Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"It is Critically Important that You Find Someone Who has Been There and Back or... You won't Be Getting There Yourself."

God Poet Transmitting.......

When you are not deluded... Stupid... Obsessed.... fascinated... running in a loop... mentally ill in so many possible ways... terrified... driven... playing relentless hopscotch with compulsions... fraught with nervous disorders... obese... sexually conflicted... evil or... retarded, you can see what is going on and get a good idea of what The Deep State thinks of you.

All of the butt-munching and estrus-driven journalists... leaving snail tracks of obedience... before the throne of their masters... are choraling along like the San Francisco not-dead-yet Gay Men's Choir... to the same simple progression of notes; as if they were singing, London Bridge is Falling Down or... Merrily merrily something or other. Whether it is the tone-deaf repetitions of The Republicans are Weird... or using AI to create fake crowds at a Kamala Mindless script reading event or... fabricating polls that say Kamala The Clueless is leading in likely voters.

All through the day... as I... now and again... scan the headlines at Catamite Media... it's a bizarre collection of transparent lies is what it is. Yet... people are believing them. I find that astounding. I don't know where Humanity and I took different roads, but the contrast now is... well... there are no words... not really.

Without a doubt... they are going to try to steal this election too. I say this with great confidence because they are accusing Trump and Co. of planning to do this, and whatever they slander Trump and Co. with is... most certainly... what they intend to do themselves. They are also hyping the guaranteed coming event that Trump and Co. will deny the vote count once they have tampered with it. Already, the Tribe Hostage state of Philthydelphia is saying that the votes won't all be in on election night. No understandable reason was given.

It's like Deja Vu all over again.

Around the country... in those progressive liberal states... (like Kalifornia) Brave New World is under construction. They have Ketamine infusion salons in Santa Monica and... no doubt... New York City. I heard a story today from someone I know who has relatives that fly on a private plane to Vegas occasionally, where they drink and snort the night away, and do whatever it is that stays in Vegas... then... they go to one of these infusion joints and get an infusion and... it's like nothing ever happened.

Of course... The Deep State, and... anywhere the rich and privileged gather... they have even better stuff. Trickle-down isn't working all that well, from what I can see. I thank Almighty God that I have put aside all those childish things, and... am on the fast track for states of being these freaks can't even imagine.

Like I said yesterday... I don't know about Adrenochrome or any of the rest of the wild-one-black-eye and sundry signs and rumors you hear about... if you have your ear to the ground, BUT... I KNOW some variations on the theme are a relative reality.

I think you can count on the economy crashing in a big way... before the election... because... the robber baron... election stealing... carpetbagging and morally bankrupt... trough-feeding crocodile swine intends to leave Trump with a persistent four-alarm fire IF and WHEN he gets back into The White House.

Otherwise... you can see what they have in mind, courtesy of the puppetmaster Obama, and his handlers; Kamala Harris AND Tim Walz are both out-and-out Communists, so... that means they are owned and operated by the faction... that is The Flip Side of The Neo-Cons. Their vision of the country in The Event Horizon is 15-minute Gulag Cities coast to coast. It won't happen, BUT... it's a scary picture.

I'm sorry you had to read all of that. I don't like talking about these things; much less writing about them. I look at all that as... The World Out There, which... as it implodes... goes through various stages of crazy on its way to a total meltdown, which... in some locations... and I could even list them for you... it's going to be a combination of Escape from New York (with no escape) combined with whatever sick shit happens to be in David Cronnenberg's head at the time, with... swatches of Zombie Apocalypse and Meet The Feebles.

When you are going to Hell through specific intention... that anyone with a clear head can identify without any more than half a calorie of effort... there are also... known and predictable stages that you will pass through... before The Gates open... once you've found your way there, and... specific intention will see to that. There's a big crowd headed that way; large enough to create a tailwind that will suck along everything standing in its wake that isn't nailed down or holding on to something that is.

Conversely... there will be another crowd of people who are on The Golden Spiral... where another tailwind is going to be created... with more centrifugal characteristics. How do I know this? I have seen the schematic, which is visible on The Causal Plane. Yes... you can see things before they happen... DEPENDING ON... your level of detachment.

Attachment colors your perceptions. Lack of attachments clears and clarifies your perceptions. That and a number of other maxims are components of Ageless Wisdom, which you access through reading The Book of Nature, and this you can do once your own nature has reached a specific level of purification. If you have an interest in the SPECIFIC stages you or anyone has to pass through... you might look at the progression of alchemical stages.

By the way, I had to go through a couple of dozen pages of one deluded-everything's for sale poseur after another to get this link. No wonder no one has any idea of where they are going or what they are doing!

I want to point out that you DO NOT have to be an alchemist; pretend... posturing... or otherwise to encounter this progression. It appears in every legitimate yogic and mystical path... from Krishna to Christ... to nameless roads that few have trod upon. It's an UNAVOIDABLE sequence.

It is critically important that you find someone... who has been there and back or... you won't be getting there, and most especially... not if you are already certain you know the way. That always makes the trained professionals... whose job it is to mislead you... laugh their asses off as they see you coming, and The Dweller on The Threshold? Yikes!

A few things that I know of are of critical importance if... you don't have the necessary abundance of The One Thing. These are; Humility... Gratitude... Compassion, and... Integrity, and you won't get far without Faith... Certitude... and Determination also. Technically, you need all of The Qualities of God, BUT... once you have sufficient of any one of them... the others WILL BE coming along anyway. What is that one thing that... if you have it in a sufficient abundance... precludes... temporarily... the need for any of the others? That would be Love, but you already guessed it.

My particular path involves a different series of stages, which are more like the Christian Mystical... Gnostic... Sufi way; I say... like them. I break it down to a greater simplicity... which it will be doing anyway in the final stages. HOWEVER... all of those other stages still need to be traversed. On my path... one acquires... through The Grace of God; The Great Love and Divine Luminous Wisdom. When these two... who are cosmically attracted to one another... come into union... Truth appears, and... that's it.

I did not come up with any of this on my own. I don't know shit, and I don't expect that I ever will. You might wonder why I write as I do... opening up with pedestrian claptrap... speaking in a sardonic and caustic manner... sometimes blunt and frank to an extreme, and then modulating into another frequency entirely. My work is a guided meditation that I am led through in the process of the creation of it, AND... that's just the way it goes.

I am sure that more airy-fairy types and anally retentive fundies are not approving of my profane and occasionally scatological meanderings. Sometimes, I do wish I could sit in a gleaming white robe (not really) and gaze into the distance... with a faraway look of inexplicable wisdom in my eyes, but... alas... sadly... that is not me.

I will never be called Sri Ramalamadingdong or... Lord High Ramalamayakshit. I will never speak like a simpering fruit bat or... put on airs of any kind because God will... in his no-nonsense fashion... kick my ass. I'm not everyone's cup of tea, so... when that is the case, I suggest you head over to Starbucks... while they're still in existence.

I don't know what anyone will ever get out of what I do here, BUT... I am recommending to you that you steer wide of people always clamoring for money and going on about their operating expenses, and... ESPECIALLY if they are doing it for the children. It makes you wonder where all these less-than-exceptional adults came from. Fasten your seat belts and keep a sharp weather eye out. It's going to get inclement in places, BUT... not everywhere, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB

And again I will include the works of Elsa M. Glover.

Aquarius Age


M - said...

My Magickal (and very handsome) cat has more sense than most humans - smarter, too. This morning we awoke to the sound of Nature. Specifically the cry of a Red-tailed hawk that lives around here. Even the raucous crows are silent when the bird's circling its territory.

Meanwhile, ♫♪ I just want to celebrate, yeah, yeah, another day of living, yeah. I just want to celebrate another day of life. ♫♪

Or, as I say to Ramses each morning, "Are you ready to start the day? Are you ready for a new adventure?" (Spoiler alert: We say "Yes!" to both.)


0 said...

"I thank Almighty God that I have put aside all those childish things, and... am on the fast track for states of being these freaks can't even imagine."


Sometimes I wonder if ones reappearance as an iteration of form is not just a reassertion of ones former iteration of form called forth at the time it was needed to offset the prevailing bias of the Now.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I remember one day exiting our long gone K-Mart, someone had a table up asking for donations. It's for the kids. I responded, "No, I don't think they should exist." I'm sorry I didn't think to add, "In fact I started a petition to see if they could be made illegal."

Some obsessions can be very inspirational. One motivated me to become a better visual artist, poet, writer, not to mention a few other things. 'It' also kept me out of trouble in some ways because it made me diss the world that couldn't measure up. It made me the Arsehole (to the 33rd Degree) that I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's pragmatism to a fault in so many ways. It's going in the opposite direction regarding the priorities of the majority. . .and it. . .oh, me thinks I'll stop now. Well, maybe not.


OK, now I can stop.

NOSTRILS TO THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 said...

I come here to read your writings which induce in me a recognition of the All in you, which rings the bell of the All in me, and lets me know I'm not Alone.

I know I'm not alone, but I'm also not in contact with anyone Else like me. This is as close as it gets for me.

Thanks for doing what you do.

0 said...


"Former President Donald Trump’s campaign flew in a blue Gulfstream jet formerly owned by sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, using it to travel to several campaign fundraisers over the weekend, the Miami Herald has confirmed.

Trump, enroute on his own private plane to a campaign event in Bozeman, Montana last week, unexpectedly landed in Billings because of mechanical problems, a campaign spokeswoman said. He and part of his staff then flew on a small charter to Bozeman for a rally Friday night. The next day, he switched to another larger Gulfstream with a serial number that matches a plane once owned by Epstein, his former neighbor in Palm Beach, the campaign confirmed.

“The campaign had no awareness that the charter plane had been owned by Mr. Epstein,” the spokeswoman said, adding that the charter was commissioned by a vendor that has often been used by the campaign. “We heard about the former owner through the media.”"

URL here:

Visible said...

0 Thanks for that! It sounded heartfelt and so it meant a lot. How about that thing with the plane? whaddya wanna bet that it still had all the surveillance tech on it that was there before?

0 said...

That would be hilarious if so huh. Hopefully it all gets held to account so we thinking types don't need to go chameleon and sort individuals on the fly. I'd rather not do that unless its absolutely necessary. Never know at what point in an iteration of forms being might be at the point that triggers them to be-come. Be nice if they finally hold the Show to account and we move in a new transparent and accountable direction.

It is heartfelt. You're the closest thing I have to a daily friend. Otherwise I keep counsel with the All and Nothing, or perhaps its the reverse. I am that I am. Give my best to your invisible friends!


Visible said...

You got it. Literally!

0 said...

One other thing... M-torquer. Heard of it? Its a liquid substance that lets an external rotating magnetic field Stress/twist/streptate cells within it... I only learned about it last week. Evidently its injected and once in ones nervous system it causes the nervous system to be kinetically stressed relative to the external rotating magnetic fields.

Given that its injectible, it seems likely it was in the "vaccines" everyone Got.

The link to my little write up on substack is here:

Tho curiously today substack.com just returns "to many requests" and I can't access it now.

If that M-Torquer is in the injections then 5G/6G would be the means to setup the external rotational magnetic fields. (sorta like what they did to the FAA radars when they upgraded to 2.0 and made them all coherent and integrated so they can produce a pulse wave across the nation as seen on the reflectivity output.) They can then just adjust the magnetic rotating fields external to the people injected and those people will be affected and just think its Natural.

Crazy times... but that would be what they'd need if they weren't depopulating and still wanted to Control the 14 billion people in 15 minute cities eh. I wonder if the 15 minute limit has to do with the coherent reach of the rotating magnetic fields ability to stay coherent... Then the ones made to be passive by such tech won't be the ones showing up for the Revolution and they can then be sure to put down all who show up to the revolution as not being the ones they injected. Clever, but once a population Knows about how a thing is manipulating them their cognition will override the hidden hand letting the ankle crush the serpents head.

Hope they get good and fucked, ain't nothing changing otherwise.

Heres the pub med article on M-torquer.

Among physical stimulation modalities, magnetism has clear advantages, such as deep penetration and untethered interventions in biological subjects. However, some of the working principles and effectiveness of existing magnetic neurostimulation approaches have been challenged, leaving questions to be answered. Here we introduce m-Torquer, a magnetic toolkit that mimics magnetoreception in nature. It comprises a nanoscale magnetic torque actuator and a circular magnet array, which deliver piconewton-scale forces to cells over a working range of ~70 cm. With m-Torquer, stimulation of neurons expressing bona fide mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo1 enables consistent and reproducible neuromodulation in freely moving mice. With its long working distance and cellular targeting capability, m-Torquer provides versatility in its use, which can range from single cells to in vivo systems, with the potential application in large animals such as primates.

URL here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33510447/


Visible said...

And conversely, the same tech could revolutionize The World in a positive fashion. All this darkness is not going to handle the incoming light waves well or... at all.

0 said...

Perhaps, but forced good behavior is nothing that Sticks. I'd rather it be real than manipulated. Thankfully it is for me. It can be whatever each Other one wants for themselves. If they do the work to be-come. If one hasn't realized that for self yet, then guess ones got more Effort to make. Guess we'll see what shakes out.

Anonymous said...

e"I don't know what anyone will ever get out of what I do here"
It's nice here, I find it very attractive to my inner being who sent me here several years ago and keeps me coming back.

Thanks for what you do Brutha!

Much Love

Anonymous said...

Hi Vis,
The qualities that you think might keep people away are the very unique soul qualities that make me look for your posts. Your heart rings through the words and usually I feel the vibration of the One coming through.
And you make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Visible, you've often mentioned a man you met on a beach. Was he a teacher of yours ?

Visible said...

The Man on The Beach is the one who gave me Shaktipat and awakened my Kundalini a few months later.

Visible said...

Well, Anne... that is one of the nicer things anyone has said to me in some time. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Your posts have literally saved my life.

The first time God hit me with a 2x4 (2015), I lost everything. I was heading down the path of a violent death. I figured out I was on the wrong side, thanks to you, I went to God’s side..
Eternal gratitude
Love Joe

That’s what your posts

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is now up=

"Otherwise... The System... doesn't Work; does it? This is a Defining Reach-Around of a Circle Jerk... in Search of Itself."



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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