Monday, August 26, 2024

"The Leaders of The World in This Time... Those Present and Those Coming... Will Be Unable to Defy Vox Populi's Awakening."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well now... the shift in the winds... the tides... the force of human thought, as... it... is... influenced by guidance from above and within, is turning its back on the deceptions that have plagued its fortunes for such a length of time. We have come to the brink of our own destruction but... who put the weapons in our hands?

Enemies abroad are not to be compared to the enemies within. These latter are the enemies of greatest cost. They have given us poor diet... vampire entertainments, and a riot of self-abuse; our strength bleeding away as a nation of Onan facsimiles... spill their seed upon the stony ground. Bread and circuses abound, and likely they will remain even when there is no longer any bread.

However... right on the edge of irreversible calamity, I sense a change in attitude and purpose. I see a nation... even the people of The World... rising up in defiance against their oppressors, and what do their oppressors do? They double down. This will avail them nothing, except to further expose them before the eyes of The World because... The World is waking up.

Everything that has happened to us... in stages... for years... has been directed to the coming moment of a new awareness sweeping the planet. The leaders of The World in this time... those present, and those coming... will be unable to defy... vox populi's awakening.

It is a matter of mathematics. It is a matter of balance and order. Things can only go so far out of wack... before The Mysterious Force brings them back. I am going to state some facts. These are incontrovertible facts; God is real! God is Good. God is all-powerful. God cannot be opposed. God is inexplicable and indefinable, BUT... absolutely real, and absolute... and relative... everything and nothing... both within and apart from. Those denying the reality of God, deny the reality of their own being.

Materialism creates Atheism. The latter is the religion of the former. Atheism... which displaces The Ruling Authority within... automatically raises the standard of his greatest foe... who is no foe at all, BUT... one of the archetypes he wields to maintain existence within the poles of magnetic opposites, which endlessly... create new poles and new interactive dynamics. All these can be traced back to a single incomprehensible pole.

What are you thinking at this very moment? How are you thinking? By what force does cogitation come about? How does it go? I think... therefore I am... apart from everything else? Is this not logical? Does not the very process set itself apart from the truth of The Self? The Self radiates an abiding Unity... brought about and maintained... by a greater love. It is an interesting enigma.

Going forward... in any direction... you are headed the wrong way. Both Love and Wisdom... Truth and Eternity are within, BUT... we must go outward because we are The Spirit in search of experience. We are the fingers of God... probing the nature and meaning... of externals. We are agents of The Divine... seeking to know him/her/itself. We go out only to turn at last within. It is the source of the tale of The Prodigal Son.

We can judge no one because we've all been there... or will be. There but for fortune, my friends.

Existence is charged by the electricity of The Divine. He sets the stage... the drama unfolds. Once the drama has played... he disassembles the stage and moves to the next staging ground. It is all for The Purpose of Demonstration. For large stretches of time... we are dreaming... then comes an awakening. Each awakening hits by degrees... according to the state of the dreamer; according to the depth and force of the dream.

Materialism celebrates the individual self. It sells us the idea of being different and better than those around us. It also sells us the idea of conformity... which is directly opposed to this. It sells us confusion and distraction. Indeed; ♫ what's puzzlin you is the nature of my game ♫

The hardest thing for the separated mind to grasp is that there is something beyond Good and Evil that employs them both. As we once said, Evil is the rocket fuel that lifts Good off of the launching pad into a demonstration of its nature.

Religion sells you on the idea of a war between Good and Evil. Religion is a trap and anyone seeking after The Truth eventually escapes it, often to the howls and jeers of those remaining behind... often pursued by agents of The Church. Now The Vampire of The Vatican is revealing himself to the awakening mind of Humanity.

Everywhere you turn... powerful people are exposing themselves for The Purpose of Demonstration.

Traditions and infrastructures turn evil after a certain passage of time. They become entrenched, and... their desire to survive and grow even stronger... is their single focus. They become broadcasting citadels of evil that cloud the mind. That becomes their sole intentions; profit and crowd control. To have the one you necessarily require the other.

So it is then... that The Divine ignites an awakening, and fuses the will of Humanity into a single driving purpose... to throw off the chains of their oppressors, AND NOT allow the tables to be turned with the same people still sitting there. This old switcharoo has been in play for a long time. THEY even arrange such things to continue in power.

It is important to realize and... remember that BOTH sides of the state of contention... that exist within the give and take of human events... are controlled and manipulated by THE SAME SINGLE FORCE.

What profits you most is to come into alignment with this force. This you accomplish by releasing the hold... that the pull of opposites exercises on you; pain and pleasure... attraction and aversion... and so on. You cease with selfish desire and you free yourself from attachment. The greatest single... driving force... in human nature is The Urge to Freedom.

Did you see the documentary series on the making of Julia Child? There used to be these people below the counter who were advising and helping her while she was on TV. In life... there is a very similar process at work. There are invisible forces trying to pull us down, and there are invisible forces trying to lift us up, and each of them has magnetic handholds within us... via our passions... our will and imagination... our attention and its susceptibility to one thing or another.

In a time of awakening... the pulls from the different directions... become more apparent to us. We begin to see what vitalizes us and what destroys us. It has always been so that people drawn toward spiritual illumination... experience awakening as a regular event in their lives. Now and again... at remote points in human evolution... a global awakening takes place. We are at one of those points, and the force that is driving it is The Avatar.

I don't have a timeline on The Avatar. One perspective tells me he's here, another tells me that the process of his arriving and precipitation... down the spheres of being... to the manifest plane... involves a considerable amount of human time, BUT... the impact of his coming is felt at increasing levels of intensity all... the... way... down, long before he takes visible shape, and... the awareness of this... is determined by the state of possession... The Dreamer is experiencing in The Dream.

Materialism has a powerful grip, and it gets to us through our appetites and desires. You can be oh, so smart, and oh, so clever. You can be a high-flying wheeler and dealer in the stratosphere of major players... in the bullshit dances of power and control, BUT... if Materialism has its hooks in you, I don't care who it is that you imagine you are screwing, you're fucked... regardless.

Oh yes! There are powerful forces that are external to you. There are also extraordinarily powerful forces within you... in the Lovecraftian depths of your subconscious. If you do not have command of these, THEY WILL PULL YOU DOWN. It's only a matter of time.

There is a great deal of paranoia running about in the alt-media. It says we are being... or going to be... exterminated by plague... or famine... or war... or some combination of these, and you may be sure that this will take place in certain locations. It is taking place now in parts of Africa... in Gaza... and it would take only a little shift in circumstances to have those conditions at a wider reach.

Never forget that The Divine is in charge. That should be your single recourse and your source for what is valid and what is not. A lot of these people running around in a panic... or trying to generate a panic in others... have little faith in The One.

Not only are we waking up, BUT so is Lady Nature. I would keep a weather eye out in that regard... if you can spare the fear energy directed at other forces... keeping in mind who is messing with the weather too; sooner or later comes a chain reaction.

Less time spent wandering in The Outer World, and more time spent on reflection within... will... at this time... most especially... lead to insights and revelations that will guide you to a more serene state of mind. Sanctuary can be found within, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be waiting at GAB=

Book recommendation;
The Beautiful Story of a Master


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Urge to freedom. To me, freedom is lack of obligation, and the right to do what I want, when I want. Outside of errands, I usually have that minus my commute time and job, which is about 29 hours a week if there's no holiday. I have no interest in stuff, but I like my TIME. If I have an agenda, I blow a gasket if someone wastes 2 nanoseconds of it. (The guys at work KNOW. They put up with me because I make their job easier because of it. I'm there to WORK, not socialise.)

Freedom is walking away from the world. Not playing the stupid mortal flotsam games that chain you in various ways. Go to Hell with your credit cards, vanity play, cell phones, keeping up with the Joneses, television, and every other stupid inconvenient distraction that does nothing for you but eat up your discretionary time and money. Who needs it? Oh, yeah. Those who can't overcome their programming since they can't see the forest for the trees. They are majorly in part responsible for the state of the world BECAUSE of not breaking free of the beyond stupid status quo. There are so many advantages to minimalism and keeping it as simple as possible, I'm surprised more aren't doing it. Well, actually trends do seem to be headed in that direction due to financial difficulties people are having, but I've been doing that by my own choice for more than a decade, and I've never been in debt since the student loan I've paid off early in my 20's, and the interest payment was $18.00. I remember that, and when I got the bill; I laughed my arse off. But after 14 years, it grew back.

Oh well. I'm not there for them. I'm not there for the world. Sitting in front of a computer all day or reading a book doesn't do much for supporting it, and that's the way it's gonna continue until I get nuked, or whatever else that frees me completely from this hated self imposed prison.

Oh, and not giving a feck about what happens in the world also helps. It's like, what ever. I'm just passing through, and considering my feelings for it, other than my obnoxious, in your face blog posts, I'm doing as little as possible to effect any outcome of it whatsoever. I suggest people rebel, but they're not going to. It's too INCONVENIENT for them. Gods, the irony. Oh well. Priorities are priorities. Not my problem. I'm not here to clean up everyone else's messes.


Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is now up=

"Humanity has a Proven Tactic... that Can and Will Drive The Monsters Back Under The Rocks They Crawled Out From Under."



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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