Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Doing the Motionless, Moonwalking Cool Jerk, Among the Dancing Bimbos of Babylon.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I've watched it coming. For me... after a reasonable amount of time, consciously watching the trend of the changes in the culture and in society, it has all become utterly predictable and it's all been an expression of or a variant of that inflexible equation; Materialism= Insanity and the more the primary intensifies, the more the secondary is amplified. We are now seeing the manifest turmoil that for so long had been internal. The dam broke and it was no better for the dikes and the levees. If I remember correctly, some astrologers did an astrological chart for the US during a recent blood moon eclipse (couple years ago or so) and the chart was near identical to that of revolutionary France. It explains the Jacobins now presenting as Antifa.

Please note that the COVID bullshit hoax was generated to get rid of President Trump. This has all been a defensive reaction by The Deep State, which considers Trump to be a mortal threat. None of the impeachment efforts worked. They had to try something new. Consider the connection between the masks of Antifa and the masks of Coronavirus and the greater profit for concealment and deception.

The most telling cause of the present chaos in these, no longer United... States is our collective abdication from “In God we Trust”. This is a subtle but powerful thing. For most, it is a slogan but just like certain symbols are, it is more than its appearance. It is all reminiscent of the meaning to be found in certain Biblical scripture; “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” and- “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Symbols are energy, concentrated in a specific form. Initiates and certain occult practitioners know how to access the power of symbols. Depending on the intentions and moral climate of the individuals, if the higher energy potential is locked because of their moral shortcomings, the force of the symbols is turned to perverse use.

Numbers also have tremendous power for those who understand their true meaning. This is best demonstrated in the Tree of Life, in which is concealed the whole of the workings of the universe. Because of the darkness of this age, leading up to what is coming, many of the traditions and institutions that formerly stood for the greater good of humanity, have been hijacked by spiritual predators. It is not necessary for me to go into more detail here. Many of you know who and what I am talking about.

All of the players of the moment are here for a reason, via reincarnation. A grand denouement approaches. One clear example of what I am talking about is the increasing tension developing between COVID mask wearers and those refusing to. It is the old tale of conditions before The Ascension and similar to the Bible story about two men working in a field and one of them is taken and one is left. I am not passing judgment. I am talking about the metaphysical looping; the cosmic bio-rhythmic pulse of creation that ebbs and flows at every level of manifestation, including that of cultures. I don't have details. They are always in flux but... the general patterns can be seen and the state of existence can be intuited at any time, to the degree that one is free of its influence and circumstances. Attachment blinds us at every level.

The Apocalypse is causing the lies of the manipulators and their foot-soldiers at every level to be exposed and the awakening is causing people to become aware of them but there is a large block of people who refuse to see no matter what. No amount of reasoning or evidence will convince them. We saw this with 9/11. They have too much invested in what they have been told is real, being real. It is a complex matter. In all cases Karma is a player and accounts for the multiplicity of secondary causes; ignorance, low-level desire, and consuming appetites, possession, stupidity. There are so many of them. Freedom; the desire to be free, however it is understood, is the consuming passion of everyone. It is the greatest misfortune that all too often Freedom is miss-identified as bondage and becomes an entanglement that can stretch for lifetimes unless Grace appears. Those of us who are the recipient of it understand how profound a gift that is.

It is one of the great mysteries how so many can be so blind to the presence of the splendor and glory that resides within them and on all sides around them. It is right there in plain sight but the eye cannot see. Yes... there are all those explanations in all of the scriptures that have been written since the beginning. It is still a mystery. Then come those rare moments, such as the ones we find ourselves in now. On the one side is the giddy and relentless elevation of awareness brought on by The Awakening. On the other side is the relentless intensifying of denial.

Rarely is there a need to pay such concentrated attention to one's spiritual state. Ask yourself; “What have I been up to already today? What did I give my time to in the past week... in the past month?” That should tell you a great deal. Now, some amount of you will render this a perfunctory dismissal. That ALSO requires your attention. If we do not reflect on what we HAVE BEEN UP TO, it will not go well in terms of what WE ARE up to and it will surely impact on what WE LATER GET UP TO. I speak these words, RIGHT HERE, as a cautionary admonition. If you cannot see from present conditions in the manifest, the degree to which the insanity has taken hold, it may occur that you are soon given reason to see. As my old friend, Louis Pasteur once said, “Fortune favors the prepared mind.” Another fellow once said, “Fortune favors the bold.” I've less attraction for the last statement. I've seen what comes of being bold when the conditions are not right. In fact, I am watching a number of people on their way to learning that for The Purpose of Demonstration.

Everything is arranged and whether you believe in nothing or some version of a perspective, SUBJECT TO CHANGE, is immaterial ...and SO IS THE CONTROLLER OF EVERYTHING. The problem arises, if problem it is, that there are some number of folks who believe that they are in control of this... or that and the fact of the matter is that they are not even in control of themselves. Unless you are in control of yourself, your efforts will ONLY result in an OBJECT LESSON. I am not telling you this because it is something I came up with on my own. What I am telling you comes from the timeless repository of Ageless Wisdom and is the fruit of minds far beyond my own and it is to minds such as these that I owe everything I have and do not have and everything I know and do not know and the variance between what I have and do not have and know and do not know is THE CRITICAL THING. It is the discrimination which is key; to know what is worth knowing and to have what is worth having is a jewel of incalculable value and the origin of all suffering when one does not.

I have said it often. These times we are presently in are EXTRAORDINARY TIMES and that is why the distraction of the material plane is so great, whether it is due to the attractions flickering like the lights of Vegas, the appetites being whetted, or the fear being generated. All of the nonsense of the Coronavirus and the dancing bimbos of Babylon; male or female or of questionable status, crying like sirens on the rocks of destruction, is no more than cheap carnival action, a sideshow to trap the unwitting and the unwary and it HAS BEEN EVER THUS. Nothing changes but the presentations. Step right up! Step right up, everyone's a winner! You bet.

There is a force, resident within you, that is more powerful than anything in the external; “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” That statement was inspired by the everlasting presence and the everlasting presence is NEVER wrong. You must see that every challenge that comes upon you is only for the purpose of making you strong. It does not go on forever. It is also for the purpose of weeding out the insincere, the dilettantes, and the half measurites. If you are committed, the difficulty is remarkably reduced. You are then no longer fighting yourself and that is the majority of your conflict and your problems in every case. Self-mastery comes about on its own. It is not something you make happen. It is something you allow to happen. There is ONE ruling force. It is your opposition to it that has been the cause of your every defeat in life after life afterlife. It is the objective of life to come into alignment with that force and once you have done so, your troubles are at an end. One needs to understand the meaning of Fallen Angels and it wouldn't hurt to have an awareness of the meaning of 'redemption' also.

The world exists as a stage for the accomplishment of The Great Work and as a theater for the epic fails that are testimony to all that does not work because they are not The Great Work. You are destined to achieve it and it begins to manifest the moment you allow it to take place. It IS NOT something you do. It is something you permit to happen. It is the easiest thing there is because it requires nothing but your consent and accommodation. All the complications... all the mysteries and convoluted bullshit are the results of the operations of the monkey mind false self-justifying and its endless reactions and contrivances in the effort to defend Self Will Run Riot. STILL THE REACTIVE MIND and EVERYTHING will fall into place. Stand guard at the gateway of the mind and evict all thought until nothing remains but THE QUIETUDE OF THE PRESENCE. It is a VERY SIMPLE THING and conditions have seldom been so right for you to attain. May God grant you his grace and PERMIT your understanding!

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

And... of course... there is Pocketnet, the internet version of pirate TV.

les visible at pocketnet


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Another 'NOSTRILS UP'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post today Vis.
I am one who refuses to wear a mask
But I am not really sure what your whole
Paragraph on that meant. Dense am I sometimes
But explain briefly if you will. I wondered also about
my own rebellion to wearing one.

Visible said...

Because it is something they have drummed up into a big deal that is not even a small footnote and it is intended to make us afraid of each other and set us against each other.

J said...

One of your very best ever Vis, and I've been reading you for almost 15 years. You have been a blessing and I love you brother :)

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'warning' post. Thanks!

Vis: "One clear example of what I am talking about is the increasing tension developing between COVID mask wearers and those refusing to."

Actually, the wearing of masks or not is probably a good way for the PTB to 'sort out' potential free thinkers and other troublesome types. Really easy to spot and 'file' for future actions. I might mess with their heads and their algorithms by randomly wearing one or not...
Vis: "...there is a large block of people who refuse to see no matter what. No amount of reasoning or evidence will convince them."

This is why things are getting over-the-top in so many ways. Some people will never wake up; it is not their lifetime. (Maybe, they have lots of experiencing Down Here still-to-do in filling-up their Soul.) However, there are a lot of on-the-line types who are ready-to-go-Up on a Soul level but are deeply-asleep for various personal reasons. In my opinion, this is why we will see something that looks Really Bad before the clouds break and the sunlight returns. Some people respond to positive strokes; some are so 'loaded-up' that they only respond to negative stimuli. The former will be in bliss through this period; the latter will have 'dark night of the soul' experiences before breaking-through. Whatever is individually needed.

We live in Interesting Times...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Hereticdrummer said...

Great, VIS. Any virologist or epidemiologist will confirm that a virus is small enough to go through the pores of a mask. Further, a virus can easily penetrate a mucus membrane and that is what our eyes and ear canals are. But facts are irrelevant to sheeple. I've coined a new term: Mask-Holes. Mask wearing assholes. Be well, Brother.

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

Thank you for your offering to us all!

Gem stones flung before us, transforming into beautiful birds before our eyes!

"Then come those rare moments, such as the ones we find ourselves in now. On the one side is the giddy and relentless elevation of awareness brought on by The Awakening. On the other side is the relentless intensifying of denial."

We are here!

"the fact of the matter is that they are not even in control of themselves. Unless you are in control of yourself, your efforts will ONLY result in an OBJECT LESSON"

How to discern if we possess ourselves? Only by knowing our hearts and observing the spirit which moves through us. Is it love?

"It is the discrimination which is key; to know what is worth knowing and to have what is worth having is a jewel of incalculable value and the origin of all suffering when one does not."

"If you are committed, the difficulty is remarkably reduced. You are then no longer fighting yourself and that is the majority of your conflict and your problems in every case."

Commit to the only free spirit: the One Heart of the Creative Child of God!

The One Mystery, that the One shines in the darkness and desires to illuminate ALL OF IT, including the yet-to-be-known aspects of One Self!

"It is the objective of life to come into alignment with that force and once you have done so, your troubles are at an end."

"The world exists as a stage for the accomplishment of The Great Work and as a theater for the epic fails that are testimony to all that does not work because they are not The Great Work."

To raise our awareness, the frequency we quell at, up one octave and maintain it there, sustainably...

"It is something you permit to happen. It is the easiest thing there is because it requires nothing but your consent and accommodation."

Giving in, surrendering our illusory prerogative to be separate, trusting in the infinite over our finite perspective sounds easy but, like any real skill, it takes practive, practice, practice!

"Stand guard at the gateway of the mind and evict all thought until nothing remains but THE QUIETUDE OF THE PRESENCE."

The slightest demoralizing thought, the merest whisper of feeling less than all here, the tiniest naysaying voice of doubt, all must be discerned and given only a loving embrace of attention, to bring even these broken pieces of us into the fold, as we unfold our wings to fly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Vis.
Your words offer me calm and comfort.

it's just me and what/who I imagine to be God,
but sometimes I need another human voice.
Thank you.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

"The Agendas of The Wicked WILL FAIL. Let the Will of Heaven be Your Guide."

Visible said...

Robert; I don't sit here waiting for comments to come in. Sometimes I don't check in for hours. Sometimes it is the next day. I try to stay on top of it but I have all kinds of other things I do. Sometimes I go away on trips, as I did this past weekend. Even then, I check in but time can go by. Sometimes my drive somewhere might take several hours and I am not even on the internet. I do the best I can but nothing is automatic here and I do have to proof the comments because every now and then some anonymous ghoul decides to rant at me for no other reason than vicious spite. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. So... your posts aren't being held back, or messed with, or blocked. There are other factors at work and those aren't going to change. For my part it is enough that I do all of this for free. My obligations end there and I do the best I can otherwise.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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