Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"There is no Real World that Exists to Fit The Needs of People Trying to Escape into Alternate Dimensions of Self-Deception."

God Poet Transmitting.......

One can measure the intelligence of a person by their capacity to concentrate. I'm sure there is an algorithm for this, similar to the way that certain minds could compute the distance between Earth and heavenly bodies. There are simple treatises on the matter and more complex studies that more complex people can find for themselves.

One thing is certain... there is an argument for everything... no matter how crazy or fantastic it might be... for those who are also crazy and fantastic; somehow... they find each other. It's a bit like romance... isn't it?

The thing is... you have to want to find The Truth (about anything) in order to find it, and no matter how convincing your evidence may be, there will ALWAYS be people who think otherwise. There are also people so contrarian that they believe nothing at all.

When I see people using cover identities online and behaving like trolls at the same time, I don't need to look deeper into anything they may be going on about. Any time nastiness and anonymity are combined... there is a person who hates themselves and everyone else... by extension. I only post under my own name. I always have... nor have I hidden the birth name I got tagged with when I arrived, and which I dropped decades ago.

Last night, I tried watching the debate on At certain points, and on several occasions... the video dropped off. I stopped trying to watch after the 3rd time it happened. The moderators were after Trump at the least provocation. They let every lie Harris told... slip by unchallenged, and she told a great many lies.

Early on... I realized that watching this staged sideshow was a waste of time. I wasn't going to learn anything that I didn't already know. I continued for a little while anyway. I thought something might come to me, and then... something did.

I began to wonder about the mental states of people who could watch Harris tell one lie after another... when she had previously stated the opposite... countless times in public appearances. The thought of Denial came to mind... then I considered hypnotic states... then I revolved back to The Dream State that nearly everyone is immersed in, and that even the very wise go in and out of; but... they know they are dreaming. Others do not.

Then I thought of people who believe in absurdities, and... as a result... live on the verge of creating atrocities, and no doubt engage in them in their personal lives to the extent they can get away with it, such as those who believe The Earth is flat. You can't argue with these people any more than you can with Harris believers. They need to believe The Earth is flat because they need something to hang on to. They have no real grasp on themselves... have no sense of self, so they are lost playing a video game in their heads.

Here is an entertaining debunkment of Flat Earth Queery from The Department of Twisted Knickers;

...but... like the sexually bent, this will not command their attention for any length of time, AND... it won't be long before advancing technology proves The Earth is not flat, so... they have to branch out into further absurdities; The Sun is much closer than accurate math tells us it is... The Moon is an alien satellite... giants live in The Earth... all The World's leaders are dead, and have been replaced.... military courts are being held in Guano-tanamo, and being executed.

The interesting feature of this delusionary psychosis... that strikes these characters... who live alone or with their parents... is that you can trace every one of these mental aberrations back to earlier conditions... in earlier times... remarked on by scriptural and historical authorities of those times. You can also trace them back to darker times when people were not very bright, AND... there is an amazing parallel that exists in present times... where there is a larger body of the population that has been dumbed down and programmed to a similar state of delusion.

Furthermore... you can almost always trace rumors and absurd lies back to (drum-roll!!!) The Usual Suspects. They REALLY are personifications of The Devil on Earth. When you start looking, and keep looking... as I have done for decades, you find out truly terrible things. Let's go back to our previous conversation.

These people are unable to live in The Real World because there is no real world... that fits their needs for escape... into alternate dimensions of self-deception. One thing you can count on; when a person is sincerely seeking the truth, and not simply searching for evidence to corroborate their fantasies... is that the person sincerely seeking the truth... will find more and more of it, and escape being the prey of huckster narratives... designed to ferry the unwitting onto The Killing Floor.

As I watched Trump and Harris go at it... I began to see more and more deeply behind the drama, and into the wheels and gears that were operating the machinery. No one in history has been more investigated than Trump... with so little damming information uncovered. It is remarkable that someone as entitled as Trump, and born with as much money as Trump... who built large and fancy buildings all over the place, but... principally in New York... would have so little negative evidence trailing behind him of misdeeds.

Furthermore... in recent years... he was exposed to one false charge after another. Boy! Does The Deep State want his ass or what? AND... they could find... NOTHING!!! They took him to court... over the accusations of a hysterical loon... who claimed he had sexually assaulted her in a department store changing room. I took one look at her and reasonably assumed that Trump would NEVER give a woman who looks like that a second look; not when some of the most beautiful women in The World were throwing themselves at him every day! Amazing nonsense.

There is something about the man that is remarkable... truly. If only he were not such a slavish jailhouse punk for The Synagogue of Satan. Then... I thought, what if he's running some kind of a con? He can't get in there without sucking up to them anyway. That's not possible now and hasn't been for some time. Then... I further considered that The Divine uses the good and the evil... the smart and the stupid, the poor and the powerful to fulfill his will all the time. Trump could well be one of those chess pieces on The Big Board that God has plans for.

I have some trouble seeing it sometimes due to his bombastic and vain commentaries, as well as his lack of Gravitas, BUT... it seems like he has gotten some Gravitas of late. Then again... God uses who he chooses. (nice rhyme, Vis!) Let's face it, God uses everyone because... by diver's ways... he is bringing all of us home.

My greatest difficulty is in seeing God in everyone. Boy! Can he hide well or what? However, I do realize that The Almighty has not yet awakened The Great Love in my heart. When he does... it will be a simple matter to see him in everyone and everything. In the meantime he has showered me with other blessings so... I am not complaining, but I do wish I were more capable of continuous impersonal love. It will come when it is meant to.

I just had one of those experiences that are becoming more and more common. Lately, I've had things happen that are so fantastic I can't talk about them here. I already catch shit for mentioning much less remarkable happenings. So... I went by Truthseeker to check something out, and there I saw a wonderfully kind comment from one dwd who was going on about everything I am talking about in this posting. Wow! Keep in mind that these postings show up at Truthseeker the day after they show up here.

It is a beautiful thing that I am not much affected by the sniping from the shadows that I run into. The very fact that people conceal their identity from me indicates one thing, and what they are outraged by indicates another, and I have the blessed... priceless... presence of The Soul that speaks to me through The Intuition. NOTHING matters much after that. I hear good things, and I get criticisms and advice about how I can do better, BUT... the encouragements are enough to set me head over heels in love again; if I were not already head over heels in love.

To love God with all your might is a thing beyond the reach of words, and NOTHING on Earth is equal to it. In these times of Material Darkness... it is most difficult for people to see and hear the singing angels that attend the sunrise; few bother to even try. They have other things of greater importance to occupy their minds, BUT... those angels are there!

The aethers are filled with the beautiful songs of those that praise The Living God to everlasting. Christ Consciousness is soon to descend on everyone who has put themselves inflexibly in the way of it. The Degree of Difficulty is proof enough that it is coming... along with The Avatar... who is bringing a cornucopia of wonderful gifts, and rewards, as well as quite a few wake-calls for those as needs them, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are shoplifting thoughts from unsuspecting heads over at GAB=

I'm going to start collecting interesting things from my daily walks through The Virtual World and put them here.


Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to ask you this for awhile but I don’t want you to think I am giving you $hit. My question is sincere. Ok. Why do the flat earthers bother you ? You mention them ,well not a lot ,but enough. I mean they are so ridiculous , so not important ,actually benign in their belief so why does it get under your skin. I dont know who they are and why they believe what they believe and what effect they have if on anything. I don't give a rats arse about them . I wish I could say that about all the crap that goes on around the world but the flat earthers are not worth a single second of thought to me Just curious that is why I am asking. Perhaps I am missing something Also I always publish as anonymous because I dont trust Goggle and I am computer illiterate for the most part . Lastly my name would mean nothing to you or your readers. Im just saying why I post that way. Anyway I was in a state last night over the debate. So much was wrong including Trump himself .yes, I am all over the map today sorry about that but I do want to know if I should add the flat earthers to my concern regarding the loss of our country.

robert said...

The aethers are resonated by the ring of truth told
with the softest humility
the tenderest intention

My greatest difficulty is in seeing God in everyone. Boy! Can he hide well or what? However, I do realize that The Almighty has not yet awakened The Great Love in my heart. When he does... it will be a simple matter to see him in everyone and everything. In the meantime he has showered me with other blessings so... I am not complaining, but I do wish I were more capable of continuous impersonal love. It will come when it is meant to.

Amen brother!
Our insistent perspective intrudes to remind us where our heart is being lied to...

I have found that what impedes seeing deep enough into the distraction domain to connect with soul level reality
is from two primary causes:
A kind of telepathic politeness protocol, where seeing through the persona should generally be by invitation, unless there is ill intent already in motion
The other cause convicts our consciousness:
We have not faced what will be revealed about ourselves as we penetrate the persona mask of another
In consequence, we hover over the abyss without entering and get dilly-dallyed by the superficial

When we have chased another down to show them the way, as Lao Tzu reminds us, we must first inventory our own being and clean up our consciousness before proposing a union, however brief, with another soul

This sharing does NOT imply that I have had any more than a glimmer of a the great love but I recall and treasure the few gifts of any glimpse of a higher state of feeling.

It seems natural that we hesitate to plunge headlong into a state where our egos will drown!

Namaste brothers and sisters and confused!

Visible said...

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you know nothing about the flat earthers. I might ask, why do you care? It's my blog and I talk about all kinds of things and many of them far... far more than Flat Earthers. I mention them because a lot of money is being poured into promoting it... and the one's promoting it are the same people promoting all the rest of the lies designed to suck people in. Your comment is framed in a most acceptible way; thank you for that. I was only talking about the anoynmous characters who use it to attack me with profanities and the like.

I get that your real problem is that I am talking about this instead of the non starter debate and how Trump did not seem to rise to the occasion, BUT... I did talk about that, didn't I? I share your concerns about this country. I am a patriot, and I pray for it every day, but I also know it's all going to work out.

I am sorry you are in such distress. A whole lot of bad things are trying to happen right now. I would understand your complaint addressed to me better... if it applied to some aggreement or arrangement I have, but there is none. It is not my job to write about whatever someone wants me to write about. I want to write about God, and that is the larger percentage of what gets said here.

I really don't mention flat earth all that much. It was pertinent to other things going on, and directly related to people believing Harris the way they believe other bullshit. You won't be hearing that much from me about flat earthers. You have a narrow focus right now... or you would see that I talked about other things more. Try to have some perspective. The amount of time I give to flat earth BS is MUCH LESS than what I give to other subjects.

I'd like to tell you it is all going to work out, but it is not going to work out for everyone in the short term. Try to find that living conscious center within and you will have far less to worry about.

AL said...

"Trump could well be one of those chess pieces on The Big Board that God has plans for."

I have heard that not one single atom is not busy doing what the Divine wants it to do. I often picture the Great One flinging our entire universe onto a giant white board for that just right picture and then saying, ok all of you come back to me now we have cooler works of art to create.

Much Love Brutha!

0 said...

To my eye the real problem with flat earthers is they learn just enough to validate their point of View and Not enough to Understand the object under review thoroughly. You get enough people who are just smart enough to understand the simple arguments, those same people will believe anything so long as a simple explanation makes them understand it from that perspective viewing point. Thats why its not worth anyones time to argue a flat earther, they will refuse to continue to learn and understand so they can Keep their OPINION that the earth is flat based on wonky demonstrations that don't account for all aspects that Should be accounted for.

That debate was pathetic. Harris kept on talking about Trump and didn't really share any of her own plan. She had bullet points but no details on how it would be achieved, most likely cuz she ain't going to be doing that stuff anyways. She held inverted views for 3.5 years then flipflopped in time for the election and people think shes being "pragmatic" or "progressive" when what shes being is a Bald Faced Liar. Trumps showing wasn't much better in terms of being able to speak in plain sentences and answer the questions asked, though several of the questions asked they wanted him to answer yes or no so they could pigeon hole him. At least he answered in some detail instead of just saying yes or no. ie "do you want ukraine to win the war with russia" yes or no, and he replied he wanted the war to stop, there are no winners, just a grist mill for believers who have been lied to enough to join up and fight for no Real Reason. Zelensky shouldn't have provoked russia by targeting russians in the east till Russia decided to act to help their people who were being targeted. Eh. The 4 clowns sitting around the table to discuss the "debate" which was more mudslinging and less a debate clearly had been told who to promote and who to denigrate. Not sure why the 80 year old lady done up like the other 2 ladies was still there. It was clear that they didn't want to hear the answers given by trump when they went and talked to vance. The fed gov should frankly be dissolved and international authority given back to the states to handle. This top down attempt at destroying the nation needs Accountability and Prosecutions Yesteryear.

It was a weird play on the israel thing tho. He came off pro-israel while accusing harris of being anti-israel and noting that if harris won, 2 years into her term israel would cease to exist. (which maps to the 3 world war called for by the protocols of zion.) So that would be a zero state solution, while trumps calling for a 2 state solution. I don't know how that will play out, but he put israels demise at harris/bidens feet. The protocols only state that political zionism would be destroyed along with christianity and islam, not that nations would cease to exist. And now we have "the real lives of mormon women" acting to help destroy christianity by calling hoes "powerful women" who do nothing but dance on tiktop and have orgies. They know the "programs" on TV program the audience who tries to self relate to what they "watch" to find the "role" they want to play. Its why they keep getting dumber and focusing on opinions rather than Facts.

All that said it will be what it will be. I can't imagine the alliance wants to end up having to rebuild what its built in America in China or Elsewhere. I feel like the whole brics push is intentional to get off the dollar, but not due its devaluation, but rather so that they can get everyone else out of the dollar then revalue it like the pound to reverse the inflation effects by some degree. At which point those other nations that got out of dollars will be stuck having to supply their own currency for exchange for dollars. Whoever is doing the valuation at that point will determine if dollars or whatever other national currency holds the greater value.

Guess we'll see what we see.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The title of this post blows me away, though me thinks I read a lot more into it than just one thing.

I also sense what you said about not writing about certain things is kinda like, IF I TOLD YOU, I'D HAVE TO LICK YOUR NOSE. There are some things that cannot be spoken of, or you might lose them. Or make a target of yourself if you have a 'track record'.

Another Nostrils To The Sky beauty. Can you do anything else? Well, yeah. Twice or thrice in your collection there were 'meh' posts, but I'm still glad I read 'em.

Anonymous said...

hey this just popped into my noggin, remember dr chippolne if that is how its spelled he said the universe would shut down next month and because 80 percent of the people are artificial constructs they would ceese to exist and go crazy because of it. one of early sensational internet sagas

Anonymous said...

Sorry you thought my question about flat earthers was a complaint. It was a curiosity . Of course it’s your blog and you write whatever you feel like. I was simply curious if I was missing something. I hope I did not mistake your reply as being defensive because I certainly did not mean any offense. A thousand pardons for what was obviously a trite question on my part.
In closing I had no expectations of what you should be writing about today

an answer to what was obliviously a trite question on my part.

Visible said...

I never said anything like that, and I referred to a well-spoken criticism, not a complaint. Now this is starting to look like a put-up job. I went out of my way and spent a lot of words trying to help you understand why I do what I do. It appears I wasted my time because what you gleaned from the conversation was not there in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Concentration is a product of vigilance which according to animal studies is largely dependent on dopaminergic function. On the other hand, there are plenty of ADHD people that are highly intelligent but can't stay focused on a single thing worth a damn. I'm not sure what to say about the attribute of intelligence, there are plenty of intelligent devious people out there. You can make the argument those types are not truly intelligent, but they will outsmart the average man when put into the same rat maze almost every time.

Visible said...

I sure there was a point in there. However, one thing I did notice was the statement attributing concentration to vigilance. Ah... no. It has to do with focus and one's capacity to narrow it, and narrow it, and narrow it so that nothing external can intrude. It take a lot of practice. Certain professions demand it.

Leesa said...

Hi Les,
Nobody:-I will pray for your speedy recovery as well-
The Brotherhood/Sisterhood establishment is in full swing now!!
I haven't posted here for a while because of 2016 old phones not having the capability to comment...Roadblocks...Diddums

Sept 12th comes 13hours earlier in OZ, so am feeling the blessings emanating from SOL/SUN/SON- shining so brightly on a giant purple iris plant- There were 11 flower heads in total over the past month, and now there is only 1 left, which seems to defy logic how long it's lasted...
I think it's because of the adoration I give to it many times a day...

Upon going on the internet this morning- I played a song from 1984 by The Eurogliders- called "Heaven, Must Be There". It's a very upbeat liberating dance track I used to play when I felt down in the dumps, when I was a teenager... It has the same effect now nearing my 60s...
I reckon the angels just wanted to say- "We are here, just hold the line a little longer"

Anyway, take care, everyone,


Love Leesa

Asil said...

There is no point to living or life except the love of God. There is nothing else that fills the soul - all other is meaningless and lackluster.

Visible said...

A new Petrti Dish is up now=

"God IS Central to EVERYTHING... The Divine is Unseen, but... Far... Far More Present than ANYONE or ANYTHING Else."

0 said...

Thanks Leesa! Its Appreciated!



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