as well, assuming I read between the lines. But wait I must. There's so much more, but I'll be concise. Much of what you've written has again paralleled many of mine thoughts.

Unknown said...

We appreciate the warmth of your heart, Les. We're certainly grateful to have run into you and a lot of times you make us laugh. Thanks for being you.

Kazz said...

Dear Vis,

The Divine told me to stay where I am until a new destination is provided. Until then where I AM is in the Kingdom of Heaven within my heart. It is not falling down that matters so much but getting back up, dusting your self off, and continuing on your journey. We are not supposed to know where the path we are on is going in this world, all we need to keep hold of is that our path is leading us back home to where we need to be, which is why so much faith is necessary on our journey. The things we do wrong are there to teach us to have compassion and forgiveness for each other, not to berate ourself for not being perfect. If it were possible for Man to be perfect Christ would not have had to come and die to lead the way :o). We are children in a cosmic school of enlightenment awakening from a long, long sleep. Don't worry about the death, destruction, and pain, just know that we are all loved by our Father in Heaven, and no matter what happens if you can hold onto the ability to love you will have conquered that part of yourself which lost its way and this world of physical gratification. There is no greater joy in this world than to give and receive love, which is why I luv all of you so much.

God bless
Luv Kazz

Smyrna said...

That's a very enjoyable read for someone who doesn't know what to write about anymore.

Just write about whatever, whenever Vis.

I had a friend 20 years ago when I was living in WA who came from Shimla. He had married an Australian but he was always crapping on about the mountains in India, how great they are and lowland India was shite, etc.
He also lived in Darjeeling and rated it well.

Anyway I'm going to go and watch the gridiron grand final now.

Ray B. said...

Vis: "I grew up on military bases and was exposed to black people before most others. I played with them and had them as friends and that has continued through my life."

Boy, is that an absolute 'echo' of my life. Max of three years in any one place. Get to know your neighbors quick; you are likely to need each other. Make friends quick, regardless of race, creed, color, etc. Sadness as we or they were 'ordered' away...
Vis: "I don't know where to go anymore. I don't know where to stay. ... I know of only two places that are somewhat possible and that is The Andes and The Himalayas."

That's funny; I read the part about India and reflected 'there's also the Andes', and - the next paragraph down - there they both were. Cool.
Vis: "One is also in Mexico and one in Russia, another in Mongolia."

I've had good feelings about Mongolia over the years. Like something is a living 'remnant' there, but purposely remaining out of sight. Dampening field. Russia and Mexico, no personal 'data'. Shamanic 'remnants' in both places, of course. Exciting! Share more as you wish/can...
Vis: "...waiting on something and I have no idea what that is."

Same state. For me, it manifests as a slight 'rebellion'. I was shown future 'possibilities', and fought a peaceful 'war' (with Friends) over a decade to bring this about. We won, and the future (the 'Turning') was set on it's way. It is now a few years later. Background 'Mr. Apocolypse' stuff, but no major consciousness-shift. So, I am on a kind of 'strike'. I do what is 'needed', but have mainly just stood-in-place. Kind of a 'I did my part; where's yours' stance. Useless, I know, but there it is. "So now I wait."
Vis: "Regret is the perpetuating state of the dream worlds of mortals and..."

I have some of that 'sense', but a lot of it is being 'messed with'. Nowadays, I immediately check (Higher Self checks) whether I have someone 'boosting' old stuff. If mine, I deal with it. If an Other 'having fun', they get Cleaned. And the 'regret' or similar goes way-down in intensity... Seriously, you are an obvious 'target'. Check and see how much you are being played-with.
On women: As a presumed-part of my 'seeing/feeling' the emotions that are really-being-felt rather than the surface-portrayed emotions, there is a curious thing happening with occasional women. I will walk down the street, passing innumerable men and women. Okay. Then, one person (all occurrences so far being women) will just 'light-up' in my observance to being some kind of 'radiant' near-god-ness. It just flattens and freezes me in place, whenever it randomly happens. It is not sexual attraction or outer beauty. It is almost like the person (woman) stands in the center of a 'halo' of indescribable Beauty for a second or so. Wow. (Sounds a little bit like the 'Mother Mary' effect that occasional peasants have.) I am curious to see where this 'effect' will lead...
Anyway, Vis, I appreciate the 'state' you are in, and am asking for whatever is 'appropriate' for you. Know you are loved...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

From No-where’s-ville
You’re not depressed you’re alone – you’re not crazy you’re angry.

The grass is always greener

Home is where the heart is – Home is where you hang your hat.

Placing the narrow path into the providence of an all seeing, omnipresent deity represents the blind trekking through a minefield.

You’re correct – we have all run out of things to say over and over again. Life sucks and then if you’re really lucky you will have a relatively painless demise. Otherwise, life’s pain is what molds your visions of the ascension. Do those that live relatively well have the same vision of universal consciousness? Do those have any concern of tomorrow? Are they complacent, consummate sheeple herding toward oblivion?
Well then, why is this deity quoted “all are equal”? Those that experience life without painful experience cannot know suffering, rendering in their immortality, right up until the end.

Will the end of this existence, be a blessing? After you have molded and envisioned, learning all the writing’s from the masters of word-smiths about how in this demise the great white light opens the door to universal ever after, you believe all that has been learned, trust in the deity to care for your everlasting soul, only to find -
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -- T.S. Eliot

It’s enough to just “Know thyself” – And at our age it is enough to just be able to remember the three never’s.

Remind yourself of the mission statement at the top of the web-page. You keep pointing it out and we’ll keep coming aboard to read the way in which you find the narrative to put all the words into the right order for all us less fortunate ones ability to decipher the greater meaning.

No matter where you go – there you be.

Your friend on the big river

Anonymous said...

A perfect dark moon musing. I feel this to my depths, Thank You.


Anonymous said...


"Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!" -- From the book " Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72; Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.

Just happened to be at Mike's site before I read your stirring tribute to femininity. Don't get me wrong, I love women, but their gifts--and they are considerable--are but half of the equation: dudes make up the other (too-often maligned, but essential) half.

And for the record, yes, they DO fart; sometimes with a gusto that would make a longshoreman blush. We should be so lucky that HRC might take a notion to tap into her sensitive, nurturing nature. How ever then would she give the OK to bomb Iran back to the Stone Age, per the dictates of her handlers?

Sorry, ladies. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

so reading one of the paragraphs, and goofing off (ok, one is either this or that side of the this or that fence at a time) about if the last thing one hears/feels/thinks before shaking off this mortal coil, then it would be "you were a good man"... better if it is the first thing one hears after moving on, then the next words read are "I am not a bad man".... and what (some dude cant remember, thomas sheridan?) said, if you are worried about being a sociopath, you are not one.

I didn't mind The Revenant and was going to recommend it here or email, if for nothing than it's realism..
but the Hatfeul 8 I stopped watching after 15 minutes... how much can a man bear? Tick good black man, Tick bad white man, tick violence upon woman I'd rather not see so much of to get the point (if there is one) , = another one of those movies.

So I usually resort to repeats (and F1 racing, my latest and only hobby obsession, play the game)... and a high five (with caveats - they make all the movies, just look for Jewish names in the titles, and crypto names too ) for the old The Prisoner series (1968), which I had not seen before.
and its like, oh, that's where the blues brothers and men in black ,got that from, oh, that was in 2001, and I know where they got it from, is where they are/were at... Fabian Socialist meetings, Tavistock lecture theatres, and God knows where else in the Synagogue of Satan's portfolios. Hide it out in the open and 'make haste slowly' and other our way or the bye bye way about them, we in the left right out faction, and thank God for that.

John Coleman is informing me of quite a lot about where all this came from . I only regret I didnt get onto this stuff 20 years ago, why I realise why most , even the carers, don't know squat diddly about frig all and even experts and original researchers like Coleman cannot know everything that has been hidden.

Smyrna said...

You were right about that QB for Carolina, Vis, and the Denver defence. They handed him his ass on a plate.

Good defence trumps good offence probably 17 times out of 20. Be that gridiron, rugby, soccer or Aussie rules. It is an axiom.

P.S. I seem to remember the Chicago Bears from that time with some huge fat bloke called the "Refridgerator"? He was a really good offence player IIRC.

Anonymous said...

Bledsoe, Visible.

Visible said...

You are correct sir.

missingarib said...

Vis, how difficult it is to remember those days in short pants,sharing food and dreams of all the great things we would do, every day a sweet joy to chased to sunset. Slowly the accumulation of wants ,needs,and obligations elongated or compressed the hour,days and years we call our life . "This is a cruel and unfortunate world where we, in blood and flesh, consummate and extract our debts from our own person within ourselves and upon ourselves by extension. Were it not for the greater love and mentoring that is bestowed upon us in this crucible of pain we would never escape. Thankfully we are saved"

Yesterdays child is who we are, and all the colorful stones and winged dreams are locked away and the location of the key to them confounds us . The longing translates well in jacksons lyrics

Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
And the slow parade of fears without crying
Now I want to understand

I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can

Doctor, my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long

'Cause I have wandered through this world
As each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from these dreams

People go just where they will
I never noticed them until I got this feeling
That it's later than it seems

Doctor, my eyes
Tell me what you see
I hear their cries
Just say if it's too late for me

Doctor, my eyes
Cannot see the sky
Is this the prize for having learned how not to cry

Mondays child is fair of face,
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Thursdays child has far to go,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
anamika dev

live long ,vis
the moments you share with us is brighter than gold.

Smyrna said...

Yeah Vis, I recall that '85 Superbowl with the Bears and the 'Fridge' thrashing the Pats as being the first one shown live on Australian TV. 30 years ago. How time effing well flies! I also recall not having ever heard of the Pats. Green Bay Packers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Washington Redskins, Miami Dolphins were the sort of teams I had heard of.

Anyrate, my nephew Barry is a big NFL fan and follower and he went to a pub in Melbourne with some mates to watch it. He was keen on Denver's defence but blew his bet on a smaller margin.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the best piece (peace) I've ever read of yours. Ditto. And bless you for your comments about women.

Smyrna said...

The best sport God ever blew wind into is Cricket, Vis. Never too late to get into it, especially if you are India minded.

Ray B or buttons might try and twist your arm for hack-e-sack, 3-man hoops, or some other tripe; don't fall for it brother.

Anonymous said...

"Every time I have made up my mind in recent years, I have made a mistake."

OK, so then explain how they were mistakes. The sum of those "mistakes" is what has shaped you into what you are. A path is deemed a "mistake" when it seems a deviation from one's desire.


Timster said...

Excellent post, Les. Just one caveat. Amos and Andy were white.
Although they served the same purpose of Stepin Fetchit, they were
black-face artists. But you aren't old enough to remember them.

Visible said...

I thought removing the comment might be the best idea given that not everyone is an affectionate playmate of mine (grin).

torus said...

Isn't it good to know that "it" neither ends with a whimper nor a BANG! IT NEVER ENDS! :)
"Smile....though your heart is breaking..."
Let's all bow our heads in solemnity as we stand proudly with our American brothers and sisters upon their successful completion of another pilgrimage to the Holy of holies, the super BOWL. Well done!
Smile...that the potentially greatest medium of education, the TV, has been so thoroughly compromised that it can be used to broadcast mass-murder LIVE and IN LIVING COLOUR! Smile. Amen!!
Smile at Putin's meeting with his old friend Henry Kissinger. Smile at the loud-mouthed Jew Nathaniel Kapner who petitions his audience for funds while he champions Putin. Yes, smile at the "filthy, anti-Christ Jew!" as Kapner calls them.
Smile at the amplitude of the cognitive-dissonance!
Smile that White, Christian, Nationalism, is the new sexy! Just look at Hungary! They've closed their borders under the premise of defending their White, Christian, Nationalism. If that doesn't make the Jews of Budapest afraid; can the Jews of Berlin be far behind!
Smile at the raging hypocrisy!!
It won't be ending any time soon.
Smile! All the frightened apes are doing it!

truthman said...

I've often remarked that my only regret in life is that I wasn't born someone else. Seems that you can relate, Vis. However, you know and I know and Bob Dole knows (grin) that life is a journey that has alternate peaks and valleys and even Bill Shakespeare allegedly once wrote that 'to be or not to be' was THE question. I'm not certain it is THE question, but it certainly is one of them.
I recently stumbled upon several writers who can fairly convincingly make a case for the premise that Planet Earth is, in all actuality, the living, breathing "hell" that is referenced in the Holy Bible. I am certain that many truth-seekers have entertained this notion at one time or other in their journey. Perhaps you have? It certainly seems to satisfy a plethora of riddles concerning our existence here on Planet Earth or Planet "hell" as it were. There's a writer who has written an extensive missive on the subject, I believe he calls it "The Way Home" and it also has an additional heading that I forget. The first several pages are extremely convincing and fits rather nicely with my view, but then he loses me with the supposition that…well, you'll just have to check it out if you're at all interested. I agree with the other readers that this particular post is just so refreshing on so many levels. Your writing and intellect has touched SO many, Vis, and I am unmeasurably grateful. You've found "the way home," my dearest friend and will be there sooner than later, I am sure. Thank you for sharing your journey that others may find the way, too. Yogi Berra once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it!" Peace always and all ways!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Sorry, I'm not hot-linking since I have no idea where the instructions are, and I don't feel like going to the trouble to look it up and write them down right now.

First, some people seem to put their comments that belong here on the wrong forums:

Second, I think someone's been listening in on us:

Nostril up!

barbarossa58 said...

I don't know what else to say, but every morning, promptly at 6am I have a cat named Goober that sticks his face in mine, awakening better than any alarm clock...He's a heck of a mouser also...

Visible said...

One of the reasons that I am thinking about India is not the gurus I would meet because that takes care of itself but... my friend, Scott Armstrong who is a fantastic musician and I've been wanting to record with him for years and he is there in Goa. One day he and I were doing dueling Tom Waits in my office and Susanne was impressed and she is almost never impressed. She said it sounded like Tom and Tom. I remember that moment. He and I are kindred spirits and I'd like to do some of the things I want to do before I head off to another solar system.

Unknown said...

Loved your post, I too thought the Hateful Eight was rubbish! The Oscars rarely get it right, but they did when they gave The Lives of Others the best foreign movie back in 2006. Have you seen it? That film is a work.of art, a genuine bona fide masterpiece.

Visible said...

I have not seen it. that is German film, yes? It crossed my notice and I wanted to see it but something happened. Perhaps it is that Susanne never brought it up, or we were deep into some series.. I will give it a look on your recommend.

David Fiske said...

What to say Vis? Life can be hard. But we get up again. Or we don't.
To be cleansed we have to let go of our dirt. It's all about purification. Are there some concepts that have run their course for you you could let go? Some stuck needles? I have some favourites I sometimes rerun. But less so now.
My kundalini rose in 1962 and along with its ecstatic blessing it also made me 'open' so often I suck in the dirt of the world. Sometimes a good nap is what one needs. Clean air and clean food and good rest.
Wheat and chaff are separating. The chaff will go where it will and probably ruin it there too. Not much wheat but it will get out of here or the two will coexist but be separate to each other.
All a mystery. But keep a good heart and love the beauty you see. Lots to feel grateful for, not so?
Do you need to keep posting to get advertising revenue? Sometimes silence is good.
I often think the best way to make a difference it to stay away from it all and just love the Light.
When I see the birds at my feeder the love is almost overwhelming. I have seen the trees through a background of gold and cried from it. I'd be glad if that would happen again. Lots of subtle forces around us supporting the struggle.
We are not alone in fact.
love and best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Now, what about that movie. Oh I forget what it's called. It features that actor who, oh you know, he's a great actor. Anyway, the movie is really good. I think it was produced back in 1992. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Always a good read Les, thanks.

Gin Gin

Unknown said...

Les, thats correct - it is a German film. Yourself and you other half will both love this movie. Going by your beautiful prose, the meditative aspect of the human spirit, the indomitable will for good to prevail over evil.- you are going to be absolutely love this. Enjoy ma chara (Gaelic for my friend)

Anonymous said...

"Volatility everything is the result of constant conflict opposing forces, but subject to a single law. "

robert said...

Dear Visible and all who know they have a heart deeper than their mind can fathom:

There are posts which you allow in to this sacred space which at times made me go "Hmmm..."

Now I see the subtle masterful pattern: allow those with snark intent to fully expose their motive, their feeble attempts at wit and their general spiritual retardness!

The sheer conceit of the naked would-be emperors, self-deluded that the rising consciousness of their fopmer vassels cannot smell the bullshit!

Provide us with entertainment while allowing us to exercise our universal bullshit detector, THE must-have intuitive discernment for these times, when we will need to start cleaning up Gaia, gently scrubbing off oil stains and cleaning our own mental houses out of self-delusion.

On a related note: ever wonder why the word "retard" or "retarded" ended up in the mind-control, de-tooling playbook? It certainly has NOTHING|ZERO to do with protecting the feelings of the innocent!

Yet another way to stifle the people from constating the increasingly obvious: the demon-darlings are world-class "moroffs"! (more off then on, so not worthy of the affectionate epithet, "moron")

Spritually retarded, they are and soon to be playing on a different stage, of evolution, that is!

Trade your soul for the whole world? For Wales? For fiat paper promises?

For the right to be used as a meat puppet in a demented (though long playing) comedy of delusion, playing the part of patsy, dressed up in customes as power over others?

Laugh them off the stage before they really lose their micro-encephalitic souls!

I trust I need not dignify the snark-dark intentioned ones by citing the anonymous posts by datestamp...

Have some fun today, dispell the spell of doom and fill your heart with the gladness of an ensouled being of the light!

Pravdaseeker said...

Greetings Les,

I long ago wrote to you about a mutual friend in southern France, named "Don". I read most of your posts too.

I have for the last 10+ years, been adding my 2 cents to the blogoshpere, or internet.

In todays completely INSANE world, I too have had to "take a break" from time to time, from posting about current events, and "connecting dots"; trying to make some sense, and at the same time make the right, logical choices.

And in doing what I thought was right, many times I was convinced I had made the worst decisions.

You have said it many times; "Life is a journey", or words to that effect. To get to where you/I are now, required enduring those "bad" decisions we think we made.

At the ripe age of 60 soon, I find myself in a new country, a permanent resident, and looking forward to citizenship when the time limit allows me to become a citizen of my new country.

I at present, have a good paying job, have gotten a home for my wife and I to live out or years in; along with being able to pursue a hobby again.

I am quite happy, and it is the direct result of a series of "bad decisions"; or so I was convinced of.

I am not telling you anything that I am sure you are not already aware of my friend. Forgive my boldness perhaps. It is also normal to experience a bit of a shutdown in writing creativity, when one has had the expectations of daily output, on several forums, and/or topics. Even more so, when all we are bombarded with in todays world, is more terrible news, or crisis. Most of which are "created" for us.

You know this too; but you gotta keep on trucking.

Perhaps it IS in India for you, that moment you discover the reason the previous journey in life took place? You find THE SPOT, or country region, to put down some bit of roots. And what you can truly become once you are finally "there". "There" being not only a coordinate on this globe, but where you are at with your soul. Are you finally at peace inside, and feel as if the new place is "home"?

I do not think the insane race to WW3 has any REAL efforts to slow it down, only appearances, and words said, to get re-election, or more money.

It was/is the country of Australia for me. For Don, it was southern France. Perhaps yours is India, orrrrr not. You never truly know, until the stream is crossed, or stepped into.

In Australia, there is ONLY 26 million or so souls, in an area the size of the lower 48 of the USA. I can see vast distances from several mountain parklands, where as far as one can see, you know there are no roads, towns, NOTHING, but the wild frontier of Australia. Being a huge fan of nature, Australia is like another planet in itself.

So for someone from the northern hemisphere to be suddenly moved to "another planet" almost; was MOST therapeutic. 55+ species of parrots alone are here. Being an avid photographer of birds, it was/is "nirvana" to me.

I was able to build a large aviary, and decided upon various finch species to raise. We watch "Finch TV" to relax, in the aviary room. We have a few species sitting on eggs now, and with half grown birds in another. The interactions and observations of the different species is very interesting, and entertaining.

Maybe it is India for you.

Where ever that eventual "spot" might be, I hope you find it soon.

Keep up the good fight, and good work.


Anonymous said...

Would the factors be considered for plying the trade secrets, not basing it on any Greek philosophy or anything like that. What about profit margins, same thing?

torus said...

Tony Banks (lyrics) and Genesis penned a short little masterpiece with their "Undertow".

"If this were the last day of your life my friend...
Tell me what do you think you would do then?
Stand up to the blow that fate has struck upon you.
Make the most of all you still have coming to you
Lay down on the ground and let the tears run from you
Crying to the grass and trees and heaven finally
On your knees
Let me live again!
Let life come find me wanting
Spring must strike again!
Against the shield of winter
Let me feel once more
The arms of love surround me
Telling me the dangers past I need not
Fear the icy blast
YouTube "Undertow Genesis"

Visible said...

Personally I would not come back again. I would not have come back this time, knowing what I know now but it always looks better beforehand. I can attest to that. I'm not going to undermine flesh and blood for its possibilities when it comes to advancement but there is no way that this plane compares to the better neighborhoods.

Visible said...

and as far as songs go, let me add one of my own-

Light me a candle
point me out a star
take me to your mystery
and show me who you are

let me take you with me
to the things that time forgot
anything is possible
Now... that's what I've been taught.

This old world is mean as sin
where all the fools get taken in
but I love you, I love you more
than anything I came here for
and we can make our world so small
that it does not exist at all
except for love, except for love and that's all

Take me to the limits
of the love inside your heart
you're the diamond of the dawn
on which my new life starts

no one knows the answers
to the reasons why we are
the beauty is the mystery
so, point me out a star.

This old world is mean as sin
where all the fools get taken in
but I love you, I love you more
than anything I came here for
and we can make our world so small
that it does not exist at all
except for love, except for love and that's all

Anonymous said...

That's a nice song!


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nothing left to write. I know about that. You came here with a set goal. When the goal is complete, the connexion is dropped. After all, aren't writers just transducers? Along with musicians, and everyone else? What is, was, and will be all at the same time. . .somewhere else. It has to be brought here for it to be here. Time runs out, I supppose; and your assignment is almost over

I'm a crappy psychic, but I have a feeling the things regardin' da shoite hittin' da fan is really gonna start gettin' noticeable next month. I'm expecting a total shakeup of my life if not an end to this vile sojourn through this disgusting cess pool by Beltane if I'm lucky, but we shall see. Change doesn't necessarily mean one thing or another, so maybe we can win what my nosey-poo (flat mate) calls Pube-licker's Clearing House.

Theory of above paragraph based on a vision in a 'lucid dream' visit from my favourite slave driver. . .I mean higher guide.

Anonymous said...

beautiful song, Vis

Hope all is well and you end up in the right spot...I like many of the other readers am also in some sort of holding pattern, and have been told to sit still until directed otherwise, and it has been tough...but it seems we have no choice but to have faith and be optimistic.

even when you have nothing to say, you say it beautifully and it really resonates.

much love,


Visible said...


It is not as bad as you think but you are a negatavist. You keep wanting to get out of here but there is no 'out' and there is no 'here'. It is only transition. You are a lot like Vonnegut in so many ways, or even like Twain. Both had faith problems. I have been spared that; if you could call what I got 'spared'. It seems like the agony I live with moment to moment does not qualify as 'spared' but... there is joy and certainty that makes everything I suffer, easy to endure. I wish the same for you.

The4thElf said...

I think he means ♫ this one ♫ (grin)

Kazz said...

Psalm 136Contemporary English Version (CEV)

God’s Love Never Fails
136 Praise the Lord! He is good.
God’s love never fails.
2 Praise the God of all gods.
God’s love never fails.
3 Praise the Lord of lords.
God’s love never fails.
4 Only God works great miracles.[a]
God’s love never fails.
5 With wisdom he made the sky.
God’s love never fails.
6 The Lord stretched the earth
over the ocean.
God’s love never fails.
7 He made the bright lights
in the sky.
God’s love never fails.
8 He lets the sun rule each day.
God’s love never fails.
9 He lets the moon and the stars
rule each night.
God’s love never fails.
10 God struck down the first-born
in every Egyptian family.
God’s love never fails.
11 He rescued Israel from Egypt.
God’s love never fails.
12 God used his great strength
and his powerful arm.
God’s love never fails.
13 He split the Red Sea[b] apart.
God’s love never fails.
14 The Lord brought Israel safely
through the sea.
God’s love never fails.
15 He destroyed the Egyptian king
and his army there.
God’s love never fails.
16 The Lord led his people
through the desert.
God’s love never fails.
17 Our God defeated mighty kings.
God’s love never fails.
18 And he killed famous kings.
God’s love never fails.
19 One of them was Sihon,
king of the Amorites.
God’s love never fails.
20 Another was King Og of Bashan.
God’s love never fails.
21 God took away their land.
God’s love never fails.
22 He gave their land to Israel,
the people who serve him.
God’s love never fails.
23 God saw the trouble we were in.
God’s love never fails.
24 He rescued us from our enemies.
God’s love never fails.
25 He gives food to all who live.
God’s love never fails.
26 Praise God in heaven!
God’s love never fails.

God is with each of us now and GOD NEVER FAILS!

Just like God rescued his people from Egypt he will be rescuing them once again, so hang in there and love the Divine.

Keep your chin up, otherwise when you are wading through the sewerage you might drown :o).

Luv Kazz

Visible said...


It is always a pleasure to hear from you. As I remember, you visited me more than anyone else. The Pope comes in second. Things at this end are not what they seem. I am ambulatory and just hugely emotional. I feel the need to expose myself but it is no different than what I have always dealt with and I can't blame it on drugs or anything else these days. Something is coming and I guess that is on my mind. I wouldn't be here if I couldn't handle it but not knowing if it is good or bad is what perplexes me.

Your world has changed in a big way too. What do we do? We soldier on. We endure. I love you, my brother.

Visible said...

Thank you Elf but the reason I never released that is because 1; I can't do it justice and 2: the evidence of that is there in my performance of it but... thank you anyway. I'm going to go out and hit a pub. I owe it to myself to interact with people given the particular tension of the moment. You know, when all your life you have known that certain people are wrong or ill made, you should have credited your judgment.

Anonymous said...

What if the banking system melts down - would it affect the elves as much as us humanfolk? And do you think cocoa will still be available to one and all? I personally intend to ride out the Apocalypse in a Plexiglas-covered canoe. I have been hoarding Twinkies, bottled water, and the assorted works of the great masters (including several hardbound copies of the Lord of the Rings trilogy), in anticipation of the big event. Namaste, my brothers and sisters. Peace and love to all who dance in the lily fields of love beneath the infinite expanse of the Big Bang of Balderdash...

Terrance said...

Hello Visible. .......
Life is lessons, right? This is just one great big proving ground !

dirtykid© said...

I feel very much the same in terms of having nothing more to say. It's as though I gave my two weeks notice and my responsibilities were already given to someone else. I see what's going on, and have already talked it all to death so now I wait and watch from the outside. I bide my time waiting for the next in the sequence of events, which, despite being slower than I'd imagined, will happen all the same.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Re: 44.

Quite a compliment being compared to Vonnegut and Clemens, even if for dubious reasons. Me a negativist? But I LOVE watching the entropy and all that, considering how much I hate this place. I'm enjoying this so much, I could hardly call that being a negativist. In fact, I'm so ecstatic about the 250 futures drop in the Dow Jones that I could about explode, though it was more like a 300+ point drop earlier, but the day is young and the market hasn't even opened yet. Not to mention oil being under $27.00 a barrel. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!

OK, I love watching the evil status quo circling the drain. And If I am outta here by Beltaine/Beltane/however the Hell I spelled it, I'll try to haunt your dreams once before I leave this place for good. You'll know me by my asking to pet your nose.

Hey! I petted Paul Kantner's nose, and Alexander 'Skip' Spence's nose before he (Skip) was KILLED at the hospital in Santa Cruz. His kids gave the OK for that. No Skip wasn't a good parent, but I wouldn't even pull the plug on the vile creature that was my incubator. (I figure that would be doing her a favour, as you may note.) Then again, if anyone deserves to live forever. . .it is definitely that cunt!

Visible said...

Well Jesus Christ girl, I wouldn't call you an optimist (grin). I mean... I understand the position and the perspective but I would never have survived the shit I endured as such a fatalist... okay... okay... maybe that is is better term; you and Diderot. I'm not as precise as I could be sometimes

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Girl, huh? I'm a'starin' 54 in the face, somewhat arthritic, suffer minor ailments from past self-abuse, so doesn't that qualify me as a crotchety ol' curmudgeon? Also, I do belong to The Holey Order of the Septum, along with my flat mate, and when you join that, you are bestowed upon you the honor of nose-hood, and noses do NOT have genders in the English language. It is 'it' in English, though being referred to as a chick in the Latin languages is not only acceptable, but manditory. Though technically, I suppose some recent converts to the Holey Order may initially object to this if they happen to be in possession of an attached schlong.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Forgot something. I think Diderot was awesome, too. I mean, with quotes like:

"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

Ahhhh, the Land of the Lily Pond had such good philosophers and writers. (I have too much respect for the French to call them Frogs, so. . .)

Anonymous said...

Hey Vis

Well I just wanted to say that if you want to retire from the blogs, why not? You've given so much, or rather you've given a single thing but said in so many different ways, that I can imagine you feel there's nothing left to add. I've copied the ones that hit the target most clearly for me and I re-read them regularly. They only get more valuable with re-reading. If that ain't a sign of quality I don't know what is! I just want to say thank you, or I could say THANK YOU! But neither capital letters nor exotic fonts nor any words in any of the human languages can really convey my gratitude to you. The poetic delivery got me hooked, the consistency got me to take seriously the spiritual approach to life, and the (fluid!) conclusions I draw from all of what you have said just got me....something that is worth more than I can ever express. Love, gratitude, patience, wisdom (maybe, sometimes...) an appreciation of how little I know and can know (oh indeed!) and and and...thanks Visible, you are beyond terrific!

Much love to you and all who come here (especially Ray B, love your comments woo-woo!)


Anonymous said...

Buttons ,
Only 53? You're still a whippersnapper. : - )


Anonymous said...


If you should retire from blogging would you consider some sort of anthology of your writings? A collection of quotes, aphorisms, passages etc. from among Origami, Petri Dish and Mirrors?


Visible said...

Anything and everything is on the table. The thing is that I am no good at that end of it or it would have gotten done already.


Ray B. said...

Agnes: Thank you. It is good to know they are useful. Woo-woo!

Love To Push Those Buttons: I had to look-up “nose” in cabbageland language. (I took two years of Deutsch back in Gymnasium, but it is mostly gone now...)
German: noun “Nase” (f)
[of car] “Schnauze” (f)
[of boat] “Bug” (m)
[of torpedo] “Kopf” (m)

On age/maturity (grin): My father showed us “Hoppalong Cassidy” episodes on the family reel-to-reel film projector. I remember the excitement from converting from B&W to Color television. (And getting more than one channel.) My Aerospace Engineering Master’s Thesis was mostly done with a slide rule. (I still have two slide rules somewhere, along with a non-electric typewriter.) Cars were still powered with steam. (Sorry, couldn't help that one! *grin*)

Vis: Not to worry about your future. If you need to go/do something, the ineffable will let you know. First, the gentle dream. Then, the insistent dream. Then, the sit-you-up-in-bed nightmare. Then, it starts to get physical... (grin)

Something is definitely 'up'. For years, once the 'Turning' had been initiated, the only bad-guys that 'showed-up' and had to be Cleaned were lower-level types, around 9-13 level. Over the last couple of weeks, however, I have had 'visits' from 24-28 level bad-guys. (Also Cleaned, with Help.) This is a dramatic 'jump' from my previous experience. I have no idea what this means, just that it is a big departure from my 'norm'. We'll see...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moon shadow, moonshadow---
Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow---

And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land,
Oh if I ever lose my hands, Oh if I won't have to work no more.

And if I ever lose my eyes, if my colours all run dry,
Yes if I ever lose my eyes, Oh if I won't have to cry no more.


And if I ever lose my legs, I won't moan, and I won't beg,
Yes if I ever lose my legs, Oh if I won't have to walk no more.

And if I ever lose my mouth, all my teeth, north and south,
Yes if I ever lose my mouth, Oh if I won't have to talk...

Did it take long to find me? I asked the faithful light.
Did it take long to find me? And are you gonna stay the night?

Moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow

Kazz said...


Me thinks the Divine has been rounding up the kings and priests for a special reason. Let's just say I WOULD NOT WANT TO BE THEM!!

Remember, satan imitates every part of creation, so there is more than one harvest going on, an earthly harvest and a Heavenly one!!

Buttons, am I to take from Vis's comment that you are female?

I am 2 years your senior and I still feel like I have a lot of fight left in me yet :o).

I know it is hard to believe right now with everything going on, but I want to assure everyone God is in control! Don't be fooled, those who are destroying this planet and everything on it are destroying their self/soul, because that is the nature of the world in which we live.

Luv Kazz

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


I do NOT have a schlong in this life. Never did. Nor do I want one. Personality is androgynous. You can't get more balanced than I in that regard. That may be the only aspect of me that's balanced, but that's fine by me.

Fight? Ya know, I don't think this place is worth fighting for anymore. I call myself retired from life. I'm already living in the next one, waiting for the body to catch up. I have nothing but contempt for this place, and I think this might be the 18th time I've posted that. I am totally into the concept of in the world and not of it. I just consider this a disgusting unpleasantness to wade through until I get to the other side of the cesspool. Yet I know I've been here oodles of times, and just as ill adjusted in the last one as I am in this one. Yet I asked to come here again for this one. I guess I needed this one to finally make up my mind to move forward as opposed to being stuck in the stasis of chronic reincarnation. After all, we all gotta get off that stupid wheel some time, and this is the time for me.

This place can be nova'ed tomorrow for all I care. . .though I do hope it's fast so the majority sufferes as little as possible. Politicians, factory farmers, pharma company workers, banksters. . .not included. Hang them downside up by the toenails two centimetres over the vilest vat of effluvia that could exist, as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

Kazz said...


It is not this world one fights for but their own world, the one in which our soul resides, the one where we have a right to BE, after all this is the only world that any of us ever had any control over anyway, the rest was just an illusion trying to impact on our inner world :o).

As I was born under the sign of the scales balance, truth, and justice are very important to me too. What good is it to live in a world where there is no justice, no freedom, and no truth. Any world that enslaves my children is a world I have no interest being a part of. Any woman who is not willing to stand up for her children's freedom, liberties, and rights is a woman that is not worth having!!!!!!!! Same goes for the men!!

Luv Kazz

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Kazz, my genetic line stops with ME! I got fixed when I was 19. I'd rather die of Ebola than breed. Such was my 'tude since age 6, and I didn't even know what Ebola was, but I sure as Hell knew I thought the best place for my toddler half siblings I was forced to watch was in a conventional oven.

We have a polar opposite view of ankle biters. And the vile creature who I used to get here used to share my 'tude, and that piece of garbage should also have gotten sterilised; considering how she treated us first three. Thank the gods I only had to live with that psycho bitch for 5 years.

I am also now philosophically opposed to this place even existing.

What's ironic, is that statistically; I've had a pretty good run here. It's sure been more convenient than most, and I have left a few footprints.

robert said...

Dear Visible and all who know they have a heart deeper than their mind can fathom

(part one of three)


Not to mere illusions of power and pretense, pitiably superfluous to the desire of the One Creator!

Only within, to the inconceivable gift of the power to bring more ecstasy to Creation, to make the heavenly spheres light up even brighter with sounds of joy!

What if this tilted playing field was where you test yourself, before trying on the power of Creation, to minimize the effort required by the crash cleanup crew?

Not trying out for the boring fool’s game of brandishing power over other created beings but for the power to create directly for yourself, for the benefit of all?

Not being tempted to take a back seat to a fear-maddened driver nor to being rear-ended for eternity by back seat drivers but learning how to drive and fly fearlessly for yourself?

What if repentance was not at all about guilt for breaking silly rules your parents set up for your protection against stupid mistakes but about turning around a lifelong trend of having a petulant, lousy attitude, based upon the self-pitying perception that you were short-changed by life and lied to in order to get you to embody into the game of Life, one more time?

What if we experience with supreme precision, exactly what we think in the deepest nook of our minds, and come to believe with every beat of our hearts, day after day, night after night, until what once were perhaps childish but at least positive dreams, degrade into the dreary desire for simple surcease, where the human vehicle dies on its own from our abuse and neglect, just so that we don’t have to bear the responsibility of putting it down by direct action?

What if we have all been tricked into giving away our Creator-given power to make anything we desire out of ourselves and our experience, just to go along with the flow of a stupid evil game of winner-takes-all?

Do we blame our parents, also embedded in the culture of death their entire lives, a deathcult resulting from millennia of willful ignorance, actively prosecuted by the minions of dim-bulb gods, given just enough systematic know-how to corral and slaughter slumbering zombies for fun and short-term profit?

Do we go along with the slaughter because to wake up and smell the smegma, to realize the nature of our bondage, to sound the alarm and reveal the key to freedom brings more intense personalized abuse from the hyena gang running in circles around the true creators in parasitic parody, and we have been trained to prefer the short but undisturbed grazing time slaving in the fields, however painful, breeding more tax farm animals for harvest in distracted conformity, until the time comes when mechanical creation can supplant the need for human robots, and no more are required?

Why would we not question a game in which the rewards NEVER balance the pain and suffering, the cost of admission to this arcade of existential angst, where no one’s return on their personal conscious efforts and painstaking attention makes playing it worth the waste of life, except seemingly, for the few terminally self-deluded receivers at the top of the food chain of human suffering and labor, consuming the dregs of destruction as reigning meat puppets, standing in for self-perceived “higher” beings far too timid to ever embody themselves!?


robert said...

(part two of three)

What if the noblest among us, fully knowing that the game is rigged, have still entered willingly into this less-then-zero-sum game (echoed now by negative interest rates!), knowing that the Creator has grown weary of this misuse of His Radiated Joy by royal rats and rotting kingdoms of the insane, and Desires that this abomination come to a merciful end and those willing to spend their lives for more purpose than short-sighted misery in order to give notice to the black magicians that white magic is coming into general consciousness with a vengeance?

To serve man, not as a gruesome recipe for cannibalistic cuisine, serving the spider-minds of the willfully endarkened ones as they consume what remains of their own potential to grow an eternal soul, but to cry freedom to the heart of Humanity, until that heart awakens from its dreams of abandonment?
Why have we accepted so much less than even our miniscule minds and feeble imaginations can create out of the possibilities of Life?

How have we trained ourselves to accept less and less, so that the system of dream denial and physical destruction can dominate the living, weeping planet, while we weep along with Her and make up reasons to face the abattoir cheerfully, pretending to ourselves that this shambles which we see all around us is all that we can hope for?

Can this same power of self-hypnosis, which we have used to bind the eternal power within us so consistently and so thoroughly that any other way of life seems far too daunting and impossible to reach from our present predicament, really be employed to reverse the hellish trend, to retrace our steps down from our high potential to our low estate, to cut the convoluted knots of worry we have woven over lifetimes of unconscious misuse of creativity and breathe a free sigh of relief from having to die over and over just to get another clue to our own mystery?

What if there was a benevolent Hand on the scale, tipping the balance in our favor, willing us to move away from our self-imposed exile from the source of power and majesty, if only we make the initial efforts from our own free will, so that we can finally learn to fly without burning ourselves out from the effort?

How long have we ignored the bullshit detector clanging loudly in our ears, all our lives, trying to wake us from our nightmares of degraded sexuality, debauched innocence for the demonic pleasure of meat-puppet minions, of our infinite promise betrayed by pedestrian perceptions?

When will it be the time to stop doing what we have always done, accepting the swindle of usury of both body and soul, pretending to be grateful to a god who would tolerate for a moment, much less for millennia, the cruel, ignorant misuse of creative power only to end up with less than what we started with, after thousands of lifetimes?


robert said...

(part three of three)

Would any real creator create such a stupid mockery and be pleased? Since we are heirs to the Ineffable power to create, why are we settling for so much less than even we can dream up, not even considering the Supreme Dreamer’s possibilities for our experience, which far exceed our present dream power?

How much more misery will we tolerate before we change our calculus to favor the gain of our souls, where we will take any risk, face any horde of drooling idiots, bear any pain to break out of the imprisonment of our mind’s making, to know freedom once, before one more night has fallen?

When is the point where we finally realize that nothing we can do, nothing we can be, is worth another day of living like specters, making a spectacle of ourselves for the consuming devil dogs in the cheap seats, squandering our precious time waiting for something to change in our world, when we are the saviors we are looking for, we have the power to banish the gooey glop from our mind’s eye, we have the ability already at any time we choose, to look into the heart of creation for answers to any question and to learn to manifest anything we truly, purely and consistently believe?

Will today be the day to throw the bastards out, to banish defeatist depression from our minds, to say good-bye to all of the heart’s despair, and truly believe in ourselves, our real selves, the great souls playing the game of forgetful personalities, which is no longer amusing anyone but the most backward souls in this universe?

When nothing is good enough, no variation of killing time waiting, will work any longer, when the pain of watching the bright promise of youthful hope get crushed and consumed by greedy gluttons grows beyond bearing, do we finally embrace the call of our Spirit to wake up, rise up, stretch out our hand and ring out our voice and create the new day?

Is it time yet?

Are we there yet?

Godspeed !!!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Been fighting all that is by social non-compliance in every way. I have no sprog, considering I think they're nothing but a liability, personally. I know I'm just passing through one last time, and this is just one more trip through the armpit of existence, and quite frankly I think that considering we volunteered to be here, we deserve what we get. After all, I remember manufacturing my Earthly destiny before I got here from an NDE, and if I did, why shouldn't everyone else do the same? A lot of those of mystical persuasion think the same.

This place is crap, in my opinion; but eventually we get out of it. Everything ultimately goes back to where it came from, to my knowledge.

Ray B. said...

Robert, that is possibly the single-best Comment that I have ever read! I am copy-and-pasting it for future contemplation, hopefully with your permission. I would carry the conversation further as it resonates strongly with me, but you have stated the proposition so well that to 'dilute' it would almost be an injustice. Well said!

Vis and Third Elf, I would suggest that some 'place' be created in your site for such marvelous postings, so as to not be 'covered by sand' as time moves on. If not, then I might suggest that Robert's post be added to Siamese Mirrors to at least 'preserve' it. Wow.

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Ray B. said...

War Tard has a 'new' (Jan 18th) post up! The first in fifteen months! He has a unique 'flavor' and 'take' on events. Well-worth reading. (He proclaims himself to be an atheist, and so has no hope for humanity in its stupidity. Nevertheless, from a getting past the surface BS point-of-view, he is a genius. Recommended.)

The Saker, in the next few days, expects a dramatic escalation of the conflict in Syria. Another good analyst in the getting past the surface BS point-of-view.

Robert, we need your help...

Anonymous said...

Bill C. Jr. said,
First, I must say, Visible, you have hit every discordant thought and many dissatisfaction's I entertain or have entertained. Your openness and honesty truly brought tears to my eyes. The following soliloquy, aka daily Message from the Heart,, also brought to light what is felt by my humanness and also offers a vision towards a possible solution as I feel all of your blogs offer.
Second, I second Ray's comment on Robert's outstanding comment that is as thought provoking as Visible's work and Ray's!
Third, Thank you Ray B. for your excellent insight, astute observations, plus many varied and grand explanations these many years that have helped me see the best heart rendering truth that anyone dared to share that totally rang my bell of discovery and coincided with my experiential data, accumulated these many years of my sojourn.
Y'all have a fine and wonderful Valentine's day as I will this frigid Sunday in the northeast. Peace!!!

robert said...

I am copy-and-pasting it for future contemplation, hopefully with your permission. I would carry the conversation further as it resonates strongly with me, but you have stated the proposition so well that to 'dilute' it would almost be an injustice. Well said!

I am honored by your reception!
Feel free to distribute and utilize to serve the Turning!

How much more misery will we tolerate before we change our calculus to favor the gain of our souls, where we will take any risk, face any horde of drooling idiots, bear any pain to break out of the imprisonment of our mind’s making, to know freedom once, before one more night has fallen?

A little woo-woo synchonicity for you, Ray:

I just "happened" to watched Snow White and the Huntsman tonight and transcending Kristen's acting limitations, the scene in which she awakens from the deadly spell of the poisoned apple and passionately proclaims to the stunned assemblage that she would rather die than live one more day in the darkened land, choked me up with the resonance, the same frequency of the unquenchable fire of freedom burning in the heart in fierce humility, the same sound which moved me to write the above...

Robert, we need your help...

How can I help?

Thank you kindly, Bill C. Jr.

As always, inspired by Visible's example and all the incandescent souls who dare to listen to the true commands of their hearts.

Anonymous said...

So... I've read a BOTA lesson re: The Hermit, key 9 in the Major Arcana deck of Tarot. I think it said that... ultimately, there is only 1 will in the universe and that will is God. Or the Primal Will, if you will... :)

Key 8, Strength, tells us to go about as if we have our own will, but, its really Gods will.

Key 9 continues the "its really just God's will meme". I'm buying that, btw... but whatever, as it pertains to me.

If I'm only doing God's will and I'm simply unable to do anything else (as there is only one Power in the universe) then how is it that I am subject to God's Judgment???

I am only doing what the Primal Will wants me to, as are all of us (or so the teaching goes).

Karma comes into play in this discussion as well... if we are all doing God's Will, then how is it we can be punished with bad karma???? We are all playing the roles God wanted us to, so how is it we can be punished in that role??? We're obeying....

I don't know any actual answers here.... I was hoping any others might steer me in the right direction. :)

I'm just confused today.


(who is confused most days... :)

PS- this is a wonderful community... thanks!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

A couple things. War Tard doesn't know that Crimeans absolutely jumped back into Russian arms just before Nuland sent the mercs. Also, re the post, I once saw something shocking that other guys named the mandingo, and it was not hanging off a white guy. Ha. What else. .. Visible has answered every email I ever sent. When I was completely demoralized by the carnage he asked me to endure.
Matt CA

Lori said...

Jim - Let me take a stab at this, not that I'm any less confused than you are. We are in a dualistic world where good/evil exist.
God is only Love and in His infinite wisdom he wills His Son (all of us) have everything so He gave us free will - the freedom to
decide which way we would like to go. For myself, I don't believe in a judging God, I believe we judge ourselves. That's where the Karma comes in - we keep coming back here (yep) until we settle the account. When we finally perfect ourselves then we return to the Heart of God - Heaven.

I tend to minimize information but I believe it's pretty simple, no matter how anyone says it - you reap what you sow.

This has helped me along the way also - judge not, lest ye be judged. People may show up in your life and cause you much pain -
what if they chose that role (and performed it oh, so perfectly) only to help you pay off some Karmic debt from previous lifetimes.
If you can wrap your head around that baby then you are making some progress.

I hope I made some sense. Thank you all - I also love this community. Love to all of you, L.

Anonymous said...

Well, late to the going-away-for-a-while party as i may be, i just wanted to say there are so many good posts to this article, i saved it all for repeated reading when i need a salve for my wounds and sprains going forward. My medicine chest of words to absorb, and regain strength.

Don't be gone for too long.

You don't have to write big, dramatic things if you don't feel the need. But there are still things to say, just maybe not the same things. We all here love conversing with you. Always stimulating and important.

Best wishes to you from here on out.


Anonymous said...

"You are in prison. If you wish to get out of prison, the first thing you must do is realize that you are in prison. If you think you are free, you can't escape." ~ G.I. Gurdjieff

"In order to awaken, first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. And in order to realize that one is indeed in a state of sleep, one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in the state of sleep, or hypnosis. It is absurd to think that this can be done by seeking information from the very source which induces the hypnosis....One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man." ~ G.I. Gurdjieff

"Let us take some event in the life of humanity. For instance, war. There is a war going on at the present moment. What does it signify? It signifies that several millions of sleeping people are trying to destroy several millions of other sleeping people. They would not do this, of course, if they were to wake up. Everything that takes place is owing to this sleep." ~ G.I. Gurdjieff

"The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear. It is even difficult to imagine all the horror of this slavery. We do not understand what people are losing. But in order to understand the cause of this slavery it is enough to see how people live, what constitutes the aim of their existence, the object of their desires, passions, and aspirations, of what they think, of what they talk, what they serve and what they worship. Consider what the cultured humanity of our times spends money on; even leaving the war out, what commands the highest price; where the biggest crowds are. If we think for a moment about these questions it becomes clear that humanity, as it is now, with the interests it lives by, cannot expect to have anything different from what it has.” ~ G.I. Gurdjieff

Kazz said...

Great posts Robert.

I totally agree that surrendering to the Divine is part of our journey home. Taking full responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions is part of being an empowered co-creator.

Robert - 'What if this tilted playing field was where you test yourself, before trying on the power of Creation, to minimize the effort required by the crash cleanup crew?’

I see that we are in a school for co-creators to hone our skills, and that the purpose of this school is 'learning how to drive and fly fearlessly for yourself?’ (Robert).

I believe that ‘giving away our Creator-given power to make anything we desire out of ourselves and our experience, just to go along with the flow of a stupid evil game of winner-takes-all’ (Robert) is exactly what the majority do when they bow to satan/authorities in the material world, which is why the first part of the 10 commandments tells us, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before[a] me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them...'

With the mess this world is currently in it is plain to see why the commandments are so important to follow!

White magic/love is the light/truth that is coming to sweep away the darkness/fear that has kept us blinded for so long.

The old saying of no pain no gain comes to mind when I think of the many trials and tribulations I have had to overcome in this life. Resentment and blame are debilitating pastimes that lower one’s energy and block the flow of the light, which is why I see every challenge and heartache to be overcome as a blessing from the Divine, because it is this aspect of our journey that helps us to grow to our true potential as a loving co-creator under God.

Robert ‘...we are the saviors we are looking for’.

I totally agree, which is why our trial by fire is a necessary part of our journey to reconnect us to our inner world, where the Divine waits patiently to guide us through the dark/destruction/fear back into the light/creation/love.

I agree with you Loz 'we keep coming back here (yep) until we settle the account'. This is why the global elite use illusion to get everyone to break God's laws. By getting everyone to do their dirty work for them the elite reap all the profit without the karmic backlash. Another reason the elite get their minions and everyone else to walk a path contrary to the Divine is that this keeps people from evolving so the elite can continue to take advantage of them.

Luv Kazz

Ray B. said...

More on 'Brontosaurus':

If you look at a series of Earth-globes back through time, there is a tale of tails...

But first, a trip to the Moon. Look at the huge, dark Maria (Seas in Latin). These are stupendous craters from asteroid/comet impacts that later filled-in with lava. What we didn't know until we got to see the Far Side was that each Maria matched to an absolutely-destroyed region on the exactly-opposite area of the Moon. Lunar scientists called these areas Chaotic Terrain, for obvious reasons.

When the study of the Earth through tracking earthquake shockwaves became sufficiently mature, scientists applied this to the Moon. They reasoned that the asteroid/comet impacts sent-out great shockwaves in an expanding circle across the lunar surface. This 'circular' shockwave expanded out to its greatest diameter halfway across the Moon's globe, and then converged to a 'point' exactly-opposite the hit. All the shockwave-energy was focused into a tiny area. Thus, an absolutely unimaginable 'moonquake' occurred, with resultant Chaotic Terrain.

Now, back to Earth. Brontosaurus (and 50% of all species) died-out at the end of the Cretaceous. Research has identified two likely 'smoking guns', both happening at approximately that time. The Chicxulub asteroid/comet impact on/off the tip of the Yucatan peninsula is well-publicized. Huge, long-lasting lava flows in India called the Deccan Traps are another suspect. There have been huge fights as to which was the primary killer.

It now seems as it was both. Look at the Earth-globe for the Present Day. The Chicxulub asteroid/comet impact is marked. Some astute observers have noticed that the Deccan Traps are somewhat-opposite the Chicxulub crater. Critics note that the true-opposite region is in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Move along, nothing to see here...

However, the Indian Plate (where India sits) is not where it was 65 million years ago. It has been traveling steadily northwards since the primal-continent broke up, eventually crashing into the Eurasian Plate and creating the Himalayas. The Earth-globe showing the Cretaceous end-time indicates where the Indian Plate was 65 million years ago. Voilà! A perfect opposite-side match for the Chicxulub crater!

The end of Brontosaurus now goes like this: The Chicxulub impact in the Yucatan caused great, continental-sized devastation. But, it's shockwaves turned out to be the ultimate killer. They expanded-out and then contracted-onto the Indian Plate. Boom; Chaotic Terrain. The convergence area was fractured so deeply and so thoroughly that massive lava flows occurred over hundreds of thousands of years, in episodes. (One area beneath where the Indian Plate 'sat' at that time period is known as the Reunion Hot Spot. Could it mark the original Chaotic Terrain deep-disruption, with India long-gone northwards?) The volcanic gases produced 'nuclear winter' scenarios, followed by global-warming events. Eventually, they acidified the oceans. Etc. They even destroyed the ozone layer, causing a dramatic increase in harmful UV radiation reaching the ground. Done.

Chicken Little was right, that day. On the other hand, we (large mammals) are here because of that 'nightmare'. "Play of God"...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Petri Dishing the Apocalypse.

Ray B. said...

(This is the third time to post the following. Acknowledged each time, and fails to appear. Next time goes directly to Vis and Third Elf...)

Jim, February 14, 2016 8:10:00 AM :
"If I'm only doing God's will and I'm simply unable to do anything else (as there is only one Power in the universe) then how is it that I am subject to God's Judgment???"

Touché! I would be (am) confused about that, too. Finite versus Infinite issues. I like Robert's question from a post above:
"What if this tilted playing field was where you test yourself, before trying on the power of Creation, to minimize the effort required by the crash cleanup crew?"
This would make it more of a 'localized' judgement by those just above us (life-coaches) than a Judgement from the Infinite.


Bill C. Jr., thank you for your most-kind comments! Good to hear from a kindred Soul. I share the woo-woo stuff so that others who might have 'extraordinary' experiences will know that it is 'natural', if not 'normal' (i.e., mass consciousness). There was much sharing of this form during the 60s, but mass-media has essentially closed-it-out over the last decades. Folks need to know they're Awakening, not wacko... (grin)


Robert, the reference to your 'help' was truly half-serious. I gather (imply) from your writings that you are aware of our connection back to Source, and our 'responsibility' (original "Mission Impossible" theme song starts playing) to derail certain "minions of dim-bulb gods", as you well-put it. And, at least attempt to lay a 'structure' for a positive outcome. (Hence, the 'Turning'...)

I imagine you have your own 'group' of Helpers or Friends. Should you choose, you might want to ask them to 'link-up' with those Helpers or Friends associated with me. (This happened once with Vis' Friends, IMHO.) Whenever I have had this happen with positive-inclination Folks, the resulting intermingling of ideas and strategies has been most fruitful. (Even if Higher Self does much more 'meeting' than Ray...)

I have another, if much longer ago, synchronicity for you. As you no-doubt remember, I have a strong 'affinity' for (Real) Elves. Some of my favorite Folks! Well, this was in the depths of the early 'Shrub the Younger' days. Plus, I had been awakening to just-how-much humanity was being 'played'. So, I was pretty low. The 'odds' were really against us.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" movie had just opened in 2002. The movie wound-along to the scene where Helm's Deep just doesn't have enough human warriors to survive the upcoming attack. Unexpectedly, a mini-army of Elves shows up. The elf-leader Haldir says, "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago, we fought and died together. We have come to honor that alliance."

Well, that 'speech' shot through me like lightning. I 'knew' that this was more than a movie speech. It had an additional 'intent' riding on it. We (humanity) were no-longer alone in our fight. I not only choked-up, but started sobbing right in the theater. (Not a usual occurrence. My ladyfriend was very puzzled.) And so it turned out to be. (Real) Elves have been steadfast supporters in dealing-with some really-nasty higher types. We have a grand alliance, once again...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Jim, February 14, 2016 8:10:00 AM :
"If I'm only doing God's will and I'm simply unable to do anything else (as there is only one Power in the universe) then how is it that I am subject to God's Judgment???"

Touché! I would be (am) confused about that, too. Finite versus Infinite issues. I like Robert's question from a post above:
"What if this tilted playing field was where you test yourself, before trying on the power of Creation, to minimize the effort required by the crash cleanup crew?"
This would make it more of a 'localized' judgement by those just above us (life-coaches) than a Judgement from the Infinite.


Bill C. Jr., thank you for your most-kind comments! Good to hear from a kindred Soul. I share the woo-woo stuff so that others who might have 'extraordinary' experiences will know that it is 'natural', if not 'normal' (i.e., mass consciousness). There was much sharing of this form during the 60s, but mass-media has essentially closed-it-out over the last decades. Folks need to know they're Awakening, not wacko... (grin)


Robert, the reference to your 'help' was truly half-serious. I gather (imply) from your writings that you are aware of our connection back to Source, and our 'responsibility' (original "Mission Impossible" theme song starts playing) to derail certain "minions of dim-bulb gods", as you well-put it. And, at least attempt to lay a 'structure' for a positive outcome. (Hence, the 'Turning'...)

I imagine you have your own 'group' of Helpers or Friends. Should you choose, you might want to ask them to 'link-up' with those Helpers or Friends associated with me. (This happened once with Vis' Friends, IMHO.) Whenever I have had this happen with positive-inclination Folks, the resulting intermingling of ideas and strategies has been most fruitful. (Even if Higher Self does much more 'meeting' than Ray...)

I have another, if much longer ago, synchronicity for you. As you no-doubt remember, I have a strong 'affinity' for (Real) Elves. Some of my favorite Folks! Well, this was in the depths of the early 'Shrub the Younger' days. Plus, I had been awakening to just-how-much humanity was being 'played'. So, I was pretty low. The 'odds' were really against us.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" movie had just opened in 2002. The movie wound-along to the scene where Helm's Deep just doesn't have enough human warriors to survive the upcoming attack. Unexpectedly, a mini-army of Elves shows up. The elf-leader Haldir says, "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago, we fought and died together. We have come to honor that alliance."

Well, that 'speech' shot through me like lightning. I 'knew' that this was more than a movie speech. It had an additional 'intent' riding on it. We (humanity) were no-longer alone in our fight. I not only choked-up, but started sobbing right in the theater. (Not a usual occurrence. My ladyfriend was very puzzled.) And so it turned out to be. (Real) Elves have been steadfast supporters in dealing-with some really-nasty higher types. We have a grand alliance, once again...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Kazz said...

Jim, February 14, 2016 8:10:00 AM :
"If I'm only doing God's will and I'm simply unable to do anything else (as there is only one Power in the universe) then how is it that I am subject to God's Judgment???"

My understanding is that karma is God's judgement. Just because everything is all God this does not mean there is no consequence to which part of God's energy you resonate with. If this were not so the golden rule of 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' would have no substance. When God's perfect energy hits the photons and sound waves that make up the building blocks of creation God's energy dispels into 7 energy categories (chakras), with each energy/chakra having its own purpose. The universe is a self sustaining system that cleanses and renews, just like mother earth does. 'Those who resonate with the more destructive energy (judgement, raping, stealing, murdering, fraud) are destroying their self/soul through these behaviours. Each life lived in such pursuits devolves that life force respectively. It takes many lives to deteriorate into the type of psychopaths and sociopaths we have running around today, just as it takes many lives to elevate one's consciousness to a place where the development of the higher self takes precedent over amassing treasures.

I have lived in a small community for over 25 years, and one of the benefits of such a lifestyle is that it offers an ideal opportunity to study the outcomes of certain behaviours, because in small communities there is no such thing as secrets or privacy. Everyone eventually finds out about just about everything, which is why most people cannot tolerate living in small communities. One's skin must either be very thick, or you must be very comfortable with who you are. In a big city you can pretend to be whoever you want and few people will ever find out what you are really about, but in a small community you cannot hide from other people or yourself. What I have discovered is that karma is a bitch and it always prevails!! For this reason it is very advantageous to focus on who you are and what you do, rather than focus on who others are and what they do.

People can believe whatever they want, but few spend the time to challenge and test their belief. The Bible tells us to test everything!!! I find few people are prepared, if not incapable of, defending their belief with any real consistency or depth.

If people would like to understand karma better then my suggestion is to study Tibetan Buddhism. This knowledge conveys a very complete study in why certain behaviours should be avoided, and this understanding is not only consistent with Biblical scripture but also other religious and spiritual texts.

Cheers Kazz

Ray B. said...

Karen Norman / Kazz, , February 15, 2016 12:01:00 AM :
"This is why the global elite use illusion to get everyone to break God's laws. By getting everyone to do their dirty work for them the elite reap all the profit without the karmic backlash."

Hmmm. This is an 'angle' or 'subtlety' I had not considered. How much is Karma only associated with deeds, and not with intent? If you 'fake-out' someone to proclaiming "Fire" in a crowded theater, is the 'fake-out-er' or the proclaimer more subject to the resulting Karma?

Also, there is an old tale of King Arthur meeting with Mordred (his son) on a field of truce, before an impending face-off for the kingdom of Camelot. Both armies were looking-on. Arthur and Mordred were negotiating. One escort (it is not now known which side) saw a snake in the grass, and drew his sword to chop-off the snake's head. As he did this, the cry went up of "Treachery" and the two armies lunged at each other...

So, what was the Karma of this escort? His intentions were good, but the results were the deaths of thousands and the fall of native Britain to the Anglo-Saxons.

My hope is that there is a "Solomon-ic" bestowing of Karma, so to speak (i.e., wisdom-based rather than rule-based), and that whomsoever 'bestows' Karma can separate-out the real instigators for special handling. Just my two cents...

(I second your suggestion to study Tibetan Buddhism. It is one of the few remaining high-wisdom traditions.)

I am enjoying your from-the-heart postings...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Kazz said...

Dear Ray,

St Augustine said 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'.

Those of us who have pursued an understanding of God and natural law are humbly accepting that we do not know it all! The 10 commandments tells us 'thou shalt not kill'. Putting on a uniform and going to another nation to kill innocent people on false flag justification does not negate this law, irrespective of your intention. If these people were not so ignorant of the truth would they still be willing to kill innocent people and in the process chip away at their souls existence? That is why the Bible tells you “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

That is why it is said those who live by the sword die by the sword. Intent has no place in this equation! The only way karma can be eliminated is to raise your energy high enough to negate your karmic debt and this is achieved by following the example of Jesus, by walking/living in the same way he did. Jesus' followers have deliberately been misled by the elite, so they are at the mercy of their karma, and will be until they start doing what Jesus told them to do. Although I still have far to go on my journey home I no longer walk in the ways of this world!

The reason this world is in the mess it is comes down to Man's inability to humble his self before God and accept creation and natural law as it is. Instead Man's ego makes him believe he knows better, when he most certainly does not. The same goes for justifying stealing. This is why satan has deceived so many people into becoming Knights/K-nights/Canaanites/sons of Cain. This is why satan is the 'grand deceiver'! You cannot trust the ruling elite because it is their job to lead humanity astray, and if they lead enough of us astray it is their job to exterminate humanity. Human beings are basically good hearted unless they are reduced to animals in a survival of the fittest battle to the death, which is why the global elite are using their military industrial complex and corporations to destroy the environment as fast as they can. The global elite know humanity is evolving/moving back into the light which is why they are destroying humanity before they lose control, or at least attempting to.

Karma is a term that comes from the East originally. Ka, in ancient Egyptian religion, with the ba and the akh, are a principal aspect of the soul of a human being or of a god. Maat or Ma'at was the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. The Ka/soul draws to it the experiences necessary to restore cosmic harmony, so when one wrongs another they must experience this wrong for balance to be restored. This is how karma works, which is why all the sages and wise men of the past have all been pacifists, because they understood the principals behind the 'Golden Rule' of 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. This is why the basis of all law is 'DO NO HARM'! This is why I know the sword Jesus slays evil with is the truth that comes out of his mouth, not an actual sword. Jesus' truth is referred to as 'a sword' because it cuts through the elite's lies and deceit to expose the truth.

The principal of karma comes easy to good people, so you do not have to be a road scholar to understand karma. As a matter of fact intellect/knowledge without the guidance of the Holy Spirit leads to arrogance and an inflated ego, so knowledge without wisdom is equivalent to handing a loaded gun to a baby in a room full of people!!

Thank you for your kind feed back. I always find your posts a good read too Ray.

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Of Kanye and Karma and the Stork of Dharma and a Few Pandavas Too.

Visible said...

Darn! It just occurred to me that we are in the same state and could even be somewhat close by. We could have gotten together and said hello, Homer. I'm still around for a short while so if you are anywhere near Chico and want to drop by, that would be cool. I am not in Chico but fairly close.

Kazz said...

Dear L garou,

God is the witness within, so no deed can be hidden, and while God does not dictate every action of every person God knows what we are going to do before we do it, because God knew the end from the beginning. What I have found is just as the Bible tells us, "[w]hen they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry about how or what you are to speak in your defense, or what you are to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."
(Luke 12:11-12). What I have found is that the Holy Spirit takes over in times when fear would normally render one speechless and helps one to find the courage to rise to the occasion. I have also found that envy is not part of my makeup, and although resentment was I have come to a place where my understanding of the world leads me to a more compassionate view, because I see all of us are at the mercy of forces most of us have no knowledge of. This is why it is so important to become informed, so one can adorn their self with spiritual armour to protect them from the unseen dangers that abound in this realm.

This is the reason sodium fluoride is being pumped into people in the west via the water, because it calcifies your pineal gland, rendering it useless, making it impossible to interact with the Divine. The elite are now at the point where they are opening breaking the law trying to keep people from evolving, but IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK :o).

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

Ah H. I don't know how I got the wrong impression but I assure you it is not the first time it happened. I used to live at Fort Niagara on Lake Erie and swam in that lake often. Sometimes we got 3 feet of snow in winter. I suspect with the wind off the lake it is cold there. Well, I shall soon be thousands of miles closer but still hundreds of miles away. Interesting how people can be so close that such distances are so meaningless that they only amount to anything in the minds of people living separate lives. As someone recently said to me, "Some People are so poor that all they have is money."

Ray B. said...

Small world. My father's side lives around Buffalo, NY. Real snow, up there!

Eudoxia said...

awww Vizie why the doom and gloom brother or have I misinterpreted you? You know some of the worst mistakes I ever made have been my greatest lessons and the most painful ones have enabled me to see things ever more clearer and have made me into the being I am today. Without making those mistakes I could have had a happier ending at the time but at what cost? I would just get another lesson instead of a test per say. I just had a test and came through with flying colors because I recognized the danger and took the other folk in the road. What can I say other than nature abhors a vacuum -grin- Don't fear the unknown many blessings may await you on the trail.

Is the world going to blow up - I doubt it. I'm pretty sure the financial system is though. The winds of change are now in full swing and we can't stop what can't be stopped and who would want to stop it anyway. I can see the fall of Rome once again. A message recently went out on the SWIFT system instructing bankers and investors to get their cash and holdings out of Turkey and Saudi as war was imminent and heavy casualties will be inflicted followed by a regime change of both countries. Edgar Cayce' prophesy has been fulfilled - hope for the world HAS come out of Russia and I don't care what the fuck those Jew media parasites are trying to say about him, their accusations are their own projections and shows what true pieces of shit scum they really are.

Ray B - no the elite parasites are not exempt from karma they delusionally think they are. By their own free will they have chosen deception in order to enslave the masses, this will be their downfall. While they have caused people to worship at the feet of mammon they have done this by deception and deception alone. Any choice to deviate from the truth is a karmic sin and they will surely reap what they have sown. Their time for attrition draws nearer and nearer by the hour. Their desperation is showing. They are going to drown in their own deception. Watched the rest of The Expanse yet? I'm up to 10 or 11 now and the enemy has still not yet been revealed...............oh I wait with baited breath.

Kazz darling heart fuck Yahweh. Yahweh is not the divine, he is a divine piece of shit though - murderous, vengeful scum - lower Maslow on steroids. He needs to meet his maker. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil as I am the meanest son of a bitch that ever walked. He was designed by the elites to instill fear and a huge part of the great deception ah fuck em all.

Visible said...

Whoops! I thought you were replying to the latest. Everything is fine it was just the mood of the moment.



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