Thursday, September 19, 2024

"Do People Get The Governments they Deserve? Keep Jerking off, and... You Are Sure to Find Out... Sooner or Later."

God Poet Transmitting.......

One of the most valuable things a person can possess is... perspective. Get up too close and you can't see what's right in front of you; that's where things hide when they are in plain sight. Get too far away and it is hard to distinguish individual characteristics, AND the same thing happens inside your mind... when you deal with memory, and time, and... the ability to focus.

So... perspective is empowered and enhanced by other features which it is also good to have on call, like discrimination... discernment... insight... intelligence... clarity, and we could sidestep into personal qualities, like Honor and Integrity. These can... as greatly influence perspective... as the lack of them does.

It turns out that both of these... tools... that they say tried to assassinate the President-Elect... were connected to Black Rock. Sherwin Williams may cover The World, but Black Rock would have you believe they own The World. Still, and... you have to assume this... someone owns Black Rock and someone owns whoever it is that owns Black Rock.

If you don't own what goes on inside your head... then someone else does, and that is the case with a great many people now who are too busy to engage in introspection. Squatting on private property is now becoming a problem in America. It has been a problem for much longer in people's heads. Someone else is squatting in many people's heads... without them knowing much about it.

The way to find out what is going on in your head; what is REALLY going on in your head... is to empty it out. Call it Spring Cleaning in advance of Spring. One thing you can be sure of... if you empty out your house or... empty out your mind... is that you will have a lot more room to move around in. Of course, there is a reason we have furniture, BUT... Stuff... is increasingly more and more of a problem than it ever was.

People's heads are filled with useless Stuff as well. Trivia used to be a pejorative. It comes from the word, trivial. Now it's considered something of an asset in the shallow end of the pool. Certain behaviors used to be looked upon as perverse, but now they get you into the better clubs if you advertise them.

When survival was a real thing... in a world of challenges... where to fall behind could mean death... people did not spend so much time jerking off. Let's look into this thing called Masturbation... which exists on a variety of levels... besides the digitally manipulable. Here's what Masturbation actually accomplishes; it drains you of Survival Fluid. It's like punching a hole in your gas tank just before you take off on a long trip.

Let's call that long trip... a lifetime... though it might not be that long a trip... if you spend it jerking off. Let's say it's a slow leak because... if it's a big leak... you might not even get out of your driveway.

People have different-sized tanks, so... a gallon for one person might be two or several gallons for another. The size of the tank is based on how you did on fuel economy the last time you were here. A lot of conditions you face depend... a great deal... on what you did the last time you were here.

So... let's say it's a slow leak. It won't be noticeable in the early goings, and... let's substitute miles with Time because... that's what's really going on, and let's combine oil... and transmission fluid, all the fluids a car might depend on... including axle grease... into Survival Fluid. Let's say you were a wise virgin and not a foolish virgin, and... you've got something in the tank a good distance down the road.

Chances are... your body/car won't start breaking down at the same time as everyone else's and your medicine cabinet will not be overflowing with prescription bottles of shit that will kill you.

Most people stopped cooking on aluminum because it is very bad for you, so... the people who believe it is their job... to control how long you live, and when you die... began to put the aluminum into the vaccines, and... other things, and when people still didn't get sick and die quickly enough... to meet their time frame... for getting control of The World BEFORE... The Good Guys showed up... they started spraying it on you from the sky.

They're on a deadline (pun intended). I don't know if you knew that, and if they can't get all the bodies in the ground before a certain buzzer goes off... they are toast. They're toast anyway, BUT... they think they have some kind of a chance to pull it off. That's what keeps the excitement up. It is a movie after all, and they will be heading themselves off at the pass.

What Bad Guys don't get... is that they are their own worst enemy. They can't win, all they can ever do is provide contrast, as well as motivation for The Good Guys, and both of them are just playing cops and robbers. It makes life interesting. If all you want is serenity and an absence of all conflict, that... can... be... arranged. Usually, you have to go somewhere else to get those conditions, BUT... some people who are not jerking off, and have the right information... can create those conditions here, and... carry them around with them as if they were in a bubble.

We are all... in a bubble that is a force field... generated by our interior state. You can't see it; well... most people can't see it, BUT some people can, and other people can sense it without seeing it, BUT that's the stuff of another commentary.

Do not spend your life jerking off, as more and more people do... on one level or another... because of the ever-increasing amount of things there are to jerk off to. It comes with the territory... so to speak.

Now... experts, and professionals who think a piece of paper makes them an expert... are saying that jerking off is good for you; that it's healthy... it relieves stress, and... yadda yadda. It is not good for you and it is not healthy, it does not relieve stress, and it is the worst thing you can do for your own well-being, BUT... the people who want to control The World tell you these things because it debilitates you, AND... Bread and Circuses is an old... old strategy.

It's not just bad for you physically. It is also bad for you emotionally... mentally... and spiritually. It will ruin how you see yourself. What many people... most people... do not get... due to all the technological advances in recent times... is that we are living in a dark age. Whenever Materialism and technology outstrip humanity's moral sense... that is a dark age, and if they don't stop jerking off; a bidda ba bidda... that's all folks!

That is what Babylon Rising signifies. Maybe you think we are in a different world than back in ancient Sumeria or Mesopotamia, BUT... you are not. Human Nature is human nature, and people are people. Would you call what we have today... civilization? Do you think we are civilized? Do people get the government they deserve? Keep Jerking off and you are sure to find out... sooner or later.

Those who paid a lot less attention to taking care of a civilization than they did when they were building it... are going to be living in the ruins of that civilization... sooner or later, as I recall; eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, but many of the formerly vigilant are now too busy jerking off to pay attention to the liberty that is draining from the crack in The Liberty Bell.

They are saying AI is causing a flood of deception and misinformation. Well... who created it and who is wielding it? When you want to find out what the person accusing you is up to, simply look at what they are accusing you of. The Usual Suspect's are masters of this.

Donald Trump says that he is going to Aurora, CO, and Springfield, OH.

My guess is that he is going to get eyewitness accounts and video evidence of what The Crass Media says is not happening in those places. It's what I would do. It's what I would have already done, BUT... I'm not running for president. Still... most of the time... people running for president are pretty smart or... at least very clever. Why don't they spend more time and attention on exposing the duplicity with hard evidence?

I can think of many... many things that I can prove with a preponderance of hard evidence. I don't need the circumstantial. How come there isn't more of an effort being made in this direction? Perhaps it won't matter anyway. One thing I know is that you can push against the tide all you like. The tide will just keep coming in, and...

... one last thing.

One last thing addendum just in case you're not getting it.

End Transmission.......

Arr! There be links at GAB=

Continuing with The Sutras of Patanjali- Book One

12. The control of these psychic activities comes through the right use of the will, and through ceasing from self-indulgence.

If these psychical powers and energies, even such evil things as passion and hate and fear, are but spiritual powers fallen and perverted, how are we to bring about their release and restoration?
Two means are presented to us the awakening of the spiritual will, and the purification of mind and thought.

13. The right use of the will is the steady effort to stand in spiritual being.

We have thought of ourselves, perhaps, as creatures moving upon this earth, rather helpless, at the mercy of storm and hunger and our enemies.
We are to think of ourselves as immortals, dwelling in the Light, encompassed and sustained by spiritual powers.
The steady effort to hold this thought will awaken dormant and unrealized powers, which will unveil to us the nearness of the Eternal.

14. This becomes a firm resting place, when followed long, persistently, with righteousness.

We must seek spiritual life in conformity with the laws of spiritual life, with righteousness, humility, gentle charity, which is an acknowledgment of the One Soul within us all.
Only through obedience to that shared Life, through perpetual remembrance of our oneness with all Divine Being, our nothingness apart from Divine Being, can we enter our inheritance.

15. Ceasing from self-indulgence is conscious mastery over the thirst for sensuous pleasure here or hereafter.
Rightly understood, the desire for sensation is the desire of being, the distortion of the soul's eternal life.
The lust of sensual stimulus and excitation rests on the longing to feel one's life keenly, to gain the sense of being really alive. This sense of true life comes only with the coining of the soul, and the soul comes only in silence, after self-indulgence has been courageously and loyally stilled, through reverence before the coming soul.


M - said...

Bit of a fan of Ricky Gervais.

0 said...

Great post.

Did you see this from the babylon bee in response to newsoms executive order? :P

Fuck willfully unaccountable Authority!


Visible said...

I did see it. Heh Heh. First the one with Harris and now this. It's known as fighting fire with fire (I think).

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky! Just wait 'til next month. The chickens are gettin' mighty close, from what I read in the general news stories. . .NOT msm.

0 said...

"Dr. Jay Varma, who ran the New York City Covid response for then-Mayor Bill de Blasio for a year and a half, told an undercover reporter that during that time he and others engaged in drug-fueled sex parties — as other people watched their relatives die alone.

Every morning at 10:00am, for a year and a half, Dr. Varma sat next to the mayor for a daily press conference.

In fact, Dr. Varma reports that he “was the one who convinced the mayor to make [the Covid shots] a mandate.”

“It’s so funny, because I did like all this deviant sexual stuff while I was on TV,” he recalls.

Had New Yorkers found out he was having “sex parties during Covid,” he admitted it would have been a “big deal” and “a real embarrassment.”

Yeah, you could say that.

“My wife and I had one with our friends in August of that first summer. It wasn’t so much sex as like, ‘I need to get this energy out of me’ and stuff like that….

“So we rented a hotel. We had to be kind of sneaky about it because hotels didn’t want people gathering there.”

(You will be relieved to know that everyone had had a Covid test.)

“And it was fun! We all took like, you know, molly [Ecstasy/MDMA]… and everybody had a blast.”

Then he gives details of a wild 200-person party in the first half of 2021 that was “not Covid-friendly” where everyone was high — at a time when the proles were allowed to participate in gatherings of no more than 50.

The whole thing is bizarre. He takes glee in, and is excited about, telling the undercover reporter that the Wall Street Journal wrote a whole article about him being the one person responsible for why Kyrie Irving, who declined the shots, had not been allowed to play basketball.

He is very open: people are too stupid to make decisions, so we have to make them for them. Education is not going to persuade them. The education is so that after they finally give in and get the shots, they can comfort themselves with, “Well, I’ve heard it’s safe and I guess it was the right thing after all.”

“The way we do it in public health,” he said, “is we make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated…. They didn’t get vaccinated because they heard it was safe; they gave in because it was really hard.”

Now Crowder’s point in releasing this video isn’t so much to say this man is a hypocrite.

His point instead is to say: these people manifestly did not fear the thing they energetically urged you to fear.

Nobody wants to hear about creepy Jay Varma and his sex parties. But for obvious reasons, they are a very telling and important part of the history of New York City in 2020-2021, and when the court historians tell the story of those years they will be (as usual) willfully deceiving people by leaving them out."


And THOSE are the kinds of people in authority positions. Is it any wonder that their assertions are fucking Crazy, nevermind Hypocritical. Chop Chop.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Let Me Take this Opportunity... to Be... The First of Many to Say that... P. Diddy did Not Kill Himself. It Was an Accident."

Visible said...

I follow Crowder so I saw that. Sociopathy is a feature of advanced Materialism. I think it has something to do with the absence of community, which was self-enforcing. Sometimes that isn't such a good thing, but usually we work to protect and lift each other up. I assume this fellow is a Tribe Member. It goes with the type.



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