Friday, July 26, 2024

"When Your Mind is Tuned to The External World as Being The Real World... One Can Say that You've Got It Ass-Backwards."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Do you need any further proof that The Seat of Satan on this planet is a warmongering... sovereign banking nation in The Middle East? Benjamin Satanyahu... genocidal-mass murdering leader of this nation comes to the (allegedly) most powerful nation on Earth, and the governmental representatives all get up on their hind legs and bark... as if it's a toastmaster awards ceremony in Hell.

The almost-certain-to-be next president of The United States, says he is really looking forward to meeting with Premier Jug-handle... bat-wing Ears, Baphomet-looking prince of darkness, AND... even more strange and compelling; Elon Musk is Satanyahu's willing guest for the creature's address before Congress.

A number of Democratic legislators did not attend this farce of a production, and that is strange as well... given that one does not last long in the unhallowed halls of The Catamite Congress if you behave like this.

Two of the most powerful men in The World... are giving public fealty... and simulated fellatio... to Satan's agent on Earth.

Did you ever wonder where The Antichrist comes from? Remember those laws we listed a few posts ago? He is a product of one of them. Good... counterpoints evil... as certainly as Evil demands the presence of Good. It is why we must rise above Good and Evil. I've only seen The Antichrist once... during a protracted altered state in Italy. I don't know all The Details, BUT... I suspect there are many representations of him that come and go here all the time.

In Times of Material Darkness, you find the perfect conditions... to incubate such a creature; less so his counterpart. One is... apparently an external phenomenon. The other is an interior state. This caused an earlier disinfo agent to say; “if you see The Buddha on the road, kill him.” The meaning is that there are no external Buddhas or Christs. Generally... The Hive Mind... cannot wrap itself around such a construct.

When your mind is tuned to The External World... as being The Real World... one can say with a degree of accuracy... in the spiritual sense... that you've got it ass-backwards.

Certainly, Satanyahu qualifies as an Antichrist. He walks like an Antichrist. He talks like an Antichrist, so... it is very likely that he is an Antichrist. The man's a hoodlum, and cold-blooded killer of hundreds of thousands of people; most of them were women and children.

He is also responsible for hideous tortures, and organ harvesting in the dark... underground regions of his fiefdom. Yet... two of the most powerful men in The World engage in photo-ops with this... this... loathsome entity.

This is all factual... and easily proven. This man, along with Ehud Barak... Dov Zackheim, and a few others... were the architects behind 9/11 and a variety of killing moments... in different locations... worldwide. Now he is killing defenseless people every... single day, and... two of the most powerful men on Earth... are publicly appearing with him. He's got to have serious clout.

These evil... nasty deeds used to be plotted in secret... by faceless operatives... in hidden locations. Now... they cavort about in public. They are proud of what they do. I don't know how much he had to do with that David Copperfield act in Pennsylvania, but he has his fingers in a lot of fecal pies around The World. I guess he's The Devil's official taster.

You see... in Times of Material Darkness... in Times of Advanced Materialism... Money becomes the supreme power in human affairs. This is why they fought tooth and nail... even killed presidents... so that they could form a Federal Reserve, which is not federal, but is rather a consortium of international banks that give the figureheads of The World their marching orders. When they say, “Jump!” The figureheads jump.

Meanwhile... The World is waking up. A force of Awakening is moving like The Gulf Stream across the interior landscapes of The Hive Mind. Various kinds of waking up are always occurring in The World. There was a time that was called The Age of Reason; heads rolled in The Age of Reason. There was The Enlightenment. There was The Renaissance. Earlier we had The Axial Age and The Islamic Golden Age. There were plenty more, BUT...

...this one... this one is much more transformative than all the rest of them put together. Previous ages simply shifted from one dream state of being to the next dream stage of being. In this age... In the Age of The Avatar... many people... comparatively speaking... are going to actually wake up.

It stands to reason... due to cosmic irony... that Evil would show its face in public and laugh at the rest of the stupid... confused... and browbeaten world. Pride and Hubris ALWAYS go before a fall, and the day will come when the agents of Evil will be hunted like beasts around The World... in a world they designed for the purpose. Such is their fate, but it is not the fate of the rest of us... unless we have aligned our fate with theirs.

I could not begin to illustrate what it is going to be like... after a few... literal world-shaking events take place. There is going to be such a variety of outcomes. It is as if everyone will arrive at the metaphorical crossroads of The World, and head in the direction that best suits their intentions. The Avatar will be a cop at the intersection... directing the traffic... inside the heads... of the moving forms.

For many people; likely most people... Heaven appears to them as a better form of Earth... where their wishes are granted... whenever they wish. So it is that some believe they will have 72 virgins. Why they would be virgins or have to be virgins... I have no idea.

Some imagine it will be a place where people in white robes sit on shiny fixtures and pluck at harps. Some believe it is a place where they will see all of their loved ones... never realizing that some of them will not have earned the right to Heaven, BUT... rather... some other location.

I've heard about and read about so many different versions of Heaven... that one might not be all that far afield... if one were to think Heaven is a place thought-born by the righteous or at least those with fewer demerits.

You do not have to die to get to Heaven, nor does death grant you entry there either. People walk the Earth this very minute who are resident in Heaven... while they are in their corporate forms, and... they are able to generate that state for others in their company OR even at some distance. The same principle exists for those who carry misery and fear with them wherever they go.

Eventually... NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE... you wind up in the place that is a natural progression of where your acts and intentions take you. You can count on this. You can absolutely depend on this being true! If you haven't made any investments in this principle... as it applies to your journey onward... you can start this very moment.

You can open a savings account in The First (or Second... or Third... or whatever) Bank of Heaven, and... steady and determined are the keys to becoming rich in spirit.

Mikhail Aivanhov healed a great many people because he had accumulated a large store of Grace, which he (or anyone) has the right to dispense as it pleases them. He said, (not verbatim... but close to it) I go to the angels and I say, “Look, this fellow or lady has done good work for The Brotherhood and I would like him/her healed. Please put it on my account.”

I do this same thing and I am nowhere near the level Aivanhov had reached, BUT... I say, put it on my account and I will work it off as opportunity provides. I am to be in your service for everlasting so... my credit is good. You can work with futures or you can work with savings you already have in your account.

I am telling you something here that I KNOW to be absolutely true, and anyone can do this... who has the wherewithal and determination... to see it through. This and a great many other wonderful secrets... that are not secrets... (but apparently hidden from most eyes) will surely reveal themselves to you... or anyone... who chooses to seek after them. Seek and ye shall find! That applies across the board, and it doesn't matter if it is a less-than-savory venture. It will be put on your account. Oh yes... there is a debit register and an assets register. As Above, So Below... my friends.

Nature and its creatures are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and... everything is evolving, but... some people are... from what I can see; and I could be wrong, but... some people are going in the wrong direction, and... hanging out with people who are a danger to their well-being. Somehow they just can't see. How did they get so powerful and so rich and still remain so stupid? Yeah... it's a mystery, and so is Lady Nature until you get to know her, so... that about wraps it up...

...except for one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be over at GAB= shortly.


Anonymous said...

I'm probably just in a good mood because it's Friday but this may be the
best Smoking Mirrors ever. Every paragraph resonated with a resounding

Dear God, send LV some of my karma kredits; actually, send them all today.
I know he'll gift them to those in need. Thank You, Lord.


AL said...

"How did they get so powerful and so rich and still remain so stupid?"

The Divine sure knows how to set the bowling pins for those just waiting for the strike that could awaken them even a wee bit.

Seems everyone starts at the bottom in shitville and must experience their way back up no matter how lengthy a venture it may be.

Thanks for the Aivanhov drop, never heard of him and I like what I see already.

Have a good one Brutha!

Visible said...

Mikhail Aivanov was one of the wonders of the last centuries. I rank him with the best that ever was. He is SOMETHING ELSE. I've read every single book... of which there are twenty to thirty... several times.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Nostrils to the sky!

0 said...

The parrot link was great. See how she talks to the bird? Softly with a light tone being polite and not angry or frustrated... The comment about the parrot dying and saying "you be good, cya tomorrow, I love you"... reminded me of when my little chiweenie dog passed years ago now.

These days I only take that tone with my grandaughter, my pal brindleweiller, my parents and the All.

Nobody takes that tone with me. Curious irony in that statement.


Anonymous said...

Many people are actually going to wake up and will wake up into Cosmic Consciousness and into the One Mind, that was always there already anyway but the individual self had to disappear for that to happen?

Is that what you meant by actually wake up?

Visible said...

Why would you phrase it like that? I have always been clear about The Self behind The Separate Personality. That would imply a unified field theory of the mind without having to spell out all the details in every single post; meaning that post would never end. Oh! That already happens.

Dude said...

All their power you speak of is mitote.

In The city of The Gods, you have the temple of the moon which over looks the earth below. Followed by 8 pillars representing 8 planets, then the temple of the Sun. Just beyond that is the temple of Quetzalcoatl.

There is earthly wisdom the totecs called mitote.
There is solar systen wisdom. See blavskis secret doctrin, globes, chains and root races. Etc.
There is Cosmic wisdom.

there beyond the moon, planets and sun lays Cosmic Wisdom. The passage to get there is through the chamber between the temple of the Sun to temple of Quetzalcoatl. Real Heaven.

The schematic of the 16,000 year old city of The Gods reveals that while some may be wise and powerful by earths standards, they are still subjeced to the passions and appities of solar system wisdom. Beyond all that is Cosmic wisdom. Heaven.

The schematic is of The City of Gods is external representation of the internal City within. Heaven as it is on earth.

Find any more dancing bags of Funyuns? Remember when we last spoke LV, you said to me, they are not even spelled that way. You are mocking me.
And i said, sorry i suck at spelling.


Now they are all spelled the way i spelled them. I like the way i spelled them better.

I wasnt mocking you at all. I would never do such a thing.

I make no appolgies for changing the world as i see fit. Be impecable witb your word.

Good read today,

Thank you.

Dude said...

I just stopping by to see what i see. As i said before. Do not look for the begining in the past and do not look for the end in the future. Both the begining and the end are found within the middle.

Draw the mobious infinity symbol and you will clearly see it is in the middle that connects both loops.

I wont ever come back here again. Im not stuck in the loop. Lol

Quite the arorah borialis we had the last time we spoke. Covered the whole nothern hemisphere of the earth.

Shall we play it again LV? to eliminate the rest of the chemtrails.

Why not?

As it is in Heaven so it is on Earth.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"It Doesn't Matter if It is a Democracy or a Dictatorship. Who Controls The Money Controls The False Front Leader(s).".

Anonymous said...

" How did they get so powerful and so rich and still remain so stupid? Yeah... it's a mystery, "

Hey Les, with all due respect, no mystery to me. They accumulate so much because they lie, cheat, steal, enslave, murder, inherit, etc... and they remain stupid because they never had to nor wanted to learn and grow. I personally know several clowns who are famous, wealthy, and/or powerful. But all that they are is competitive, greedy and empty. They only want money and power, and none of them is content or happy.
Still, ì don't pity them, i reserve my compassion for the innocents and those who have nothing or who suffer because of those who take too much and are insatiable.
I,m no saint and not aspiring to "sainthood" either, so i say fuck 'em. Hopefully God will pardon my "french" ;)

Thanks for the essay, it brings to mind that lyric in the song, Viva la Vida :

[He or she] is sweeping the streets they used to own.

Ciao, am

Visible said...

I too, have known or met people with outrageous degrees of fame and wealth; many many millions of dollars worth of it. They are/were without exception... truly fucked up individuals that were unable to enjoy their life. It comes with the package deal. They generally die miserable and alone. From there they travel to a private self-created Hell. I tried to help them. They could not hear me at all. When one of the subterranean nasties gets into residence in their heads, he becomes the gatekeeper.



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