Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"IF You can Grasp The Theme, and... The Scheme... of The Thing. You can Step Out of The Film, and into The Director's Mind."

God Poet Transmitting.......

This is the geopolitical blog, so... for once we will be consistent with the format. Of course, at some point we will slide into the increasingly ever-deepening groove... of God-focused commentary. That seems unavoidable at this point... because everything that comes to mind... for me... somehow connects to The Divine. I could not be more pleased.

I'm guessing that contrary to the bold face they are putting before the cameras, and the effort being made by 90% of The Media... to make them look sincere and relevant... they are losing badly and they know it; the Democrats I mean. I'm going by feel here, because appearances are arranged to give a different impression, BUT... The World is no longer capable of hiding things from me because I am no longer invested in outcome.

I suspect this is why they are so incredibly nasty... vicious, and... the lies!!! Wow!!! They seem to have nothing in their arsenal but lies.

One thing I will say for Trump is that he is squeaky clean (especially for a politician) or they would surely have found something by now. He seems to have this thing for women. I can't criticize him on that, lest I reveal myself as a hypocrite. I have a thing for women too, although I have raised my sights in that respect toward The Divine Feminine. I have been in some form of contact with her all my life. It really went nova once the psychedelics appeared. She was all I could see for a while. Oops! I already slipped back into the groove.

Anyway... I can't remember ever seeing the sort of vile commentary that is the regular and persistent fare of The Democratic Convention at this time. It's being held in that most corrupt of cities; if you leave out Philadelphia and Vegas. (maybe Houston and Nawlins too), though... two of those are party towns.

The scent of Sore Loser (by Dior) is everywhere at that gathering, along with lockstep hysteria, and that one something no political event is ever without, Boolshit! So... this makes the pending appearance of a false flag dead certain. Dirty Tricks are back on the menu, boys!

This meandering brings me around to what's become an increasingly more present sighting (for me) in The Event Horizon; War. The Whole World is balanced on a knife's edge. Conditions could fly out of control at any time... anywhere. The West is going all out to provoke Russia. Russia is mysteriously quiet; except for what's they've been about all along... creating and maintaining a buffer zone.

ZATO is aggressively attacking in mainland Russia. This can't continue for much longer. Suddenly, Iran has backed off with their intentions for imminent attack over The Gazacide. Given the level of outrage and machismo that all of The Arab World feels about The Gazacide; The Holocaust in Palestine... this gives me pause. Russia and Iran are connected in many ways. China and others are also in The Mix. The West... under the psychopathic lash of their Zionist masters and their Satanic Usury Cabal are menacing in the extreme.

What's going on? It looks to me as if nothing has changed in the overall intent.

It is as if those facing the last desperate efforts of blind empire are... patiently waiting for Empire to overextend. This is the sense I keep getting. They are waiting on something.

Poland... that place... that general area... where world wars like to start, has indicated that they are going to shoot down Russian missiles headed for Ukraine. Should that happen... we will all find out exactly what happens when someone asks, What's this button here for? Then they press it.

Well... there are dicey conditions all over the place. The World now looks like a teenage boy with a skin condition on the night of the prom, and experiencing the mother of all outbreaks. Any minute folks... this world can change irrevocably.

Something is holding it off... for the moment. The West is sensing; rather projecting... an atmosphere of uncertainty... on the part of their adversary. Just like someone who thinks this hesitation is evidence that... they will win the fight... if they go full-bore offensive. Then they overstep the parameters of their balance, and the adversary has only to grab a wrist and step back again. If he knows what he is doing, at that point, the fight is over.

It really looks a lot like high school and The Land of I Double Dare You. Young... dumb... and filled with Testosterone... is not the ticket for a sane battle strategy. All of the players on the other side have studied the generals of the past.

As far as The West goes... the football player from The Glory Days will no longer fit in his uniform, and many of his associates are infected with the Mincelandia Virus; “Bill... does this mask make my face look fat in the mirror?” “I don't know Don, the mirror's all cloudy now.”

They look like a band of retards playing with The Magic 8-Ball; ask again later... my sources say no... outlook not so good... reply hazy try again. It's back to the bird entrails or Madame Cleo, but... I don't think she's happening anymore.

The thing is... people get used to being in charge of their lives. Some people get used to being in charge of other people's lives, and some people get used to being in charge of the people who are in charge of other people's lives. They don't spend a lot of time in self-reflection. They're long past wondering if what they are doing is right or not. They burned that bridge a long time ago.

Now they are only concerned with getting away with it, and... can they spin it to their advantage? Satanyahu thinks this way. He's got The World corralled in Black Mail Alley, and with 90% per cent of the media owned and run by his demonic brethren, he figures they'll fix it on the back end. Time tends to blur the critical faculty... in terms of clear memory. After a while... it's easy to slip lies into the places where the truth was... at least relatively... able to be found... under the dirty laundry.

Look at some of the incredible lies that are presently accepted as being real... or representative of something that happened... except it never happened. The Democrats are doing this with Trump. Long debunked fairy tales are being paraded before the eyes of borderline intellects, as one speaker follows the previous speaker, and picks up The Lying Stick to say the same thing. They are all graduates of The School of Constant and Repetitive... Ground and Pound Lying. If you say it often enough, it has to be true; only it's not.

Here is where The Awakening is a real pain in the ass for people who have been the greatest pain in the ass for everyone else. Just when you think you've got the latest prevarication... set to it's best advantage... in the right false light, and with all the corroborative manufactured evidence... arranged around it... like a demented nativity display, along comes some joker... who pulls the fabric on which it all sits... out from under it, and everyone sees it was based on something that wasn't there in the first place.

In many native and older traditions... The Joker... The Trickster... is a constant part of the deeper narrative. He plays a part. That's God wearing one of his many masks for The Purpose of Demonstration.

People get away with shit for the longest time. (cue Billy Joel) They get used to it. They get confident... then overconfident... and then they become a parody of themselves. Right at that same time, Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening shows up, and not only does enough of the formerly dream-intoxicated people... see that The Emperor has no clothes, but... also that his Quipment is a lot shorter than the general myth implied. It was created by the jackals that slinked along in his wake.

Life is God shooting a movie. It's longer than your regular movies, so people lose touch with the fact that it's a movie, and that the only thing that is real... is the screen it was being shown on. One movie follows the next. Some movies last for a lifetime. Some movies last for longer than that. Each movie is a comprehensive rendering of The Purpose of Demonstration.

For some people, the same movie plays again and again until they get The Point. So... actually... there are countless movies playing inside the big movie. The Divine directs The Action, BUT... since no one can see him, they forget he's even involved, although... he is very... very... deeply involved. He's also hard to see because he is so still, BUT... he is most definitely moving in everyone and everything else. IF... you can grasp the theme, and the scheme of the thing entire, you can step out of the film and into the mind of The Director.

What is really going on is whatever you can't see going on. Everything is wearing a mask and... composed of cosmic mindstuff... in a state of transition. Existence is Silly Putty in the hands of The Celestial Sculptor. He takes his time shaping it all. He wants to get it right, and he does. There is an audience that watches intently how he goes about it, and a much larger audience that pays no attention at all. You can't see the first audience, and the second audience only has to look in the mirror, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be there at GAB, certainly by the time that most of you are reading this=

Watch this space! (grin) I'll run into something sooner or later to put here.


Anonymous said...

Canada UK Australia have all fallen. I think perhaps many of those people who inhabit those places are looking to US as the last hope . Of course they are looking to the people certainly not the government. Perhaps they are hoping and praying we will achieve something they could not. There is the will of the people , the will of the deep state (whoever they all are )then there is The Will of God. If we are to get out of this nightmare it will be because many turned to prayer and guidance. My patience is thin LOL like that would move things to a faster conclusion .Its just very difficult to see the demons working at a feverish pitch , even if it is their swan song. Their lies and the hatred being spewed is toxic to everything living being. The sooner they’re banished , the better. Thanks for all your support and encouragement . That is the reason I read your stuff. It gives hope.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I stepped outta de film aeons ago, but I still can't get my almost non-existent nose hairs around the director's mind. I am philosophically opposed to a huge number of things that exist in this vomit inducing realm.

Man, I just gotta post this. For those with a thing for chicks, I'm under the impression chicks have some real stiff competition in what I assume is Japan:

Ashton Kutcher (Only saw his pics. Never watched him on his shows.) and the 1960s David Selby and pre-Dark Shadows John/Jonathan Frid have just been left in the dust. But no, I don't want one of any of the above. None of them could compete with my soul mate's nose, anyway. I mean, what else can ya want if ya live with a Dublin Whiskered Angora?

1953 Jonathan Frid. I'm usually not into the overtly masculine look, but he was an exception. Purtiest 'Orlando' I ever saw:

The trickster. Damn, ain't Loki supposed to be chained up some where's underground or somethin'? Personally, I hope the gods hurry up with Ragnarok, or whatever the other cultures call it. So sick o' waitin' fer it. Me thinks this era is past due it's shelf life. If it was a grocery item, it would have been tossed already.

Still, nostrils to the sky.

Anonymous said...

Happy Reincarnation Day tomorrow.


AL said...

Waiting for what I dunno but nothing stays the same for very long these days. The dollar crumbling and subsequent stonk market crash should be breath taking to behold. Perhaps they are waiting for joe q public to loose their collective shite but who knows but The Divine Master how his story goes along.

The Brotherhood is with us so no worries.
Much Love my friend

Anonymous said...

Excellent post once again LV!!! Every year at this time, well, tomorrow - I send
prayers your way. That seems to be working judging by the quality product which you produce without fail. I know that a goodly amount of readers pray for you - it's what we do (smile). May God continue to shine on you and grant your every wish.

G-Zeus said...

I think some of the analysis here is off. The whole "whirled" is beset by late-stage Capitalism. Expensive Condo's are being built in Canada as well as Mumbai. No one can afford them. Trump is a reheated Reagan. Is there Right and Left? It's the Banksters, duhh. I still like what youze bring forth.

Back to your Regularly Scheduled Apocalypse!

Visible said...

As long as you have all the answers that's all we care about. I'm assuming it's a private matter cause I haven't seen anything added, but that's fine too, we'll limp along as best we can here.

Guldur said...

Salute visible!
Before I go to actually read your post, lest I forget - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!
I know your birthday comes 2 days after mine, so that´s possibly why I managed to memorize it (hope that correctly...).
So ... I do not even know what to wish you, as you seem to have found all that really matters here already - you really seem to roll last years, judging by your postings (and as I follow you since some 2003 or 2004, I might be able to compare a bit). Seems your latest postings are the most energetic ones.
So I can only wish you for this to continue and increase in scale continuously and let the Divine provide you with more and more of his mercy by each passing day and guides you as always for all the duration of your journey through this plane!
Have a marvelous day and

Visible said...

Guldur! What wonderful things to say. Thank you! Yes, you have been coming here for 20 years or more; since the beginning.

word bird said...

Re: Holocaust
A holocaust is defined as a burnt offering or sacrifice. The question is to who? Ask those who insist on six, not 5.9 or 6.1, but exactly six million, that's a six with six zeros, souls sacrificed to Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, and which constantly demands sacrifice; in particular, child sacrifice.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"I See It Going By, BUT... I Know It Gets Recycled... Right Around The Corner... and Comes Back as... New and Improved."

G-Zeus said...

The Deuterium-Hydrogen ratio of Saturn's Water is EXACTLY the same as Earth's !

Farmer said...

The snorting technique is effective.

Visible said...

Yes... it does. I wish more people understood that. There are stages in the performance of it, and it leads... eventually... to Sanctuary.



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