We are bypassing Visible Origami for this posting because the largest audience of these blogs comes here. We will return to Origami soon.
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
We're going to talk about something today that needs to be said. I've known about it for some time. The whole of the present VIOLENT protest movement is being engineered by KNOWN Satanists, like Bloody George Soros. He's an employee in the Red Shield Empire. There are, of course, various UNSUB's and other 'interested parties' that are involved because they see an opportunity for personal gain AT SOME LEVEL. There are also the IDEOLOGUES, the TRUE BELIEVERS who are like unto those who do EVIL for the SHEER JOY OF IT.
Here is something you see in regular fashion these days, whenever those trying to maintain some semblance of balance and stability in the lives of the rest of us, get together in larger venues. I've seen these Craig's List ads for years.

You might well ask, WHY; WHY has no one, powerful enough to do so, put an end to the efforts of Little Georgie Sorrows to destabilize societies worldwide? The power of The Satanists is directly tied to the power of Materialism's influence over the minds of the public. If a larger portion of the public is ALREADY under a hypnotic spell, it is much easier to subvert it further. Once the force of Materialism has reached a certain level of toxicity, it is no problem to poison the minds of people far and wide. Keep in mind that ALL OF THIS is done in increments. Add in the ubiquitous presence of a corrupt media and it is not unlike shooting fish in a barrel.
MANY factors are at work to create BOTH a docility and PANIC in the human mind. One is to amplify the attractions of base appetites, which work to destroy any climate of morality that might have previously been present. Another is Fear being increased through the creation of uncertainty in daily life. Threats and rumors of worsening conditions... manufactured specters of approaching chaos. It is all too much to cover in this limited format... BUT you can see it all round you. The 'appearance' of Life is not what it was.
In times of Material Darkness, the leaders of the Temporal World are NEARLY ALL COMPROMISED. This is WHY powerful Satanists are able to work their magic at will. People in possession of any greater degree of Integrity are ABSENT from the seats and corridors of power. However, there is one MAJOR REASON why these psychopaths are permitted to operate in an unhindered fashion and that is; God PERMITS it for The Purpose of Demonstration. It is all being directed to an end that most everyone is unaware of. Indeed, those preying on humanity and spreading Fear and Terror around the world, are being both assisted and encouraged to continue in their evil ways, ONCE AGAIN, for The Purpose of Demonstration.
Think of it as being something like a hunting party moving across a field, flushing quail into the air to be shot. Is that a good enough simile? Meanwhile, the quail think themselves in no danger whatsoever. I happen to like Quail and I picked them at random for the purpose of the image created. Little Georgie Sorrows is being USED.
Those caught up in Materialism think it is a marvelous thing. It is not. It is the breeding ground for Spiritual Death. It is also a staging arena, sooner or later, for terrible events, brought about by complacency, on the one hand, and evil intention on the other. The Celestial Realm DOES NOT WANT THIS FOR US, and it is using the Purpose of DEMON-stration to bring it to our attention. Trauma (it is an unfortunate truth) is a highly effective dynamic for bringing about Epiphany, for manifesting a Wake-up Call. The PRESENT force of Awakening is intensifying by the day. It will eventually lead to a great many formerly unconscious and captive minds WAKING UP. WHEN that happens, the impact of collective group awareness is going to have powerful effect on those being exposed by the Awakening. They WILL BE seen for what they are. They KNOW what can happen should the public awaken and they are NOW desperately engaged in attempts to thwart it; NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
The problem for so many of us is that even when we say we believe in Divine Agency, we don't, not really. It is like someone who is not a Christed being waving a cross at a real vampire. Where is the power going to come from? Is that a good enough simile? (grin). Far too many of us, have an intellectual faith, but ONLY a visceral Faith is effective. If we TRULY believed, we would know that there is nothing to worry about. How many of us have even a rudimentary understanding of the power of The Supernal Realm? How many of us have any idea of the power of God's Army of Angels? The entire collective of EVIL presently active here has NO CHANCE AT ALL against them.
We have some vague Hollywood influenced concept of the battle between the Supernal and Infernal Realms. The latter would be mowed down and mulched in less than a heartbeat. Real opposition DOES NOT EXIST. What power does the fading night have over the rising Sun? Without The Sun it would be night. When those angels come AND COME THEY WILL, that is where they will be coming from.
The whole affair is not about what most imagine it to be about. The entire drama is about finding out what we are made of. The battle is already won. ♫ We have come to Armageddon just to find the battle won ♫ (song will be posted at the end of the post) There is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, unless... THERE IS.
The supremacy of the Avatar Spirit of the Risen Christ is ABSOLUTE. He has vanquished death. He has The Keys to Hell. He is the primary manifest expression of The Spiritual Sun, which is far more powerful than The Sun in the sky. EVERY star in the sky is borrowed power from The Spiritual Sun, which NEVER... NEVER reaches its zenith. All the power in demonstration is CONSIDERABLY less than what is in reserve. There is never a time when this is not so. 'Limitless' is a concept that few understand.
Everything happens for a reason. It WOULD NOT happen otherwise. EVERYTHING is UNDER CONTROL and it ALWAYS HAS BEEN and it ALWAYS WILL BE and any problem you have in understanding that is due to your having given power elsewhere. You have empowered what gives you fear and what makes you uncertain, just as every monkey on every back, is fed by the one carrying it. STOP interfering in God's efforts to liberate you! Stop getting in God's way! Align yourself with The Supreme Authority over all, by living accordingly. THE MOMENT... the very moment you relinquish the idea of your own authority and let go of your opposition to The Single Everlasting Authority, ALL the forces of Good will fly to your side. That is HOW IT IS, unless YOU insist on it being different.
Observe the ORCHESTRATED madness at work.
Read accompanying Fox News article here
Observe the Satanists, LITERALLY seeking to control and manufacture their version of reality.
Read accompanying TMZ.com article here
That particular site is at it, lying and fabricating 24/7. Why do I visit there on a regular basis? Know the enemy. Even though the ONLY enemy that should concern any of us is the one within. All the forces of the external world are as nothing by comparison with the invisible and everything in the visible world is controlled from the invisible. What do you prefer, Light or Darkness? You make the call.
They are going all out to subjugate and terrorize us. Let them exhaust themselves. In an instant the power will be cut and rerouted. The Avatar approaches. He is coming within. His herald is The Awakening. There is no power on Earth as great as the Love in your heart. Exercise it and it will increase in force. The agents of the darkness KNOW who is vulnerable and that is their target. Don't be vulnerable. They know better than to mess with the Children of the Light. Turn the spotlight of your love upon them and watch the shadows flee!
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
"We are standing on an endless horizon
With our faces turned into the blazing sun
And we have come all this way to Armageddon
Just to find that the battle has been won"
With our faces turned into the blazing sun
And we have come all this way to Armageddon
Just to find that the battle has been won"
I am sorry that so many of you are having problems joining Parler. I WILL find the solution. Meanwhile, maybe you won't have this problem at Parler. Click that link and see.
Pocketnet, for the discriminating de-centralized surfer.
Nostrils up.
Vis, an 'uncompromised' blog. Thanks!
Vis: "The PRESENT force of Awakening is intensifying by the day. It will eventually lead to a great many formerly unconscious and captive minds WAKING UP. WHEN that happens, the impact of collective group awareness is going to have powerful effect on those being exposed by the Awakening."
On that line, Higher Self and I just played 'space holder' for a 15-hour Cleaning facilitated by a higher Other. When the 'work' had progressed past the lowest seriously-damaged levels (still high), that Being released a massive, long-running ball/burst/wave of 'light' energy into the lower levels which had earlier been negatively influenced. This went on for quite a while, and felt really good passing through me (Aaahhh...). This was 'complimented' after a bit by some oh-no's and minor screaming as held, negative-stuff was forced open by the rising energy. Also, there was something I had not 'seen' before, as some energy was particularly directed-to good people. The energy gradually trailed-off as each level had all it could accommodate. Cool...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Greetings of Peace. hope you and those in your company are feeling comfortable and safe..
The time is very auspicious. this is definitely the defining moments of the divine and never end play..before it starts again..
Souls have never been in material darkness though the mind and intellect of souls has been locked within a corporeal physical awareness of who they are. the prison has been and remains spiritual. the darkness which the soul is living is the darkness of misidentity of self. that is why children ask this question..who am i. where do i come from and why am i here. not because they are in darkness because they are not. they are in a natural state of self awareness. but on an intellectaul level thay wish to know who they are. is the "I" self matter or spirit. soul or body..
There is both internal and external light and darkness. there is light and dark within matter and soul. the light and dark of matter is due to the sun whereas the light and dark of the soul is due to forgetting and remembering the self..
I now have to come out of darkness through the remembrance of who i really am and who the one the world calls God really is..
Peace .
Dear Visible One,
A hearty mix of metaphysics and reporting on the culture war against the spirit of freedom!
"If we TRULY believed, we would know that there is nothing to worry about"
As stated two millennia past:
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on...Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature"
Worry = the inbred cousin of Fear, the mind killer and the manifestation inverter!
We get what we fear greatly and without the Divine bias in favor of useful lessons, we would be sunk by our own degradation of our minds.
We also get what we imagine clearly and cleanly, if we hold the image long enough without corruption AND the imagined serves the larger purpose efficiently!
"The whole affair is not about what most imagine it to be about. The entire drama is about finding out what we are made of"
Uh oh!
You mean we have to search our own murky minds and root out all the fictions conveniently lodge therein?
We have the responsibility to forge our human surrogates into a clean character study of the One?
We have to make a committed choice, like the one we supposedly make in marriage, only no divorce option that we can live through?
Seems like work to the entitled, pampered prison pets.
To the rational mind, it finally is known to be the ONLY WAY for humans created with the power to create their own customized experiences, to learn to make less of a mess over time!
"Everything happens for a reason"
Even if we don't comprehend the reason, it exists.
Just because there is no media whisperer telling us what that reason is, while distorting our perception away from the Logos, does nothing to invalidate the truth of matter.
Once we allow the idea of an integrated ONE behind all appearances, our minds may employ logic and reason to continually test our comprehension of the way things work, by thinking and speaking into being, what our true heart's desire, and then trying the latest habit on for size.
If we have ever engaged with reality, we know our hearts desire love and harmony, not empty things and experiences to consume and grow weary of.
Creating beauty rules!
"Know the enemy. Even though the ONLY enemy that should concern any of us is the one within. All the forces of the external world are as nothing by comparison with the invisible and everything in the visible world is controlled from the invisible. What do you prefer, Light or Darkness?"
This the gist, the core, the key:
From this insight follows the Houdini move to escape our own bondage, when we used our power to confine our experience within a dying cell.
We free ourselves by the power of love, yes, loving our true Self, by embracing our little self in the process, as the light embraces the darkness.
Tougher than the narcissists make it seem as they are not loving but fucking their selves up. Lust kills.
Love heals all pieces into One.
A new Reflection in a Petri Dish is up now=
"Oh Happy Day, the Day you Make Parole out of The Penitentiary of the Mind!!!"
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