Dog Poet Transmitting.......
I wish I knew what I was talking about. That would come in handy on occasion. However... either I know what I am talking about and that puts me in the same stew of futility as most everyone else, or I don't know what I am talking about, which means that someone does, but we are unable to know who that is... ever. Most of the people, of which there are VERY FEW, who know what they are talking about, seldom ever talk. They do speak, but it is more like the language of birds and angels.
I asked the angels who speak to me; how come it often feels like my own mind is talking to me? The angel said that was the mechanism that was available. If the angel spoke in its own language, I would not be able to understand what it was saying. So... the angel uses my awareness and my mind, and whatever else was needed and that has been working well for generations. I was also told that this was not all that common because... though angels are willing to talk to anyone who would attentively listen, almost no one wants to hear them. There is a great deal of noise most of the time and for an angel to get past the chatter is near impossible.
Angels do speak on a regular basis but go unheard except in the subconscious. This causes delayed reactions because a certain amount of time is needed for the speech to reach the surface level and often enough it is deemed an INTRUSION because it tends to interfere with what people want and what people are up to.
Here is a classic example. Consider the Tarot card, The Lovers.
There you see two nude figures in an Edenic state. The man has a tree of flaming branches behind him that represents the varieties of personality. There are 12 flames but you can't see them all. Each flame is a trefoil and represents the sub-groups of personality within each astrological sign. So there are 36 personality types.

Behind the woman is the Tree of Knowledge with the serpent coiling up the trunk to the fruit on the limbs. The male figure is looking at the female figure and the female figure is looking at the angel, who has its hands extended in blessing over both figures. The female represents The Subconscious and the male figure represents the Self-Consciousness. The angel represents the Super Consciousness. The Subconscious is in direct contact with the angel. The male figure imagines that it sees the angel in the female figure. The Subconsciousness is 'able to' communicate the angelic transmission.
It should be noted that there are two distinct groups of angels, Righteous Angels, and Fallen Angels. Whichever group is communicating with you is DETERMINED by your character. If you are sure that you know, then chances are it is the Fallen Angels that speak to you. Let me explain what the basic difference between the two groups of angels is. A low, carnal nature is attractive to Fallen Angels. If your vibration is raised beyond a certain level, the Fallen Angel is transformed into a Righteous Angel. “Be not deceived. Even the devil is transformed into an angel of light at THE GIVEN MOMENT.” Pundits and religious scholars, depending on their personal BENT, interpret this bit of scripture in different ways.
In certain Hermetic, and alchemical texts, it is said that 'around The Devil/Demon is a corona of light.' That is the glow of the concealed angel behind the frightening apparition, given its shape by your fear and hungers. The Righteous Angel is a manifestation of your Impersonal Love. Impersonality is the state of being that is carried by the residents of Heaven. Alternatively, we have the personality, which is influenced by those forces having to do with Carnal Attractions.
Children don't know, regardless of their living the whole spectrum of humanity from savage to civilized as they mature, and you see it in their behavior. They grow through the entire history of the human race. Usually, they grow out of it. In their unrefined state they can be demanding and selfish, BUT... that is only PART OF THE STORY.
Children are trusting because they are convinced that their parents know more than they do, just as Almighty God and the Divine Mother do. At a certain point, their parents are God to them, providing for all of their needs, in the best cases. It is the inception of puberty that sets them against their parents and puts them in a rebellious state. This is actually a necessary transition. When all is not well you get arrested development, as in my case (grin). Much worse than that can and does happen.
Because children do not know, they learn much more quickly than adults. Once you get the idea that you know, your learning slows dramatically and it also often false as well. That is how you get what you see happening in the wider world. IF... if you are able to return to a child-like state, everything is on the up and up.
In times of Material Darkness, VERY FEW are able or even desiring of returning to a child-like state. Instead, they get hit by Al's Hammer or some other form of Senility. That is what commonly happens. Occasionally, rarely, you will see the state of REGENERATED INNOCENCE; Luther Burbank, Jacob Boehme, and William Blake come to mind. William Blake used to answer his door naked. He said he had “regained the pristine innocence of his youth.” There are other cases, certain female saints of a rather miraculous nature. I am restrained from going into greater detail here, most of the time, because I have INTENTIONAL space limitations AND... it gives you something to do on your own time (grin).
Coming to the state of metaphysical not knowing and dwelling' consciously' in The Cloud of Unknowing, is... in its essence, far more profound and magical than I am able to talk about here. I am not capable of it. I assure you, however, that it is BEYOND the imagining of the pedestrian intellect and beyond intellect PERIOD. I was EXTREMELY fortunate that my spiritual master did this in me. It's a kind of spiritual Depth Charge. Failing having arrived at NOT KNOWING, ♫ chances are...♫ due to KNOWING, you will have Ignorance instead as a bunk-mate. I am OFTEN amused at the intellectual gyrations of the well-known experts in their fields of pointless enterprise. They can talk the leg off of a table and they aren't saying anything worth knowing, and only make sense to each other, AND... as statistics show, they are MUCH MORE often wrong than right.
Then there are the Rhinestone Princesses with Color by Revlon. They move like cats in the night. I don't know why they don't come out into the light and... I don't need the makeup and the make-believe, some beauty was meant to deceive. Don't let the drugstores lie to you, all real beauty shines right through. They mate with their own reflections in the mirror, reminiscent of Cameron Diaz on the sports-car windshield in “The Counselor”
I'll not get far commenting on these life forms. They CERTAINLY would not hear me, nor agree. It is the sad fate of those who cannot distinguish between notoriety and fame. They are much like moths around the porch light and suffer more extensively.
Someone has to know and not know. It's either you that knows and God does not, or God that knows and you do not. If I need to know anything, and I am sincere, the Angels of God will inform me, especially if I am like a little child; as yet... I am not. Then again, we don't all go in a specific direction. Sure... over the long haul, but “In my Father's House are many mansions.”
My friend, Michael Green, went to Guru Bawa and asked him about me. At the time, I was facing a life sentence in Hanging Judge-Land. Bawa, as was his method, set his eyes on the far distance and then said, “He'll be alright. He just took a different path.” Then God demonstrated on me that one's destiny does not rely on the judgment and power of men, BUT... on God alone.
What is it that Christ had to say? “If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamore tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it would obey you.”
People DO NOT GET the POWER of The Presence of God, whose power is Limitless. Only the Long, long reach of experience brings that finally into human understanding. The strength, the honesty, the power of “I don't know” cannot be measured. The biggest problem is CONSISTENCY of focus and the CERTITUDE of objective. People give up. They give up early and stay out late. God is not impressed. It is a long haul, you have to be in for the Distance and the Duration. That's it... and it contains the guarantee that follows at the end of the statement... NEVER GIVE UP!
End Transmission.......
Brilliant ~ as always
Dog Bless Les
Mas and Mas Visible
As i was reading the linked article. some force within, using my left fingers typed in the link to this blog...
so i went and read your posting and in spirit of synchronicity give the link here, Mr.Apocalypse in the most gentle of ways is tearing the veils of ignorance...
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug
Visible One,
I asked the angels who speak to me; how come it often feels like my own mind is talking to me? The angel said that was the mechanism that was available
As imperfect transducers of Angel whispers, we can still be useful, providing diffusion of energy into softer focus. The less personal, the more transmission can come through with meaning intact, more or less.
The less I choose to retain as me, the more information bubbles up out of nowhere.
True for all of us when we let it, especially when in need and out of our normal control.
The male figure is looking at the female figure and the female figure is looking at the angel....The female represents The Subconscious and the male figure represents the Self-Consciousness. The angel represents the Super Consciousness. The Subconscious is in direct contact with the angel. The male figure imagines that it sees the angel in the female figure
Ba bump bump!
There must be more than the sensual illusion there, more than mere hormonal homing instinct.
If the male sees the effect of subconscious attention connected more directly to the Super consciousness, like a child, then the beauty perceived is more than skin deep.
It is tranmitting directly from the Super consciousness, until the adult mind comes along and sits on perception to hatch something...
Because children do not know, they learn much more quickly than adults. Once you get the idea that you know, your learning slows dramatically and it also often false as well
...Coming to the state of metaphysical not knowing and dwelling' consciously' in The Cloud of Unknowing, is... in its essence, far more profound and magical than I am able to talk about here
Observe the way precocious children are received by adult minds who know better;
not unlike the way anyone speaking out a guileless state of inner prompting is received in their own country.
Rigid mindsets are allergic to solution from the source, whether from an angel whisper or a someone letting through the whispers they hear.
Unless guileless precocious ones are given space, they quickly learn that to filter is human and to shine is divine.
The message back to them is "Turn that DOWN!"
If they continue on mission, they can expect routine rejection, as you well know.
People DO NOT GET the POWER of The Presence of God, whose power is Limitless. Only the Long, long reach of experience brings that finally into human understanding. The strength, the honesty, the power of “I don't know” cannot be measured. The biggest problem is CONSISTENCY of focus and the CERTITUDE of objective. People give up. They give up early and stay out late. God is not impressed
Even in the simplest terms, if our minds are already occupied by our delusive misperceptions of the day, we can't receive any fresh information, not even the sweetness exuded by nature.
If we are set in our knowing, we are so stuck in futile fantasies, only some form of shock may retrieve us from our circular confirmation bias.
Why do we forget the everpresent flow available to us, far surpassing any mental cud chewing?
Fresh creativity ready to dance with our attention in every passing moment.
Inspiration dammed up inside us because we use pain to drive ourselves out of our minds.
Fear of falling in love with living, just because we mucked it up with self-centered focus many times past?
It is OK to be hollow if you want to ring truly
Habits of usage can be made into useful expressions if we let go of all concern for consequences
Making fools of ourselves is redundant, since we have fooled ourselves already into dead ends
Unplanned words come springing out of hand as long as we feel like it
What is coming our way is coming to birth inevitably through our labors but beyond our conception
Stop thinking in loops and begin to notice the new feelings we never knew
Well done, Robert!
Thank you for reminding me of my glittering shadows, mirrored in your words, again and again. In return I'd like to contribute a little neurographic present that might fit along your narratives:
Vis, thanks for the 'insightful' column. Appreciated...
I just had an insight on why the pot is boiling so much, these days:
From the standpoint of us Down Here, it always comes down to signal-to-noise ratio. I am talking about the ability to 'hear' (telepathy/empathy/intuition) a person's Higher Self. The more the noise, the harder to hear the signal.
The baddies know this. So, every possible plane has been loaded-up with 'noise': held emotions, held pain, held trauma, etc. Do this enough and you have an isolated individual. (The actual mechanism is a 'recoiling' by the individual as they try to psychically/spiritually open-up; they hit the ever-present 'yuck' and flinch back.) The ultimate application of divide-and-conquer.
However, the opposite is also true: Clean-up the æthers and people start exercising their telepathy/empathy/intuition - quite spontaneously. As the number of bad-guy Cleanings has accumulated, the 'yuck' in the æthers has been diminishing. So, more and more people are having startling insights. "Joe & Jane are not who they have been proclaiming. I don't know how I know this, only that I know it."
The good part of the above is that this is a universal effect. They cannot kill a few leaders and head-off this gradually-increasing 'knowing'. Plus, quite a few of the Cleaned beings, now good-guys, are pitching-in to undo the damage they have caused.
All-in-all, the future looks tumultuous for a while, but quite rosy in the long run...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Aggressive truth
I'll tell you this looks stupid day by day.Have you ever watched 12 works by asterix and obelix? The house that makes you crazy. You definitely exceeded my expectations. Imagine it now. All world that look now from my perspectives that how I promised greatest spectacles but not every ball was recognized. I have all the time only phone and 2000€ per month and keep all qabala in trap. I tell you my friend after all I want be Anonim and homeless. All this race is for idiots. You have popcorn. Hahaha grating my frend
Aggressive truth. I forget. Every one Boom Is boom from past word. Time and times of time. This is reality Les you hear all the dots 4 years before happen and my name is Daniel and you know it. Take care man ;)
Aggressive truth
OUR REF: USIBCD/IBHNYC/06208671/0975
YOU’RE REF: WBDS/IDPF/709/SGT43658/2020
Attn:| Mr. Galicji
Ref Status:| Yes, I know that you might be absolutely surprised to receive such an impromptu notice about your forwarded message, which I received from the IDPF Director-General's Office for the U.S Senate signed Stimulus Relief Bill. Subsequently, I hereby send you the enclosed Int'l Passport of Mr. Marek Kozlowski for your authentication. However, priority with your confirmation that you did not authorize him or anyone else to receive the Relief Funds on your behalf. Therewith, I hereby send you the "Online Funds Transfer Application Form-1", in this mail which you should completely fill with your DETAIL PARTICULARS and together with any of your NOMINATED BANK ACCOUNT details. This is where the Relief Funds Release Order amount sum of US$2,750,000.00 (Two Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollar Only), registered under (USFIDC) Comprehensive Insurance Policy shall be transferring to you through the Foreign Exchange and International Remittance Department of the InterBank Clearing House of York, NY 10017, U.S.A once we submitted your "High Court Clearance Bill Authorization of the funds", for their commence of the Funds Release Order to you without much further delays.
Finally, this will cordially enable their Foreign Exchange and International Remittance Department, to secure your US$2,750,000.00 RELIEF FUNDS ALLOCATION VOUCHER from the U.S Department of the Treasury, for them to smooth and legitimately expedite the funds transmittal to you without further delay.
Thanks, while I anticipate your prompt reply.
Warmth Regards,
HON SHERRY HEITLE | (CFO) Administrative Chief Judge
(Tel/Fax: (0212) 963-7904| ✉Pvt-Email:
US Federal District Supreme Court | 225 Cadman Plaza E, Brooklyn, New York 11201, U.S.A
Copyright © USSC Office of the Director General. All Rights Reserved.
Suprem court make mistake Try to corruption me. Boom
Aggressive truth
So now you understand that your life rests in my little hands
Uh oh... what can I say about that? How do I tell you that is a spin on the Nigerian Email Scams? My life is ONLY in God's hands and NONE OTHER. That said, we are not going to twist and turn here in meaningless conversations. I have other business that is not business.
Nice, looks like you won the lottery and get that Nigerian Prince's millions of dollars. The comment section here is pretty wild
Re: #7
Ray, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. ;O)
Great post!
A new Petri Dish is up now=
"They Bloom Through the Infinities of Heaven Where Time has no Reference Points."
Every politician should be made to quote the first two sentences of this post after every statement that they make.
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