Monday, April 12, 2021

"The World's a Battlefield of Appetite. If You are not Hungry for Swill, You won't be Trampled at the Trough."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Bad thoughts come to all of us and... only occasionally are they authored by us. Even then, infernal cosmic subterfuge could be the cause, ESPECIALLY in these times. It is a simple matter to cast off thoughts like this and have it become an inflexible routine, operating automatically, as the disciple is rooted in the real. It is also a simple matter to become dominated by them. In these days, conning towers out of the infernal darkness are vibrating at full power and if one is unaware of this one can be TAKEN unaware. It is like having bad companions; you share in the outcome. Better not to have bad companions, within you and without you.

All that we see originates in the mind. Feelings then FUEL the image into a blueprint of possibility. Then the Formative Process takes place and results in the material item or condition. It's called Precipitation and it's been around longer than we have. Anything is possible but you MUST be able to SEE IT as a reality. This is what God does. God has ONLY to think it and it comes into being. As you become more and more aligned with the Will of Heaven, the same becomes true of you. It doesn't happen overnight, however.

People are losing control of their minds and their emotions. Mass shootings and individual freakouts have become the order of the day. The people who are orchestrating all of this are making ready for all Hell to break loose. They've warmed it up with that shooting in Minneapolis yesterday and all eyes are on The George Floyd Comedy of Errors Trial. Evidence that the orchestrators did not want to be made public is being made public. The USUAL SUSPECTS are behind all of this and from what I can see, it is their intention to set the urban streets on fire. If you are in proximity, if propinquity is a factor in your case, I strenuously suggest that you keep your eyes open.

On a more amusing note, celebrities are really losing their grip on reality. It should be pointed out that actors and entertainers of the various kinds tend to have the most tenuous of grips upon reality to begin with. As the curtains of illusion go up in flames of Realization and Unveiling, what is behind them begins to appear and only those hearts and minds open to The Truth will feel comfort. In all other cases, the pressure ramps until the weakest link in the chain breaks.

Let me see if I can make this more clear. If you are awash in Evil Intent, Self-Interest, or generally ignorant, what will appear before you is a creature of your imagination. If your imagination is polluted then the Creature from the Black Lagoon or an unreasonable facsimile is going to surface from the waters. One might say, 'it is your fears materializing'. I did not set these conditions up, I am only observing and commenting on them. Some will dismiss what I am saying. Some will not.

There is a gridlock, due to a pileup at Airhead Central. All systems are slow. Bloatware has been added to material existence. There is spam-ware in the mind and trojans and viruses galore.

I did near four years in some dangerous locations, back in the day when they didn't care much what happened to you after you went in. I was in gladiator schools and places where people were doing life. At times it was OVER 90% black. I was young, tall, and slender. You get the picture? Not only did I get through it (even during the entire year of 68 when King was killed) but you might say I flourished. Was that because I was more physically powerful? Did I have access to serious funds? No, on both those accounts. I had God, or God had me. Miracles took place while I was there. My point for bringing this up is that there never was anything racist about me and it communicated even in the dark zone of concentrated evil. No matter where you go, there is ALWAYS some amount of light, and you must find it, even if it is only within you.

I watch movies and I watch series and sundry documentaries. In every case now, it is a black man who is the judge, if there are judges. Even more likely it is a black woman, and not infrequently a black, lesbian woman. In EVERY situation of authority, one sees this and it is not by accident. The Usual Suspects who are green lighting these projects are the same people who owned the slave ships and also the pawnshops and slum properties. They themselves are sexual perverts of the lowest order and they want humanity, especially young and impressionable humanity to be programmed to believe that perversity is no more than 'Living your own Truth'. Only a VERY SMALL percentage of humanity is sexually twisted and that is caused by the overindulgence factor of Bad Parenting and cultural degeneration. Whites and white culture are being summarily degraded and diminished.

Blacks and whites are CONSISTENTLY portrayed in sexual race-mixing scenarios, FAR PAST what actually happens in life. It has gotten to the point of ridiculous and NO MATTER what the time period being filmed, even if no people of color were present at the time and in that location, suddenly they are now everywhere at every time and often the heroes and figures of authority. I have NOTHING against freedom and equality. I was for these things BEFORE they were cool, and the weasels and vipers who search for examples of discrimination in my behavior are going to find themselves very frustrated

WHO is making these movies? Is their intention to create fairness and humanity across the board, or are they fomenting race wars? Look at who is doing it and the idea of fairness and humanity are NOT on the menu. Look back at what THEY accomplished with Communism and what unfortunate social changes are in operation, including the diminishment of heterosexuals and heterosexual behavior. I am not posing an argument, I am stating what is palpably so. This CAN'T end well in many cases. It is SELF-EVIDENT. It is like watching an enormous ship sink in an unruly sea.

What one MUST REALIZE is that God is in complete control of everything at all times. None of it would be here otherwise, and for whatever reason, God loves drama and display in which to outwork his will through us. Why this is so I could not tell you, BUT... the oldest of religions states that this material world and all of what takes place is God's Lila= God's play. BUT WHY??? Why does it have to be as we see it? It is because that is how people are. The World is a battlefield of appetite. If you are not hungry for swill, you won't be trampled at the trough. If you are not in competition for the various messes of pottage, you will not encounter conflict.

As Lao Tzu said;

“Man at his best, like water,

Serves as he goes along:

Like water he seeks his own level,

The common level of life,

Loves living close to the earth,

Living clear down in his heart,

Loves kinship with his neighbors,

The pick of words that tell the truth,

The even tenor of a well-run state,

The fair profit of able dealing,

The right timing of useful deeds,

And for blocking no one's way

No one blames him.”

Prepare for your exit. You do not know when it will occur. Friends on the other side are a wealth beyond all the world's riches. You have friends, whether you know them or not. They can and will help you in transition and placement. They can and will help you HERE as well. I speak from Direct Experience, and you have also the words of so many others who have passed this way before.

I wish I had paid more attention earlier. I wish I had behaved better at different times, BUT... that has all departed into the cosmic machinery of things to come. I am fortunate to experience the Grace of God and no longer care one way or the other about ANYTHING except The Presence of God. I am in awe of those who refuse to acknowledge any authority but their own. I am not a fool, though I have played one in real life. One of the things you learn about a deeper communion with God is that (S)HE CAN DO ANYTHING. Let God as you understand God handle it and adjust, as best as you can, to the rolling gait of the buckboard that carries you. Balance and Harmony prove to be the most important considerations that follow after the possession of Divine Love.

End Transmission.......


Thomas said...


robert said...

Visible One,

How love camps out around those carrying themselves close to the bone!

Reading Lao-Tzu, how can one miss the ineffability of the way?

Light suffuses the transparent but can only bounces lovingly of the surface of the turgid.

No matter where you go, there is ALWAYS some amount of light, and you must find it, even if it is only within you

Our physical vision depends on our inner light, which Plato referred to back when...

We know from reports from the frontier of human consciousness that the more light is permitted to be present and resident, the more we see the light suffusing all beings, all things and all unseen feelings.
Shine brilliantly enough and long enough and the absolute perfection overwhelms the misqualifications of human density and we see through all illusive after images.

None of it would be here otherwise, and for whatever reason, God loves drama and display in which to outwork his will through us. Why this is so I could not tell you, BUT... the oldest of religions states that this material world and all of what takes place is God's Lila= God's play. BUT WHY??? Why does it have to be as we see it? It is because that is how people are...

Yep, extreme drama is how our emotional being overwhelmingly resets our clogged minds and dismal sensing perception.

We who are slow to learn would have been burned to a crispy critter were it not for higher dimensional intervention to buffer our choices creating extreme learning experiences. The successfully speedy get burned only once or twice, getting it long before the two-by-four comes out to bang us to our senses.

Nothing is impossible to the One except that we set our minds hard against miracles

The ONE who creates the code running the world can easily bypass the habits of happening we call laws, if it fits the artistic vision and takes no vain souls into the vortex.
We have grown too rigid and safe in our unconsiousness to dance with miraculous moves.
It is always easier to demolish and rebuild but too many would be lost in this time twisting maneuver.

Both sexual polarities may dream of a partner who would sweep them off their feet, sweep out the static webs and bring us back to flowing freely again.

The ONE has prepared that kind of transition for this time if only we can let go of fear and go along with our soul's one desire for once!

We must see the benevolence, feel the meaning and move in faithful rhythm when the foundations of the human-compromised world shake to rock us out of our sleepy sloppy slipsliding somnabulance.

Are we having fun yet?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

No argument from me.

Anonymous said...

If "they" had any clue how powerful words are they would have come after you years ago 😁. I have followed you for years and want to thank you for always being a guiding light in the storm.

Visible said...

They did. Including attempts on my life. It just didn't work out for them.

Anonymous said...

God won't allow any harm on his devotees and he directly makes that promise in the Gita and has shown proof of his protection throughout the many Puranas

Ray B. said...

Vis, thank you for the last few blogs. (Busy.) Your continuing posting of wisdom is appreciated...

I do think that 'something' is nearing. Part of my approach to life is to semi-prepare for multiple paths, as I have no idea which way all-God will turn. I find it enables me more to hit-the-ground-running, as it were. The last month or so, that 'fundamental nature' seems to be changing. It is like I am laying different things (pathways) down; that they are no longer needed. It is not a conscious decision; it is more a welling-up from deep within. I interpret that as meaning one pathway has become dominant. It will be interesting to find-out where it is leading...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

wtw11171 said...

Veritas Pax et bonum

Graham Hook said...

“Let me see if I can make this more clear. If you are awash in Evil Intent, Self-Interest, or generally ignorant, what will appear before you is a creature of your imagination. If your imagination is polluted then the Creature from the Black Lagoon or an unreasonable facsimile is going to surface from the waters.”

This put me in mind of the line from Jacob’s Ladder:

"If you're afraid of dying, and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the world. It all depends on how you look at it."

Visible said...

Graham; That's one of my favorite movies and closer to The Truth, in that medium of expression than the rest of the garbage. People might ask me why I watch when I already have a movie playing. I watch because of what it tells me about the people who made it and sundry areas of cultural twist.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Once You Place Yourselves in the Hands of the Almighty it is God's Responsibility to Take You Home."

Anonymous said...

Just say No!



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