Saturday, November 21, 2020

"BECAUSE... It Can Lead to the Most Important Thing You Will EVER Discover."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You see these postings nearly every day now. Why? These are critically important times. We are ALL going to be judged according to our fitness for the spiritual possibilities that will SOON present themselves. Think of Planet Earth as a launching site. People are ALWAYS coming and going here. They are appearing out of nowhere and going... all sorts of places; determined by their behavior, qualified by INTENTION. As you intend, so you go... “as a man thinketh” and so forth. Our entire world, hard as it may be to believe, is a construction of our minds. Yes... there is a world OUT THERE and sometimes we share remarkable similarities in it, now and then, with someone, BUT... it is all taking place 'in here' (visible taps the side of his head). Even your eyes don't see OUT THERE. Your eyes see in here (again visible taps the side of his head.) We ALL live in a world of our own creation.

This world, this personal creation of ours, gets its general atmosphere from how we feel and what we feel, is processed in here... (yet again, visible taps the side of his head) by the Limbic System. Yes... it feels like it is taking place in your heart, or your gut, BUT... there is more to it than we think. Getting an awareness of HOW THINGS REALLY ARE is the most important thing you will ever accomplish, BECAUSE... it can lead to the most important thing you will EVER discover.

How you feel about life has a great deal to do with how life feels about and responds to you. WHY... is it so hard for people to get this into their heads? Especially since it is already there. If you are angry, you WILL find counterparts. If you are frightened, you will find counterparts AND attract predators. Even massive jungle cats are wary of us initially because they know that we are the REAL King of the Jungle, ( once) BUT... since we do not behave as such in a convincing manner... Yeah. Animals are extraordinarily sensitive to the way we feel. In any case, IT IS ALL A MIRROR (even this blog-grin).

As the world changes, new vistas are opening up that were not accessible before. Yes... some of us have been there. Even thousands of years ago, unique individuals were there. Now, however, certain long-buried features in our being are becoming available; telepathy... intuition, and other gifts are there for the DEVELOPING. I have personal experience of this. These are all qualities of The Divine Feminine, who is now in the ascendant for this coming age. That they are feminine qualities should be a key to how one DEVELOPS them.

Yes... this world is a launching pad. It is also Basic Training for a successful residence here, during your brief visit, and for getting that visa onward. Let me tell you that there are more places one can go from here than there are places here to go to. What I am telling you is true. Everything I have said here, so far, is true, BUT... there is something that happens in people's heads; not everyone's head, BUT... most people's heads. Their mind begins to drift, or they hear something and it goes right thru, or past them or they look right at it and do not see it, or they see it and do not recognize it, or how it might apply to them, or... they read it and nod their heads, and... and... something happens, or does not happen. I've seen it far more times than I can remember.

When I was younger, I was very passionate about God and the wonders of his kingdom, which includes where you are sitting right now, but... which may not look like it because it is under a Magical Enchantment that conceals it from mortal eyes. I am listening to Pavarotti's 50 Greatest Hits, and I KNOW that at this very moment, far, far more people are listening to vile, female demeaning, hate-driven, RAP. I hear that and I walk out the door and far away. They hear this and the same thing happens. We are ALL under some kind of enchantment. It depends on the state of our appetites and desires, which dictate our behavior and intentions, and which ALSO depends on the density and thickness of the Karmic veils that cover our eyes; our physical eyes, and our spiritual eyes.

The nature and quality of our desires and appetites, shape our emotional body, and CREATE the life situations that come upon us. This accounts for the wars we engage in; actual weaponized conflicts, engineered and orchestrated by BANKERS, personal wars with society, and each other, near and far and most importantly... our war with ourselves. This is the one that wears us down from day to day, until we are a burned-out shell. Oh... the other wars have their levels of attrition as well, and some of them account for our immediate departure to further points; “NOW BOARDING for wherever, with stops at this point and that point, the 7:00 AM, local outbound, WILL BE departing in 15 minutes.”

As I sit here, it comes into my mind... all of the things I could say about the matters under discussion, and I realize that I will NEVER be able to get to more than a small portion of what there is to say and no matter what I say, it will never be 'THE' Truth because that cannot be spoken or written. It is at right angles to everything else. It can be communed on and transmitted, from mind to mind, and from heart to heart. It happens far more rarely than the discussions about what to eat and where to go, what to copulate with and what to avoid; all the shallow and pretentious gossip that makes up the conversations of pedestrian life.

I tried to fit in with all of this and I failed miserably. I was MEANT to fail. I did not know that at the time. It must have been amusing to watch me if you were one of those illumined beings, who look at us from invisible locations. I must thank the immeasurable grace and mercy of God for making it impossible for me to fit in. There are progressions that go on in the lives of everyone. If you are in business, you might start out stocking shelves, and then you become assistant manager, and then manager, and then regional manager. That is... if you are ambitious and hard-working and Smart. Smart is important, not so much these days, but it used to be. In another life choice, say... if you started out as a poet, you could... if you were SPIRITUALLY driven, then become a mystic, and then a sage, and then a prophet. I think that is the progression.

If you were political... you might start out in a campaign office. Then you might run for local government. Then you might run for regional or state office. Then you might run for national office. There are more steps than I have mentioned in each of these examples and there are also exit lines of departure, hiatus-sabbatical, career change, death, or imprisonment (grin). I chose my route and I am happy with it. I am content with it and I think that is the key, which comes back again to LOVE, because YOU MUST love what you do, or you should not bother. REALLY.

Some of us came here because we had dreams that could not be filled the last time we were here. Conditions could not be arranged in time, or the time wasn't right. Some of us came here to pay for what we had done before. Some of us came to collect. Some of us came here because our appetites and desires had not been satiated. The wood we threw on the fire, proved to not be too much for the fire. Some of us came here to help, and ALL OF US, are shaped in the crucible of experience, over a very, very long reach of time. When you have eternity to play with, well...

Now we find ourselves INVOLVED, directly, peripherally, up close, or at a distance, with world transformation. We are in a period of time that does not come around very often. This is WHY so many of us are here. Of course, 99% of us forgot all about that once we got here, BECAUSE the distractions are so varied and so fascinating, SO COMPELLING and that, of course, depends on the enchantment.

Going on, right alongside of this spectacle, are emerging portals into more places than there is space here to describe. These portals are ONLY visible to those on the same harmonic wavelength, even when the portal leads to definitely disharmonious locations. Most people are not looking out for their portals and this is sad indeed.

The opportunity exists to make an incredible leap into states of being that are rarely on offer. The opportunity exists to leapfrog lifetimes and lifetimes. Nothing is off the table, AND... if you fail, you are sent to the wardrobe department on The Moon, to be suited up with a series of personas, one following the other, until this opportunity comes round again. “Oh, Holy Night” came on a moment ago, in Italian (grin). That was another opportunity.

It could be that this apocalypse is not like the usual apocalypse. I get the sense that this is a Grand Apocalypse, that only comes round once in every complete turning of the cosmic clock. That makes it significant indeed. I CANNOT tell you about all of the wonders that are available for the determined and intrepid in this remarkable period. I don't know them all, BUT... I know some of them, and I know that I am here, for the purpose of bringing this up again, and again, and again. We all have our duties and this one is mine. I'm glad for the chance to do so. But for fortune, I could be selling or making women's shoes, or running a restaurant, or... the list is endless. I've done a fair amount of OTHER THINGS in this and other lives; no more... no mas...

I seriously advise one and all, to pay more attention to the spiritual side of the street. There is NO TELLING what might occur. There is no telling what might present itself and... go unseen... because one was not FULL TIME looking for it.

End Transmission.......

I recommend checking out the links at the bottom of the page today. They are riveting AND revealing, in some cases.

I am DEFINITELY (grin) going to get to that video tonight. Here is the most recent one.

Here is Visible's free to listen Music Site.

GAB is to be found in this location.

And Parler is to be found in that location.

Pocketnet is to be found in the same place it was found last time and that is here.


les visible at pocketnet


Anonymous said...

Then Ferd Coyote said

I just found a set of 1915 Thomas Nelson Encyclopedia volumes. Notably absent is the theory of relativity by (((Einstein))) and the cartoon model of the atom, by (((Neils Bohr))). I did find regard for Medelev and the periodic table, but no mention of this convoluted sophistry of electrons protons and electrons. Weren't those theories supposed to be all the rage in 1905, let alone 1915? Nikola Tesla was the greatest scientific pioneer of the 20th century and he had no use for either (((Einstein))) or (((Bohr))). In fact, his research and experiments were done in 1899-1900 in Colorado Springs. He said it was all frequency. Periodic is frequency.

2Ti 3:13

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Has all of science been subverted on those pivotal things? The behemoth lies didn't start with the holocaust. Colleges are filled with brown nosers, as evidenced by the way they love to form mobs. Does anyone call that scholarship? They are what they always were and college wont change their character. They're compartmentalized vocations, willingly so and with a brown nose.

God hates a coward. Evil men are always pussies.

robert said...

Dear Visible One

"no matter what I say, it will never be 'THE' Truth because that cannot be spoken or written. It is at right angles to everything else. It can be communed on and transmitted, from mind to mind, and from heart to heart"

Intention rules what radiates in the real.
Your heart poured out reaches to the end of time
We feel the love touch us from deep within us
We move toward the light one moment more

We can no longer stay apart in pain
Evil organizes only the external appearance
Live being grows from inside out
Life calls us out of thrashing fits of fearful fancy

Division fails as awareness multiplies exponentially
Face the Sun and dam the darkness
Turn right side up again
Listen to love sing

"Their mind begins to drift, or they hear something and it goes right thru, or past them or they look right at it and do not see it"
It is hard to think
It is harder to think that our mind has become confusion central
It is nearly impossible to think that our mind is what is stealing our actual life from us
Our mind is asleep in a dream that it is awake
Our mind is awake in a nightmare that it is asleep
Our mind thinks that is separated from its Source and is thrashing in its sleep
It is hard to wake up
It is becoming impossible to stay asleep and live
Waking up is coming to us all, right where we live
Fear is the nightmare of the dreamer
Love is the daylight of the awakened
Time is only now

" our war with ourselves. This is the one that wears us down from day to day, until we are a burned-out shell"

We are all one
We are all from the One
The One is Sovereign
All from the One are Sovereign
Who else but us could limit our being or destory ourselves?
All war is waged in the mind, corrupting information flow first
While we deceive ourselves, hungry soulless-vacuum viruses feed
While we accept defeat, parasites grow fat
We war against ourselves while weasels wait
While we make war in our sleeping mind, few awaken
When we make peace throughout our mind, many will awaken
When many awaken, many will find peace
When we stay awake, war can be no more
We make peace with love
We make love last

hurricaneduane said...

Great piece of penmanship, Les. I've been a reader for a long, long time. However, I stopped reading several years ago, when you sort of stopped writing. So, I just came back and read this piece and thought it might be a good time for me to make a comment.
Thank you, for your commitment to us...your readers. It is easy to see (after taking some time off) that you are very dedicated and truly committed to your audience. It comes through in your words and inclinations. You've got to keep your "base" least that's what they tell us. I see it. I agree, especially doing what you do. So, go for it and good for you.

I also appreciate your leanings to our President and his authentic attempt to awaken the great "Kraken"! It does seem that he has all of the makings of a Godly Supported gift to give this "Satan Controlled World" a run for it's money$. So far, I can't help but to feel that it is one of the best movies that I've ever seen. I'll bet you see this, as well?

It is quite a thriller, but before I take a seat, I'll take my spiritual popcorn with extra butter, please! And please, keep that soundtrack playing loud and clear. Love you, Les!

Guy Reid-Brown said...

'You see these postings nearly every day now. Why? These are critically important times.'

Must be why, after  longueurs, I am checking your stuff every day too now, Mr. Visible ��

'It could be that this apocalypse is not like the usual apocalypse. I get the sense that this is a Grand Apocalypse, that only comes round once in every complete turning of the cosmic clock'

EXACTLY - and how appropriate that THIS is the column that has not mentioned the 2020 Election, yet it is more apparent in this column than ever as it the earthly catalyst that casts its Ultimate Fraud-ulent shadow over the column, the microcosmic event that mirrors Ephesians 6:12.

I realise that is why I said I felt doomed if this vast electoral fraud was NOT brought to Justice.

(Check out the most insidious refinement of the Lie Machine - the 'Fact Checker' - and especially the  BBC's [and thus in Britain accorded quasi-official, license fee paid, 'the Nation's Voice' status]  'Reality Checkers' - )

Believe me, virtually every Brit who reads that will take it as Gospel in this Gospel-less  Island )

The one paragraph I cannot make sense of, cannot feel the sense of,  even,   means it must be that aspect which one is most severely deficient in -

' Going on, right alongside of this spectacle, are emerging portals into more places than there is space here to describe. These portals are ONLY visible to those on the same harmonic wavelength, even when the portal leads to definitely disharmonious locations. Most people are not looking out for their portals and this is sad indeed.'

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"As the Evidence of Electoral Fraud becomes OVERWHELMING, is another 9-11 Caper in the Event Horizon?"

Ray B. said...

This sub-section of an article could be helpful in current times:
"I came across this article very recently and have now read it a few times. It’s pitch perfect.

It neatly captures the context of demoralization. By naming it, we can begin to understand it, know its presence, and reduce its unconscious hold on us: "
There’s a word for your overwhelming anxiety, and it’s “zozobra”

Nov 3rd, 2020

Ever had the feeling that you can’t make sense of what’s happening? One moment everything seems normal, then suddenly the frame shifts to reveal a world on fire, struggling with pandemic, recession, climate change, and political upheaval.

That’s “zozobra,” the peculiar form of anxiety that comes from being unable to settle into a single point of view, leaving you with questions like: Is it a lovely autumn day, or an alarming moment of converging historical catastrophes?

The word “zozobra” is an ordinary Spanish term for “anxiety” but with connotations that call to mind the wobbling of a ship about to capsize. The term emerged as a key concept among Mexican intellectuals in the early 20th century to describe the sense of having no stable ground and feeling out of place in the world.

This feeling of zozobra is commonly experienced by people who visit or immigrate to a foreign country: the rhythms of life, the way people interact, everything just seems “off” – unfamiliar, disorienting and vaguely alienating.

According to the philosopher Emilio Uranga (1921-1988), the telltale sign of zozobra is wobbling and toggling between perspectives, being unable to relax into a single framework to make sense of things. As Uranga describes it in his 1952 book “Analysis of Mexican Being”:

“Zozobra refers to a mode of being that incessantly oscillates between two possibilities, between two affects, without knowing which one of those to depend on … indiscriminately dismissing one extreme in favor of the other. In this to and fro the soul suffers, it feels torn and wounded.”

What makes zozobra so difficult to address is that its source is intangible. It is a soul-sickness not caused by any personal failing, nor by any of the particular events that we can point to.

Instead, it comes from cracks in the frameworks of meaning that we rely on to make sense of our world — the shared understanding of what is real and who is trustworthy, what risks we face and how to meet them, what basic decency requires of us and what ideals our nation aspires to.
"Conclusion: If you are feeling nervous, angry or fearful – congratulations! – there’s nothing at all wrong with you. In fact, your senses are operating normally, and your cognition is on the mark. You are having an adjustment reaction, your cognitive map has a better grasp on reality than your culture, and zozobra is par for the course."

Anonymous said...

I'm miserable. I hate my job, I loathe my boss, and I generally hate my life.

So if you're right, this means another thousand incarnations of drudgery and humiliation.

That is not exactly making me look forward to that possibility, though it's probably not significantly worse than Purgatory.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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