Saturday, November 17, 2018

Blood and Fear in the Self Confined Penitentiary of the Mind.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

A few years ago I went through a values conflict where I had to make a decision. At the time I was being regularly posted at Whatreallyhappens and Rense. Previously I had also been featured at a number of high profile sites on the internet. During this period it was not unusual for me to get tens of thousands of visitors for every posting. Now I am at a few thousand. Of course, that is probably the core group that actually read the commentaries, got the commentaries and were in spiritual agreement with me, concerning the existence of a divine being- luminous entities and a supernal hierarchy. I didn't lose anything that was there in the first place.

In order to remain at these sites, I had to tailor my work to fit the criteria for being linked. The webmaster for the two mentioned news gathering sites, consisted of a virulent atheist and a new age afficianado who was the lead singer for what might be metaphorically termed ' an information highway hair band'. I mean no criticisms of either in the statements just given. They are accurate and possibly understated. In all cases, personal vanity triumphed over the necessity for humility in truth telling and recognition of being a servant of the mass of seekers. It was preferential to maintaining a kind of Star Power that put their name brand on the product being proffered; like Jimmy Dean Sausage, as opposed to a corporate titling, like Hormel (even if there had been a Johnny Hormel somewhere.) It all got personalized. It's like when Geraldo Rivera sets himself up as the central feature of a production where the program guests are reduced to secondary importance. Bill Maher does this, as did Barbara Walters and others. All of these venues are platforms for self aggrandizement or self diminishment in the face of a more important reality.

Once again, I sincerely mean no ill toward any of these people I interacted with. I'm simply illustrating what is visibly evident, following a brief scrutiny of the given theme of every case in any case. In every case one must, “follow the money.”

I had to choose between representing the invisible plane above the fold, instead of below the fold, or border-lining, which is probably more along the lines of what I was doing. I decided to go with the ineffable as being my main focus and everything else being ancillary to that and relevant as examples of misguided behavior or intentional deception; in the pursuit of the control of the masses for the purpose of sacrificing them to Satanic entities, who feed on Blood and Fear, served to them during evil rites performed by robed and cowled priests of the infernal order. This is achieved by transforming the population at a certain age into canon fodder, or rendering them into slaves of their hijacked physical senses, or utilizing them as routine collateral damage; evidence of what the rest of the rest of the people are given as representative of 'shit that can happen if you don't watch your ass.'

I was then summarily dropped from these sites for reasons given and not given ...but which add up to the same thing. If you serve the light, the darkness will not promote you and you are either serving the light or any one of a multitude of chiaroscuro degrees of shadow; “fifty shades?” There's more than fifty shades. That would be kind of self-defeating, yes? Of course, the seemingly endless battle of light and darkness was convincingly won long ago and is victorious at all times and clearly evident to those without samskaric blindfolds.

One site never dropped me and... interestingly, it was the first site to feature me and that is The Truthseeker, hosted by Rixon Stewart. Rixon has been a stalwart and fearless warrior for the truth behind appearances for years and I am going to feature a few links from his current virtual Rolodex of articles of the moment. They will serve to give a snapshot of the times. First up, an example of terrible irony and similar though usually less extreme (but still violent) events are occurring as a daily affair in Europe and elsewhere and occurring at the greatest extremes in the countries most supportive of open borders and toxic liberal agendas, as well as being a haven for alternative sexual-political extremists and social justice warriors; among the social justice warriors at this time are all sorts of high profile billionaire hypocrite types like JK Rowling and other self entangling snakes with their tails in their mouths; George Clooney's worth is undervalued, given that he recently sold his tequila label for a billion dollars. There are legions of clueless rich people who are incapable of being embarrassed.

A short while ago I saw an astrological chart of the United States. It was during and about the last eclipse, I think... and the chart was almost a mirror image of the chart for France during the French Revolution. There was the 90 days of terror with Robespierre and Danton (who got their own taste of what they had been serving up). The main army of ignorant thugs were called The Jacobins and they are mirrored in the contemporary by Antifa. Antifa hasn't gotten to the same level of performance of The Jacobins but its what's on their agenda.

Anyone who does not know that Israel is a center of Satanic force, run by the preeminent Rothschild dynasty is not paying attention or doesn't care. Here is a clear and inarguable example of this fact and I have many more but what's the point? Evidence has been given here over and over again. Hollywood Celebrities and music industry icons are overwhelmingly, willingly manipulated, subjects of Israeli efforts to plunge the world into a hellish and demonic darkness. This is and has been in the works for a long time and it is why THEY have, across the decades, taken control of every area of the entertainment world, including publishing and the media. If they don't like what you are saying, it doesn't get said anywhere near the main sewer lines of the information highway.

In the meantime they are hard at work creating concentration camps around the world. Some are literal and some are the result of social mind control, where one is made an inmate of The Penitentiary of the Mind. They engineered the conflict that led to this situation and are hard at work exploiting Africa for political control and venal economic gain. In fact they are in nearly every country in the world, fomenting a Satanic agenda through Chabad Houses that are centers for Mossad operatives around the planet.

Social control of the various world cultures is taking place through a tortured manipulation of the human sexual nature. On the manifest plane, Sex is the predominant force, multifariously expressed in all sorts of ways. If one studies the curriculum's of the educational systems from Kindergarten through College, it is apparent that folding, spindling and mutilating is taking place. Much of it is dedicated to the promotion of an intentional waste of the sexual fluids which leads to a dulling of the mental faculties and a weakening of ones character across the board. The battle cry of today is, “liberty is license”, “if it feels good, do it.” “celebrate your own truth” Truth is now infinitely modifiable according to whim and taste?

I have been continent for some time. This is not just a physical discipline but must first be practiced consistently in the mind. Doing so develops certain powers of awareness and consciousness. It protects and maintains ones personal being in a variety of ways. It also liberates one from certain unpleasant states where it becomes no longer clear who is in charge of ones behavior. That can be easily seen through any of the social networking media. It becomes clear that the desire for relationships is the driving force and the sexual factor is the preeminent concern. That link exemplifies what's happening in real time and should one join any of them on a temporarily free basis, one will soon enough, be shocked, astonished and even frightened at what it implies for the future of human relations. I don't need to check it out but some may not be fully aware of how disturbing the trends are and to what extremes they now have traveled.

Years ago when I lived in New York City for about a year, there was a city newspaper that featured personal, classified advertisements for sexual hookups. There was a wide diversity of offers and requests. You name it, it was available. What was most startling about it was that it contained near two hundred pages of content. These days, it is far more graphic and detailed in the portrayals. I hesitate to give a certain example but I'm going to do it. When I told my friend about it, shock and surprise warred for supremacy on my friends face. There are men, possibly women as well- but predominantly men, who strip naked, blindfold themselves and leave their apartment door unlocked. Then they get on their hands and knees with their rear facing the door and wait for an anonymous stranger to appear, service them and (hopefully) leave. Some of them are even handcuffed. I won't include any articles that illustrate this behavior. I apologize for even mentioning this but it is for the purpose of showing just how insane people are getting. When one begins to push the limits of sexual behavior it invariably turns to more and more violent forms.

Consider what is on television these days. Consider the content of commercials that are either suggestive and lascivious, or portray the average human being as pathologically stupid and an awkward clown with no social skills but... most certainly in most cases; proud to be clueless. These are not accidents. If one is not engaged with self inquiry and spiritual pursuits, one is at the mercy of the tides on an unpredictable ocean of dangerous flotsam and jetsam in motion, like timber debris in a flash flood.

None of this is happening by accident. A moment came and the Satanic agenda began in earnest. It was dovetailed with the industrial revolution and, a century later came the tidal wave of digital information and the breakdown in the social and religious infrastructures that had been present for so long. This has all proceeded incrementally (“slowly I turned and step by step, inch by inch”), devil worship has been humanized; “hey, we're regular people, just like you.” Sexual perversity has been humanized and diversified from 'born this way' for the gay element to 'absolutely not born this way' for the gender fluid.

Outrageous and offensive behavior has manifested under the banner of “celebrate your own truth.” The sophistry and deception at work in these times is without equal in previous eras. The varieties of twisted behavior we have seen before, during the decline of former great civilizations. As comfort has become the main drive of such a large body of people, moral lassitude, lack of conviction, laziness; physical and mental, moral and religious relativism, are features of the culture in these times and the general physical characteristics and the present state of the health of humanity tell the tale. People pursue economic gain and security for the purpose of insulating themselves from those with less. Fear marches boldly through both the sleeping and waking dreams of those who can't get what they want and those who are terrified of losing what they have.

Meanwhile, the visible and invisible hand of the ineffable is extended in every location where it can be seen because it is everywhere; from the desperate prison cells to the empty and desolate lives of the rich. God turns the wheel of events and those with their eye on the ball, turn in confidence with it. Mandela came out of prison to rule the country. This example is neither supportive or an indictment of the man (I never met him). It is a simple statement of fact and has happened in other times and other places, to greater and lesser extents.

The eternal and infinite, incomprehensible and indefinable ineffable, is in us all; fully asleep, lightly sleeping, partially awake and fully awake AND... possesses limitless power; limitless! Anything is possible and occasionally a certainty, depending on your faith. If one focuses upon the indwelling deity, it is definite that he will awaken and demonstrate through you sooner or later; the speed of that depends on the intensity of your attention given. Give your faith and attention to the world and learn what a heartless lover and feckless friend it proves to be. Give it to the ineffable, or the divine mother and experience the bliss and unending joy of the inevitable union with the same. This is the guarantee of free will, you are free to do either of the things just mentioned.

God is real and if this is a certitude in your heart then... so are you. Otherwise you are a card in the hands of someone playing without a full deck. “You're all a pack of cards!” God be with you my friends, now and for everlasting.

End Transmission.......

"We are standing on an endless horizon
With our faces turned into the blazing sun
And we have come all this way to Armageddon
Just to find that the battle has been won"

Spread Your Wings


Visible said...

Moving right along-

Just imagine what some others are thinking.

Visible said...

Something to keep in mind.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Excellente! Nice read before my split shift nap.

robert said...

Give your faith and attention to the world and learn what a heartless lover and feckless friend it proves to be. Give it to the ineffable, or the divine mother and experience the bliss and unending joy of the inevitable union with the same. This is the guarantee of free will, you are free to do either of the things just mentioned.

Strutting the Truth out there in a fine array of words!
Thank you Visible!

Only when we have had enough suffering, doing it "our way", pursuing the two-faced chimera in the world of secondary effects, instead of the primary source, do we repent, or turn away from destruction, towards the Center of all things, the Center of all beings.

Only from experience of pain deep in our bones and soul do we finally realize that the idea of the avatar, designed over millennia to host the One Consciousness, works better disconnected from its remote owner (taking advantage of the laissez-faire, give-you-all-the-space-you-need policy of the One) is mere absurdity, supported by the chattering demonic chorus!

This humanimal resented the corrupted notion, meant to poison truth seekers and keep the livestock within the fold of religious mind-control, that we are here to be mere puppets for the higher being.

Took along time to come to realization that the avatar is not intended to be a mind-controlled puppet, but an apprentice to becoming one with the One!

The avatar is more along the lines of:

- A child raised to aspire to a higher state of being, with the training classes held on the physical plane.

- A consciousness is given sovereign control over a precious avatar resource by the true owner, the One, to see if there is willingness to learn the interface to the ways of the Timeless on the part of the avatar "owner".

- A prospective dance-of-life partner, sent to the Earth's cotillion school of dancing, to see who can learn the steps, stay in time and cooperate with the Lord of the Dance!

Though there is massive chaos and confusion to live through yet we may now see many, many cracks in the primary illusion generating machine and know that we must NOW be ready to body surf our way to the shores of justice, peace and enlightened understanding.

Onespeed, all you self-aware avatars of the One!
Deep gratitude to all for being here now!

Snakedaddy said...

Mellifluous in its usual beauty, Viz. Speaking of “old lurkers”, don’t lose sight of the fact that many of us old timers who used to debate the social issues of the day here long ago, when the comments would generally run over 200 per posting, are still very much around. I truly believe that we’ve simply become fatigued with the world “as is”. I think it's called "Analysis Paralysis". Not sure what inspired me to post again after 6-7 years, but then you’ve always had a way to bring out the devils (big assed grin).

Some thoughts on this beautiful Sunday morning:
As you once stated so eloquently: “This is The Apocalypse; make no mistake about that, which means that all other attendant verities and transformations are also operative.”
Agreed upon and…. confirmed. So many questions, yet so much seeming chaos and so many confirmatory events out there…as well as in here.
In fact, with such overwhelming evidence building about, almost becomes another form of “litmus test”, n'est-ce pas ?
I have found much challenge with residing in a world in which having some degree of perception and being able to see “beyond the veil”, generally leads to a loss of human relationships, opportunities, and friends. However, He never promised us it would be easy, no?
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
- Plato

Given humankind’s evolution or “punctuated equilibrium” with which we have contended, one could only accept with somewhat of a delayed resignation that we, as a fractal of the vast cosmos, will not go quietly into that night.
With all of the attendant forces operating here near the end, I believe it is safe to conclude that it is only going to get weirder. I, too, have become almost numbed to the levels of ignorance, self serving, and denial of the masses. I have recently, though, begun to hear some few voices beginning to cry out from their wilderness of past somnambulism actually asking “what the hell is going on?” This seems to be a phenomenon that only occurs to an individual when they are affected personally by some event that creates either trauma or wonder to an extent which they can deny no further. Unfortunately, it has not seemed to occur to those whom I love and am closest to….so the dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
Our consolation is that the current systems that are in place in order to keep humanity under control are totally inadequate as compared to the forces of change and the Eschaton that have been unleashed. In fact, with our current prostituted systems of “value” and with what we perceive to be “money”, I am told that the Fed is terrified right now, fully expecting The Reset to begin in earnest within the next 3-4 months. As fractionated as our nation is now, drastic change should lead to fulfilling the old Chinese proverb re. “interesting times”. cue Gordon Lightfoot:“Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the witch of December comes early?” I try and remember that The Master does His greatest work in what we perceive to be impossible situations.
I do believe that we will be tested to the limits of our imaginations and resources, yet somehow glorious emerging on that other side. Perhaps Terrance McKenna said it best: “So this is what it’s like when a species prepares to depart for the stars.”
Thank you again and much love.
Please keep it coming until the end. We still need your clarity.
Still rising from the miasma,

Snakedaddy said...

Mellifluous in its usual beauty, Viz.
Speaking of “old lurkers”, don’t lose sight of the fact that many of us old timers who used to debate the social issues of the day here long ago, when the comments would generally run over 200 per posting, are still very much around. I truly believe that we’ve simply become fatigued with the world “as is”. I think it's called "Analysis Paralysis". Not sure what inspired me to post again after 6-7 years, but then you’ve always had a way to bring out the devils (big assed grin).

Some thoughts on this beautiful Sunday morning:
As you once stated so eloquently: “This is The Apocalypse; make no mistake about that, which means that all other attendant verities and transformations are also operative.”
Agreed upon and…. confirmed. So many questions, yet so much seeming chaos and so many confirmatory events out there…as well as in here.
In fact, with such overwhelming evidence building about, almost becomes another form of “litmus test”, n'est-ce pas ?
I have found much challenge with residing in a world in which having some degree of perception and being able to see “beyond the veil”, generally leads to a loss of human relationships, opportunities, and friends. However, He never promised us it would be easy, no?
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
- Plato

Given humankind’s evolution or “punctuated equilibrium” with which we have contended, one could only accept with somewhat of a delayed resignation that we, as a fractal of the vast cosmos, will not go quietly into that night.
With all of the attendant forces operating here near the end, I believe it is safe to conclude that it is only going to get weirder. I, too, have become almost numbed to the levels of ignorance, self serving, and denial of the masses. I have recently, though, begun to hear some few voices beginning to cry out from their wilderness of past somnambulism actually asking “what the hell is going on?” This seems to be a phenomenon that only occurs to an individual when they are affected personally by some event that creates either trauma or wonder to an extent which they can deny no further. Unfortunately, it has not seemed to occur to those whom I love and am closest to….so the dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
Our consolation is that the current systems that are in place in order to keep humanity under control are totally inadequate as compared to the forces of change and the Eschaton that have been unleashed. In fact, with our current prostituted systems of “value” and with what we perceive to be “money”, I am told that the Fed is terrified right now, fully expecting The Reset to begin in earnest within the next 3-4 months. As fractionated as our nation is now, drastic change should lead to fulfilling the old Chinese proverb re. “interesting times”. cue Gordon Lightfoot:“Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the witch of December comes early?” I try and remember that The Master does His greatest work in what we perceive to be impossible situations.
I do believe that we will be tested to the limits of our imaginations and resources, yet somehow glorious emerging on that other side. Perhaps Terrance McKenna said it best: “So this is what it’s like when a species prepares to depart for the stars.”
Thank you again and much love.
Please keep it coming until the end. We still need your clarity.
Still rising from the miasma,

Voltman said...

Great post Mister Dog Poet!
In this year of the Dog...

"Dog is man's good friend who can understand the human's spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. The Chinese regard it as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, it symbolizes the coming of fortune. The invincible God Erlang in Chinese legend used a loyal wolfhound to help him capture monsters."


Today's favorite paragraphs would include:

"Hollywood Celebrities and music industry icons are overwhelmingly, willingly manipulated, subjects of Israeli efforts to plunge the world into a hellish and demonic darkness. This is and has been in the works for a long time and it is why THEY have, across the decades, taken control of every area of the entertainment world, including publishing and the media. If they don't like what you are saying, it doesn't get said anywhere near the main sewer lines of the information highway.

In the meantime they are hard at work creating concentration camps around the world. Some are literal and some are the result of social mind control, where one is made an inmate of The Penitentiary of the Mind. They engineered the conflict that led to this situation and are hard at work exploiting Africa for political control and venal economic gain. In fact they are in nearly every country in the world, fomenting a Satanic agenda through Chabad Houses that are centers for Mossad operatives around the planet."

Keep on rockin' & sockin' it to THEM Money Monsters Daddy!

Jimmy Castor Bunch - Troglodyte

Monika Schaefer's First Public Appearance Since Imprisonment in Germany!


Monika Schaefer's brother, Alfred Schaefer, is in jail for telling the truth in a courtroom where the truth is no defense.

Good Truthers Go To Jail Because the Truth is No Defense

- John Kaminski (Brian Ruhe)

The judges say "the truth is no defense"...
And THEY want us to take THEM seriously?!!!!

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Lurching Zombies in Cellphone Ads and Human Gods with the Head of a Monkey. Deus Ex Machina, Baby.

robert said...

How deep doe the Rabbit Hole go?

To the depths of Hell...........................................

I thought you had disappeared

Seymour Photonous said...

Hi Les
funny thing about prophets, we do not know who they are until events unfold themselves. The Apocalypse is upon us: We are soular systems and so godling by processes of replication.

Ray B. said...

Vis: "God is real and if this is a certitude in your heart then... so are you. Otherwise you are a card in the hands of someone playing without a full deck."

My earliest recollection is of "the game being rigged." So, why would you commit yourself fully to it? This 'realization' came long before I started delving into the truth of things (down here). I can only surmise that Higher Self was 'whispering' even then...

Perhaps the greatest truth-telling ever (surprised they got away with 'saying' it):

Morpheus: "Do you believe in fate, Neo?"
Neo: "No."
Morpheus: "Why not?"
Neo: "Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life."
Morpheus: "I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
Neo: "The Matrix."
Morpheus: "Do you want to know what it is?"
Neo: "Yes."
Morpheus: "The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."
Neo: "What truth?"
Morpheus: "That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage; into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch: A prison for your mind."

Fortunately, Neo woke-up and eventually Realized the truth. We are also almost There...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Asil said...

Love you Visible!

Thomas said...

Mother Kali will drink rivers of blood, but all the same, she weeps for everyone of Her wayward children that She is forced to kill in Her terrible Mercy.

I think we should not be angry with our deluded sisters, who cry for the right of people to identify as whatever. It is in The Feminine Spirit to tolerate (almost) everything, and it is not a weakness.

The men who take up the cry, however...

Anonymous said...

I can undestand your indifference to having been "unpromoted" by "those sites", after all, you pretty much summed up how they were being run, and if you look at those places now, it becomes obvious that people eventually "get wise", as can be seen by not just the drop-off at your sites, but evident when you look at the sad remnants of what those "fonts of fecality" themselves have become... or, rather don't. When you're in that clown car, fully in flames as it heads for the cliff, it's much better to just bogart the joint, take the extra swill from the bottle, and begin singing your own songs loudly, just to get kicked out into the dust because you aren't their kind of "cool enough" to go over the cliff into the toilet with them.

David Fiske said...

'Some of the names tease me on the tip of my tongue ...but scutter away as I reach for them. "

I find as I age names elude me a lot of the time.

"Leave good footprints."

So wonderfully true.
Thank you Vis

ty said...

Takes 40 tsp of blood to make 1 tsp of seed, takes 40 tsp of seed to make 1 tsp of ojas / cerebral spinal fluid. This is demonstrated through the kundlainis reversing the fluidic channels and pumping seed directly up the spinal column. You don't ejaculate for a month and naturally you will begin sitting up with your spine straight with zero effort. Some say ones posture the straightness of ones spine determines ones longevity more than any other factor, next to breathing and stress. Others say ejaculating will shorten lifespan quicker than anything. Add two and two together.

What is the greatest fear? Death... The first chakra governs fight and flight responses, birth and death. Over stimulation of the First Chakra through excessive self pleasure will also overstimulate the fear response and open the chakra to the ebbs and flows of the lower astral; Abstinence tightens the chakras up and reduces all kinds of anxiety and fear. Ojas also fuels the higher neural functionality of the crown chakra, which governs all higher mental functionality. This is why heroin and porn addicts alike share the same degree of grey matter loss and shrinkage and brain changes in the pre-frontal cortex. This fluid is literally rocket fuel for higher consciousness, and it takes one month to refill ojas after one ejaculation, so do the math; I know this because, well God let my balls drop when I was a young boy.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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