Thursday, October 10, 2024

"The Heartbreak of Their Suffering Pounds Like Ocean Waves... Forever Rolling on The Shore, and... There is So Much Sand."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

I am convinced that our prayers had a profound effect on the latest hurricane, and I would encourage every reader to engage in more of it. It seems... I say it seems (and I won't go any deeper into it than that... at the moment...) that angels are again bending near the Earth to transmit prayer through their harps of gold.

Perhaps... The Crass Media was also exaggerating; they like to do that, BUT... we have scientific access now that we did not have before, and there was every indication that this hurricane would be a horror show, and yet... and yet... hardly any deaths... except those caused by tornadoes; another indication of the force of this geo-engineered (or at least steered) storm. This was extremely odd.

I recommend that anyone... who is spiritually motivated... at any level... direct their prayers to a change of leadership around The World because... it seems to me that The Divine is listening more than before. Perhaps it is due to the serious nature of the state of The World at this time... I don't know, BUT something... something is noticeably different these days... at least it seems so to me.

I recommend also... sincere prayers that The Divine will lessen... if not altogether remove... the stranglehold of The International Bankers from the neck of The World.

One of the great powers that are possessed by The Divine... as exercised through The Spiritual Hierarchy... is the ability to work on the human mind from within. Think of it as being something like water dripping on... or running over rocks. Eventually... the water... so much softer than the rock... will wear it entirely away. Where does sand come from?

God is like that. God possesses a softness... in Divine Nature... that can wear away the hardest carapace around a human heart.

I talk less and less about the World and the conditions in The World these days because... I have come to more deeply recognize... that they are of far less importance than the forces that act upon them. This world is a spiritual workshop... where EVERYTHING is transmuted over a certain stretch of time. The deeper soil of The Earth was once shining cities that fell low, a very long time ago. It's all been part of something else and it will all be part of something else again.

People... below a certain level of spiritual awareness... do not understand Alchemy at all. They get the part about transmuting lead... or anything else... into gold, but the concept of real gold escapes them. All the sorrows in The World... are caused by the longing for things outside ourselves, when the only important feature of life... is within. I imagine that would sound trite to people who dismiss such statements as impractical daydreaming... while they... themselves... are imprisoned in a dream.

When the first urge for true freedom arises in a human heart... The Divine Mother will give that soul something to play with... something to distract them. Most of the time that works. You see... that urge needs to be incredibly strong in order to surmount the attractions of The World. In fact... it is impossible for anyone to accomplish true freedom before their will is spiritualized by the source of all will. Here is where prayer is also an important and deciding factor.

Most of you are familiar with the Biblical quote by Jesus The Christ, who said if ye had the faith of a mustard seed, you could tell yonder mountain to cast itself into the sea and it would do just that. I know this to be true. I also know that it is impossible to advance unless one is permitted to... or guided so. This is why it is necessary to develop compassion for others because they are trapped and do not even know that they are trapped... by the fruits of their own actions.

I know it can seem cruel that The Divine can lead us into temptation and also free us from it at the same time. Lord Ganesha carries a net and an axe to symbolize this process. It is difficult to understand certain of the higher levels of existence... when you are not at those levels. Perhaps God is not doing this as it might appear. Perhaps there is more to it. Perhaps it has something to do with Free Will.

There is a compelling reason why one is exhorted to know... to will... to dare... and to keep silent. I am referring... especially... to the last admonition; to remain silent. If you go around talking about certain things it can bring you great harm, as many of our more ambitious folk have learned to their great dismay; in dungeons... at the auto-da-fe... chased down and beaten to death... torn apart by the mob... tortured by temporal agency... the list is long.

I have no ambitions to be a magus... no aspirations to become like Solomon. I see only greater misery in that direction. I know there are some who had the good fortune to befriend a guide from The Invisible Order, and then to actually listen, BUT.... there are football stadiums filled with the failures, and I just don't get the upside. I don't see the point of wielding such power. I don't get the point of riches... or fame... or the fortunes and spoils of pedestrian victories. The worms will eat such people as much as everyone else.

True attainment is something beyond the possibility of definition. I know of a fellowship of kindred spirits who are anonymous to the wider world. They wear no distinguishing garments. They have no great amount of material possessions. They have zero worldly ambitions. Their one true power is the ability to heal. What else is there to desire in this world? That requires a special set of priorities, and that is why one keeps silent about their business with The Invisible.

People who make a big noise about themselves... in The World... are seriously uninformed about what credentials are needed to impress the forces... that assist one through that door, which closes behind them... forevermore.

When you give up your lesser self, you gain your greater self. Only one of these can be enthroned upon the heart. The Higher Self will leave immediately... if the lesser self insists on administrating its existence, and then? Va Voom! One has activated The Purpose of Demonstration.

Life is a very simple thing. Very simple people have grasped the hidden meaning and transformed the world... without making a whole lot of noise about themselves.

The World is a vast stage with The Walking Dead cavorting about everywhere. Shit happens and shit keeps happening. You would think more people would learn, but... the glitter is powerful indeed. One has to lose their taste for it, and... only great tragedy... trauma... epiphany... or Grace will effect that. Prayer is the most efficacious way to reach the ear of The One who commands The Legions of Light. Sincere prayer IS HEARD and acted on.

When a person gains command of themselves... when they accomplish true self-control... they automatically gain control of the whole world. This is no idle statement. It is LITERALLY true.

You are watching a magic show, and well you might ask; why is no one doing anything about the terrible things that are taking place? How can there be a God who permits these things? There is a bit more to it than that, but unless one is at that state of true detachment; divinely impersonal... it remains a mystery.

There is no point in trying to explain these things to people who are not in a position to understand them, and who are relentlessly tortured by the absence of things they desire... who are tormented by longing. The heartbreak of their suffering pounds like ocean waves forever rolling upon the shore, and there is so much sand.

Is it really only so much living and dying, and... loss? Yes... there is always the loss and the coming back for more. No... that is not all there is because... at some point... one tires of all the nonsense and sets their feet back on the course to their father's house. At that point... it all starts to make sense. It doesn't make sense at any other point previous; except as an enduring reminder of what not to do and who not to be.

It's a playground here. It's a rough-and-tumble playground where both heads and hearts get broken again, and again, and again. The playground will be there for as long as you choose to show up. As long as there is something you want, the playground will provide a place for you to get it, enjoy it, and be disappointed by it. You want to make The World behave? You had better make yourself behave first.

Don't worry about The State of The World. Don't meddle with The World and The World won't meddle with you. Find something wonderful to do and put your whole heart into it, and... most importantly... don't be expecting anything in return. This is a critical feature... don't do anything with the expectation of reward. The reward is in doing it, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links await at GAB=


M - said...

I Believe.

Anonymous said...

Perfect pretty much describes this post. Thank you!


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Yes, there comes a time when you've seen everything you wanted to see, done everything you've wanted to do, accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish, and have a really nice resume typed up for Anubis, Thanatos, Azrael, Donn, Hel, Yama, or whoever mows yer lawn. I'm there. And I'm also still here, dammit. Doing my best to not have anything anybody wants, and not BE anything anybody wants, and the latter takes no effort these days. I mean, if anyone else wants in my life who is not there now, I'm half inclined to say, "I'm set, and you're of no use to me unless you wanna become long pig burrito filling for my next seven meals," or sumthin'.

After you've done what you decided to come here to do, it's all pretty pointless being stuck here. All you end up as is being a slave to circumstance and maybe the obligations you have assumed in your travels through the Hell that is this planet. I just want off. I figure that's within 14.66 months from what I've read, but what do I know?

Another great Nostrils to the sky post.

0 said...

"Where does sand come from?"

From beaked fish (usually parrotfish) that eat the Corals and Poop Sand. :)

"When parrotfish poop out the coral they eat, the soft tissues are absorbed and what remains comes out as sand-a lot of sand. In a year, one large parrotfish can produce 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of sand, the weight of a baby grand piano."

Its not as cool as how the ordered field set that sits on the still point expanding into a rotational sphere orders potentials so that one can Aggregate to self or discharge self into the nothingness. The main delta there is how one thinks of oneself as to if ones the Higher potential discharging or the Lower potential Taking Charge. Christs humility wasn't for people to see... it was so the All saw that he understood his place in the overall picture of the context that individuated mind was inserted within for a period. Or at least thats how I see it currently.


Visible said...

That's one kind of sand and probably the most desirable kind; not what I was alluding to but I don't see why that should matter. (grin)



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