Thursday, June 2, 2022

"Time to Stop Trying to Understand the Wang Dang Doodle and Simply Come into Harmony and Accord With It."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Given the climes of the times, I did not think Johnny Depp would do as well as he did. It is out of character that this would happen in Times of Cancel Culture. Not only that, it took down The Big Tuna of #metoo. Forgive me if I seem ignorant or uninformed here. Isn't #metoo literally spoken as, Pound-me-too? The sense of irony that swept over me as it passed through my head is only matched by the irony that passed through me when I saw a photo, for the first time, of the founder of that meme.

It would be a meme, right? I am woefully uninformed in The Lingo... the contemporary lingua-franca. I don't know what most combinations of acronyms and initialisms mean, except for the obvious ones, like FBI and CIA. This is good... since I understand that most of them evolved out of a secret code language, having to do with sexual preferences... explored in the dark with strangers.

To me... all of these are forms of laziness. You note I use the word 'grin' in parentheses instead of smileys or what all. I prefer to type out what I mean, going the long way. I stop reading anything that is composed of these abbreviations for words, like 'u' instead of you, 'r' instead of are, 'c' instead of see. Then you can really get into the shorthand with “c u.”

I never joined Twitter. The name alone is reason enough. Then I saw it was limited to 144 characters. I'm not sure of that but it's close. Immediately, it came to me that Twitter was for Twits, like, “Trix is for kids.”

Now I hear that people are graduating from school who can't write coherently, can't do math, (cause it's racist), and can't read beyond a middle school level; if that. The people united in trying to destroy this country know what they're doing. They took over all of the relevant industries and then used them to dumb down Humanity. They're the same ones who took over all of the Gay and Tranny organizations so that they could set policy. This is how it got into the schools and the curriculum.

All of it... is all about making our cultures exclusively Carnal. The destruction of Religion is taking place as I write these words. The people involved in dismantling them are unaware that they are all to be replaced by the new way of looking at, and understanding... God. The Asian religions will be much less affected. Oh... it's all going to go Topsy-Turvy at some point.

Some form of Communism is perfect for a Carnal World. Making us into faceless robots is right in line with Brave New World, and 1984. They are going to have complete facial recognition for the faceless robots. They are as mad as a hatter. They are going to forget what hat they are wearing and that is going to lead to all kinds of security breaches in the nets of confinement and control that they seek to throw over us. As The Awakening continues, they will no longer be able to conceal anything. Once again, that is what an apocalypse is all about.

The composition of The Universe, the Face of God, the colossal clockwork of all the synchro-meshing gears... cannot be seen by mortal eyes, nor computed by mortal minds. HOWEVER... one can certainly get the sense of it, and come into resonance with it, by forever being in retreat of the light passing through you. It's a form of bowing... a recognition of greater presence.

Of course, if you are the be-all know-all of the movie, well... there can be only one. You'll have to ply your trade with Legion and The Nethers as the alternative route. I'm not going that way myself, but... it isn't hard to find. There are signposts all along the way... until you come to the portal of descent, above which it is written, “Abandon Hope All Ye who Enter Here.”

There are some... I've crossed paths with them, that are consciously bent toward Hell. They brag about going there. They say things like, #“I'll see you in Hell!” They are sure they will be alright, the same way they are alright here... right? Right? This means they have no idea what Hell actually is, nor do they know that every Hell is engineered to suit the needs of the inhabitants in their period(s) of penance.

If you've got your mind set on Heaven, you only have to head in that direction. There are clear signposts for that as well. Really... the most certain route is The Path of Love, ESPECIALLY in Times of Material Darkness. Many people have a problem with loving everyone. I suspect that is impossible anyway... in the personal sense. When you love someone, does that mean you also love what they do? Herein is the secret, hidden in plain sight; Impersonal Love makes it possible to love indiscriminately. This is when you develop that Thousand Year Stare. You've heard of the Thousand Yard Stare? Okay... moving right along.

When you are impersonal, then you are no longer a combatant in The Ego Wars. You are no longer competing or contending for ANYTHING. The opposite number for this is the psycho and sociopath. They are also impersonal and detached from emotional complicity in their crimes. They are utterly selfish and indifferent to the needs of anyone but themselves. They don't feel anything. That part of them is broken.

You see quite a few of them in Times of Material Darkness. They often rise high up in the pecking order, even becoming president or prime minister. Law enforcement holds a big attraction for them. They get to enforce the law. Yikes!

The sexual force has to be channeled one way or the other. It is the biological imperative. Elsewise it will snap at the weakest link. It is another form of sex that takes place in times of war. In times of high art, it expresses itself in manners and protocols. Now, they run around offended by everyone, in a state of relentless high dudgeon. Somewhere in their chemistry, the energy is wrongly bottled or incorrectly channeled, and... you see the results of this wherever you look, especially in locations with denser concentrations of the public.

The stability of The World hangs by a thread. It is a strong thread, and its tensile strength is composed of the faith of God that sustains us, just as fresh water is the product of selfless giving, mercy... and forgiveness... prayers. Hardly anyone is aware of the fact that Nature accommodates our perspectives. If we are cheap and surly, Nature will reflect this. You can... LITERALLY... make friends with Nature and have her respond to you in kind. St Francis. Luther Burbank and others have demonstrated the harmony of living in accord with Lady Nature. Certainly, it is not the province only of the sacerdotal legions fumbling in the dark for the light switch. That must have been a real pain-in-the-ass before they had electricity.

I did not expect that trial to work out as it did. You get used to a certain level of reinforced intimidation, and unfairness across the board. Many things and conditions are changing. People are coming together over their own common interests and tastes. They are going to need that in the coming times; the good news being that this is The Age of Brotherhood. The predators are running out of time and becoming deadly serious. They feel pressed and it puts them into a panic, which they can't show (not just yet) so they have to white-knuckle it.

There is no escaping the internal pressures that mount... and keep mounting. As that pressure intensifies they begin to make mistakes... big mistakes. You can see it at work on The Big Gameboard. Oh! What to do! What to do! There is a central locus in your being, AND... it you are not making war on yourself, you can draw back into it... steady as she goes... bringing yourself into the sanctuary of the inviolable state of personal harmony with all life, through Impersonal Love. Nothing can harm you there. No one and nothing sees you as an enemy or antagonist.

In every culture, you find examples of these spiritual martial arts. In every land... there are some who are practical in their spiritual practices. They are not swallowed up in bric-a-brac memorabilia, and symbols they do not understand. They are hands-on... while being hands-off. They are living with the object of their faith. They are in direct contact with it. They don't need uniforms and funny hats to give them legitimacy. All those on life's stage in their theatrical costumes are externalizations of something they lost the plot over. “What was it we were supposed to be doing?”

My friends... regardless of the whoop-de-doo of the shit hitting the fan, if you're out of range, you're out of range. If you swam far away from the ocean liner BEFORE it went down, it will not suck you under as it sinks. The time has come to stop trying to understand the Wang Dang Doodle and simply come into harmony with it.

End Transmission.......

And some links (I hope)=

If you like the boomerang effect, you will like going to GAB-

New Atlas Via The Truthseeker
A Very... very lucid and articulate fellow=

Russian Ops in Ukraine

Here's his main site

Via The Real History Channel
Sad... very sad=

Via Sky News
Troubling? Hmm...
Hmm... I guess it depends on where you are standing and how far the fallout extends=

AwakenWithJP @ YouTube
He keeps getting better

Via Breitbart
Well... looky there.
If these are our best and brightest, it's lights out. the picture says it all=

Via The Real History Channel
And the beat goes on=

Via LewRockwell
Yeah... sure... right=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils up!

Jolly Roger said...

Greetings Sunvoy Visible! Good time for a Jack Sparrow encore and there is no woman worth all of that trouble and money.
Out for a walkabout earlier and there was a five o' clock shadow deep voiced person posing as a woman with long hair and shorts for the laugh of the day.
Anytime a place gets destroyed in two years then you know that it came from within just as the president of El Salvador stated lately.
I can get cheap and surly when there is not enough sleep and then get back in the harmonic groove after catching up on the sawing logs.
Stupid people lost in a fog of desire and muh genitals are too easy to control.
Bwahaha! A Slop Gun commercial came on just now as fam watches the IQ and imagination destroyer box, how cute to have some rah rah we will conquer the world as they burn it all down better.
Watched the excellent documentary Idiocracy the other day and it has aged well, I admit to meme making to mind warp the jello brains but have never had a sailfawn (cellphone) or any alphabet soup agency honeypots known as social media.

robert said...

Visible dear to the One to Whom All are dear, though they strive in vain to be rejected:

Had to respond to your word extrusions from the point of central harmony...

The composition of The Universe, the Face of God, the colossal clockwork of all the synchro-meshing gears... cannot be seen by mortal eyes, nor computed by mortal minds. HOWEVER... one can certainly get the sense of it, and come into resonance with it, by forever being in retreat of the light passing through you. It's a form of bowing... a recognition of greater presence.

Transcendently said!

How to get out of the way of the light, out of our own way, no longer blocking the light intended to nourish us and everyone else as it passes through us, no more shadow banning ourselves from commmunicating with our Self?

Step aside from the drive outward to extinction and surf the return flow of the unending glow, casting our light that much brighter for being allowed out of the particular, into the ecstatic wave form!

When you are impersonal, then you are no longer a combatant in The Ego Wars. You are no longer competing or contending for ANYTHING.

Another form of dying every day, dying to the lure of our internalized personal adversary with which we have over-identified so long that we think we will die without our familiar fear!

Oh! What to do! What to do! There is a central locus in your being, AND... it you are not making war on yourself, you can draw back into it... steady as she goes... bringing yourself into the sanctuary of the inviolable state of personal harmony with all life, through Impersonal Love. Nothing can harm you there. No one and nothing sees you as an enemy or antagonist.

Invisible against the Sun, swallowed in the effulgence, a prism instead of a blockhead!

or "Fade away and radiate" as one song writer put it

How to float above our own attachments while resting connected to the One tone we live upon.
This is the pertinent question which is not impertinent to ask with every breath.

Gracias, Merci, Danke, Thank you!

Visible said...

No... thank you, Robert. Somehow you pulled all the salient lines from the post and made an elegant macramé. I say macramé because the light can shine through it.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Ah... The Disappointed Lovers from The No Tell Motel at Tormented Psyche Junction, Outside of Delacroix."



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