Friday, April 22, 2022

"This is What We Learn Through Pain and Suffering, and There is No Pain and Suffering Without Attachment!"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I went around to those places this morning that I go around to every morning, and... I notice, day by day, that I am more aware of The Levels at which our wide world of information is generated. It seems to only go so far up above the crotch area of anatomical focus. There is also the place where Prana is made from food, but... it seems most people don't care about knowing this sort of thing. They eat what's on their plate and they don't think much about where it came from... or what it had to go through to get there or... even what it is, most of the time.

By now... it should be exceedingly apparent that some particular, small group of conscienceless psychopaths, are energetically involved in trying to kill and enslave the rest of us. Some of us can see who it is that gets PUT INTO POWER, and are then manipulated from the sidelines and shadows to-our-detriment.

I can't see the whole thing at the same time. I don't have that 360 degree thing, unless I am looking inward. So... sometimes it seems like it is all based on a cabal of merciless killers, and sometimes it seems more like global degeneration, where people are going backwards, into the animal nature. Sometimes it seems that there is an observable trend toward ever more and more crazy, and that material excess is the source of it, and... sometimes... it looks like two kingdoms, at war with each other, from different planes of existence.

The armies of the lower nature, resort to emotional triggers to manipulate the combat. Fear, and Hunger are very powerful inducements in Times of Material Darkness. A large portion of the population is susceptible to these influences, and... they extract a heavy toll on Humanity, since this war, though it is inspired by invisible sources, takes place in our being. It divides us against ourselves, and then... against each other, and... that is the nature of the times in which we live.

Some number of us know some of the details of the whole affair. Some more and some less. Some of us are more informed about what is going on... out there. None of us seem to know what to do about it. It could be that we are not supposed to do anything about it, because this is what the specific players want, in terms of outcome. They may not see the outcome. They may not be clear on what the outcome is, but... they damn well want an outcome. They want some kind of reward for calling attention to themselves, as embarrassing as that sounds. Enough about all that! Where's my end?

I can clearly see that The World is devolving into chaos. I can also see that it is being orchestrated to certain ends that do not have our welfare in mind. I can further see that they are screwing up on a grand scale. They get so far and then they lose the plot. They forget what they knew with such certainty only a little while ago, and now, no longer even know what it was. Evil destroys itself, my friends, and Heaven helps the Heaven-bent.

A big change is sweeping in this year. It is surfacing. It had been swimming in the under-garments of the sea. You see it in the changes that Governor DeSantis is bringing to Florida. He just hammered Disney where their money lives, as payback for buying into the lie of the small child protection law, and then lying about what it is.

Netflix just lost more than a quarter of its stock value. Billions went bye bye. CNN+ just got canceled, not even a month out. Hissy-fit Mathews is burned up about it, throwing petulance tantrums and stamping his feet. He climbed out from under the toilet seat that is Fox-News, traveled across the tiles to the men's room in the next park over, and then got flushed by CNN before lunch was even over. Goodbye cruel world!

Twitter is no longer coming in on a wing and a prayer, having taken a serious burst across the fuselage. Elon Musk is about to clip their wings. It seems that whatever Elon wants, Elon gets. There is a big story going on here.

Across the country, the Democratic machine has seized up. Rhino Republicans are being outed and sent to the elephant's graveyard. Dinesh D'Souza is about to release “2000 Mules,” which is an expose of the stolen presidential election. I've see the trailer. It looks impossible to argue against. “Rigged” can now be seen, which is the expose on Facebook.

Everywhere you look, ♫ the walls come a tumbling down ♫

From the other side of the DMZ, the COVID hysteria is being pumped out of the sidewalk speakers; makes you feel like you're in Santa Barbara. The Pervert Assault on The Family Unit, The Transgender Family Eunuch, and The Attack of the Mind Parasites, are all continuing apace, through their ports of proliferation. It is difficult indeed to be capable of taking an objective stance in search of a clear perspective, because the gale-force winds of madness beset us on all sides.

Hollywood is in the midst of a cannibal holocaust. The whole industry is going down. Remember there was a Blood Moon eclipse a couple of years ago, and I mentioned how the chart of The United States was near exactly that of France during the time of revolution? Now you see The New Jacobins seething in their hatred of all things normal, and quite capable of building Madame La Guillotine into something more than a meme. There are some very angry people out there. You always get into trouble, down at the corner of Heart Attack and Stroke, when you start lying to yourself. Then... pressure just builds, and builds, and builds.

Wokeness is death at the box office, whether that box office be at theaters or the halls of Congress. Without a financial drive, without a market, woke cannot stay alive. It's all about The Money down here. If it doesn't generate, it will constipate, and no one gets paid. If no one gets paid, no one gets fed, and those living in the high shoulders of The Hog, can ill-afford a reduction in life style. Oh! It is going to be brutal for them. The more Mr. Apocalypse tears back the curtains, the more Woke becomes indefensible. It is simply a part of the pincher movement of Communism in its pursuit of Hell on Earth.

Once again... what demographic did Communism come out of? Was it not the same demographic that killed tens of millions of Russians? Are they not the same demographic pushing it today? What is the operating political philosophy of a Kibbutz? Who owns the vaccine manufacturers? Who owns The Media? This is ALL easily established and presented in clear and inarguable fashion. It is not Brain Science.

Here's the good news. No one gets away with their deceptions forever. The whole point and purpose of all that happens is The Demonstration of its destiny, writ large. A story is told. A lesson is given. An outcome is realized. Is it what you wanted? That is a big question. Did you get what you wanted? This is not likely because the main real and legitimate drive of life is FREEDOM... Liberation... Jivanmukti. The mechanisms of desire bind us... unless that desire is DIRECTED otherwise. This is what we learn through pain and suffering, and there is no pain and suffering without attachment! There is a REASON for everything. We simply close our eyes to it.

People don't want to believe in Karma, yet they see it EVERYWHERE. They just don't recognize it for what it is. AND... if you're up to no good, you certainly do not want to hear about Karma. People do not want to believe what is inconvenient to them. This is facing fate with your eyes closed. That seems to me to be a kind of closed-door stupid.

Long ago... the Rishi, or the Elohim, or The Archetypes; whatever terms you use that work for you, they constructed, and also explained, ANYTHING there was to know about. It's all from some department of Ageless Wisdom. This very wisdom is concealed in every one of us, but the outside world have proven far more fascinating.

Periodically, and like clockwork, Humanity gets a wake-up call. Some make the cut, and some do not. Then Life proceeds into the next phase. That is the long, and slow, and windy way that we head toward en masse, regardless of whether you like it or not, and regardless of whether you are aware of it or not. There is a MUCH MORE expedient route that can be taken. You have only to come to the attention of the ones who facilitate it; who know the doorman, the ferryman, and who have all your papers together for the customs stations on the way; metaphorically speaking.

Try doing this on your own and only disappointment and frustration will be your lot, along with Sisyphus and the other personifications of that methodology. Self-will accomplishes nothing but defeat. This is that timeless arrogance that goes before a fall. Heaven forever extends the helping hand. Not many take it. For some reason it makes them suspicious that such an offer would be there, given their own selfish nature. That is why there is so, so much time involved, it seems to take that long for many.

End Transmission.......

Some links=

GAB is here for some reason I have yet to fathom.

Via Breitbart
This is the 4th or 5th time in recent weeks where the legislature of a state approved a law to protect female athletes from the bio-engineered tranny-freaks who have made a joke of it. In each case, the governor came along and struck it down. MOST EVERYONE wants womens sports to be for women. Something very heavy is leaning on the people on top=

The Saker Via The Truthseeker
The Saker is back. I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to read someone who is, for me, palpably telling the truth. This makes me as sad as anything can... that there are so few. The Saker is one of them. I am not one who enjoys war from any perspective, but I do like to know what is going on=

Via The Real History Channel
Lots of interesting evidence and observations.
Look at Evelyn Rothschild's head=

Via Breitbart
aw... Chrissy Mathews. It couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow. Mr. Apocalypse is on his game!=

Via Breitbart
A devasting indictment of a hypocrite and professional failure=

Rebel of Oz Via The Truthseeker
In case you just can't get the numbers in your head straight, here is all you will ever need to counter the biggest lie=

World Almanac 1933

World Almanac  1933

World Almanac 1948

World Almanac  1948

It is time we stop accepting the things we cannot change, and start changing the things we cannot accept.

Via revolver
Hurrah!!! Hurrah!!!=<

Via Post Millennial
Heh heh heh=<

Via Post Millennial
Yep... in the final analysis, it comes down to bad parenting=<

Via NewsMax at YouTube


Anonymous said...

Well, ya got me with the new (un)Serenity Prayer. Excellent read, as usual. Thanks much.

Love, Priscilla

Guy Reid-Brown said...

'What is the operating political philosophy of a Kibbutz?'

That pulled me up as a friend sent me a link to an article going into this just a couple of days ago :-

Anonymous said...

Love to see you map out the route to successful pushback and battles being won in many places.
Keep it up please.

Robert said...

robert said...

Dear Visible of the One of Many for the One,

A story is told. A lesson is given. An outcome is realized. Is it what you wanted? That is a big question. Did you get what you wanted? This is not likely because the main real and legitimate drive of life is FREEDOM... Liberation... Jivanmukti. The mechanisms of desire bind us... unless that desire is DIRECTED otherwise. This is what we learn through pain and suffering, and there is no pain and suffering without attachment! There is a REASON for everything. We simply close our eyes to it.

More succinct, poignant and pithy color commentary from the nose-bleed bleacher perspective!

The horde of the self-centric minions of the Anti-life persona have been framing human perception into cattle chutes for millennia.

Balance calls upon those who hear to balance this with frame-breaking, larger perspectives
Your postings dissolve the antilife frames before the universal solvent: love water.

It only takes one child to call out the naked liars
The balance of humanity swimming in a sea of imposters breaks water like a cetacean and see the rest of the pod getting sunned and no longer swim in depressing delusion!

Try doing this on your own and only disappointment and frustration will be your lot, along with Sisyphus and the other personifications of that methodology. Self-will accomplishes nothing but defeat. This is that timeless arrogance that goes before a fall. Heaven forever extends the helping hand. Not many take it. For some reason it makes them suspicious that such an offer would be there, given their own selfish nature. That is why there is so, so much time involved, it seems to take that long for many

"Please Mother, I'd rather do it myself!" says the exasperated women with a headache, as dramatized by a Bayer aspirin commercial.

Direct appeal to the automatic ego mechanism, which the exploiters have used so predictably since the last apocalyptic cycle.

We have been deliberately confused into false polarities:

It is not a dumb choice between self-direction and groupthink which has now been reframed for the woke into "selfish" and woke.
It is also not a more awake choice between voluntary cooperation and coerced totalitarian sacrifice.

It is and has always been a profound choice between listening and following the automatically superficial voice of personal experience
Tuning in to the Voice of the One, comprehending the entire picture and giving prompts and cues for us to play our part with deeper gratification.

Eat a deadly bon bon and feel the body satisfaction for a few minutes
Discharge our daily bread of spiritual animation, squeezing it out for a few moments of afterglow
Make a bargain which is no bargain for the other party and bask in egoic vainglory of "winning" for a few hours


Learn to play our selves musically, making harmony out of dissonance
Love without calculation everything and everyone in our field, pushing away the darkness
Cooperate with the true order of life in every way we can perceive and feel the love

What seems to be the boring choices when we are in fresh embodiments comes into focus as our energy tide recedes

Every single time we try it our way, disconnecting from the singular coherence of One Vision, we pay the price in pain and eventually, learn our lesson.

What can we really do but cooperate with the Spirit that “brung” us to this party?

Time to "dance on the mountaintops of life" as our awareness grows out of bonded servitude!



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Ahhhhhhhh! Just what I needed on my second long shift of the week. Quite uplifting.

Hey wait a minute! I'm happiest when I'm miserable, and how can I be miserable after reading something like this? QUIT RAINING ON MY PARADE, DAMMIT!

(Kidding of course. Rock on, and I/we can't wait to meet you nose to nose, though it will probably be on the Otherside.)

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Woke is A Defense Mechanism for Those Who do not Want to Awaken. It is a Kind of Sleepwalking Denial."



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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