Saturday, December 12, 2020

"The Star of the Avatar is Going to Shine and Shape our World with the Angels of our Better Nature."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It is such a pleasure to watch a professional at work. I am talking about Mr. Apocalypse. Every time it looks like he might be hitting his stride, he takes it up a notch. Somehow he has dovetailed with The Great Conjunction. It's V for Victory my friends. The two most powerful planets in the Solar System, (excepting The Sun, which all the planets rotate around) Jupiter and Saturn, are about to network for The Greater Good. In the last posting, I talked about the qualities that Jupiter and Saturn express in the human drama, as main instruments in the Cosmic Symphony, which creates and performs, The Music of the Spheres.

There is a malicious torpor that is creeping across the landscape. It has possessed the minds of people at every level of influence and is causing them to work against the greater good. They are mesmerized by The Darkness, and working in all ways contrary to The Angels of our Better Nature. They will not prevail, nor will the CONSCIOUS agents of Darkness, who speak into their minds with perverse urging, with empty promises, and most of all, with intimidation and fear. They will not prevail because The Great Awakening is intensifying by the moment, and riding the crest of the wave, with top hat and coattails, with his walking stick, is Mr. Apocalypse. They will prevail! The Great Awakening, and Mr. Apocalypse WILL PREVAIL.

The Avatar is coming. The joining of those two great planets in the sky are the herald of his approach. Just as the Star of Bethlehem appeared so many years ago to announce the birth of The Prince of Peace, and which star was the combined, reflected light, of Jupiter and Venus. We do not know if this announces the birth of The Avatar. We do know that it announces his coming. It could be that he is to be physically born. It could be that following this planetary conjunction, he is going to grow around the world in the hearts of every one of us who has prepared a place for him, and in this time of virtual tech, appear VIRTUALLY WITHIN US. It could be that BOTH are happening at the same time. ALL I KNOW is that HE WILL COME in some fashion and change this world.

I do not know what other permutations of change God has in store for us, BUT... I do know that 'all things work for the good of those who love The Lord.' God is coming in human form, just as he told us he would when he said:

“Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to me.”

The old age is passing and the new age is here. Of course, that means The Avatar will appear. Hmm... that sounds like a poem; a couplet, sort of. Those who work contrary to The Divine Will create dissonance. Those who work in accord with The Divine Will, create Harmony. "By their works, ye shall know them." People can lie artfully. They can be very convincing. People can plot ugliness within and pretend to possess benign intentions, BUT... the one thing they cannot conceal is their works. We all leave a trail in our passage. It is the evidence of our true intentions. We are seeing captivating and compelling averments of both sides of the equation. We are seeing the workers of light and the workers of darkness on both sides at this turning of the age.

The summing up is coming. Judgment is coming. This is clearly stated in the personalities of the two planets now coming together. They embody reward and punishment. It could not be more clear. Yes, they bring to us many other qualities as well, but for the purpose of illustration, REWARD and PUNISHMENT apply. 'There is no hiding place before the Kingdom Throne.'

We are in one of the most profound periods of human history. The tone is being set for the coming age. Be faith-filled my friends. Be confident and optimistic. The Avatar is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Avatar is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This very moment he is coming down the planes, from the center of the limitless light, and he is cleaning out the long-entrenched nests of evil, where the gospel of darkness has been preached into the human mind, over these long centuries of suffering. He is driving them down before him into material form for JUDGMENT. This IS HAPPENING. It is what The Avatar does every single time he comes to set things right. He comes from the top down and cleanses as he goes.

My friends, let confidence swell your heart! Let the joy of the Presence of God flood your being. Do not despair. Do not let doubt find any way into you. There is that within you which is greater than all the forces of darkness gathered together at once. “Greater is he that is within you than he that is in The World.” Also... “if God is for me, who can be against me?”

Let the Good News suffuse you. It is a timeless and living state~! It is the fruit of the Tree of Ageless Wisdom and Love is the initiator of every other divine quality that we CAN house within us. It is our choice what we allow to express through us. In Times of Material Darkness, it is all too easy to be the victim of peer pressure, and to surrender to the will of corruption that is so pervasive at this time, to 'go along to get along'. Screw that noise! We are Free Beings who voluntarily choose to be in servitude to something greater, speaking for myself at least, I CANNOT consider any alternative to this. I bend the knee to no one but God Almighty, and my life, however flawed it may have been in the process to this point, has been a testimony to that. Nothing that the world threw at me was enough to change my course. ONLY God resides upon the altar of my heart; ONLY God. Let it be so for all of us every one.

I will close a little early in the post today. I have said all that needed to be said. May God RICHLY and PROFOUNDLY bless you, NOW and FOREVER!!!

End Transmission.......

Discourses from The First Church of the Presence of God (Full Playlist). I really will get another one up soon.

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Today we have more links than ever before. Some of them are inspiring and funny too, here and there.

les visible at pocketnet


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I know that I don't 'own' myself as well. But hey! There's benefits to that knowledge, and I'm obviously preaching to the choir. Rock on!

robert said...

Dear Visible,

Reaching out with your spirit embracing all who read, all who feel their hearts still!

"It could be that following this planetary conjunction, he is going to grow around the world in the hearts of every one of us who has prepared a place for him, and in this time of virtual tech, appear VIRTUALLY WITHIN US"

This awakening in all human souls, this quickening is the cause of all the resistance of the demonically aligned. Pure logic assists us in snorting away all defeatist thoughts.
No more time to stop and doubt ourselves or the divine Mind in which we live
Communing with the One, praying the Vision of the One, which sees no darkness at all, this we all can do in every moment we have!

"We all leave a trail in our passage. It is the evidence of our true intentions...We are seeing the workers of light and the workers of darkness on both sides at this turning of the age...He is driving them down before him into material form for JUDGMENT"

The sheer volume and extent of the dark crud coming to the top of the heated crucible can be overwhelming to the mind not connected at all times to the center of its consciousness, the ONE, can lead to fear.
Our hearts never know fear, only the pall our mind pulls over its eternal beat.
Time to beat the fear away with what we know at the deepest certainty!
Discerning the intentions behind the fruit is our duty; it is getting easier as contrast grows clear

"Screw that noise! We are Free Beings who voluntarily choose to be in servitude to something greater, speaking for myself at least, I CANNOT consider any alternative to this"

Our voluntary servitude stands in crucial contrast to the servitude to the orc world: orcs/orc minions accept the delusion that they have made a deal with entitized anti-life (the devil polarity) with their will and expect the contract to be kept.
For orc service, the pay is supposed to be power over others, sense gratification at the expense of others' souls, material indulgences. But people who choose the freedom of the spirit that only truth brings, their will freely volunteers to cooperate consciously with the One, for the true greater good of all!

Ray B. said...

Vis: "It is what The Avatar does every single time he comes to set things right. He comes from the top down and cleanses as he goes."

On that topic, I have noticed some changes. Over the past few years, higher and higher Beings have been Cleaned. The 'pattern' was working your way Up. After Vis graciously provided the Angelic categories in a couple of blogs, the Cleanings went Way up.

Over the past few weeks, there has been a change. Now, medium-level Beings are being (hah!) concentrated-on. Many are Good Guys who/which have been 'disabled' over the eons. (Once you are over a certain consciousness-level, you cannot be killed. You can only be loaded-up with pain to the point you are effectively 'comatose'.) Amazingly, quite a few were human at one point in their evolution. Others were never anywhere near human, but are now 'resident' on Earth.

My interpretation is that enough of the Big Battles have been won that the effort has switched to bringing-online (more of) those who will be long-term residents (semi-) Down Here. (It actually is Hard for way-high Beings to 'project' Down Here. It is like a human trying to hold a dog or ant consciousness-level. It is both hard and unpleasant - in a 'confinement' way.)

So, I take this switch-in-tactics as very bright and promising. The strategic side is accomplished; the tactical side has begun (to use military-speak). I can see why it is necessary for this order of things: When push comes to shove, a higher being can always telepathically-control a less-high being. You have to Turn the biggies first.

I have no idea what all-God is shooting-for Down Here, but our 'prospects' do look good...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Laura said...

Yesterday’s Origami and this today are sublime, and I am gratified to read and feel the divine communication. Thank you, Vis...may our beloved Creator richly and profoundly bless you too🙏🏻

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Thank you once again, Mr. Visible, bringing Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"If You Serve the Light, You Need Never Worry. If You Serve the Light, the Light Will Serve You.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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