Monday, August 5, 2024

"The Towers of Darkness are Soon to be Burning, and... Turned to Ash or... We'll See The Red-Eyed Rage of Revolution.

God Poet Transmitting.......

August... September... October... something... something. The road unfolding... is fraught with peril... if I read the road signs colorectally. There's an ill wind blowing no one... that's howling out of The Banker Mile in Jolly Old London. The Black Riders of The Black Nobility are having trouble saddling their skeleton horses; not surprising in this economy.

It's been tits up since Saruman went skint; Dark Magic not being what it used to be. Used to be that The Wrong Sorts had a passion for the game. They did it cause they loved the doing. Now, everyone wants to get paid, and there are no more lemons being made into lemonade. It's all hard cheese and serpent's blood up the way, and Down Here? Well... there's likely not to be a Down Here much longer.

Sir Keith Starmer has stepped into... a righteously deserving... hog lagoon of exploding fecal matter. He wants to cut off the fuel subsidies this winter for the old folk... who refused to die from The Tel Aviv Hotshots, not to mention The Ghost Virus. We'll kill 'em proper this time, [he] says. The h is silent; begging your pardon yer lardship.

Yeah... they are definitely about to get their freak on.

It's just that bad. There's nowhere to put The Dark Continent's imported kiddie killers no more. We'll be needing the space. Taylor Swift is all agitated that her name is being used and... not a royalty payment in sight. Her lawyers will be on to Westminster soon enough about it... I'll warrant.

Tavistock found a whole steamer trunk full of Beatles songs that never got written. The Gospel According to The Flat Earth... turned out to be written by them too, and it's making people's heads flat, and they're half as tall as they were before. The Boys at The Corner Local say... it's alright if they come down the pub, long as they stand still and we can set our beers on their heads, cause we are running out of counter space. That being because nothing adds up anymore.

Are you finding yourself confused a bit by this point? Have ye not been to The Magic Isles yet and you don't ken the talk? Whee!!! I went a bit narth on that one, laddie.

It's The European Edition this Monday, starting in Druid Country and working our way across the waters to Pederastia, (well they're all a suburb of Pederastia these days) and points east... where the last local Christians were seen... running in the direction of; we'll be ending things with prepositions a bit this posting... maybe. Nothing's been firmed up yet.

And... moving east... we see indications of all that rave-dancing in Kiev... about to come to a screeching halt... cause the music is going to stop... except for the percussion section. No better time to settle Ukraine hash than the present; what with Satan's Rest about to get all hot and bothered over in The Middle East.

The Towers of Darkness are soon to be falling down and... turned to ash... or we'll see the red-eyed rage of revolution or... something between the two.

Bill Gates and The WHO are working hard... to get it written into law... that one can be forcibly injected in New Zealand. That's the team behind it, by the way. I suspect the other crocodile swine are also backing the effort, and The Crown Colony Countries are the best place to start. The public hasn't got enough guns, and... the pervasive dole culture of those quasi-socialist locations... is ripe to plunder... with less effort than it will take later... after they've refined their techniques.

Yes! They have plans indeed for you and me, and they're a bit nastier than just cutting off the pensioner's heating fuel in the coming winter. Sir Keith's popularity at the moment is at a rousing 3%. I think that's unheard of, but then... he did sweep into #10 with a fraction more than 31%; wasn't it?

The politicians; AKA godless fucks... have been all about divide and conquer, ever since the guy that all politicians work for... tipped them off to the success rate that attends that scheme. It's what they did to Le Pen in France, and they're trying to throw Orban and Hungary out of ZATO, and... Ty Yi Yippee Erdogan in Turkey is giving them fits now too, BUT... he's a mercurial sort, so... ZATO is going down... especially the crypto-semites who run the joint.

The Whole World; in case you hadn't noticed... is getting hot under the collar... as it is wondering if those hotpants make its face look fat. All the world leaders have to dress up that way in private now, it goes with that fashionably chic black eye. It's all de rigueur now... at the fashionista gatherings... where they celebrate the god they serve, who... it so happens... works for The God I serve.

It never fails to amuse and confuse me that these people... who are supposed to be so damn smart... don't know the pecking order of the players As Above AND So Below. I'm not a world leader and I'm not as clever by half as they are, BUT... I know this. I know who's in charge, and who works for who's in charge; know it or not... like it or not. So it must be an act of blindness in one eye... like the token black eye; whatever that really means.

Maybe they're just okay with the temporary nature of the thing? It's like a joke I once heard. Someone winds up in Hell (insert name of your choice) and is being given the tour by one of the demons. The demon tells him; it's not all bad news. You get to choose where you do your time. For a man like you, we've got 3 options. Here's door number one. He opens the first door and the room is filled with people up to their necks in shit.

He goes to door #2, and all the people are standing waist-deep in shit, but demons are hammering the shit with big paddles and it's splashing everywhere. He goes to door #3, and all the people are standing knee-deep in shit, but they're drinking coffee from a big coffee tureen. One or two of them are laughing.

The demon says; you can spend your stay in either of these three rooms. The new arrival says; “well that last room didn't look so bad. I'll take that one.” The demon says, “You got it.” He opens the door and ushers him in. As he is heading for the table, where the coffee is located, a demon minder in the room shouts, “Okay! Coffee break's over, Back on your heads!” The Devil does irony really well.

It's been a while since I heard that joke so... I might have missed some of The Details, but I think you get the point. It's like that thing with Faust. He figures he has time enough to find a workaround. The Legend of Faust precedes Goethe's version by at least a couple of hundred years, so... there are many versions. If the one you are familiar with did not include this perspective on Faust's intentions, don't get all worked up about it.

In some locations where this work is reproduced... there are a lot of anal-retentive... closet types... who get seriously aroused if one doesn't adhere to the conventional line, and no one does faux outrage like the pedantic and overly informed.

As you can see... the whole thing is getting out of hand everywhere, and the people who caused it, and thought they could shape and control it... are finding that to be not the case. It's Fantasia with Micky Mouse and all those marching brooms again. It's getting out of hand because... THEY were never in control in the first place, and they were only allowed to believe they were... For The Purpose of Demonstration.

So... all of Evil's plots are turning on Evil. All of the faces of Evil... public and private are being exposed before the eyes of The World. Evil is in the process of destroying itself, and... getting a nudge or two... here and there... to keep them on course for their appointment in Samara.

Banker Nation is about to taste the fury... that they have so painstakingly cultivated... in the hearts and minds of everyone else. Their bill coming due is a considerable scroll of an invoice. It's going to take some time to read it all, but... we've all the time in The World; [h]aven't we? (The H is silent.)

Even though most people have forgotten why they came here, to begin with... they are about to find themselves with front-row seats to a spectacle for the ages. It will be a bit more than a three-ringed circus... if you catch my drift; kinda like Satyricon meets Lord of The Flies on the playing fields of Eton, with a taste of Clockwork Orange and Heart of Darkness, with a seasoning (depending on individual taste) of The Pilgrim's Progress.

People in the front rows will be needing their foul weather gear, and the further back you go... the less anyone is even paying attention, and rightly so because... it... has... nothing... to... do... with... them.

Mind how you go, and...

... one more thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are present at GAB=

And I'll be recommending excerpts from Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell. If you go to page 456 (I think it is) you'll get all The Details on Hell, and even though I am reading this section for the first time... it is amazing how much it mirrors what we say here. You can download the whole book at this location.

Well, I guess that's going to do it! Welcome to the week or... the week before the week... when everything goes sideways for some and who knows where for everyone else.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I want what Faust wanted. Omniscience. But I want it so I don't NEED anything outside of myself. Mine intentions are not 'destructive' per se, though I must admit if anyone/anything inconveniences me, I walk away if I can regardless of consequences. No one owes me anything, and I don't owe them either, so. . . Life doesn't owe me anything, hence I've decided I don't owe life anything. . .well, 'cept for maybe a kick in the face, and I dish that out in analogy every chance I get. The easiest way to do that is not play the stupid mortal flotsam games and be as much of an isolationist as I can be. Makes life easier. Withdraw from the garbage and do a 'lay down flat' times 'let it rot'. Do the bare minimum to fulfill your contract with yourself. Nice that I can afford to do that now, though only because that wasn't my 'tude when I was younger. . .not that I was as stupid as the majority of the players.

I don't think the restaurant I work for will be quite as busy next weekend. If it is, I will be thoroughly gobsmacked. So far we've been defying reality, but how can any business come out of this unscathed, unless you own a cemetery plot, or are and undertaker, mortician or what ever. Do I care? HELL NO! THE MOMENT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HAS ARRIVED LAST WEEK. Well, not a moment, but a period of weeks or months, but still. Too bad I'm too olde and crotchety to be dancin' in the ruins to BOC, but hey. I can still enjoy the entropy, and I will; considerin' I have nuthin' vested in this disgusting realm.

Gods, it's like you wrote this piece just for me. I read or watched every book/film on the list in your 3rd to last paragraph. Think I read Heart of Darkness 4 times. Gods, what a depressing book. I ought to read more Conrad. Only read three of his works, one being a short story. Might be mean of me, but I laughed at the end of An Outpost of Progress due to the ironic ending.

Gods, this post is like a nose-pet to me. Might as well be a drug. OK, you virtually snorfled my nose with this. NOSTRILS TO THE SKYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

Uh. . .'narth'?

Visible said...

Scottish for North. I might not have that phonetically correct, BAhhhhT! What the Hell.

Anonymous said...

the chaos is increasing. The riots in the UK, which are literal race riots, are getting larger. Today, 15 Arab muslim restaurants got burned to the ground in the UK. Massive stock market crash. Iran is jamming GPS signals in the direction of Israel so they'll probably strike Israel in the next 1 or 2 days. The madness has truly broken out now. The riots in the UK are also being incited by jewish agents like Tommy Robinson. So the elite are going all out now. I always said that once the race riots begin, things would escalate very rapidly, and that is what is happening. The world is on fire.

Visible said...

It must be bad because they are keeping it out of the news, and as for Tommy Robinson... yeah... he's a 24-carat no-goodnik.

0 said...

Won't it be nice when Kamala and the clowns who bred the inbred uniparty are no longer in a physical place. That twitter clip was hilarious. Shes to dumb to get the vague details right. The Cloud is a physical place. Its a physical place thats sold to the lazy as being how to get at your files from anywhere anytime and the lazy are to dumb to cog to the fact that if thats the case for oneself, then thats the case for the dataminers too. Duh. Lots of dumb shit competing for Dumbest of the dumb lately.

Sorry about the Fuck Me! comment. I figured it was sorta fitting because really thats what ones doing with the All by Be-coming Whole. Its integrating the nothing of the all with the nothing of the self in a nice comingled way such that what results is a gestalt of self instead of the ego and id. Not to many people tumble to the idea of making the all of the nothing integrated in self by desiring it to cohabitate and then deferring to its reasoning as brought forth in the Now.

I guess today at 5pm middle east time marks the end of their holy month so maybe the exchanges over there have already started...

If/When it goes hot domestically hope people have picked the clown authorities to go sort out during the Fog of War. Seems Calipornia has the most billionaires currently with newyork after and then Texas and Florida. Guess we'll see how it shakes when its starts shaking.

Take it easy...

Visible said...


Whoops! I had no idea you had said that. I'm sure we all have. I did not connect it with you at all. I had just seen it somewhere, and a lot of things came together in my mind about how that amounts to self-wounding.

0 said...



0 said...

Up Next.



Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Yes Indeed... Sweeping Changes, and... a Whitman's Sampler of Bug House... Ghost Rider Stampedes... are Coming Soon."

Visible said...


I follow him on my X-Feed so I see all of that. I wish he would expand his routine. He has only so many catch phrases and then it goes on repeat. He gets some will Karma working itself out.

G-Zeus said...

I debated with myself whether I should post this, but I'll dive into the Cesspool anyhow.
Putin is a WEF Young Global Leader just like all of them.
Kamala comes from a Jamaican Slaveholder family. Castro was also Old Money.
Even Talented Artists like Damien Marley just HAD to throw down Free-Masonic symbols.

The Banksters run all sides in the Shit show.

I had to get that off my chest.

bigloner said...

En ga lund swings as a pedulum do,
Bobbies on bicycles two by two,
Westminster Abbey, the Tower of Big Ben.
The rosey red cheeks on the little chil dren....



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