Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Neither Sleet, nor Snow, nor Rain, nor Hail can Hinder the Delivery of Metaphysical Mail.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Apologies again dear friends for letting some measure of subjectivity enter into my post. In defense of that I will say that there is often a great deal that can be gleaned from the study of another person's experiences and their resulting thoughts and behavior that follows. I believe that will prove to be true on this occasion.

This was one of the hardest years (the year is still in motion) in my life and given what has preceded this year, that is saying something. I broke my ankle. I had my gall bladder removed and I broke my other hip. This provided me with dueling broken hips and this most recent one has required a greater length of rehabilitation with which I am still engaged. Throughout, I have had to deal with the most protracted period of pain heretofore experienced and periods of pain that have proven greater and longer running than anything in my life so far.

Before anyone gets the inspiration to recommend to me any alternative methodologies of dealing with my situation, let me say... I was on that from the beginning and though someone suggested I should just pray to God to remove my pain and effect all necessary healing, I have not heard of any broken hips that have been healed without medical treatment. I could go into all sorts of farcical, fanciful and realistic digressions now but I will not do so. God is involved in my life to the very limits of which I am capable ( something sounds off about that sentence- grin) and it is my most sincere and intense commitment that the divine will, sooner, rather than later, be the sine qua non of my existence. In many ways it already is but there is nothing in my memory, or that has ever been revealed in my research, that offers me anything other than this and I suspect there never will be.

I did not come here for sympathy for my condition. For the moment the pain is merely lurking but off around the corner. I do not doubt that there are many who have suffered more grievously and over greater lengths of time. It is probably just my turn in the barrel.

Somewhere in the midst of all of this, I was metaphorically throwing my hands up in despair. “What is happening to me?” I cried. “Why is this happening to me?” I wondered. The voice of the ineffable within was always comforting but there was a space of higher frequencies of thought that I could not decipher. I had been told that I was going to be expanded; widened out in the interior and though it would fall short of frightening and sundry, it would most assuredly be startling but... I should just rely on the ineffable and accommodation would ensue. This has been happening.

I wondered about many things through this ordeal. This morning the divine said something to me that shook me to the core. It might seem ordinary to some of you but.. when it was said and how it was said gave me a tremble. I had been sitting in my chair and watching a morning sports program and I found my mind drifting into negative meditations. As I was 'made aware', or 'became aware'- in that instant, the voice that serves as the oracle of the divine for me said. “Son, why don't you try this? Whenever you find your mind contemplating anything of negative aspect, turn your attention to me. Immediately turn your attention to me and after a series of such events, consider what might have occurred and ponder it as it compares with how it sometimes used to be.”

Something about the way this advisement was delivered to me and my level of receptivity dovetailed and I could hear the echo of it ringing in my thoughts for some time. This, I fully intend to do. I expect some degree of wonderment and surprise to be the result. It is near palpable to me at the moment.

I had mentioned doing a reading of “The Lord of the Rings” for those visitors who come here and who might be inclined to experience. I had an amount of interesting and also humorous manners of presentation in mind. This idea had entered my thoughts prior to the latest blow that laid me low. I have taken that and other ideas that were on my mental Rolodex of a menu and put them in a cabinet in a further room; not discarded... simply transferred into a temporary state of abeyance, until such time as they may become relevant to action.

Something moved me to ask my friend for “The Practice of the Presence of God” which I had given, along with some number of other books, as presents for last Christmas. Here I add an ironic and perhaps surprising note. I have never read the book. I did skim it some decades ago. It is a very short treatise, composed of a series of brief letters along with some reflections and the like. One can easily read it in less than a hour. Strange to say, I am often recommending this book to people. You might wonder why I have done this without subjecting the book to a greater amount of attention. The truth is that the title says it all. The truth is also that I believe practicing the presence of God to be one of the most powerful and rewarding spiritual disciplines that one can engage in. I have now read the book and I know why it was put into my mind to do so.

For years I have been writing on the subject of the ineffable and how the metaphysical interacts, or can interact- or mirror- the manifest... the physical. All through the reading of the book, my mind was filled with addendum's I could add. Finally it came fully into my thoughts that I should compose a book entitled “Practicing the Presence of God.” I cannot presently sustain the speed at which my thoughts on the matter attempt to process through the keyboard and into Open Office which I use for my compositions. It is, often now, as if the entire book that I am already engaged in composing is fully born already in my mind. Sections have automatically materialized and it, quite frankly, astonishes me. It is my nature to use the intuitive faculty whenever I am engaged in creating with words, whether it be a post, a poem, a song or anything that might be coming through. In this instance, the force of the mind behind the project has been startling in both power and clarity.

I do not wish to minimize Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection at all. I will make clear in the preface what my intention is. I doubt that any of you can read what he wrote back in the mid-17th Century and not find yourself feeling unfulfilled. It is as if the book is crying out for the absences. There is no set of spiritual practices. I was left with a probing and reaching and near instantaneously all of what I felt was missing began to organize itself in my mind and continues to do so. The readers can tell me what they are thinking and what ideas for improvement and enhancement might have come to their mind as they read the book. My level of excitement for this endeavor is exceedingly great. It is as if I were standing in a open desert and the wind was whistling by me on all sides and the text of the coming tome were contained in that wind which spoke to me the while as it blew by.

I will be unable to communicate to the readers how profoundly all that I have been through has affected me. I experienced certain emotions that I have had little engagement with for decades. One of them was fear and then... there was confusion and apprehension (which is another word for fear) and all of it was wrapped in a cloak of mystery that was then placed upon my shoulders.

I am feeling no fear now. There is something in me that does not allow for backsliding or departing away from my course well set. Something much stronger than myself is engaged with all of this. No matter how often I forget this critical feature, I am reminded in ways that cannot be argued with. Perhaps my routine forgetfulness is for the purpose of my being reminded, continuously. More and more I suspect and have come to believe that this must be true.

Though some of you might think all one has to do is pray and all conditions will be resolved. I believe this in essence but I am not deceived into thinking that God directly repairs everything. If you break a leg- and I have done this- you need to get it set and put in a cast.

I know that some of you, perhaps all of you, are at a level of awareness that seeks on its own for some measure of the presence of God. We are all at some point on the spiral stairway of consciousness. Below is darkness that may well increase in density and above is an area of luminosity that increases in density. None of us want to fall back into the Dark Splendor. In this age of grasping materialism and the madness it engenders, it is very difficult to resist the pull of the minds around us in a direction that it is not safe or sane to go; given that misery loves company.

My mind is much clearer now. I suspect that has been the point of the Purgatory through which I have been passing. I also suspect that life and so much of life that has been concealed from me until now, will soon begin coming around the corner and mayhap I will hear; “Dr. Visible, I presume?” (grin).

In any case, I will, with the next posting, return to similar roads on which I have passed in the process of these postings. I expect that ...although there will be much similar to what has become familiar here over these last 17 years or so... there will be some noticeable differences as well. It is my fervent prayer that all of these differences are improvements.

Finally, I wish to say that the true intention of this posting is to assure the reader that all is well, whether appearances seem to contradict this or not. I intend not to write further on this aspect of my personal struggles, with my pending, complete surrender; this is unavoidable; the surrender that is. The relying upon is the road followed, that appears in concert with the degree of reliance being engaged in. As purposeful as the one is, that would be mirrored to similar degree by the road it generates between the brows above the eyes on its way to the fathomless reaches of the heart's most arcane chambers. I suppose if the journey had been easier, the value of that encountered at the journeys end would be remarkably less than what it is; not that journeys end, of course.

End Transmission.......

Song for Today-

♫ Iridescent Dreams ♫


Anonymous said...

Praying, brother...for you! Not for your soul, yet for the suffering. We suffer and we pain, physically and spiritually, it has occurred to me, our Maker toiled with much effort. Complications, confusion and remorse. My only wish, if I ever had the opportunity to ask....if I had the courage. The successful and unsuccessful attemps at garnering the attention of the Higher Being, is it unworthiness? Perhaps my rudimentary understanding of how the Maker conducts business, is at fault.

The consideration, of a weed that grows in the wild..need not ask the Father for conversation and attention. The attention is given, without mention, just as the weed in the wild and the ox of burdon connect to the Father with faint effort.

Why must the Maker take and giveth of his affection and privilege? With the understanding, of how the gift of conversation and attention..gives one speciality, and purpose. Thank you Les! Often I have wondered, if being a weed in the wild might be more comforting. Heal!!!

Bill Nye / the former Jebadiah Fisher

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

May this be the last of your unpleasant ordeals.

Anonymous said...

Acceptance, but of what

Anonymous said...

As you know Visible the reason we say Namaste to others is to honour the divine spark within them. We were put here together to aid each other along the way, though many have turned to the dark and prefer to set obstacles before their brothers and sisters.

I once heard a tale that I believe is appropriate for what I would like to convey. There was once a fellow who went fishing and the poor chap's boat sank. This fellow was a God fearing Man so he did not despair at the fact that he was left bobbing in the ocean with no land in sight, because he knew God would save him. It wasn't very long before a small yacht came along and the people onboard offered to throw the man a life savour and bring him on board, but the very wet God fearing fisherman said, 'no thanks, I believe in God and know he will save me,' so the people on the yacht sailed away. Soon another small fishing vessel happened upon, what was now a very tired God fearing fisherman, because he had been wading for half a day, so they too offered to help the drowning man, but once again he replied, 'no thanks, I believe in God and know he will save me.' A few more hours passed and the fisherman was truly spent, but then a huge ocean liner's Captain, against all odds, spotted the small figure of the fisherman bobbing up and down in the water just off to his port side, so he called for the rescue boat to be lowered and sent out a few of his crew to pick the man up, but to their dismay the fisherman refused to get in their boat and once more said, 'no thanks, I believe in God and know he will save me.' The crew tried to reason with the man, who was obviously not going to last much longer, but he refused, so they returned to the ship and it sailed away. Only a short while later the God fearing fisherman got a cramp and could no longer manage the arduous task of keeping his self afloat and he drowned. When the man entered Heaven God greeted him at the pearly gates, and the man was a bit stand offish. God asked him what was wrong and the man replied, 'I have been a God fearing man all my life, I have done everything that you ask of me, I alway stayed on the narrow path and didn't once allow myself to stray, but when I was drowning I prayed harder than I have ever prayed before for you to rescue me, but you instead let me drown, why?'

God replied, 'my dear son, I sent a yacht, a fishing boat, and an ocean liner to rescue you, but each time you refused their help!'

The moral of the story is, God is everywhere, in each one of us, so when we need help, not just spiritually but also physically, we should be humble enough to accept the help provided and know that even though it was a person who set our broken hip God was the energy that was animating that kind soul to minister to our suffering.

After all, if we could undergo the necessary journey of ascension on our own why would God have put us all here together?

From one who believes in God but also knows that doesn't mean you should throw common sense out the window.

Peter said...

Dear Viz:
That's a fabulous idea to remake Brother Lawrence's old classic. I had tried reading it years ago on your recommendation but dozed off...

Your new project brings to mind this classic Blind Faith song from 1969:


It's great music and a great message... enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I recently had a series of physical misfortunes like you lasting about two years. I have pulled out of the worst but have residual problems at 66 years old. I guess what has shook me the most is the realization that my physical package is aging and this could make me dependent or unable to care for myself and then what? I have no family or deep friends, only God, like you. I feel his presence constantly so I am not alone in this. What a bitch to grow old! I realize that imaginary trips I planned will never be etc. I have run out of time here. I wish you the best, and hope to meet you one day on the other side way in the future.

barbarossa58 said...

I know what you go through. A brain tumor on my right inner year diagnosed three years ago. I had always worn hearing aids since being a disabled veteran; however, I have no balance, the hearing aids only give me eight percent word comprehension, I cannot go to the the theater because I can't hear and those hearing impaired devices resembling an elephant trunk are so unwieldy to use. I had been working as a security monitor which required the hearing. SSD is giving me the finger. I fall down quite a bit because of the balance issues, I have tremors so bad that I can't hold things. This is all from the VA doctors in three different specialties. Yet, at my age of 60, Social Security denies me and expects me to go to work...

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible
Back spasms in August had me screeching in pain. Then I sat bedside for an 85 year old man in vast pain. Now your situation. I had/ have to accept helplessness and the authority of medicos. I have to surrender further than that I'm sure. But NO2 is readily available from J Bezos shop online and ether as well somewhere, with a caution to get the proper stuff. Vis mentioned that pain burns away our desire for the physical realm.
Funny, about the time I started reading Visible, I found an ancient golf ball, Tour Touch brand. I hit it out on to the driving range and the next time I went it showed up in my ball bucket again- odds? So I kept it, as a small miracle that tells me where we all are, a place where we can touch lovers, or smash a finger with an errant hammer strike. Vis? Could you please go into the ramifications of suicide, which you briefly mentioned once? I do not plan on it...

Anonymous said...

Well done my good and faithful servant.

I have no doubt that's what you'll hear - But ya ain't dead yet.

I hope there are some wonderful animal friends in your future.

More Joy - Less Sorrow. Curious, I looked up the book you mentioned,


I love the way you reach into diverse ideas and cultures with your writings.

Whether it's the title of an obscure book or a holy image in your morning cereal - It's all good.

Dog Bless Les

Anonymous said...

Well done my good and faithful servant.

I have no doubt that's what you'll hear - But ya ain't dead yet.

I hope there are some wonderful animal friends in your future.

More Joy - Less Sorrow.

Curious, I looked up the book you mentioned,


I love the way you reach into diverse ideas and cultures with your writings.

Whether it's the title of an obscure book or a holy image in your morning cereal - It's all good.

Dog Bless Les

robert said...

Thank you, dear Visible, once again for sharing your inner world and your experience with the presence!

After all, if we could undergo the necessary journey of ascension on our own why would God have put us all here together?

Though our ascension process is between our spirit and the One, the presence of others going through the process in parallel makes it more meaningful to the heart and brings deeper understanding for the mind.

I have run out of time here. I wish you the best, and hope to meet you one day on the other side way in the future.

A sure fire way to clarify the mind is to apply time pressure and squeeze! Bless you!

Easy to sort through and throw out all of the little ego's dreams to make way for the one big, totally inclusive dream of the Creator.

Hardest to give up? The comforting fiction that our "caring" had any effect, beneficent or malificent, on the flow of manifestation. Our personal selves' obsession and attachment to worry, caring, trying, struggling etc does no good but wears us out doing it wrong!

We who choose to wake up early, are acting as local observers for the Observer of all.
We call in requests which our heart's demand that we make of our Source and continue to call for angel strikes until mercy falls upon the scene.

Hard when our hearts are warm and open to stop wasting care and ceasing the wear and tear on our temples trying to help, when the highest duty we can perform is to do what we can in physical and spiritual support of course but send/draw the real power into the situation with mediation, prayer, guided imagination, deep observation.

Finally learning that there is no sense in beating my humanimal up, trying to sustain what I perceive to be a positive movement, when leaning on the well-established metaphysical "militia", grounded in a higher dimensional matrix, is the most efficacious and satisfying service we can render!

Full ascension or bust!

Thank you all for being here now!

Ray B. said...

Vis, a nice, thoughtful column. Thanks, and I hope your hip (and spirit) are healing.

Vis' oracle voice: "Whenever you find your mind contemplating anything of negative aspect, turn your attention to me."

That is actually a good use of the mind. The ego can be trained into 'habits', beneficial or not. Consciously training triggers is hard, but can be done. It is one way of 'waking-up' into lucid dreaming, for instance. I have trained a few: To automatically turn-towards an invisible attacker, rather than avoiding/suppressing the initial stimuli. To wake-up or go to alert at the first sign of someone 'contacting' me, for well or ill. To listen to my body. To internalize what my Higher Self 'feels like', and pop-up a warning if that contact feels 'off'. Etc.

If you ever do your reading of “The Lord of the Rings”, that would be fantastic. And congratulations on your latest 'task'; might help many people. (Falls into training 'triggers', as above...)
Babylon 5, 'The Summoning' (1996)
Drazi Ambassador: "Captain Sheridan! We thought you were dead!"
Captain John Sheridan: "I was. I'm better now."
Ranger Marcus Cole: "At least a dozen ships have reported seeing something rather 'godlike' in the area. And since neither you nor I were there, it must be one of the First Ones."
Cmdr. Susan Ivanova: "You're having delusions of grandeur, again."
Cole: "Well, if you're going to have delusions, you may as well go for the really satisfying ones."

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Larry said...

Les, if one reads Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love, when one has been tested, as you have in this last year, one is comforted by her " All will be well, and all will be well and all manner of thing will be well " Prayers for you are in order.

robert said...

(22 hours post no show so reposting)

Thank you, dear Visible, once again for sharing your inner world and your experience with the presence!

After all, if we could undergo the necessary journey of ascension on our own why would God have put us all here together?

Though our ascension process is between our spirit and the One, the presence of others going through the process in parallel makes it more meaningful to the heart and brings deeper understanding for the mind.

I have run out of time here. I wish you the best, and hope to meet you one day on the other side way in the future.

A sure fire way to clarify the mind is to apply time pressure and squeeze! Bless you!

Easy to sort through and throw out all of the little ego's dreams to make way for the one big, totally inclusive dream of the Creator.

Hardest to give up? The comforting fiction that our "caring" had any effect, beneficent or malificent, on the flow of manifestation. Our personal selves' obsession and attachment to worry, caring, trying, struggling etc does no good but wears us out doing it wrong!

We who choose to wake up early, are acting as local observers for the Observer of all.
We call in requests which our heart's demand that we make of our Source and continue to call for angel strikes until mercy falls upon the scene.

Hard when our hearts are warm and open to stop wasting care and ceasing the wear and tear on our temples trying to help, when the highest duty we can perform is to do what we can in physical and spiritual support of course but send/draw the real power into the situation with meditation, prayer, guided imagination, deep observation.

Finally learning that there is no sense in beating my humanimal up, trying to sustain what I perceive to be a positive movement, when leaning on the well-established metaphysical "militia", grounded in a higher dimensional matrix, is the most efficacious and satisfying service we can render!

Full ascension or bust!

Thank you all for being here now!

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-\

The Search for God and the Imaginary Worlds Between.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Robert,

Souls such as you are a beacon of light to their fellow Man. I feel sure in those many mansions provided by God there will be a wing just for you.

One who appreciates your kind words and sees the Divine's spark blazing within you.

Visible said...

Episode 5 of the Yogananda readings-




Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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