Friday, October 26, 2018

The World is a Mirror and so is the Face of God.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Throughout the year and every year, there are moments when we are reminded of perpetual celebrations; the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the like. Of course there is New Year's Day which reminds us that the cycle is set to repeat them all again. The day may come when the stages have all been struck but... that hasn't happened yet. Along for the ride in these annual redundancies are crisis points in which the culture demonstrates how close or far away we are from agreeing on what is desirable or not; Mid Term elections exemplify the sort of disorder that occurs when people try to decide what is good for them, or for everyone, as far as that goes because there are a number of people who think they know better than you what is good for you.

There are people who think we should already be much further down the road on certain issues. In those times when materialism and the fiery magnetism of imagined need, runaway greed and assorted lusts are not only the strongest pulls of attraction; acknowledged or not, pornographic icons are imbued with the power of life and death and motivate captured minds and hearts to risk the former and confer the latter (if only in their thoughts). Modern day Baal and Bellerophon are on the one hand, smeared with the blood of children and on the other hand, dropping like space junk all over the planet. It's a toss up whether you will be hit by a dead horse, or frozen excrement that has your name on it.

Space junk and frozen excrement are not the worst things that might brain you. ♫if you only had a brain♫ A MASS PROTEST of a few hundred people of the millions of people living in a state of emergency in the modern reincarnation of Babylon cloistered together. I think the video says it all. What all of this amounts to is 'the tyranny of minorities'- not just any minorities- these days it is, with only occasional exception, about people who are folding, spindling and mutilating reality and their own bodies, while under the spell of warlocks from the dark side. It tends to get my attention when they are prepubescent and incapable of making such decisions because they hadn't even gotten to the point where they could experience what it is like when the world transforms into sexual opposites BUT that is why they are doing it in the first place.

It is very interesting to see the slant being put on cultural movements by talking heads who will, seemingly say anything as long as they continue to be paid to do so.

Not long ago some Antifa soldier showed up to hammer me with J'accuse about my noticing that, near suddenly just about every commercial featured a black man and a white woman or a black woman and a white man. It was happening so often that it came as a surprise to see people of the same color. The inference of romantic attraction is pretty clear. The Antifa guy pulled up the bottom of his ski mask to say that what I was referring to was the 'mongrelization of the races'. This is apparently a concern of Malthusians and Nazis and various cabals of extremism. Truth be told, I don't care who anyone sleeps with or marries, nor have I ever even given it any thought. I'm one of those people who notice things because I pay attention AND... seemingly overnight, just about every commercial was featuring racially mixed couples; buying a house, dewy eyed in a restaurant, or coming into a party with a case of imported beer under one of their arms.

I notice trends and THIS IS A TREND. Some trends come about through the plaiting of temporary forces into whatever direction the combination makes happen. Other trends are manufactured by the men in the shadows who believe they decide the direction the culture will take and their motivation is either financial gain or power that is drawn out of chaos for the perpetuation of managed chaos.

The good or bad that is generated by this particular promotion of race mixing to a certain unknown end is not something I can make a determination on because the ultimate result of most manufactured cultural changes by the puppet masters is always something different than the puppet masters originally intended and also different that we may expect if we are paying attention in the initial phases and 90% are usually not paying attention.

I don't usually watch network TV, except for certain sports at playoff time. In any case, the year before, I hardly noticed this race mixing trend anywhere and now I see it constantly. This is kind of like the Emperor's New Clothes. People are afraid of calling the obvious to anyone's attention, lest the Jacobins climb through their bedroom window some night. I know what I saw and see and most any time I see certain patterns of behavior or trends that I had not seen previously, I am going to mention it. What I thought was uncanny was that I was seeing this in most large corporation advertisements, as if they had all been given certain marching orders to that effect.

What I have suspected for some time is that the Satanists have a chronological game plan, based on astrological aspects that occur at given times and provide them with a more fortunate launching moment than if they were acting at random. They don't act at random. Once needs to go back to what Albert Pike said in the late 19th century.

Satanism has its greatest potential for chaos and disorder when materialism has reached a particular degree of power in the minds of the greater percentage of the population. Materialism is Satanism.

Meanwhile... throughout Europe and most especially in countries like Sweden and her close neighbors, hand picked and violent immigrants have created 'no go' zones for law enforcement. Women are being gang raped and killed and then the perpetrators are released with no charges. This is VERY COMMON but you are hearing nothing about it, unless you got to certain sites. This is the work of the Satanic cabal ruled by George Soros. Presently, I am told, he has thousands marching from Honduras to the American border. When the media cameras are on them they are marching. Meanwhile there is a convoy of trucks and when the media leaves they get into the trucks and are driven some lengths forward, they are also fed and supplied from these trucks.

No doubt certain readers come and go and wonder why I talk about particular issues so often when there are more issues than anyone can count to resource. Truthfully, all these other issues are not the fruit of constant efforts to destroy all humanity and harmony in existence. I tend to gather information that, to me, indicates either infernal or supernal influence. I tend to focus on what is most likely to affect us spiritually by proximity, subliminal pressures or whatever. We are closer to a certain critical mass than we think because the most important evidence is not visible, even if some of the effects are.

DIGRESSION ALERT! Some of you know that I am posting the readings of two of Yogananda's books with attendant commentary.

As is usually the case, there is very little traffic and even less written responses. Compared to blog visits it is uncanny. I have thought much about this and either I am not very good at what I am doing; the software I am using is rudimentary (so you can't hear me clearly), you are not interested in the subject matter, or some other reason that hasn't occurred to me yet. I have no problem with not being very good at it because I can, and almost always do, improve. The thing is that I put a great deal of time and energy into these things and my time is precious.

The reason I am doing this is that I had a major spiritual breakthrough recently and Yogananda was a part of it. The result of this transformation is that I have put aside permanently all intoxicants except what is granted to me by the divine; that would be that measure of God intoxicated which is being visited on me, now and again, by the ineffable and I will lose that if I return to my previous patterns of behavior. It is long past the time when I should have let all these things go, even though I have been told I had little say in the matter as I have little say in most things because, regardless of what I might occasionally think, my life is and has been completely under control for the purpose of demonstration and that particular area of demonstration is done. Thank god for that.

This has all resulted in my consciousness and awareness being transformed and at a sometimes startling speed, like as to leave one breathless on occasion. When I was told that the changes would sometimes be 'startling', he wasn't kidding (grin).

So... if there isn't any interest in the readings I am doing and the attendant commentaries, that is fine and if anyone who has checked any of them out has any constructive criticism for me, I would welcome that.

Hopefully some measure of you are also experiencing similar events. This is what I have been striving for and pursuing my whole life; not that I have done a good job of that all the time. I'm much more in concert with my author these days so... let the past be the past and just pass (grin).

Future blog postings will reflect this presently pervading influence and deal with metaphysical and supernal concerns. Occasionally temporal things may be present for illustration but the world is the world and not an area I am in a position to influence except through personal change which will have that ripple on the lake of existence effect; something we all have to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the degree to which we care to a greater or lesser degree.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

'Destruction of White Christian civilization is the primary purpose of the jewish drive towards racial amalgamation. They know that it has always been White Christian society that has proclaimed liberty throughout the land and are the custodians of freedom. So in order to control the world, this element of God's Spirit must go to the grave in various forms of genocide. Historians and social engineers know that a mongrelized people is easier to control, because they have a deformed spirit and no identity. These destroyers of mankind know that every White civilization (and there have been some 25 of these civilizations in the sixty centuries of recorded history) that has practiced race mixing, has destroyed themselves from within. You want to talk about fairy tales? There has never been a great Black civilization in Africa and mongrels have never been able to rule their subjects justly. South Africa enjoyed White Christian apartheid until its Christian faith was undermined by antichrist distortions of the Word. It is now the murder capital of the world.

Esau would corrupt his racial line by marrying into another race, which was strictly forbidden. He took a wife of the Hittites which was "a grief of mind" to his parents. "And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan" (Gen.28:1). This command not to marry into another race was the same one given by Abraham concerning Isaac, where he told his son to find his wife in his country and among his kindred (his own kind). Deuteronomy 32:8 clearly states that God separated the races, "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds [borderlines] of the people according to the number of the children of Israel." The White race at that time had their land and the other races had theirs. This verse tells us that there is a specific number of White Adamic Israelites to be born in order to fulfill the plan of God. How can any racialist complain about this kind of orderly separation?

Throughout Scriptures we find that God's order in every realm has always been separation, selection and discrimination, while the enemies of God and the White race have always been integration, equality and tolerance. The surest way to prevent White people from achieving their manifest destiny is to prevent them from reproducing their own kind. The strategy of our enemy is to mix the races and produce what the Bible calls "bastards". The Hebrew word for bastard is "mamzer" and means a mongrel or half-breed. "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord" Deut. 23:2. Churches are full of smiling mamzers who are told the Bible says to mix. The propaganda we struggle against today is from those who misrepresent the Word of God and falsely identify who God's people married in the Old Testament times in an effort to justify race mixing. They do not have the Spirit of God, in which our body, the temple of God, facilitates the indwelling of God. Without a spirit-filled race, there is no possibility of White people fulfilling our purpose on earth. Fornication (which is race mixing) adulterates God's plan for the Ages. God does not dwell in a racially adulterated habitation. If you remove Christianity from the world, you remove God's law prohibiting race mixing.'

by Pastor Mark Downey

Anonymous said...

The intoxicant you feel as if you are still 'allowed' to smoke?

Ray B. said...

Vis, a thoughtful column; thanks. Musings on your words:

Vis: “...the ultimate result of most manufactured cultural changes by the puppet masters is always something different than the puppet masters originally intended..."

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, “Ainulindalë” :
(Note: Ilúvatar is Tolkien's version of all-God or Vis' ineffable; the Ainur are like Archangels or Archetypes; Melkor is Tolkien's version of “The Adversary”, who styles itself equal to Ilúvatar.)

“Then Ilúvatar spoke, and he said: ‘Mighty are the Ainur, and mightiest among them is Melkor; but that he may know, and all the Ainur, that I am Ilúvatar, those things that ye have sung, I will show them forth, that ye may see what ye have done. And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.’

Then the Ainur were afraid, and they did not yet comprehend the words that were said to them; and Melkor was filled with shame, of which came secret anger. But Ilúvatar arose in splendour, and he went forth from the fair regions that he had made for the Ainur; and the Ainur followed him.”
Vis: “What I thought was uncanny was that I was seeing this in most large corporation advertisements, as if they had all been given certain marching orders to that effect.”

Exactly. Whenever I see all the moneyed-interests pivoting-as-one and mouthing the same talking-points or imagery, I know that the 'directions' have come-down from high in the pyramid...
Vis: “I tend to gather information that, to me, indicates either infernal or supernal influence. I tend to focus on what is most likely to affect us spiritually by proximity, subliminal pressures or whatever.”

Personally, I am grateful for you doing this gathering. This is akin to a bad-guy Strategy and Tactics course. When one is in the middle of a battlefield (even if all is of the ineffable), it is most beneficial to know the Players and their Tools...
And, I am glad for your 'breakthroughs' around the Yogananda material. Good for you!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

I'm allowed to do anything I stopped doing any time I want. No one told me I couldn't. In fact I was told to continue on as I was because it was going to be ended by an awareness shift in the future. I stopped because 'I' wanted to. I don't know if that comment was snark. It sounds like it. Smoking is not an intoxicant where I come from and I haven't smoked a cigarette in almost 2 years. I have been vaping. There won't be anymore videos anyway. There's not enough demand for the time I put in.

David Fiske said...

Yogananda's Autobiography was one of my first books 'on the path'. Thank you for reading.

Anonymous said...

"As is usually the case, there is very little traffic and even less written responses. Compared to blog visits it is uncanny."

I rarely miss reading one of your essays. But in most cases, your observations and comments are congruent with my own (albeit much more eloquently set forth) and so pretty much any comment would simply be one of agreement. Essentially, I have nothing to add, and so do not comment. (If I absolutely must be critical, "less" should actually be "fewer"!)

All I can do is urge you to carry on. If you feel that you are being repetitious, there are pieces of music that are inspiring to me that I've listened to a hundred times, and will continue to listen to in the future, simply because, for me, they convey, or rather invoke, a Truth that I need to experience, over and over. It's the same with your essays...


Unknown said...

Hope you got to read Kriyananda's 2012 book on Yogananda !!!! I never watch videos OR TV ,no time !!!!! Cosmicc

Anonymous said...

I have not of late had time to watch your videos. At some point in time I may watch them as others might also. IF you enjoy the making and think the lessons are of value for others either now or some point in the future continue making the videos to help us all in the future.... Jim McKee

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is now up-

A Moment of Epiphany tha Awaits for Everyone.

Anonymous said...

No, I didn't mean to sound snark- I was genuinely interested as to whether you are given nudges from the unseen with regard to personal habits and choices. Sorry if it came over a bit ambiguous :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:36:00 AM

Cannabis has been used throughout history by indigenous peoples to activate their pineal gland/third eye.

There is a giant sculpture of a pineal gland at the Vatican.

'...Cannabis was used sacramentally by Moses and the ancient Israelites.... The Hebrew word “kaneh bosm” is cannabis but was later mistranslated as other plants including calamus or aromatic cane....

Exodus 30: 23-25: 1446 BCE

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus [cannabis], 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hin of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.’”

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” (Matthew 6:22-23)

Throughout antiquity it has been an understood fact that your pineal gland is your third eye.

Renee Descartes, the famous philosopher regarded the pineal gland as the principal seat of the soul and place in which all our thoughts are formed.

At 6:44 mins. into this video Dr Stephanie Seneff states that ‘with the glyphosate (which is earlier stated in the video to have been introduced in 2002) you get an increased delivery of aluminium to the pineal gland, which ends up messing it up.’

'Calcification is the biggest problem for the pineal gland. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland more than any other organ and leads to the formation of phosphate crystals. As your pineal gland hardens due to the crystal production, less melatonin is produced and regulation of your wake-sleep cycle gets disturbed.'

'Freemasons believe sodomy opens the "third eye" to Luciferian illumination.'

Everything that opens you up to the dark is thrust upon humanity, while that which opens you to the light is banned. Alcohol is available and cannabis has been made illegal. Alcohol fuels violence. Cannabis relaxes people and reduces stress. No death has ever been attributed to the use of cannabis in its entire history of use.

The elite are now legalising cannabis, but they will only allow access to hydroponic strains which are grown with chemicals. In other words that which is toxic to the pineal gland.

You do the maths.

Visible said...

Anonymous- 10:05

Thank you so much for clearing that up because there are one or several (could all be the same person) making obscure cracks, sometimes about my hip, as if I would fake something like that. I may be (have been) sometimes erratic as well as dissolute; NO MORE HOWEVER but I am totally honest about everything as much as I can be. I doubt I would have my invisible friends if I were not.

I do get insights and info daily about all sorts of issues. For years the conversation was one sided. That all changed while I was in Italy and now it's two way/all day- if sought.

As for smoking, that never came up but I was directed strongly to vaping and thank god for that because I was losing my singing voice. It's much better now.

Anyone who wants to speak to God and have God reply MUST engage in it, regardless of response or lack of it because persistence WILL make it happen at some point. The ineffable answers in many other ways besides the conversational. I consider this relationship to be the most priceless item I possess. Now that I have put everything but focus on the ineffable aside, I expect wonderful results and they are already occurring.



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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