Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"It's a Simple Concept, that The Thought is The Author of The Word and The Deed."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It's a simple concept, that the thought is the author of the word and deed. It seems not to have taken root in that many minds when it comes to True Self Interest. The Dark Side is aware of it and that is why they take such pains with long-range programming. Some of us are immune to this, and always will be; those of us on The Golden Mean, or The Middle Path, or resident beyond the extremes. The Mind explains it differently to different personality types. If you are on a certain Ray, everything is going to be colored in some way by that radiant hue, in terms of the attractions and characteristics of the Ray. I'm sure it can get pretty involved, but I won't. I simply notice it in passing.

There are items and parallels of relative importance, such as The Things of the World. Then there are items of a less transitory nature, and if you identify with them you will be of a less transitory nature. All this life, coming and going here, is like random particles in a wind blown by an invisible bellows. Out they come and up they go and down they go. Nursery rhymes, fables, and fairy tales go into this in allegorical fashion. For some reason, it seems there are those things we can only see indirectly, or only understand by allusion. You can't look directly at them, like The Sun.

There is a big difference between intellectual and visceral experience, like jnana and vijnana. The latter is a vast improvement over the former. It makes the former Worth Having. A luxurious car is not worth much if you can't drive it. There is a difference between having knowledge and having the insight that tells how to best employ it, and to ENJOY it.

There is all sorts of static on the subtler airwaves. It, convincingly... looks like a few deranged souls convinced an alliance of the disenfranchised and disenchanted with promises of a better world because they were going to make everything fair for everyone, which it already is. Everybody got to where they got behind their own intentions and appetites in previous times. Everyone was, and is, writing the script for their next appearance, while living through the script they wrote in times before. There are those who will disagree with what I say here because their intentions and aspiration are of a truly noble order and they are going to Save the World, like so many Social Reformers said they would do, and did not do, in times past. A great many people died each time, to serve as evidence of efficacy, which is not the same as Proof of Life.

If you look deeper into the present gender-bending trend, you will see what is really taking place. The Divine Feminine is coming into her rightful place in the cosmos of human understanding. Because, due to Materialism, most of us are of a carnal persuasion, this intensifying presence of The Divine Feminine is causing people to act out at the level of their understanding, which is not all that far above the beasts of the field, and who do things that even beasts won't do. Sometimes, I think it is only the hands that make them look different. Certainly, many of them act like particular farm animals would who can open refrigerators with their hands.

The Separated Mind is not inherently moral. It can convince itself of anything it wishes to. This is why The Mind is either your best friend or your worst enemy. These things can get said over and over and over, and they do here, BUT... once again, there is a big difference between intellectual and visceral. I liken it to stepping from one world into another. That is how big the difference is. Vijnana is not just another step after Jnana. It is exponential in the progression. It is a whole other world. Knowledge is not much good (and potentially VERY dangerous) unless you know how to use it. That requires Wisdom, which itself implies previous knowledge, correctly interpreted.

It doesn't matter how many books a person might read. It doesn't matter how many books a person may have written. Nearly all the time people do not know what they are talking about because all they are doing is cataloging and comparing temporary material things, according to personal taste, that have very little to do with Eternity and the awareness of it, which lies outside the parameters of time, which measures the coming and going of material things. You can't get it from a book or catch it off of a toilet seat. It has to be transmitted from one to another. Someone has to Ignite you. This puts a little light on in your head, like a reversed miner's lamp. EVERYTHING seen in this light is greatly different from how it looked in the previous light. This... is why the books and conversations, and whatever other paraphernalia there may be... for all the argument-making constructs of children, playing with toy construction machines, is of no real or lasting value.

I realize that my sentence structure is often imaginative and maybe even wrong, according to the strict constructionists of the forms. Actually... I don't care. It's also not possible to put it into words anyway, in the first place, but we can't stop trying because we are in love and helpless before the force of it.

If you could get it in books then only a certain class of us would benefit. The truth is that simple and even illiterate people can GET IT. Look at Sri Ramakrishna!!!

Hover over the document to view the controls / flip through the pages

Or Jacob Boehme! Consider Guru Bawa, who they found sitting in a tree in the jungle in what was then, Ceylon. I was around him for a couple of years and words don't work here either. He was incandescent. He was lit up. He was also about 4'10” and 80 pounds. I watched him in every fashion that the mind would permit, or that I was familiar with. I was in states of extreme subjectivity and objectivity. Nothing changed. He was a true spiritual force, and I was fortunate to have met him. You pretty much had to be there.

Such beings move about through the human currents. We are in an ocean of air, just as the fish are in an an ocean of water. You are familiar with schools of fish in a tank, who all turn and look at you as they work their mouths in that peculiar fashion of theirs. Then, as one body, they start off in another direction. Humans are more like that than they imagine. These beings are LOOKING for those who radiate certain qualities. They are like shepherds, and they are VERY MUCH here, just as are their more visible counterparts, who sway the attention of the masses like the fishes in the tanks.

There are levels to existence, just as there are planes. At each station of awareness, we are radiating that which we are into the environment. Think of it like a school of fishes, or a field of corn, or a herd of cattle... or... a field of flowers. Angels move among the flowers and when they see a particular quality of beauty, they bring it to the attention of Heaven. You HAVE TO attract Heaven's Attention. It is easy to do. You simply behave as a citizen of Heaven would behave and Heaven will recognize you. Maybe it is not that easy to do. It depends on what it means to you.

I OFTEN say “I don't know.” here, and it is the truest statement I will EVER make. Then I set off with confidence to rattle on extemporaneously as if I did, in fact, know. This is a riddle and the sort of thing that can only be explained in a Zen Koan, which means not at all most of the time. What it means is that what I say is the best I can come up with, EVEN THOUGH I still don't know. It is hoped, at my end, that all this verbiage will occasionally serve someone's spiritual interest.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do I wish to give the impression that I do know because I don't. There are a few things that I do know, however. So... when I say, “I don't know” that would be the case at that time. At another time, it might be something that I do know. The POINT is that whatever TINY little fragment of knowledge or wisdom I might possess, is infinitesimal by comparison to The Sun, which itself is a TINY little fragment of knowledge or wisdom, by comparison with The Spiritual Sun that shines through every star. It might even continue from there, as in Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur. There are ever deeper densities of light within light and which are black to our blinded sight.

None of that matters if you have Love. Love is the cosmic passport to anywhere and everywhere, and to anyone and everyone. You either have it or you don't and you either do it or you don't do it.

A friend of mine went to a shopping mall yesterday and this friend had one of those moments where you see more deeply into the situation than usual. It was as if people were in a hypnotic state and not conscious of anything outside the area of whatever attractions brought them there. I imagine it was a disturbing vision. I understand it because it looks that way to me all the time. People have this glazed opacity upon their eyes, like those fish in the tanks, and you CANNOT tell them about it. You cannot reach them. You can ONLY love them. Social Reformers think you can tell people and you can reach them and also lead them to their own destruction, which history already shows us is what happens. If you are not a social reformer, but rather a self reformer, you radiate and hope it will precipitate, and it will.

Some of us are deeply asleep. Some of us are in Fat City, or uneasy dreams and some of us are, occasionally, partially awake. It takes different levels of severity to awaken certain people. This is the unfortunate truth about trauma, and life CAN BE traumatic. We are presently looking at a near inevitability of mass trauma occurring in the near future. I had hoped to have a community together by that time. Now... I realize that community is Virtual. We are, Wired, so to speak. We have spiritual Bluetooth (grin). I now know what I did not previously know and that is that communities are best arranged when they are arranged themselves by a divine fiat. Even though I KNOW that Everything is Under Control, I still have to remind myself, because the dreamscape can be intoxicating and intimidating. You can forget that you are watching a movie and begin participating in it.

Ah well... if it is all under control then there is nothing to worry about. Certainly, Worry is not the equal of Preparation. May God light your way through these times!

End Transmission.......

Not enough links today. Maybe tomorrow.


Uwe said...

Thank You

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

It has occurred to me that going to the dark side shows the ultimate in willful ignorance and immaturity. It's also a pain in the butt that most of us are programmed to be materialistic, and we have to wake up to the reality that being so is pointless and destructive not only to those around you, but to yourself. (Precious.)

Mass trauma, indeed. Looked at the calipornia fire map earlier, and also saw a post that Shasta is going off. Saw an epic video of it. Think I got it off of rense, but saw headlines elsewhere. Last year the fires ended up bein' about 20 miles from us, and the air quality was awful for a long time. Wonder if we're gonna be spared from wildfire damage this year, too?

Ray B. said...

Vis, thanks for the 'enlightening' column. Appreciated!

Well, I guess that I am on Ray B.! (grin)

On "Social Reforming," I contemplated long and hard on what was possible, Down Here. I came to the conclusion that you could not work from without; you could only work from within. Now, if you do enough clearing/cleaning on your inner self, you can 'attract' some Higher (Unseen) help. And from there, things get interesting...
One of the things that occurred very early in my 'process' was I observed that many Higher beings thought Down Here (and the beings occupying Down Here) was just an illusion. As it is very likely that things 'unfolded' from High to Low, that is a very credible viewpoint. Anything above you is Real; anything below you is Unreal. Logical, since you may have had a part in creating it - akin to creating a book or movie.

The unfortunate part of this 'state of mind' is that there is no net worth to an illusion. So, you might as well play-with-it to your heart's content. Anything good or evil is allowed; it is only playing with sand in a sandbox, after all...

When I became aware of this point-of-view, I - as only an illusion - was offended by this stance. After much contemplation, I presented a 'choice' to various Higher Players: Were we (Down Here) only an illusion, and having no real worth? Or, were we (Down Here) now a 'created' part of all-God, and therefore having the worth of any other part?

This is an important distinction, because one can do anything with an illusion. Any kindness or grotesquerie. Doesn't matter. When somebody/something has some innate worth (like being part of all-God), the picture is very different. Now, some form of ethics appears. Do you love-on your dog, or beat him/her? Now, your behavior towards something you may have created matters.

'Arguments' went-on in Higher spaces for quite some time, when this 'distinction' was broached. In the end, there was a split: Some accepted this subtlety; some did not.

Now, there are two 'groups' Out There: One group cares about you, in the way one might take care of a beloved pet. The other group just acts at random. Whatever comes to mind is what happens. Be aware of which group might be 'looking in'. You can tell them by the fruit of their actions...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Material Stardust Causes People's Eyes to Glitter. They are Like Children Watching a Movie. Then it Ends."

robert said...

Visible One,

Swimming in the sea of love.
Making waves of current feeling to move the heart off empty

Your flights of fancy focus our attention on the One center of All There Is
We feel refreshed from being splashed with free attention!

You HAVE TO attract Heaven's Attention. It is easy to do. You simply behave as a citizen of Heaven would behave and Heaven will recognize you. Maybe it is not that easy to do. It depends on what it means to you.

Are analogies from human experience helpful in aligning with the divine?

When we see that the laws of Love which power the entire manifest creation down to the tiniest detail are completly Impersonal, at first we might feel unloved.
How can an Impersonal Lover really love our particular faceted diffraction of the One Light?

From where does mercy flow when we err in error and feel our mistakes so viscerally?

Then with grace, we recall that person in our lives who loved us no matter what.
Who shined on despite our acting out our resistance to being loved
Who impersonated the impersonal by staying true to their center, always coming from a depper place than events could interrupt.
Who showed us the joy of being alive to radiate something larger through them, even when they were keenly aware of their falling short.

How do we attract the very light of love we swim in throughout our lives?

Maybe it is a simple matter of allowing ourselves to be more constant than personal peeves.
More loving than we could ever be, stuck in a false identity
More connected to the real network of energy flows than the tollways setup by trolls
More aligned to who we are inside

Then simple resonance lifts us higher than we dared to flap our wings at!

If you are not a social reformer, but rather a self reformer, you radiate and hope it will precipitate, and it will.

We can always work on ourselves!
Not to refine the disposable demeanor that may cause envy in the entranced
But the work of dismantling all the dents in our lens, cleaning all the crap from our deluded minds, all the dust from our starshining souls.

This great work pays off at a higher rate than any human slave labor can dredge out of our life force mine.

Lighting up around us, igniting the flow in other facets of One Being, sharing the lightness of our load when we pull for the One dream of liberation from endarkened dead ends.

We go as we flow as long as we know:
We are here to be sheer transparency and near to our neutral center, where our heart draws forth our life's blood.
Who would hold on to miserable molded madness when cool balance beckons us all to be centered on loving our way back to the source?

How to heal zombies by being awake?
What other play lasts forever?
To amplify life by keeping our charge building while inducing higher potential from the full space around us!

What a awe-inspiring passion play is afoot, walking right through the industrial matrix now fading before our eyes!

Anonymous said...

"There is a difference between having knowledge and having the insight that tells how to best employ it, and to ENJOY it."

Yes indeed my friend. I started seeking knowledge of God, the live truth in 1993. Strung out on crack and having went through a significant amount of money from an injury settlement I was injured internally with great severity. I would load my Dad's 357 and put it in my mouth. All the while knowing I didn't have the courage to pull the trigger. But I was hopeful that I might suddenly pull the trigger and end my misery. This went on for a couple of weeks. Then one afternoon I was heading up to my bedroom at my parents. As I passed the TV my eyes caught sight of the 2 Holy Bibles that had always been sitting on top of the TV. A big show Bible and some off brand New Testament Bible on top of it. I got half way up the staircase and felt an overwhelming inclination to check that New Testament Bible out. I went back down the stairs and grabbed it. Took it to my room and started reading from the beginning of Matthew. I spent the next few hours gobbling up the words. I was absolutely flabbergasted that I didn't know that God was real until that afternoon. I'll never forget the state of awe I was in. I knew instantaneously that God was real and that He was going to save me from myself. I went through a great range of emotions that afternoon. I was crying through much of it. Tears dripping on the pages that I was reading. I remember jumping up and down in jubilation knowing He was real and He loved me. I was sometimes in the fetal position on my floor crying. Up until that fateful moment that I started reading I thought that you lived and died and that was it. No concept of God or the love that He is. I was spiritually destitute and with no hope. A bit of irony is that when I was very young I remember my Mom reading to me out of that very book. It will be 28 years this coming September since it happened. It's been a long journey but now in an acceptable time, in a day of salvation I stand firmly on His appointed rock for me with the horrible pit of personal will that I dug behind me. For many years I tried to get to this Promised Land I am now in via my intellect most of the time. The times that I set my heart to obey Him in all matters are the times that I tasted of His liberty. Now that my heart is always upon Him and my feet following Him the liberty from my old personal will is utterly amazing. I have crossed the proverbial Rubicon with my heart and mind. I must have more of Him and less of me. I have become a speck in my rearveiw mirror and I will be most happy and grateful of men when the speck is gone ��.

"I had hoped to have a community together by that time. Now... I realize that community is Virtual. We are, Wired, so to speak. We have spiritual Bluetooth (grin). I now know what I did not previously know and that is that communities are best arranged when they are arranged themselves by a divine fiat. Even though I KNOW that Everything is Under Control, I still have to remind myself, because the dreamscape can be intoxicating and intimidating. You can forget that you are watching a movie and begin participating in it.
Ah well... if it is all under control then there is nothing to worry about. Certainly, Worry is not the equal of Preparation. May God light your way through these times!"

This is spot on Les. I'm only saying the following because I feel compelled to. Just stating it for the record. God is about to open some very big doors for me. Enabling me to build up a community of which your heart desires. The God in you desires ��. Mark my words, you will be a part of this beautiful community that God has put in your heart where we will be taken care of regarding shelter, food, etc. And God is going to do a mighty work and it's going to unfold at breakneck speed when it does begin to come to pass. You will be coming to rural downstate Illinois in the area of a town called Ramsey.
Justin Virden

Billy Pilgrim said...

The Community is meant to be. Often I'll be thinking about something then go to a page and they are discussing the exact same thing.
People in our lives are there for a reason. The world cannot be saved except by God and we will be lucky to save ourselves.
I am a foolish clown and any knowledge was put there by God for the Purpose of Demonstration.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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