Tuesday, July 23, 2024

"That Ocean is The Mind, and... Whatever Tumult there May Be... that Exists Within It... The Ocean Will Soon Exhibit "

God Poet Transmitting.......

It is amazing. It is a riveting exposition; watching The World implode in precisely the way... that it is said to devolve into chaos... at the approach of The Avatar. I suppose there are people who think The Avatar shows up because of the increasingly worsening conditions. Actually... The Avatar comes... more or less on a dime... adjusted for inflation... because The World ALWAYS winds up in bad shape after a specific period of time. You could set your watch by it. The Avatar does.

In a jaded and cynical world... there are many who mock the certitude of those who KNOW The Avatar is a given. They are like those who do not learn from history. Many of them are immersed in personal business... or the shoring up of reputations... that exist only in their separated minds and... does not reflect the way The World sees them.

They are dreamers adrift on an uncertain ocean that ONLY The Son of God can command. That ocean is The Mind, and whatever tumult there may be that exists within it... the ocean will soon exhibit because The Mind is in control of The World that it observes before it. If it is not in control of itself... it still controls The World... which will... behave accordingly.

When I was younger, I would contend with others about This... That, and The Other Thing. I can't remember any of it now, probably because none of it was important. There is a certain conventional wisdom that drives one to be a member of The Pack. There is the illusion that The Pack will not turn on you and that you can bully others with impunity because The Pack has your back. Heh heh... I've seen it at work; the brutish eyes... the snarls... the violent insecurity that feeds itself on the injury of others.

Before I became capable of handling The Pack, I was at the mercy of The Pack. It could ruin a childhood. I was fortunate... because my father was way ahead of The Pack in that regard, and gave every aspect of my being a right seeing to. It was for my own good after all. I'm still here. He's not, and I haven't seen The Pack in many a day. I know the fundamental truth about The Pack, and that is that they are all cowards and poor company as well. I much prefer going my own way, which is anything but that way.

I am always amused by the people who hold opinions on subjects they have given no study to. I am in awe of those who can know everything there is to know about something... without having ever encountered it. It's some kind of psychic power. When I talk about The Avatar, I talk about something I have some experience with. Anyone could. Everyone has that opportunity, but... won't pay The Ferryman.

I did most of the work in earlier visits, so... I ran right into the matter early on. What people don't know about The Avatar, and especially in this visitation, is that it's not going manifest in a single persona. There are too many of us for that. Now... it is possible that most of us are dismissed prior to. Nah. That doesn't even make sense.

I've read the philosophers. I've even been one before; seemed like something to do. I stayed away from the atheists; who were pretty much all from the same demographic. They created psychoanalysis to try and find out why they were so fucked up. Anyone could tell them; had listening been part of the package deal they came in here with, but... it wasn't. The ability to listen can really impede a person's getting what they want, regardless of the cost.

It's like that Samson Option. You kinda need to be Samson to do that, and if you're the sort of coward that goes around killing women and children for amusement... you're no Samson. I read a lot of philosophers, and... everyone else because I was mystified by how people could constantly create shit... no matter what ingredients they used.

I've met a lot of bitter men... with their faces fallen in. I could never comfort them. They didn't want to know why they were like that. They were certain they already did, and it was always some combination of everyone else. People are their problems. Without their problems, they would not know who they are. Then there are the ones who only want a piece of the action... no matter how temporary it all is.

People who don't know who or what The Avatar is... puff out their chests and say he's not coming. After all... they're real men. They don't need the promise of pie in the sky to face up to the realities of life... as they happen to understand what those realities are. Heh heh. I don't know much, but I do know that entire cultures... worlds... ages... are built around the teachings of The Avatar.

Enormous buildings that required remarkable and inspired craft are everywhere in The World. Massive wars were fought on a regular basis by men with little understanding of what The Avatar said; my avatar can beat up your avatar.

I will tell you in simple language what The Avatar is. The Avatar is a PERSONIFICATION of The Love of God... as it is expressed toward humanity; whether they get the point of it or not.

That personification varies in the presentation... depending on where the hands of The Celestial Clock are pointing... during the term of his residence. Only The Eastern Traditions have any grasp of the scale of the thing. Unfortunately... for the residents of The West, by the time the teachings got to them... they had passed through the hands of the cash register clergy. It no longer resembled what they were pretending to represent.

It's true... there is no avatar for some. They don't need no stinking avatar. The Avatar appears for one reason... to give you a closeup of your own potential. That's where all the avatars come from. They come from the ranks of humanity. Someone saw what he was... and what he did... and said, I want to be like that. They stuck to it, and... often a very long time later... so it was.

I'm not concerned about Trump one way or another. He hasn't happened yet. It could go a lot of ways. It could. The Divine uses the pieces on His chessboard, and... sooner or later it's knight to king four... rook to bishop six, and... check...wait! It's a funny thing how something can be right in front of your eyes and you don't see it. Such are the limitations of self-imposed blindness... that go into action as soon as you want something.

I don't want any of it. I want just the one thing. I've never been as certain of anything as I am certain of this.

I don't hold forth on Chemistry... Astronomy... Mathematics. Those are not features of my dharma. Why would people have such strong opinions on something they know absolutely nothing about? It makes you look like a fool. Perhaps that is your dharma?

The World of the moment is conforming to exactly the conditions that precede the appearance of The Avatar. I say appearance... not arrival. He could well have been here for a while already. That is not the important thing. The important thing is whether he appears in your heart. If you have prepared a place for him there... he will show up. If not... I couldn't say.

The World is the way it is because God (through the devas) gives people everything they ask for. To desire something is to create it in your mind. That's the first step in how everything got here. Persist in that desiring and... voila! If you are unhappy about that, and... generally... people are, then you might consider desiring something that will not make you unhappy. This is what you find out in all your comings and goings here.

Some are as devoted to carnality as others are to the higher states of being. This is especially true... in Times of Material Darkness... when the buffet table is groaning under the weight of the comestibles. Dig in partner, and then let's go and hit some clubs. What a nightmare.

What part of being made in his own image do you not get? He creates. You create. If you are smart, you let him create THROUGH you. If you are not smart you handle it yourself. The World is a constant... replicating example of that.

The World is a ballroom filled with clumsy dancers and bad music; not always, but certainly it is at the moment. People who don't know what they are doing... try to do whatever everyone else is doing, and... either hope no one notices or... hopes they see how unique and original they are.

We are certainly going to find out at some point, so... it behooves the wise individual to follow in the footsteps of someone who knew the way. Highways run in all directions; up or down... sideways... back and forth... in circles... to dead ends and cliffs. Even though most of them are usually marked, and some of them have flashing signs... it doesn't seem to make any difference, and speaking of The Avatar...

...here's one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be present... shortly... at GAB=

Chapter 18 of The Bhagavad Gita;
Freedom and Renunciation, continues-


Listen, Arjuna, as I describe the three types of understanding and will.

To know when to act and when to refrain from action, what is right action and what is wrong, what brings security, and what insecurity, what brings freedom and what bondage: these are the signs of a sattvic intellect.

The rajasic intellect confuses right and wrong actions, and cannot distinguish what is to be done from what should not be done. The tamasic intellect is shrouded in darkness, utterly reversing right and wrong wherever it turns.

The sattvic will, developed through meditation, keeps prana, mind, and senses in vital harmony. The rajasic will, conditioned by selfish desire, pursues wealth, pleasure, and respectability. The tamasic will shows itself in obstinate ignorance, sloth, fear, grief, depression, and conceit.

Now listen, Arjuna: there are also three kinds of happiness. By sustained effort, one comes to the end of sorrow. That which seems like poison at first, but tastes like nectar in the end – this is the joy of sattva, born of a mind at peace with itself. Pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is bitter as poison in the end. This is the kind of happiness that comes to the Rajasic. Those who are tamasic draw their pleasures from sleep, indolence, and intoxication. Both in the beginning and in the end, this happiness is a delusion.

No creature, whether born on earth or among the gods in heaven, is free from the conditioning of the three gunas. The different responsibilities found in the social order – distinguishing Brahmin, Kshatriya, vaishya, and shudra – have their roots in this conditioning.

The responsibilities to which Brahmins are born, based on their nature, are self-control, tranquility, purity of heart, patience, humility, learning, austerity, wisdom, and faith.

The qualities of Kshatriyas, based on their nature, are courage, strength, fortitude, dexterity, generosity, leadership, and the firm resolve never to retreat from battle. The occupations suitable for a vaishya are agriculture, dairying, and trade. The proper work of a shudra is service.

By devotion to one’s own particular duty, everyone can attain perfection. Let me tell you how. By performing one’s own work, one worships the Creator who dwells in every creature. Such worship brings that person to fulfillment.


AL said...

"We are certainly going to find out at some point, so... it behooves the wise individual to follow in the footsteps of someone who knew the way."

I'm liking Jeshua Krishna for that role and it's really nice to have a big brother that gives a shit about me for a change. That and a Father, my mother was a remarkable lady who was always there for me and in the Divine Mother I see where she got it from.

Family is everything to me Brutha
That and Love and of the Divine

Have a good one!

0 said...

Some more on the Trump as the chosen one.

"Reader--- "In the Bible the concept of blood on the right ear (Leviticus 8:22-24 and 14:28) serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose. This act represents a physical and spiritual transformation, preparing the individual for their sacred role". ----Entering Donald J. Trump,....... "I am the Chosen One."

Levticus 8:22-24: And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram.And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. And he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes of their right feet: and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about.


Reminds me of the old movie The Golden Child.

Its like when people start to reason they bring out the religion aspect so peoples reason is self-overridden by their unobjective religious stories and beliefs.

Odd stuff.

Is trump gonna Screw America, or Screw the World by making America Accountable Again?

Dunno. But if it goes hot, I'm going on safari.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

Sukh said...

Ken O'Keefe has been speaking the truth in a wonderfully articulate way for a very long time:


M Strider said...

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Acts 7:43

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Only God is Stable. God is The Spindle Around Which Spins The Record of Existence thru All of Its Various Stages."

DD said...

Kamala Harris Accused Of Putting A Child Into Sex Trafficking And Covering Up CPS Child Trafficking




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