Wednesday, October 2, 2024

"Religions Accommodate to The Material Plane... to Increase Their Customer Base. The Truth... does not Require a Religion."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

The Mind is a printer, a copier... it is especially a computer. It is the office of your being. It's where you determine what is real and what is not... according to the report of the senses; not the most trustworthy of resources, and according to a mysterious interior antenna that reports information that has no sensory conformation... even though it appears to act as a sense.

The Mind is the host of The Supreme Reason, and The Heart is the energy core and the host of Love... and Faith.

We have a number of abilities and resources that have gone vestigial on us... for lack of use; according to use it or lose it. We also have abilities that can only be accessed from locations in The Higher Mind, and... if we are not resident there... or at least... occasional visitors... we can't use them, and often know nothing about them. If The Mind is filled with information about life at a certain level of being, that... is where we are; at that level of being... according to the information present.

When we hear people speaking about places we have never been or have no current memory of... we have to use our imagination to picture it. If we hear them speaking of a place without a material reference point, we might doubt the existence of such a place. If we've never seen it, how can it be there? That is... of course... a stupid question, given that there are many places that we have never been or seen.

In this world, we have a number of prime deceivers. First off are the senses or... should I say; first off is the mind to whom the senses report? Take it either way. These are personal deceivers, the greatest of which is The Personality that uses The Mind to arrive at desirable conclusions and to scheme after objects of desire. I should add here... that there are invisible deceivers that most people are unaware of, and they travel about in the subconscious... which is a vast area that every separated mind is tapped into.

Think of yourself as one of billions of floating islands on a vast and measureless sea. You might think of that sea as The Great Mother. You might not even think of it at all. Most people don't.

I won't go any deeper into the subject of internal deceivers, BUT... as is the usual... contemplation on the matter can lead to serious rewards.

Externally, there are also primary deceivers. One of these is The World itself, which is always sending out mixed messages, and... there are all those things that would like to eat you... some of them are too small to see, and some are larger than you are. Some want to mate with you, and that is another kind of deception, that... can also result in your being consumed by someone or something else.

Then there is The World of Information that feeds into your mind. Some of it is true and a great deal of it is false. There are main clearing houses for this information. One is the government... one is the marketplace, and another is Religion. Religion is a long-standing marketplace of lies that have become crystallized into structures... dogma... and schisms that are newer variations on older lies.

These lies... new and old... have their counterparts in all the other religions. For instance, a Rosary is the western counterpart to a Tibetan prayer wheel. You can find so many similarities, that... once again... I won't be listing them. Praying to The Divine through mechanical repetition is similar to sending out bulk mailers. It's when you are mailing it in or phoning it in. Do you really think The Divine pays attention to that disrespectful shit?

Do you think God's ears perk up when he hears someone doing a series of Hail Marys or Our Fathers? Oh, Goody!!! Someone is repeating the same thing over and over, I am soooo turned on! It's the same in The East when people chant the same thing over and over. Now... one can generate ecstatic states this way, and that is one of the objects of prayer without ceasing, but... something seems off about that to me, and...

...I suspect that the majority of people who wind up as priests and nuns are doing penance for previous lifetimes of excess. Things are NOT always what they seem.

Religions are mechanisms of confinement. They also serve a good purpose at a certain stage of human evolution... because people have trouble behaving themselves... due to the influence of invisible forces that we mentioned earlier on.

We are often hearing the calls of the Lower Nature. In Times of Material Darkness... we do not often hear the call of our Higher Nature, but it is there. One has to cultivate an attitude of listening. You have to train yourself, and if you do, you won't need Religion. What I am trying to say is that you are surrounded by appearances that advertise things you can see, and things you cannot see. Both of these are no different than a salesman working you.

What I am saying is to step away from it all and think for yourself. Don't get trapped in belief systems that you have not thoroughly vetted. Trust but verify. Yes! Of course, something is real, BUT... don't just go around grabbing whatever is handy because... for whatever the reason may be, you haven't found The Genuine Article yet.

Religions are in the business of accommodation. They accommodate themselves to The Material Plane in order to increase their customer base. The Truth does not require a religion to verify it.

The World... as we once thought we knew it... is about to be stood on its head. Things can change so fast. They really can. Then it becomes a serious matter as to what it is you depend on. I've spent my life living with almost no visible means of support, and I have good reason for that. When God sees that you are serious about it, he picks up the slack. He might run you ragged at first, and he's got these various highways of experiences... that he puts you on... to see if you can stay the course. It has to matter to you or it doesn't matter to him/her/it.

Life is going to put you through shit anyway. You might as well get put through it for a good reason. The Easy Road is hundreds... maybe thousands of times longer than The Hard Way, and The Easy Way is... in fact... The Hard Way. The important thing and the really good news is that The Hard Way only goes on for so long. Yes... that can include the better part of a lifetime, but... it REALLY matters where you wind up at the endpoint. There's no real endpoint, but I am using that as a guideline for your own independent thinking on the matter.

Religions promise a safe harbor, but they don't provide one. They are like real estate agents who are trying to sell you a beautiful piece of property, BUT... it happens to be in a hurricane zone... or an earthquake zone... or near a once and future war zone. Dangers attend everything in a world of impermanence.

I live with the idea that I could leave at any minute and I look forward to it. I am programming my mind. I don't need others to program my mind for me. I've seen... firsthand... the results of that. Actually... The Divine is programming my mind... by bringing me into The One Mind mindset, AND... I am PERMITTING this.

We are fallen angels... in a state of rebellion... because we think we know what is good for us. I am clear on the matter... that I do not know what is best for me... or I would have already possessed it on my own. The trick is to step back from the whirling chaos... of personal desires... in pursuit of fulfillment, AND... simply wait for God to show up, all the while calling out silently for him/her/it. (from now on when I say him, you can assume I mean the rest of the possibilities too.)

God is... IN FACT... real AND present. That means... even if he doesn't say a word... he's right here... listening and watching, and you are the medium by which he accomplishes this. Success is speedy for the energetic! So... once again, God is... IN FACT... real AND present. God is... IN FACT... real AND present. Contemplation of this can lead to serious rewards.

Religion is NOT how you put yourself in touch with God. You are already in touch with God, but you are not showing the intensity... the all-or-nothing state of mind that is REQUIRED by The Higher Self. God is you... once you... have been put in your right place in the relationship. God handles all of that through the agency of angels. You simply permit it. You do not react against it. You do not rebel against it. You do not fight it. You cooperate. Equilibrium is what is required, Harmony is the result, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are waiting for you (soon) at GAB=

I'll get back to The Sutras tomorrow. I'm a bit busy with a large project at the moment, and unless I give it substantial time it will be one of those books somebody was going to write one of these days and never did... only it's not a book. You have to stay at things or they don't fully materialize.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Another wonderful Nostrils to the sky piece that is verified by various personal experiences. One last thang. . .not a linky-poo.

0 said...

Watched Season one of Slow Horses.

Spoiler Alert.

Nifty way to outline false flags as well as show how they easily Get Away with them. Nice how Gary Oldman plays Lamb. Nice twist that he did the agencies bidding killing Partner and now just wants a paycheck which is why he runs Slough House and tries to keep his agents out of the soup.

Its funny how some people react by finding a way to Make Due, while the majority just want more money for More responsibility and will do whatever it takes to get it.

I'm not sure if I'll watch season 2, I get enough of that stuff just paying attention to all the news. I do like Oldman tho... hes a good actor.

Thanks for the reco.

Visible said...

Each season is noticeably better than the preceding one.

Anonymous said...

“God is... IN FACT... real AND present.”

How can it be, wonders my mind, that shortly after having a powerful epiphany of this exact truth, I happen to visit here and read these words (in bold print, no less!)?

To the heart, and the higher mind, it is obvious. OF COURSE it would happen this way, because God is real and present and very much interested in waking me into that reality.

Thank you, dear brother, more than I can say. May you be ever blessed and may all beings find their way home.

BCii aka William

Anonymous said...

"When you believe in things that you don't understand, you're gonna suffer."



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