Saturday, February 6, 2021

"The Stage is Set for a Period of Advanced Craziness, in which Batshit Flies from Noon to Dawn and No One Gets up Early."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

As you may have noticed here, we've been very sporadic about postings since the new year has come in. Yes... there is a reason. The World was already a stupid and difficult place to live in; because...? Because of all the stupid and difficult people in it. I can say this because I come from the 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do' School of Thought

For the previous four years, Stupid was TEMPORARILY held in abeyance. They were pressing on the Social Sawhorses and barriers, because even stupid people often know better than to let Stupid run amok. This is no longer the case, cue ♫ Ball of Confusion ♫ by The Temptations. One of the reasons that Stupid is running wild in the streets is due to a general cowardice among those with money and influence; in other words, those with something to lose. The reason for the cowardice is Skeletons in the Closet Syndrome= bad behavior on videotape, a general lack of integrity, and FEAR of LOSS. We live in a time of many bad examples and few good ones.

The Ineffable was very kind in my case and made it so that I had no hostages to fortune and nothing to lose. What are you going to take from me? Even if you were to take my freedom, which you've done for years at a time, you would have accomplished nothing because I am free inside, in the only place that matters, just as I was when you locked me up the other times, FOR NO REASON, except that I am not afraid of you and my tanks are bigger and faster than yours. Any sincere person of Faith has an army of angels around them. Scripture gives us many examples.

So... I haven't been posting that many articles due to shutting the world down in my head. The World does not pay my rent. The world does not support me because I have no visible means of support. Why should I let The World live rent-free in my head? I understand that I do not need The World in order to write these posts and that stepping away from the channels of fast-flowing sewer water that are The Media and crying in unison with e.e. cummings, “There is some shit I won't eat.” does not leave me short of material to write about. That's just part of it. Another part of me is doing a great deal of wondering and contemplating. Ageless Wisdom seems to tell me that I probably should not be about my contemplating until I have finished contemplating.

I've NO INTEREST in that phony pandemic, COVID. Now they are theatrically organizing fake realities at the hospitals cause they don't have many patients and the people who die from COVID are USUALLY already in the hospital. Being in the hospital is one of the most fatal environments you can be in. That will kill you no matter what you are suffering from. I don't wear masks. I have been directly exposed to people with COVID and even in close quarters with someone who was down for a few days because of it. I didn't catch it. I tend to measure and judge according to DIRECT EVIDENCE.

God is inscrutable and unreadable. I do not know what God intends at this time, or any time really. I can get some idea of what is going on and where it is headed by watching trends and also taking the intellectual temperature of the public by observing them and considering their motivations. That is when it is possible to do so. It seems that the stage is set for a period of Advanced Craziness, in which Batshit flies from noon to dawn and no one gets up early. Once we had Paul Revere and his Midnight Ride. Now we got Nancy Pelosi and others with their Midnight Rampage. They are willing and desirous of burning down the building while they are in it, if that is what it takes.

You've gotten to one of the classic watermarks of Insanity when you no longer care what happens to others, OR YOURSELF. All that is important is that you get your way, at whatever cost. It's Pyrrhic Victory Time! This is where we find ourselves. There are various ways to see this phenomenon and its implications. One is that the evil and stupid among us are now ascendant and cannot be touched. They KNOW it and are thereby acting with all the sense of impunity and hubris that they can muster. They've gone into full devolution mode. Another perspective is that The Divine is provoking them to ever greater personal exposures for the purpose of judgment. Another view on the matter is that SOMETHING... something VERY, VERY BIG is coming down the pike.

Maybe it will be ships out of the sky. Maybe it will be a civilization coming out of the Earth. Maybe it will be some kind of Rapture or Ascendance, along the lines of there being 'two workers in the field and one is taken and one is left'. Whatever it will be will be responsible for many, many millions to no longer be here, or conversely... some fewer amount also not being here any longer. I can feel this like an invisible knife-edge shaving across the nape of my neck. What I will say is that I am preternaturally calm while in a state of pacing excitement at the same time. It may be hard to visualize it but it is very much like that.

I could gather headlines by the dozens, by the hundreds, that shows just how clueless and out of touch so many people are AND... what is more disturbing is that there might be millions and even tens of millions hanging on every word that somehow manages to come out of their mouths. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

I have been coming across more examples of this than I can remember. This is another reason I am staying away from the influence of The World and... there in the background is simmering the ever-evolving thought of, QUO VADIS? No... I am not in a state of escalating concern about where I will go when this hits Defcon 5. What is happening is that it is driving me further within (and that is a good thing). However... that also makes posting a less frequent affair.

In attendance with the ratcheting insanity, is a rapidly percolating anger that is more and more expressing itself in violent outrage. Most of the time, the people so engaged, do not know what is making them angry. They do not know that this is being relentlessly broadcasted into their subconscious mind from the Dark Conning Towers in the Lower Astral Plane. It's late in the day and The Agents of Darkness are engaged in a last gasp, desperate, power grab for all the marbles. This is made exceedingly difficult due to the fact that they are losing their own marbles at the same time.

It is the Advent of the Avatar, sweeping down through the planes and driving all workers of evil out into the manifest, FOR THE PURPOSE OF JUDGMENT. It is a pandemic of POSSESSION taking place all around you at this time. If you are not in control of your own mind it will not be long before someone else is. The Avatar ROUTINELY does this every time he comes. Every time The Sun King descends, he clears out all the vermin warrens from every level of being. This should make the epidemic craziness easier to understand. Everything perceptible can be defined by those in whom self-knowledge is resident. So it is that one can see the coming of The Divine Feminine and the present debasement of it that is the province of those unable to process it, and who then demonstrate it sexually. Those who are trapped in material culture are unable to grasp the spiritual intentions of this force as it increases, and increases its pressure for change upon the consciousness of humanity.

Everything you see going on around you is a misapplication of spiritual force due to material confusion. It is a working out, over time, of new principles and archetypes in a different getup for a new age. In the beginning, the aggressive and egoistically driven DO EVERYTHING WRONG. This is why the firebrand revolutionaries and the atheistic, Cromwellian 'clerk mind' are pushed aside, once the larger mass of the people have adjusted to the transforming wave of force. We are in the last days of systemic and individual corruption, which is about to be mulched for the rich compost that will be created to feed the coming times with a whole new riot of color and form. Evil can be extremely nutritive once it is rendered for safe consumption. We use poisons all the time to cure any number of ills, like snakebite, ironically.

This is quite the hurdle we have in front of us, though the hurdle is, in reality, in our minds. It is like that great chasm before us and we cannot see the other side. This is because the distance in the gulf is the distance within us, between The Truth and ourselves. It is the reach of our Fear and only as wide as that. Imagine a person hanging from their fingertips from a wall, or a cliff. They are terrified of letting go. Their fingers are melding into the rock of the wall. They never realize that the ground is only inches beneath their feet. Let go. God will catch you.

We are either going IN and UP, or OUT and DOWN. On the one hand, there are invisible hands pressing down and on the other hand, there are invisible hands lifting you up. It's your choice. The choices seem vague when you are asleep. They also seem unimportant, next to all the really important and insubstantial images that compose the dreamscape we are moving through, but where are we going as we move through it? That seems to be the real question. Quo Vadis; where are you going?

End Transmission.......

addendum; I just saw the funniest thing from Pocketnet in an email. Here is what the postscript said;

“Why must we change the name Pocketnet at all? We don't have to, but there is lots of feedback that people have a hard time remembering it, which hurts word-of-mouth growth. We love the name. But we want to bring freedom of decentralization to everyone, so we are soliciting your feedback for a name change.”

HAHAHAH!!! People have a hard time remembering the word Pocketnet. That explains to me, now... why most of the site is devoted to cute pet pictures and pithy sayings of Twitter size and form.

Discourses from The First Church of The Presence of God= are located here.

Our Music Page is located here=.

Parler and GAB are still hamstrung by the forces of darkness.

Our Pocketnet Page is located here=.

les visible at pocketnet


robert said...

Dear Visible,

Another master work of writing which echoes in eternity no matter how many human eyes drink the light from it. Writing for the Akashic record, like JS Bach wrote for the Glory of God alone.

"It is like that great chasm before us and we cannot see the other side. This is because the distance in the gulf is the distance within us, between The Truth and ourselves. It is the reach of our Fear and only as wide as that"

Those of us who have died to self enough times feel the hands of the One holding us. We choose the loving touch to the ice picks of fear from our own minds still holding on to thoughts which are neither ours nor the One's. Where does courage come from? Spirit beyond time!

"There are various ways to see this phenomenon and its implications. One is that the evil and stupid among us are now ascendant and cannot be touched. They KNOW it and are thereby acting with all the sense of impunity and hubris that they can muster. They've gone into full devolution mode. Another perspective is that The Divine is provoking them to ever greater personal exposures for the purpose of judgment. Another view on the matter is that SOMETHING... something VERY, VERY BIG is coming down the pike"

Perspectives on the multi-faceted demonstration of exorcism we are here to witness!
Your calm reporting from deep in the bosom of the One allows us to breath more freely and draw breath to laugh the darkness out of here! TY

"It's late in the day and The Agents of Darkness are engaged in a last gasp, desperate, power grab for all the marbles. This is made exceedingly difficult due to the fact that they are losing their own marbles at the same time"

The bad acting on parade, especially the staged events using cringy crisis actors, give rise to levity, THE antidote to the fear mongering we are suppoed to take so deadly seriously,
When enough people begin to belly laugh at the lameness of the zombie programming, the veil will fall.
Must the veil fall even more before the people laugh in liberation from their mind-controlled cell?
The entire con of earthly bondage rests of deeply implanted fears: see through them and laugh freely

"It is a pandemic of POSSESSION taking place all around you at this time. If you are not in control of your own mind it will not be long before someone else is"

Note the ramp up of normalizing edgy, giving permission for people to parade their dark side possession as a mark of victory?
How the media Matrix is dominated by dispossessed human robots? How the stain of narcissistic selfishness has darkened every doorway in the death cult? What if the KEY to maintaining poise and self possession is to acknowledge that our being is the possession of the One who cooperates, who shares consciousness freely, who prefers lovers to automatons, who laughs Life into being with every belly laugh?

Surrender to the One to win

Ray B. said...

Vis, thank you for even continuing to post in these strange times. Appreciated!

Vis: "One is that the evil and stupid among us are now ascendant and cannot be touched. They KNOW it and are thereby acting with all the sense of impunity and hubris that they can muster."

The irony here is that they can be touched. You can't do it through the law or courts anymore, but you can do it from a top-down perspective. Most of the knowingly-evil types are being 'influenced' from above, anyway. (And yes, it is ultimately all-God.)

One of the by-products of at least semi-awakening is that you become noticed - by good and bad types. By now, it has become second nature to me to catch when others are making contact, whether for good or ill. In my case, Higher Self and I can respond. Those who are truly asleep are easy prey. (Which makes the ultimate case for waking-up.)

There is a chain-of-command for the "evil and stupid" types which reaches up into non-physical levels. It then becomes an 'envelopment' action. One has to get higher than the most-controlling baddie, and then work your way down. Usually, help is given from yet-higher levels. Once the controlling baddie has been cleaned-up, he/she/it often works to 'make right' the effects it has had on lower levels.

This finally works-out that the "evil and stupid" can be touched. It is often by the very Beings that sent them down the darkside path. Now, though, different thoughts are being 'whispered' in their ears. Different appetites are being stirred. And, the "evil and stupid" can't do anything about it.

It will be interesting to see how this all sorts-out, Down Here...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Strange how this psy-op has affected people. The ones who know, and the willfully ignorant who are incapable of accepting the reality of the situation that this is a political, and not medical situation. My reality is completely different from those 'who refuse to accept' what is. The situation has been a package deal for me. Yes, I have to wear a masque in places of business, and part of the time at work, and I gotta wait in line at Trader Joe's, though I go late so I don't have to wait that long, but there's also the convenience of less traffic and not having to deal with the sidewalk cloggers that have to go to school. I'm hardly locked down, though. The restaurant is surviving, I hope to get enough hours back to at least cover the groceries considering I'm currently fighting EDD over having to prove I am who I am; but hey! It's not too much of a problem. Just a minor inconvenience for now.

ladyfairest said...

I think its our last earthly reincarnation for many the last reincarnation period.

Anonymous said...

“Srila Prabhupada had confirmed that yes, it’s a fact, there are conspiracies and the whole material society is being manipulated by a handful of vested interest groups, demons, raksasas, who take birth on this planet just to control and manipulate.”


Unknown said...

Great article, haven't been over here in a minute. Something very big indeed is coming down the pike. The Bridegroom has set out to collect His Bride. I believe everything changed on March 22 2020. This was quite a unique day in my estimation. It marked the 12th Sunday of the year, was the 3rd day of spring, and also was the 40th birthday of the Georgia Guidestones(Anti Christs 10 Comandments). Covid lockdowns were getting underway as the 2Thess "great delusion" was rolled out. I believe it to be the beginning of the the Great Tribulation. We had our 40 years fair warning. The goal all in Jesus Christ should have is to make the millennial kingdom. 144,000 walk into it upright, they learn a special song to Father known only to them. Tho millions will lose their head for the witness of Jesus, they will be raised into it during the first resurrection. "Blessed and holy are they" (still won't know the song Tho) All prophecy is being fullfilled at anyrate. The King is indeed drawing closer by the hour. What a fantastic time to be alive. Rejoice!!!

Anonymous said...

Vis, I believe your posts are very important to those of us who read you. Suffice it to say your words bring peace and hope in a time of great despair .
There are many faithful suffering terribly already, They are being cancelled, their businesses are ruined, they are going bankrupt. The list of suffering is long. It easy to say that one should not believe in appearances but those who are actually being persecuted are having a hard time trying not to believe their lying eyes. My point? I don’t know if I have one. God is in control? I don’t know . Only if he wants to be I suppose. What I am seeing is the majority people truly are sheep. They want to be good citizens and believe that those who run this God forsaken establishment have their best interest at heart and so they go willingly to slaughter.
You and may others thing something big is coming, I think something big is already here. Perhaps not a huge crescendo to wake up the masses just this slow deteriorating agony getting worse each day. In my mind , this is not longer a political battle , its a spiritual one and it could take many years for a culmination. I most likely will be off planet by the time it becomes clear who will win this earthy battle.
So yeah, I am fearful for the shitstorm as it is getting worse and no matter my faith in God, it is coming and I fear for the good and just people who reside here on this Earth. If that makes me a mental weakling then I so be it. I have no answers , nothing short of God intervening will help but who knows when His time is and who will perish terribly in the meantime. I never thought I would live to see such days as we are in.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Doing the Berserker, Herky Jerky, Broken Gyroscope Dance of the Macabre."

bigloner said...

my tanks are bigger than yours.

well Stalin called artillery the queen of the battlefield.

he also asked the pope how much artillery he had.

now, if the pope were a punster, he'd know what to do.

'the queen of artillery aint shit fo dick when deelin wit de papal cannon'.

Anonymous said...

bigloner, fast forward to the 21st century. An update is due.
My A.I. can beat up your A.I.



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