Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Money Doesn't Make The World Go Round. It Looks Like it Makes The World go Round, and that is All That Matters."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Every day comes one more exposure on the heels of another... unless you go to CNN or The Washington Post where... shit-eating mushrooms die in a democracy of darkness. There... and in other places... you will find the Glyphosate Pablum... the simpering whines of reunion... among the sainted hostages... a gaggle of Myna Birds with their beaks out... in search of a wetting.

The Horrors of Hamas; a kind of X-rated “Perils of Pauline”... by way of Candida (sp?), and her clubfooted sister Chlamydia... will be a new serialized release from not-so-Random House, BUT... the gig is up. As I was told... have been told several times in recent days that everything they get up to now is going to turn against them. Humanity is on one side and The Armies of Darkness are on the other.

One of them is emergent. The other is fading into the indigo soup of recycling error... frogmarched by the footsoldiers of Lord Stupid, and other blue-bloods from the lineage of Almost Human. When the time comes... and... the time has come. There are no further negotiations. Letters of appeal will not be accepted. It simply begins to crumble away. It was all based on nothing and Nothing has left the room.

We have sat in that awful darkness of never-ending night... waiting on the dawn... waiting on the dawn. Jim Morrison is singing it backwards on a record somewhere... the words are different... the meaning is the same, and then... when nearly all of us had forgotten why we were even there... light began to break upon the sky. No one wants to believe it. It is still early days. No doubt it is a false dawn.

Rumors run amok in every direction as if Sybil were playing Paul Revere. The messages are like each fragmented identity, independent of every other. One says this... another says that. Rumors echo off each temporary facade. It's a kind of hall of mirrors... banging on the walls of the inner ear. Everyone can hear something. No one can understand what they are hearing. This is because the huge engines of cosmic change are being lined up on the far side of the hill... under the cover of all that fucking noise.

Do I look like I work here? Go find somebody with a name tag! Then you'll be right as rain. You'll be bobbing for road apples with your Uncle Bob the avuncular nightmare. The rumor machine is smoking like an industrial fire. It can't keep up with the demand.

Everyone wants to know something. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. (it never did) They just want to be able to tell anybody who asks them... something. It's the appearance of being informed that makes all the difference. Do these pince-nez glasses make me look pear-shaped in the moonlight? Is the wind in your withers yet? There's a cold excitement coming in like the early morning mist on the hillsides, behind which the huge engines of cosmic change are concealed.

When big things start to break down, all you notice at first is that the workmen are moving a little faster than usual. Not as many people are leaning on their shovels... as if the union rep was in town. It takes a while. When the last of the oil leaks out of the car... it doesn't seize up right away. In the best conditions, you might get 40 miles down the road. It's a process. It takes time. We are at that point where the lubricating grease has run out. Sooner or later the inevitable will occur.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of shouting and yelling. People are waving their hands. The really important people are acting like absolutely nothing out of the ordinary is happening, BUT... you would expect that. The really corrupt money all just got behind the loose cannon, burlesque queen Nikki Haley, so... there are real problems in The Backroom.

When you put Nikki Haley's name in a search engine. One of the choices that comes up is; Nikki Haley's daughter is a pig. I wonder what that means?

As you should know. As you should have been knowing for a long time already, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! It has ALWAYS been all about the money because the people with the most money get to tell the people with not as much money what to do, and... they get to tell the people with even less money what to do, and I suppose that is supposed to take the sting out of the party of the first part.

Without money, there's no Power. How is anyone with power going to pay the soldiers that go around with them everywhere... showing how powerful they are... so that they keep marching behind them (or in front of them) whichever way they are going? How are you going to be rich and powerful without money? Well... I am exceedingly rich and do not have much money, BUT... that's another story.

In The Unreal World... if you want to be powerful... you have to have money. Money is the muscle and sinew that makes you look steroidal... even if you are not. Money confers aura. Money makes you look like someone... even if you are not.

One of the funniest things going is that there are a whole lot of billionaires, and many, many more multimillionaires... and way, way more millionaires. Can you imagine how many of these are goosestepping around in whatever pond gets assigned to them by The Lords of Karma at any one time?

Money DOES NOT make The World go round. It makes it look like it makes The World go round, and that's all that matters. APPEARANCES are the real currency that makes money look impressive.

Now... that the oil... which is the currency of motion... is leaking out of the car... I'm sure everyone is taking bets on how much further the car is going to manage to get. There's a strange pressure conundrum at work here, and that is the fact that everyone laying bets has also got to make sure and be out of town when the car's engine seizes.

Any day now... it's going to be finger-pointing time. It's not Dark Brandon's fault. He's just an empty suit with the front pockets of his pants cut out. He's the window dressing in a looted store. The people who set him up knew what they thought they were doing. That's how Kamala became vice president. No one wants to go there because everyone else has already been there.

Boy! It looks like someone set every dumpster in The World on fire at the same time. Now I hear the Democrats are thinking of putting Bruce Willis on the ticket. No one knows what they are doing all of a sudden. They never knew it in the first place but it hadn't occurred to them. Now it has. That pretty much takes fake it till you make it off the menu. I can't wait for the musical chairs blame game that is about to start.

Everything is coming down on them at once. Ukraine wasn't going well anyway and then America's bankers had to go and do a false flag. Then The Killer Vaccines hit Broadway. I hear Pfizer just lost 144 billion in market value because no one wants what they were making anymore. How are they... how are any of them supposed to spin that? The Justice Department is getting reamed in Congress; probably why no one is covering it. I mean... everything is going haywire all at the same time.

Who is causing all of this? That question keeps coming to mind. Oh! Of course, I know who's causing it but I like to keep asking anyway. I'll bet they are asking!!! Heh heh... they only believe in what they can see (and imagine), and this means they are stone blind to the important features. This gives rise to uncertainty... that gives rise to paranoia... that... inevitably leads to panic. Right now, it's a white-knuckled ride. Probably time to pour a little more oil into The Athanor... but they don't know what that is either.

It has to be amusing if you have any kind of remote-viewing faculties. The people above them are yelling at them. They are yelling at the people below, and the question keeps returning to their minds; how did it all turn to shit so quickly? Well... that's what reverse alchemy results in. That's what a reversed Kabbalah produces.

Eventually, the demons get the upper hand. It is far better to traffic with angels. Good things happen when you are being advised by your own higher nature. Bad things happen when you go to... ♫ the fire down below ♫

Everything is under control. That is the beauty of it. That is the poetry of it. Everything fits when you are putting things in their right places... in their right order, OR... put another way... everything goes perfectly when you don't interfere with The Process. Everyone gets everything that is coming to them, even if they leave town or change their name to Harry Angel. Even if they manage to forget who they are, you can be sure they will be reminded at some point.

End Transmission.......

Some links await at GAB=

The hits just keep on coming=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

robert said...

Literary luminosity!

Lunch eating lunacy at large!

where... shit-eating mushrooms die in a democracy of darkness.
What an opening paragraph!

followed on a roll by more alliteration and pithy prose:
The Horrors of Hamas; a kind of X-rated “Perils of Pauline”... by way of Candida (sp?), and her clubfooted sister Chlamydia... will be a new serialized release from not-so-Random House

Feeling the fun, err, joy that goes into wordsmithing for the Word in this post!

The Cosmic "I told you so!" is breaking the trance of all fitfully burrowing into their dimming disbelief...

There's a cold excitement coming in like the early morning mist on the hillsides, behind which the huge engines of cosmic change are concealed.

Warming to those with hearts still burning with love for the One

Despite the churn of change, why should not all the long suffering who know they are souls enjoy the demonstration, where demons play all the parts in a tragic ending and we all learn the moral of the story, in good morale?

Visible entertains those paying attention with a play by play, by gay by gay, ray by ray reveal...

The comic gold is there for the healing as we laugh off the strutting stage those who refuse to wake from slumbering selfishness

Everything is under control. That is the beauty of it. That is the poetry of it. Everything fits when you are putting things in their right places... in their right order, OR... put another way... everything goes perfectly when you don't interfere with The Process. Everyone gets everything that is coming to them, even if they leave town or change their name to Harry Angel. Even if they manage to forget who they are, you can be sure they will be reminded at some point.

The beauty of it indeed!

Gracias, Visible!

Yesterday's journal entry:

The “skeptics”, trained by their media handlers, who believe that nothing is going on other than what the corporate narrative tells them are the same sleepers who do not believe that Creation is a Unified Field!

Feeling that the world is divided at a fundamental level, not knowing that delusion is a scientific and logical impossibility, but unconsciously believing that the manufactured matrix of division in human society pertains to natural reality!

Danke to all here to observe ourselves grow out of our personal prisons, holding trust that as many as possible of our brothers and sisters join in the the freedom dance!

0 said...

"Probably time to pour a little more oil into The Athanor..."

How did you mean the Athanor?

Its a curious word, I've only seen it come up in philosophy and in reference to Andrea Rossi's e-cat which had an iteration they called the Athanor for universities to look at replicating the finding of excess Heat generated from the configuration of hydrogen pressurized container with one tungsten electrode vertical over a second particulate nickel mesh powder seated in the bottom of the vertical arrangement. Its been a while since I looked at the E-cat config but it was a thermal output overunity device.

I also see ones iteration of form as an Athanor / vehicle of change for oneself.

The online definition is this:
a type of furnace used by alchemists, able to maintain a steady heat for long periods.

Which fits ones iteration of form, tho few seem to tumble to such as a realization. When I was a kid I "ran hot" was always warm, hands put off alot of heat... my grandmother used to note it and would like to hold my hands because they warmed her hands. Since the spine injury I get cold now and then... a cold that hits the bones and sets me shivering. It is what it is, it is just curious to note the change.

Accountability or Revolution. Or Both should such be needful.

Take it easy,

Visible said...

Meant as the alchemical transformation chamber.

Anonymous said...

Awww, come-on, you've got to admit even the devil got a kick out of this one!
Jeez, anyone who can pound one of these out, day after day, surely should have
no concerns about material needs. I mean, obviously, you are Divinely protected.

Thanks for keeping it Light, Visible, even in the darkest of times...


0 said...

Thanks Viz!

This comment from Robert caught my eye.

"The “skeptics”, trained by their media handlers, who believe that nothing is going on other than what the corporate narrative tells them are the same sleepers who do not believe that Creation is a Unified Field!"

I'd posit that Creation is actually a series of overlaid fields that comprise a single Fabric of Creation. Why else would ones iteration of forms systems run at differing rates? lymph is almost DC like... Mind is high frequency, circulatory is middle frequency, and respiratory is slower than circulator but faster than lymph. Each serving its purpose in the complex anchor of the iteration of form. Just a thought anyways.


Anonymous said...

Indian govt official directed Sikh separatist’s assassination plot in US, Justice Dept says

An Indian government official directed an unsuccessful plot to assassinate a Sikh separatist on US soil, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) said on Wednesday, in announcing charges against a man accused of orchestrating the attempted murder.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Nikhil Gupta, 52, worked with the Indian government employee, whose responsibilities included security and intelligence, to assassinate a New York City resident who advocated for a Sikh sovereign state in northern India.

Prosecutors did not name the Indian official or the target. Gupta was arrested by Czech authorities in June and is awaiting extradition. He could not be reached for comment.

“The defendant conspired from India to assassinate, right here in New York City, a US citizen of Indian origin who has publicly advocated for the establishment of a sovereign state for Sikhs,” Damian Williams, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, said in a statement.

India’s embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The charges come after a senior Biden administration official last week said US authorities had thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist in the United States and issued a warning to India over concerns the government in New Delhi was involved. The official said Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, who says he is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada, was the target of the foiled plot.

0 said...

Just a heads up Viz that truthseeker is misattributing articles to you.

"Reports like these fuelling righteous anger don’t bode well for Zelensky as he clings to power amid swirling rumours of coups, underscoring the volatile and uncertain nature of his tenure.


Courtesy Les Visible"

URL here:

I'm sure your invisible friends have you covered but I let the source know in any case.


Visible said...

Rixon over at Truthseeker reads my links at GAB and regularly selects articles. Then he credits me with bringing them to his attention. It startled me the first time I saw it too.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"You Can't Prance Through Life's Nurseries like Albert Fish and Expect Accolades from Succeeding Generations."

Anonymous said...

C'mon Les don't you know that greed is good. Kaiser So-say must be having a field of dreams day! Since I'm usually a Jenny-come lately to the "news", I just indigested a story about how some protestors want to boycott Indigo bookstores in Canada and some splashed red paint on a store window, protesting the massacre of children and other innocents in Palestine.

Indigo is a behemoth that swallowed up all the struggling independent book sellers in this country well over a decade ago. Apparently the Jewish owner, Heather reisman (spouse of Mr. Megabucks himself Gerry Schwartz, owner of Onex corp. Etc...) is a big donor/ supporter of Israeli soldiers.

Several people have been arrested. It's a media fuckfest here and plenty of jews and or holocaust "survivors" etc. have been triggered by any/all coverage that doesn't honor them or that might even remotely seem even slightly sympathetic to any of the Palestinian victims, including babies but hey,. I get that though, cuz you're either a 100 percent a full unquestioning supporter of israhell and all jews everywhere, and their sacred above all other holocausts, or you're an anti- Semite or self- hating Jew, or ( fill in da blanks).

Doesn't matter either what anyone says to the contrary, not even the UN. Go figure!

Wicked and wild times these are indeed! Peace man, am

Visible said...

Sorry for the delay in posting your comment. I was off doing something else. It happens sometimes. I'll try to be more attentive.

Anonymous said...

Hey, no apologies required, thanks just the same, am



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