Friday, February 22, 2019

Gathering up Those Shattered Pieces of Sleeping Divinity.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

This is something I will never have to apologize for. First off, cause I'm not a coward, a money junkie or a money whore and secondly because the truth is antisemitic. Thing is that I admire and seek the truth in all circumstances and I don't mind being slandered; only what God thinks of me counts, period. The truth tells me that a certain group within a group; that uses the one group as a cover for bad behavior, is responsible for more torment, horror, mayhem and incredible lies, over the course of recorded history (when one measures the population of the evil doers against the larger world population) than all the rest of humanity on this planet. That's a fact. You can argue against it, you can stamp your feet, you can howl and shriek but you can't alter a single line of it in the book of the recording angel.

As far as antisemitism goes, let's consider what Shulamit Aloni had to say about it. I realize that in this time frame I killed my chances at being recognized as an artist at a wider reach but I don't care about that. I'm still an artist and the audience I was really after, heard and read my work.

If I were a whore or a shrinking violet, I would have played the game but I would have tarnished my soul in my own eyes and I only care what God thinks about me. Some things are just more important than others. I don't mind having been poor all my life. I'm actually more wealthy than people who have a hundred times what I have because there is very little I want that is for sale. What I value is priceless and I got it for free, just like I do everything that I enjoy. Once I got my keyboard, guitars and computers, there wasn't anything else I needed or wanted. God always takes care of my food and shelter needs so... I've pretty much got it all.

We're only on this planet for a short time as we are now. Of course, the vast majority of us come and go countless times because we have appetites and desires that haven't been assuaged. What if you only desire one thing? What if you don't have to keep coming back here over and over (and you don't); unless you are here of your own free will to lend a hand? What if ( and there are ) lands of far more refined substance where the enjoyments and amenities are well beyond the reach of the general human imagination?

Look at this fellow Smollet. He staged a slanderous false flag hate crime because he was dissatisfied with his salary. Even exposed with evidence that cannot be denied, he denies it. I don't even have a salary and I'm not dissatisfied with it. People are poor because their desires outstrip their income and even when they can afford anything, they're still not happy. Wander through the swank sections of any urban crime scene, which is what I call their neighborhoods, you don't see all that many smiles. I've been there. I've seen it. Wander through most third world villages and the people are smiling and far more naturally generous than you will ever see in the upscale crime scene locations. I've been there.

Why is it that people are often happier with next to nothing than are people with more shit than they can keep track of? It's a mystery, except it's not.

Here's another thing that is considered a mystery, except it's not. People make themselves sick if they get sick. People who get flu shots get the flu or something else and people who don't get flu shots (like me and some of you) don't get flu or something else. Everything happens in your mind. That's where it starts and the way you feel begins to determine how you feel. That last may seem confusing but it's not. People talk themselves into everything that happens to them. It starts with a conversation that occurs, to begin with, below the radar. Then it becomes a conversation they can hear in their heads and then; inexplicably or... explicably, they find themselves in some place or situation they talked themselves into. A lot of the time they let someone else talk them into it. Someone told them that if they dressed like this and acted like that, then certain things would happen for them. It could be they were right but the reality of it turned out to be very different from the commercial.

I'm sure there are a lot of men who find Ariana Grande attractive. What they see is not what I see; which is a high maintenance twit with the IQ of a pigeon and the personality of a mink.

Now there are going to be people who think it was mean of me to say that, even though the examples were kind by comparison with the reality. That song is one of the most popular tunes going at the moment and she broke some record held by the Beatles.

Here are the most popular Instagram accounts;

Cristiano Ronaldo: 148M.
Selena Gomez: 144.5M.
Ariana Grande: 138.8M.
Dwyane Johnson (The Rock): 124.4M.
Kim Kardashian: 121.9M.
Beyoncé: 121.4M.
Kylie Jenner: 121.2M.

Here are the most popular Facebook accounts;

Cristiano Ronaldo - 122.1 million likes
Shakira - 104.6 million likes
Vin Diesel - 101.6 million likes
Eminem - 90.4 million likes
Leo Messi - 89 million likes
Rihanna - 81 million likes
Justin Bieber - 78.7 million likes
Will Smith - 75.4 million likes

And (drumroll) here are the most popular Snapchat accounts;

DJ Khaled (@djkhaled305)
Kylie Jenner (@kylizzlmynizzl)
Gigi Hadid (@itsgigihadid)
Blac Chyna (@BlacChynaLA)
Chrissy Teigen (@chrissyteigen)
Frankie Greek (@WTFRANKIE)
Logan Paul (@LoganPaul)
Amanda Cerny (@AmandaCerny)

I haven't even heard of some of these people and I know next to nothing about the rest, except maybe the actors cause I watch movies. I still don't know anything about them but then, neither do they.

What you see in this world is the outworking of Karma. Some people earned what they are presently enjoying; if they are enjoying it. Some are paying their dues for future dream lives. Everyone is experiencing what brought them to that moment and the meter is always running. Sooner or later it is gone. In most cases, what the rich and powerful and famous have, in many cases, the only thing they have, is the illusion that they are better off than you but... the wheel is always turning and who knows what waits ahead? What celebrity brings you, generally, is a hairnet of flies and mosquitoes that follow you everywhere you go. What riches brings you is an environment of people who want what you have and a family that is waiting for you to die. In all of these privileged cases, the players never know how anyone really feels about them. I've been among these people and seen a thing or two; like J.K. Simmons in the Farmers Commercials.

Why I am writing the way I am today is an attempt to tell you that no one really has it better than you. They just have it different. Even when they have all the things you wish you had. It will be gone in what seems to be a much shorter period of time on the back end than it was on the front end.

What most people, especially in Western Culture do not get is that God is the Supreme Enjoyer and God lives in you. He might be hardly noticed or off in the corner, as is generally the case in Times of Material Darkness but God is most definitely there or... you wouldn't be. In this culture, people usually have a very skewed idea of what God is like. Mostly you have an anthropomorphic God.

Here is something to remember. The more intensely you seek the divine, the sooner you come into the presence and that is a state of endless joy and bliss. If you don't have it right this moment, that SHOULD BE Job One until you do because everything else is strangely hollow and nothing like it looked like it was before you got it. If you put everything you have into finding the ineffable, you will have everything you desire and oh so much more that you didn't even know existed. Once you realize how absolutely true this is you will see that you live in a world of crazy people who are chewing off their own foot and telling you how good it tastes. This might seem like an extreme example but it won't be when your eyes are opened.

Until you find God you don't even know what anything is, including yourself, which is your biggest mystery. The kicker is that God is actually there. This is not a lie. Everything else may be but this is not and no matter how many years and lives you pour into variations on the theme of suffering, it will all prove to have been meaningless. The one thing that is not meaningless is the divine and it is all that remains when everything else is gone.

A long time ago, God shattered himself into countless pieces. Following that event, he has spent the rest of his time gathering up those scattered pieces. You can literally head him off at the pass. “Success is speedy for the energetic.”

End Transmission.......

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♫ Vanity ♫


Kazz said...

I will second that.

Luv Kazz

Dodgy One said...

So that's what that Big Bang was eh (The Divine Shattering)

So all those scientists were on the right track, just headed in the wrong direction->

The ice age cometh so save all your carbon for when you will need it most.

The shortly fall of un-civilisation may well leave the earth to the meek.

What you will need as always is your own little spark of the creator.

Voltman said...

Les Visible,

What most people, especially in Western Culture do not get is that God is the Supreme Enjoyer and God lives in you. He might be hardly noticed or off in the corner, as is generally the case in Times of Material Darkness but God is most definitely there or... you wouldn't be. In this culture, people usually have a very skewed idea of what God is like. Mostly you have an anthropomorphic God.

Here is something to remember. The more intensely you seek the divine, the sooner you come into the presence and that is a state of endless joy and bliss. If you don't have it right this moment, that SHOULD BE Job One until you do because everything else is strangely hollow and nothing like it looked like it was before you got it. If you put everything you have into finding the ineffable, you will have everything you desire and oh so much more that you didn't even know existed. Once you realize how absolutely true this is you will see that you live in a world of crazy people who are chewing off their own foot and telling you how good it tastes. This might seem like an extreme example but it won't be when your eyes are opened."

- The Les Visible Man

Yes sir!!! These are, once again, inspired words.

I'm not much of a fan of standardized superstitions they call organized religion but, the real McCoy's that exist among these practitioners tend to be frequently inspired (and inspiring) in a more or less regular way.

And as long as they don't insist that their own overblown, glorified "personal" guru needs to be everyone else's personal guru, saviour, lord, prophet, Grand Manitou, Grand Wazoo, etc., I tolerate their occasional medieval idiosyncracies.

I am impressed by those who look for the truth and dispel the lies, and those who express a genuine concern for the difference between right and wrong; I expect respect for logic, intelligence and knowledge; I appreciate the ability to recognize wisdom and inspiration when it emerges.

I am in accord with much of what the more articulate and objective ones have to say.

My Service to the Nation of Islam

By Michael Hoffman

My description of democracy could be: Allowing Wisdom to Emerge (AWE)

P.S.: Don't forget Voltman's Theorem (I think it's an Axiom):

The addiction to cashisch inevitably leads to Hemorrhagic Stupiditas.

No aspersions cast on haschisch. Cashisch is the debt fiat "money" backed by the Feral Reserve of International Gangbanksters (FRIG).


Ray B. said...

Vis, an an inspired column. Thanks!

Vis: "The more intensely you seek the divine, the sooner you come into the presence and that is a state of endless joy and bliss."

Something along that line happened yesterday: Higher Self and I had just finished Cleaning someone, so I was in a fairly high-frequency, open state. Nothing else was happening, so HS started working on me. It started with the physical or emotional, and I had some pains in my abdominal area 'push through'. Then, the vibes started to get higher and higher as HS apparently worked upwards in frequency. There was a sense of various areas being worked-on. At some point, it hit bliss land. So much energy was moving that it was like electrical current moving around in me. Finally, it went so high that it seemed to 'fade out' as it went beyond my range of perception. In toto, HS kept this up for around 8-9 hours.

Today, I feel highly-charged. There is also a sense of more wanting to be 'there' than 'here', if that makes sense. Down-here seems like a shadow of up-there. I am curious how this will work-out over time...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I could not listen to one minute of that horrible Ariana piece. And what does she look like under the war paint? She ain't no Grace Slick, or Aretha Franklin, or Ann Wilson. . .

As for the so called 'rich', there is a book I may have mentioned earlier. 'Theory of the Leisure Class'. Something I believe was covered in do you own what you have, or does what you have own you? How much do these people spend on protecting their assets, and how much do they worry about it?

What a life, huh? Then there's the John Paul Getty III story:

Better to have enough. . .even barely enough in obscurity than have to go through crap like in the above link.

Great article, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Buttons, I agree. I'd rather sleep in the barn on the hay, with the cows and cats and mice, than under silk sheets in a penthouse with bars on the windows and an armed guard at the door.
Two entirely different dreams..

Guy Reid-Brown said...

God is always in Control.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

From the Land of the Law of the Last Jot and Tittle on Our Way to the Kingdom of Light..



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