Friday, August 16, 2024

"Now an Enormous Specter Looms over The World and a Great Rolling Sandstorm of Darkness Begins to Take Shape. Poof!"

God Poet Transmitting.......

Yeah... they found out who poisoned Matthew Perry with Ketamine. This sort of thing makes Michael Jackson want to moonwalk out of his grave. The dead speak, of course, but in tongues, only The Dead and The Immortals can understand; unless you are a forensic pathologist. Of course, if you really want to confuse the issue you put out things like this.

However, it takes an almost impossible amount of Ketamine to overdose. I have a number of eyewitnesses that will tell you I took legendary amounts... that the science says would kill me, and never even got close to such a state. You would fall asleep long before you could overdose. Ketamine is a miracle cure for several things. The Bankers want the public to believe it is dangerous. That's what's really going on. The AMA and Pharmaceutical Combine are in an uproar about all the ways this can cut into their profits.

Just about everything you are seeing and hearing through any of the countless mediums... employed by The Delusional Elite... who think they are controlling things, IS... A... LIE. Turn your attention to the entity precipitating into your heart and pay attention to... NO... ONE... ELSE. Maybe you might put on Silent Running for a sense of atmosphere in these times.

It is an interesting moment in the precession of events. On the one hand... for the fear-based... an enormous specter looms over The World and a great rolling sandstorm of darkness appears on the horizon. On the other hand, that's the sort of thing that happens when The Ring goes into the volcano; for an interlude... no one seems to know exactly what has happened; is happening, or... will happen, and... especially... what any of it means. You might as well be slicing the entrails out of a dove. Then you tell The Emperor what he wants to hear.

In the On Deck circle... warming up... we have The Monkey Business Behavior Virus. When it has to do with dangerous sex practices... that are now a protected feces, you can be certain it comes out of Darkest Africa. If it has to do with creating a reason for inviting an enemy into a war zone, it's certain to have originated in China.

The real question that anyone with any intelligence should be asking is... how come... almost never... does any world leader stand up and tell us what is actually going on? Certainly, they all knew that COVID was bullshit, and designed with the dual purpose of assisting in the culling of The Unwanted, and transferring the wealth of The World into fewer hands.

They must have all been told that The Dark Side would kill all their family and friends if they said anything. Nothing else makes sense.

Lots of them knew that Israel had done 9/11... with their complicit associates in The Deep State intelligence apparatus. Everything just goes on like business as usual. You can see that events are being controlled... if you are paying any attention, but... by whom? The Atheists and those of little faith, all attribute it to some shadowy congregation of connected crime lords... who use the outer trappings of Satanic ritual... as a blind for what they are really into.

Those of us who know that we don't know, and... also have some affiliation with the one who does know... realize that The Divine is The Director of all action... under one guise or another; he looks like The Devil to the carnally minded and motivated, and he looks like... nothing anyone can describe or define... to those who understand what's really going on... in the limited fashion that we are privy to.

So... let's see... this thing called Maya or... The Dream Web... is a closed environment of sleep-walking mortals who dream, and... the dreams are all the fulfillment of desires from another time that were imaged and visualized often enough to make an impression. This impression... which would be in the form of a vibration... then resonates into Time, which is one of the main components of Maya, and then... it happens, and then? It's on to the next thing.

This Dream Zone is tightly controlled and policed. Nothing happens there to upset the sequencing... put into place by The Director... FOR... The Purpose of Demonstration. It's a big playground that The Divine moves around in...  and sometimes acts through an intermediary, or... enjoys vicariously... as it pleases him/her to do.

Best case scenario for ANYONE... is to get next to The Director in EITHER of his modes of influence. Otherwise, you will be spewed out of his mouth or... so scripture tells us.

Tedros says that The Buttfucker Virus is the next It Thing, and as soon as they have it packaged for transport... it gonna be like June busting out all over, BUT without the prurient attractions of June's assets on display. Darn!

Bill Gates... who spends his time in the asshole of The World... gazing into his own reflection, and doing his little mirror... mirror... on the wall thing, has got big plans for the rest of us.

I used to think that being George Segway Bush was the worst karma going... that I had seen up to that point. Then Satanyahu and Gates lapped him several times on the track. In Hell's Olympics... they give you a flaming cow pie to wear around your neck, and Bill is proudly wearing his, while his soul screams in agonized torment. How long can he endure this self-inflicted torture? We'll see; those of us who are still around, that is.

So! The Deep State just rang The Bell, and... it's vaccinations on the house for everyone in the bar. The sweat is beading on the brows of The Deep State workers, and they are racing against time, and... they are also out of time because... they traded it in exchange for being able to do bad things to the rest of us. So... Happy Days are here again... sooner or later... BECAUSE... no one does irony like The Divine who sees to it that their efforts to kill off the rest of us... will wind up with them doing their ownselves in; I love ending sentences with a preposition!

Well... brothers and sisters, and those of you transitioning... through the gaping maw of The Mouth of Madness; it's really something to see. The more The Evil Ones scurry about... trying to get their business done, even though... as we said... it's already too late, the more I marvel at the elegance and grace of The Divine... as he waves his baton over the whole of it.

I am so fortunate to not believe in Temporal Authority whatsoever. I've never been shy about demonstrating that. Some might say I would have been better served keeping my head down and just cruising right through, BUT... I'm not built that way, and I just have to let them know that I know what they are up to, and... I am not impressed. Once you have ever... actually... stood and watched The Sun come up, and recognized the implications therein, you're not much impressed by anything else.

The Purpose of Demonstration works in all sorts of ways for all sorts of reasons, BUT... pretty much is always a demonstration of something. You know? It never fails to entertain me when I watch the self-important banging their heads into a wall, while they imagine they are making the girls swoon.

It's true that in Times of Material Darkness, there are an abundance of whores running about and plying their trade. It is also true that the fairest of The Divine Feminine cannot be bothered with the rude boys... that are also about... in great numbers... in Times of Material Darkness. Now... of course... there are whores of both sexes, and we see them at work... on a daily basis... showing the whole world what they are made of while imagining that what they are hearing is applause.

Delusion is an amazing thing. It is especially amazing when just about everyone else is playing along because... they buy into The Delusion. It really is a great big mental institution, and... at certain times... this becomes glaringly apparent because The Awakening comes around and millions of little invisible Tinker Bells start tossing the real fairy dust around, and... it's like the hypnotist snapping his fingers... on the count of three, and... everyone wakes up... and... it dawns on them... what they were just doing. Surprise! Surprise!

Hopefully, they can master their embarrassment, and regain their humanity... in time for it to make a difference. Everyone is in disguise, BUT... soon The Celestial Clock is going to start ringing as the hour arrives, and The Joker pops out of the little door at the top of the clock, and... it's masks off is what it is, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be frolicking about in the nude over at GAB= shortly;

"The attempt, with what is not even, to produce what is even... will only produce an uneven result; the attempt, with what is uncertain, to make the uncertain certain will leave the uncertainty as it was. He who uses only the sight of his eyes is acted on by what he sees; it is the (intuition of the) spirit, that gives the assurance of certainty. That the sight of the eyes is not equal to that intuition of the spirit is a thing long acknowledged. And yet stupid people rely on what they see, and will have it to be the sentiment of all men;--all their success being with what is external:--is it not sad?

You see, Visible... I am your closest companion. I am closer than any companion you have ever had or ever will have. I am you, Visible... you as you one day will be. You are you in the present. I am what the present results in...once The Investiture occurs. I have already been through everything you have been through and ever will go through. This is why I tell you to bring everything to me. I am your Higher Self. I know how everything turns out ahead of time.

You are extremely fortunate to find one who knows. However... Knowledge and Wisdom are not the same thing. You might say that wisdom is the ability to know what knowledge to keep and which to discard. Divine Luminous Wisdom is when what you know comes directly from The Presence of God within you."


AL said...

"actually... stood and watched The Sun come up"

Just for fun I did a search for the safety of looking into the rising sun. I actually saw at least one "medical" response that stated it can give you cancer. I was wondering about looking into Gods eye with my binoculars just as he rises behind the grayish atmospheric goo. I could swear I saw a huge sun spot yesterday and wanted to verify. So what the hell I did it and it was breath taking and there were two spots visible, one huge sitting at high center and one down to the right.

I'm still able to see and I haven't gotten cancer as yet so wish me light and spirit medicine Brutha!. lulz

Blessings man!

Visible said...

Every Friday... for reasons that remain unknown to me, nobody... I mean no one... comes by to commment. It can happen on other days occasionally, but on Friday it seems always to happen.

Anonymous said...

So, I wonder if any of the "drs" who were pro "vaccine" which wasn't a vaccine during the last pandemic will be "died suddenly" if they don't go along to get along with the next kill shot? Ewwww...
LV: "They must have all been told that The Dark Side would kill all their family and friends if they said anything. Nothing else makes sense." Yup...

And who all are exempt from these mandated shots? Yeah...

Divine Luminous Wisdom: Every single thought and thing is being recorded.

I look forward to some decent comments on this masterpiece!


Visible said...

Well! If that isn't typical. I post that comment and as soon as I do, and before anyone can read it and comment about it... two comments come in. Yikes! There's some kind of law but I don't know what it is, though it has worked out in similar fashion too many times to be coincidence.

As for looking into The Sun. In the morning when it rises and at night when it sets... from what I understand... one can look at The Sun longer than at other times. I never stare overly at it but look at it indirectly after evey short period of looking right at it.

AL said...

Understood Les, I have been looking directly at it for at least 40-60 minutes without issue but that is during atmospheric grey goo conditions here on the east coast. I don't believe a damn thing they say about dangers of looking into the rising or setting sun within 60 minutes of each occurrence so no worries. Mostly infra red and little UV to worry about in this time frame I have found. I like to let my eyes tell me and they do but going by time seems a safe bet. I'm unsure how it is in the desert or anywhere else but if it's bright right away I would use caution.

robert said...

Hey Vis!

Surely you have observed the rebound action;
whenever we speak out an habitual declaration of a pattern
the One confounds us with another variation of pattern
yet another lesson in how creation works!

Unless we utter in utter humility, our utterance gets rebounded
To prove there are no bounds as we conceive them

It is actually a great comfort to be amused by the universe playing with us
So that it becomes plain that we matter in the material plane

They must have all been told that The Dark Side would kill all their family and friends if they said anything. Nothing else makes sense.

Those of us who have intuitively maintained a low profile
would have no personal experience with the kind of pressure
put upon any who threaten to disturb the trance of the slaves.

Preventing imagination from going there
to keep fear away by light's pressure
is consistent with leaving the details up to the One

Compassion is fearless and senses the weight of the darkness exhausting the peaks of courage into a steady slog of doing only the necessary

We dare not judge anyone else's experience
only our own
even judging our own, if we are following the Lead Lutist
we do without attitude
without condemnation
WITH love just tough enough to get through to our errant intellect

Is this not the Way that the One leads us?

If we have endured more trauma than we feel was necessary
if we look deeper than our habitual perception
do we not detect our balking resistance to our intuition?
some knowing better than our better nature?
an excess of emotional inertia making life drag us
Making our life a drag?

When we appeal for help
Have we pealed back enough layers of lies?

Why we tie ourselves in knots
Delay ourselves by our reactive "not"s
Bind our mind to dance with dullness
Close our vision to the miracles next door

Is the mystery only we can solve
with the infusion of the universal solvent
The love we ignore, to spend time not creating

Where have we banished the energy expecting more?
When the show is playing its overture
The curtain is rising
Yet are we looking elsewhere than into the heart

Can we be loved?
If we are yet willing to be less
When there is so much more than we dreamed of
Philosophically or in service to self

What show can raise us out of dreaming sheepfully?
Raise our attention to behold revelation
or hit snooze until all alarm is broken?

The dawn light seeks through our closed eyelids
Our mind is seeded against our death wish
We awaken, ready or not...

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

If I look at the sun directly, instant migraine. Thank the gods for feverfew, though I really try to avoid doing that.

Nostrils to the sky on the post, as always.

Farmer said...

Have a super great weekend. And appreciate you keeping our eye on the ball

0 said...

"Best case scenario for ANYONE... is to get next to The Director in EITHER of his modes of influence. Otherwise, you will be spewed out of his mouth or... so scripture tells us."

Yeah that bit in the bible seems aimed at making use of the people who flip flop between being good and evil consistently... The ones who stop pushing to Good or to Bad are the ones who be-come consistent and of no use to the "Lord" of that bible. The ones who try to be good, then sin and feel guilty, have to go be absolved of it by their clown in robes who then has the dirt on them to ensure they go along to get along. If ones consistent, theres no Guilt to be Felt as one consistently acts rightly to produce harmony, usually selfless harmony. No need to tell some clown in robes anything other than "Fuck off halfwit turd knuckle".

Course that bit asserts that this world is his mouth, and if one is to be spewed out of it, to which new place would one go? That which is consistent must be drawn to places that Are also of like consistence.

That which isn't consistent will go where one finds oneselves state at the time of death, and since they're wafflers, their next hop might be pure luck or pure bad luck, the "luck" being the result of zero efforts made to be consistent by that one.

Enjoy the weekend.

Nobody (often mistaken to be no one.) :P

Anonymous said...

LV! Listening to a pod about you can't say that name of them is going more mainstream.
You are right they should have stayed in the shadows.
Glorious Sun hide n' seek lately and clapped to get squirrel to move out of the street and it shined even brighter!
Now people dressed in wild outfits discussing those who cannot be named.
Beautiful spider webs and set one free from a Ben & Jerry's container.
It could have been God in there for all I know.
Being in tune with HIM is better than anything this world has to offer and that is where all wisdom and knowledge comes from.

Visible said...

Their time is at hand. All things are to be set right again.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"They Know Nothing of God's Love... only The Rules and Regulations, and They Mind Everyone's Business but Their Own."



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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