Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"Asymmetrical Warfare!!! It's Like Deja-Nam All Over Again! I Love The Smell of Tandoori Tanks Cooking in The Morning!"

God Poet Transmitting.......

Now that Israel has orchestrated their latest false flag attack; killing Arab children on a soccer field and...

...blaming it on someone else; thinking this will rouse the Arab populations to support their genocidal purge of The Palestinian People from their homeland... it is being reported... and evidence being gathered... that... once again... the home-team did it.

Well... they've got deniability. It can be an accident, just like all those hospital and school bombings; and... the so-called safe zones where non-combatants could hide while General Sherman Flushberg rids the landscape of the nits who make lice. Vas ist ze probleeme? Ve ist using ze Kosher butcher!

It's true. I saw the Kosher seal of approval on all the phosphorous bombs and cluster munitions. They had the names of Palestinian schoolchildren engraved on their flanks. Umm... zat cold steel... ven it gets me all hot and boddered. It's just pretend foreplay, eh? Nozzing boddas me. I believe that, Mr. Cold and Dead Inside.

Hey!! ♫ It's Closing Time for Palestine... I don't know where you will go but you can't stay here. The Angel of Death is going to take you home. The Angel of Death is going to take you home... closing time ♫

Well, it was 2 or 3 for one at Little Short Sheet Caesars this week. They also got to kill some public faces of The Resistance, AND... they have yet to bomb the living daylights out of Beirut. This is because they are loooooooooooooooooooooooosing!!! Yes! They are loooooooooooooooooooooooosing!

I know. I know. Maybe it doesn't look like it in The Western Butt Boy Press, which is also one hundred percent Kosher, BUT... they are loooooooooooooooooooooooosing! The Resistance is blowing up the big bad Merkava tanks with shoulder rockets... drones, and bomblets.

Asymmetrical warfare!!! It's like Deja-Nam all over again! I love the smell of Tandoori Tank cooking in the morning. It smells like breakfast! Yeah... the big bad wolf in woman's clothing is terrified of going out into the field anymore. How can they not be winning? They have their jailhouse punk... The United States of America... on its knees at the Talmudic gloryhole for them. How can they be losing? Trust me. They be loooooooooooooooooooooooosing!

Did you see them? Did you see those sold-out sycophants in Congress? Did you see the public fellatio ceremony? How can you be savvy and clever enough to get elected, and so stupid that you go to Israel... never see them drug your drink... and then get photos of you with an underage boy or girl in The Honeypot Room? Maybe they didn't have to drug your drink? Maybe that's how they found you in the first place?

Is it horrible... what is happening in The Gazacide? Is it miles and miles round the bend from any possibility of justification ever? Why; you know what? Yes, it is, and this is all courtesy of The Ineffable who knows how to make a point. NEFFA AGAIN can the holohoaxers claim... sacred inviolability based on an event that never happened in the first place. NEFFA AGAIN can they get away with this. They are killing women and children every single day, AND laughing about it.

Not only that, but they are sexually violating Palestinians in gang-rapes; both men and women, and then showing up en masse at the holding cells to beat on the doors and scream for the release of their comrades... from confinement... over what The Talmud tells them is their religious duty. Hostages??? They rounded up 4,000 Palestinians and locked them away as soon as the orchestrated October 7th hang-gliding event was finished. They've never been seen since.

(I'm not putting the links in here.
You can find them on X easily enough.)

Brave souls there are in The World, BUT... sadly enough... not enough... so far... to make a difference.

That's Ingrid Bergman as she would have been in real life. Stunning creature!

I publicly declaimed this lie for a dozen years... while living in The Land of Don't Say a Fucking Word, and while on every major alt-news site; where just to say it was 5 automatic years in the slammer, and many... many tens of thousands of people saw it because I was not shy and said it most days... one way or another. If it doesn't have your name on it... then it doesn't matter.

People do not understand that when you have the courage of your convictions and Heaven at your back. It doesn't matter what Sauron says or... what Sauron wants. The Devil is The Mind, BUT... if your mind is renewed, what concern have you about a devil... when all your devils have been turned into angels?

I will not kneel before those ugly... evil... loathsome crocodile swine!!! Every day... our numbers increase. Soon there will be many times the crowd Maduro generated when he stole one too many elections.

Day by day... these oh-so-clever fools... these lying deceivers and killers of tens and hundreds of millions over the years; day by day they reveal the evidence of their crimes before the eyes of The Whole Wide World!!! They do not understand the power of the unity of minds in accord. All they know how to do is divide us against each other. They know nothing about Unity, BUT... there is a GREAT POWER in Unity... so that one... single... shared thought... can... in a moment... change The World.

Day by day they build the gallows upon which they will hang themselves. Day by day they write the history of their accursedness before all. Day by day... they build the roads of ignominy that they will travel on... to the firelands below. All the evil they do, and have done is now recorded. The Internet never forgets. Mr. Apocalypse and Revelation carry the standard of Uncovering in the hollow pommels of their saddles.

No! I am not saying it is alright... for any of this to happen to The Palestinians... to make a point. I know the minds of vipers were at work on that one the moment I said it. Here's something for you to try on for size. It's happening, isn't it? Isn't it happening? What the fuck are you doing about it? Not a damn thing. That is what you are doing, so... shut your bleeding hole! (the h is silent)

The intricacies of creation... astound those... who have displaced The Indwelling God with their own sightless corpse of a being. Those who will not permit The One... to see through their eyes... hear with their ears, and resonate through their being... live in a doomed world of their own creation, as it heads for the thresher teeth of an ill-fated destiny.

The same blind fools gumming each other to death... keep coming back to visit atrocities on one another. Nothing gets Dark Kismet... wildly writhing on the Sybian Horse... for self-pleasuring... like unbridled hatred of one's own self... projected onto others.

Genocide is a sex thing. It really is, and all the despots of history have been compelled to seek after it... once they find there is no satiation in anything else. That is why wanting never ends because there is no fulfillment in the objects of desire... lest that object be God alone.

Of course, if you are going in the opposite direction... it just gets nastier... darker... and more terrible with every step you take. So... when you see the awful torments and tortures of Gaza... like some hitchhiker on the side of the road... outside your rolled-up window as you go by... dreaming of personal exotica to come... remember... everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents. Everyone is an investment banker in their own future's economy.

This sort of thing has been going on all the time. Remember Rwanda? Toot Toot Tutsi Goodbye? Remember Uganda? Remember The Holomodor and The Armenian Holocaust? I could list dozens of other examples, BUT... why bother? They'll all still be standing by the side of the road after you drive by.

What The World needs to do. What someone with a higher profile than me... needs to do... is to engineer a daily moment of collective censure over what is happening in Gaza. Someone needs to make a certain time of the day. Even five minutes would be far more powerful than you think. Get enough people and you will see Archimedes' lever transposed to a whole other metaphorical level; “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world,” Amen.

Even a handful of people praying with a joined intensity of unified thought will attract angels... to power it to the one... who answers them all. Imagine when countless souls are informed that one... single... shared... heartfelt prayer... can cause all conflict to cease. Love is both... a weapon and a shield. Nothing cuts so deep or protects more comprehensively... and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are waiting at GAB in a few minutes or so=

Continuing Chapter 18 of The Bhagavad Gita;
Freedom and Renunciation


Make every act an offering to me; regard me as your only protector. Relying on interior discipline, meditate on me always. Remembering me, you shall overcome all difficulties through my grace. But if you will not heed me in your self-will, nothing will avail you.

If you egotistically say, “I will not fight this battle,” your resolve will be useless; your own nature will drive you into it. Your own karma, born of your own nature, will drive you to do even that which you do not wish to do, because of your delusion.

The Lord dwells in the hearts of all creatures and whirls them round upon the wheel of Maya. Run to him for refuge with all your strength, and peace profound will be yours through his grace.

I give you these precious words of wisdom; reflect on them and then do as you choose. These are the last words I shall speak to you, dear one, for your spiritual fulfillment. You are very dear to me.

Be aware of me always, adore me, make every act an offering to me, and you shall come to me; this I promise; for you are dear to me. Abandon all supports and look to me for protection. I shall purify you from the sins of the past; do not grieve.

Do not share this wisdom with anyone who lacks in devotion or self-control, lacks the desire to learn, or scoffs at me. Those who teach this supreme mystery of the Gita to all who love me perform the greatest act of love; they will come to me without doubt. No one can render me more devoted service; no one on earth can be more dear to me.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

Visible said...

LTPTB- I added one last thing AFTER you posted; (I think) just an FYI

M - said...

"like unbridled hatred of one's own self... projected onto others."

You trip me out, Vis. In a good way, of course. I am about to Publish my end-of-the-month post and am including the following in my review of the book "The Invention of the Jewish People":
Their overcompensating is done to make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority. They hate themselves but project that hatred onto others - a personality disorder which has been classified as a type of mental illness.

Again, I have not published this Post yet so there's no way anyone would see this - yet we seem (once again) to be of like minds.


Visible said...

The truth is the truth, and it is tapped from the same reservoir to which we are all connected. Unfortunately, for many, when not used for a length of time it runs dirty... like well water... for a while, but people still think it's truth.

0 said...


Its interesting to assert genocide isn't reasonable. It may not be a result of actions performed in this life but karmas debt must balance and the self who acted is the beneficiary of all consequences. It appears unreasonable to they who have no such action held in their own hearts.

When I used to go for hours long drives while living in CA I used to occasionally hit a bird or a racoon or something while driving along. I wondered why I would hit such as it was seemingly just random occurences. It was brought to mind that perhaps these are reincarnated iterations of consciousness who I would not act to harm if they were people and so perhaps nature produced the context where that action could be balanced without inducing new acts of karma to be called to account in a future now.

I don't like to hurt anything, and its taken 50 years to get to a place where I'm ok with violence. Its a tool to be used as needed when thats all the Other will recognize.

I imagine the clowns in authority positions acting to willfully prevent accountability will in a short time get a taste of this themselves, if they don't stop their perverse plans and correct course. (they won't so we'll see what shakes out.)

Just another angle to look at the context thru. I don't know, but that seems the most apt to me today.

Take it easy, its gonna get cranked up here come the weekend.


Missing Munich said...

Brilliant!!! This made my day!!

Many thanks for your writings, and greetings all around!!

Ty said...

What video are you citing for Venezuela? Most are fakes or from other events in the past. Venezuela's elections are far more legit and secure than Americas. They have voter ID and require finger prints for the ballot and verification.

US is using sanctions and backing Juan Guaidó to turn the country against itself because their natural resources are sovereign and kicked out control of big western corporations.

Trumps national security advisor john bolton says 'January 6'th wasn't a coup, I should know, I've planned many coups... we tried in Venezuela'

Senator Christ Murphy admits on vide "we tried to construct a coup in Venezuela in April 2019 and it blew up in our face"

You think America isn't involved this time around? The entire western establishment swamp is picking sides...

Visible said...

Ty. Why do you insist on always taking an antagonistic position, and then resort to putting words in someone else's mouth? You're a tyro, which... perhaps... your name suggests. Might you not be better served at Reddit or Disquis... where other argumentative types ply their wares? Why do you insist on making assumptions and then begin to argue them as if they were real? This is all going on inside your own head. None of it is going on in mine/

Such delusions generally find their origin in Mother's basement. I don't know what you're talking about and that makes two of us. Why would you assume I am unaware of America's interference in every other country on the globe when I write about it consistently; as much as I care to repeat any and all tropes... long since established? That does not mean that the leaders of every other country are any more altruistic and inspirational than this country.

I am unable to credit intelligence to anyone who believes in the efficacy of Communism. Don't you have somewhere you need to be? No? Perhaps that is the problem.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"I am a Graduate of The Been There... and Done That... School... of Unnecessary Blows... to The Back of The Head.".

Tyler Vincent said...

Seems to me like that video you shared could be a pro Maduro rally. I say that in part because I don't see any BLM style riots or violence taking place there.

Why do you appear to always take impersonal observations as personal attacks? If I wanted to be antagonistic I wouldn't have said what I said... but your demeaning, shallow disrespectful response seems to me an invitation just asking for another broken jaw.

"US Recognizes Opposition Candidate Edmundo Gonzalez as Winner of Venezuela Election - Blinken"

I guess you and Blinken are on the same page on this one... funny how that works, isn't it Visible?

How is quoting U.S politicians bragging about their long history of attempted coups in Venezuela antagonistic to you? If you actually cared so much about the truth, why did you fail to mention that fact in your blogs?

Justin Trudeau, for one example, in my nation, worked to isolate Caracas, imposed illegal sanctions, took Maduro to the ICC, financed the opposition and decided a marginal rightest opposition was the legitimate president.

Lets play the devils advocate Visible and say perhaps, just perhaps despite having one of the most secure electoral systems on the planet that Maduro was forced to meddle with his election in order to defeat foreign backed interference and a sizable portion of a public body weakened by sanctions and western pressure who felt obliged to playacte to corrupted foreign interests in order to avoid even more punishment from the west. You think you have the moral authority to tell him no fucking around and he is no different than the west? He who is without sin cast the first stone.

Get it in your thick head visible, I'm not a fan of communism and most certainly not its Bolshevik variant, but I do respect China and whatever form they adopted works for them, 85% of the population is happy with the government and by extension so is the world as well...

All except of course for ZOG.

Visible said...

You think a lightweight like you can break my jaw? The martial artist who attacked me had to sneak up on me from behind for a good reason. I'll keep your threatening comment on file and see also that the right people get a look at it. I am very tired of you and I don't want you around here, and so that's it... adios. I don't operate on the level of petty vindictive shit that you pedal.

You can send in comments till Doomaday's Break. Not another one will see the light of day here. whatever you send I won't read but I will copy it to to your file. There is nothing further for you and I to discuss ever again.

Tyler Vincent said...

"why would you assume I am unaware of America's interference in every other country on the globe when I write about it consistently"

I get it... I get it. You lied through your teeth about Maduro in league with Blinken and all the rest of these clowns. You know exactly what is going on.

You just don't give a fuck because the Bolivarian revolution kicked out the IMF and western corporations and nationalized their resources and made them publicly owned, ala socialism/communism done right.

So kill them all, right visible?



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