Tuesday, March 5, 2019

As We Pick our Way through the Wreckage of Temporary Things that Cannot Love us Back.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You have probably noticed that there has been a gradual and sometimes accelerated progression of degeneration in the culture. You can usually tell where a culture is at from the soundtrack. If life is a movie (and it is) a soundtrack is an expected accouterment. You don't usually see a movie that lacks a soundtrack. Life is a movie because the mind acts as a film projector. Existence is a blank white screen and the mind projects a movie on it. When the movie ends, all that remains is the blank backing screen. Each mind projects a movie that is scripted out of Karma. However, since in reality there is only one mind, all these individual movies go on inside the completely 360 degree, wrapped around wide screen, one mind movie.

Nothing in the movie is real. Only the backing screen is real and the soundtrack for the backing screen is composed of the vibrating Om from Shiva's Drum. That's what you get on the Tabla Rasa before certain elements of humanity generate artificial components out of pristine nature. Pretty much everything I said so far was a manifestation of, by degrees, ever denser bullshit. Some of it is true enough, as far as it goes but I gradually migrated further and further afield in my word play so as to possibly be in danger of having my poetic license revoked. The sad reality is that this sort of thing is going on all the time these days but not in the form of an intellectual exercise but more likely as efforts of deception being performed by the deceived who forgot to update their drivers. Thus does Cochise make cowboys of us all.

Trends are the visible progression of cycles, like highway signage that might say “go this way” or “go that way” or “the bridge is out”. What they really say is that, “you are going this way.” “You are going that way” and sometimes they will tell you “Caution; bridge freezes before roadway.” What they should say is, “This highway came from nowhere. Nowhere 50 miles ahead.” One might think that messages of this kind are depressing but they are not the whole story. Regardless, whatever the signs may say, that is not where you are going. Where you are going is a place inside your mind and it will prove to be the environmental equivalent of the frequency you are vibrating at. Towns are not so much locations as they are whatever has been commonly agreed upon by the majority of the inhabitants, with almost no one knowing this to be the case.

Last night I went into the bedroom at around 2:00 AM. As is the usual case I read for a bit before the lights go off and then there's a period of horizontal reaching and prayer until I slip away. I was reading near the end of the book, “Glamour, a World Problem” and then picking up near the end of “Raja Yoga” in Volume 1 of “The Collected Works of Swami Vivkenanda”. For whatever the reason, both portions of both books were very powerful and I found myself going through intense and powerful changes in consciousness. The speed of transition was on the verge of frightening. It's been some months since I stopped all use of consciousness altering compositions but it wasn't long into it before it became clear that rather than being lifted to higher levels of being, which is what I had imagined was taking place, these chemicals were actually suppressing spiritual experiences. I'd been holding myself back instead of pressing on because otherwise the speed and force of change became difficult to process; as I am now seeing in real time. I must have subconsciously talked myself into this self deception.

When you are engaged in practicing the presence of the indwelling, soon enough, everything that happens becomes, one way or another, connected to the ineffable. In reality, everything is connected to the divine. It isn't very long before there is no longer anything like ordinary life and it became clear to me that suppressing this experience is the common thing, across the spectrum of humanity.

We live in an alcoholic, soporific amusement park. It is the reflex action on the part of nearly everyone to find some palliative that works for them, to repress spiritual awareness. The commonly practiced and commonly observed pseudo-spiritual, perfunctory, designer clad mail it in, identity dances of this material age, are just a bunch of redundant performance art hoodoo. If you are going after the real thing the rock solid absolute certainty is that you are not going to fit in. You won't fit in at the ashrams; all you need do is read some of what's out there. This page goes on and on but you get the picture and if you don't... there are pictures. Once I went to a main Yogananda forum and was treated to a bunch of quasi-spiritual elitists arguing about how this person and that person could not be considered to be in the higher ranks of spiritual awareness, since they couldn't perform this or that act of spiritual stage magic. It was similar to my stay at The Bawa Fellowship when I would hear people saying things like, “all day I thought I was on level 6 and then I discovered that I was only on level 4.” At no point did you get the impression they had a single clue as to what they were talking about. I was embarrassed for them. They... unfortunately were not capable of embarrassment.

How are you supposed to discover yourself if you are surrounded by people that life has taught to hide themselves? Being too open and trusting will clarify things for you fairly quickly and this is what causes people to bind themselves up. How are you supposed to locate what you concealed without being aware of having done so? How do you know what you are searching for when you don't know what you are searching for?

For a long time I thought I wanted to form a community of like seekers. That would have resulted in a community argument forum and a constant jostling for a better place in the pecking order. Next thing you know there would be colorful outfits, funny hats and prestigious titles. The ineffable threw a stick of dynamite into that pipe dream and saved me a heap of future trouble, only I didn't realize that at the time.

When I was a child I went to Bible School religiously (pun intended). We got religious comics about the life of Jesus the Christ and I really enjoyed them. I have never forgotten the episode where Jesus said to never take one of the important, near the front, seats, at an event, rather take something further back. You might then be asked to move forward. This is far better than being asked to move back because you assumed you had more importance than you did. I've never forgotten that. Never claim or accept titles. Never allow others to make more of you than what the invisible arbiters will assign as time seems to go by.

Every time I find myself regretting the past I am told that nothing happens by accident and that I had no say in what happened. More and more I find this must be true because my present state is better than I ever imagined I had a right to and even though I have little of material worth by comparison to the average bear, I lack for nothing of real importance. The whole of my every day smacks of a wander through Elysian Fields, with nothing visible to the eyes unless they are closed. God really does move in mysterious ways.

In closing I want to say what I have been leading to by roundabout means through this posting and that is, in respect of the appearances of these times, it is always good to remember that appearances are a lie. Something wonderful and beyond description is behind the veil of appearances. The light too bright to see, is shining within and upon everything and will be more and more apparent as we raise our vibrations by the quality of our values. As the divine love and the love of the divine increases in our lives, by intention, love will transform every particle of our being into shining atoms of conscious light. We are bodies of light and it is material attractions that has woven a denser fabric to inhabit, for so many in these times. It is the directed evolution of spirit that is transforming us at the rate which we are capable of. Tossing the ballast from the balloon has everything to do with the speed at which we rise. What is holding us down is what we are holding on to. The only thing of real importance is already holding on to us. We can let go of everything else.

If we are the thing we seek then it stands to reason we are in for a real surprise. This is, itself, a surprise, implying that it is possible we haven't given the degree of thought we should have given in consideration of the essence of the thing we seek. Of course, it is not possible to define what is incomprehensible and indefinable. There surely is a mystery to all of this.......

End Transmission.......

I've heard from a number of you about your appreciation of films I have recommended so, given that this is true (grin), let me recommend two examples of Australian film-making from back in the days when you never saw a bad Australian film; “Red Dog” and “Paperback Hero”. The first is a tearjerker and allegedly true (reminiscent of “Hachi; a Dog's Tale”. Also true and wonderful). The second is the first film of someone who went on to be very famous. It's very well done. Tonight I will be watching, “Wild Wild Country” and which is an example of what I was trying to illustrate concerning contemporary anthropomorphic projections of the divine. One thing you can be sure of, if you convince people they can find God and justify their quest by indulging in every appetite they may have as a fast track to getting past, 'all that', you can be sure of making a whole lot of money.

Once again we give the link for the free download of all of Swami Vivikanada's books. Mostly I am doing this since my friend can't stop reading them. I suspect there are others out there who will feel the same.

There has seldom ever been a better time to seek the ineffable within.

♫ No Tracks ♫


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Yup! They don't call it Maya fer nuthin'. Longest damn game of Dungeons and Dragons in existence. I remember having such a dégagé 'tude toward this realm before I got here, and now I'm quite sick of all the illusions, inconveniences, and Ouroboros aspect of this locale. Yet people keep feeding it.

The longer I am here, the less I understand humanity.

Loved the post, of course.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Visible. You always seem to have some answer to a nagging question that I’ve been mulling in my head. Today the answer was this:

“What is holding us down is what we are holding on to. The only thing of real importance is already holding on to us. We can let go of everything else.” OH!! How that made me weep I was so grateful.

Just wondering about something. You made a reference to our vibration. Is there a gadget that can actually do that? For the past few weeks, all I’ve been listening to is music of the higher 528 or 432 hz. I found some wonderfully uplifting shamanic music with drums and flute.

Before I close I’d like to share that I finally found my next home. It is about 30 miles from Boone, NC in the mountains. 10 acres, lotsa trees and streams that trickle thru the land. I am now looking at a small log cabin or a barn-dominion. It is a horse barn on the bottom and apartment above. God has been blessing me right and left.

Hope you are all well.

Visible said...

Laura! I am so happy to hear this about you. That is fantastic news!!! There's a reader who lives in that area and I was going to live there with him once but... life happened. Maybe he will see this and be in touch. He's a nice fellow. I will pray that all goes well for you'

There are certain machines that do this and that but you are already in possession of the finest machine of that type that will ever be invented or discovered; yourself. If there is ANYTHING that you can imagine that you would like to have happen and so long as it brings no harm to others you have simply to hold it fixed in your mind, imbue it with feeling and... it will materialize. Always keeping in mind that God's will be done. He always knows better than we and is willing to confer the necessary understanding where resistance has been neutralized.

Ray B. said...

Vis, a wonderful column. Thanks.

Vis: "Something wonderful and beyond description is behind the veil of appearances. The light too bright to see, is shining within and upon everything and will be more and more apparent as we raise our vibrations by the quality of our values."

Some time ago, I mentioned how my Higher Self had shifted some of its work into the near-archetypal regions, here and here. Usually, I do not get any 'visuals' from the ongoing events, just down-shifted 'sensations' from the changes at the various levels involved. Yesterday, when the pulse came back from deeper levels, it was a bright white light! (It 'down-shifted' as a large, soft-boundary, white sphere.) Accompanying that was a wonderful feeling of Joy. As it worked its way down the levels, whatever was in its path had to change to suit. Not a bad way to change...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

torus said...

"We don't have a state religion. We shouldn't have one. We don't have an official history. We shouldn't have one. If this booklet is right, as the accused says it is, it should be freely heard and freely thought about and freely criticized. If it is not, why fear it? If it is false, there is easy access to a million more resources of public persuasion than this booklet ever had. It does not need the government's help as some official repository of truth, however sanctimonious its bureaucratic officials may be. Let freedom solve the problem of any hatred or intolerance, else by suppression the human spirit, which seeks the ultimate truth of God, will become crippled by its fears to speak its deepest feelings. Only by our meeting face to face, by our being as we really are with all our personal prejudices and suspicions, can we accept our faults, and by airing our views without fear, learn to love one another than if we never disagreed in the first place."
From Douglas Christie's closing arguments at the famous "Zundel trial."

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

The Slippery Slippery Slope of Sisyphean Fish in Search of a Bicycle to Ride.

Anonymous said...

good one les

RickB said...

“What is holding us down is what we are holding on to. The only thing of real importance is already holding on to us. We can let go of everything else.”

Thanks for the word for this moment in my life... as I will have to let some things go to continue on.

albunn said...

"What is holding us down, is what we keep holding onto". Simply stated, powerfull message. Love your stuff!!..Al



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