Monday, October 7, 2024

"The Real Point... Behind all The Saber-Rattling... of Temporary Evil... on Its Way to Denouement, is... to Test Your Faith."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

As you can see from the surface reporting from Nazgul Media... The Strong Arm Boys... the enforcement division of Black Rock/Mossad... has their hobnail boots on the ground in The American Southland... Everywhere they are stealing and forbidding with impunity... until they get punched in the mouth; which is starting to happen. Though these are ubiquitous... observable... behavior patterns, The Nazgul Media keeps saying that it isn't happening... even though it is.

Here is FEMA explained in pictures in case someone might be too stupid for words.

Bad shit... in big doses... is coming down the pike on an assembly line basis, and then there is all the weird tech going down... coming down... slippin and a slidin and hoo-bop (not) such a long time ago... along with plenty of jumping and a jiving too. It's enough to intimidate the shit out of most people... who might not have the visceral understanding that the ineffable is in control of everything, which is going to result in a lot of agents from The Dark Side having their balls set on fire.

I was told this morning that despite all the negative appearances... on the passing face of existence... a series of REALLY GOOD THINGS... are going to be showing up soon. Whenever the towers and citadels of Evil begin to disintegrate... you get a lot of hostile barking and threatening gestures going on... so that it starts to look like after hours at a Maori Lion's Club dinner. This is similar behavior to what happens when you corner a rat. I advise against this. It's better to herd them.

Once when I was about 8 years old and living in rural College Park, GA... where I was attending Georgia Military Academy; my father (not my real father) was teaching ROTC weapon training classes there... digressing... backstory filling... digressing; I cornered a big rat... in one of the outbuildings of the house we were living in... with a broom, and I had no sooner slapped the broom head down in front of it... when it came running right up the broom handle at me. Ah... yeah. Good times! Well, I dropped the broom... and the animal version of a Deep State operative ran off somewhere else.

Their rat-holes... citadels... towers of evil... where evil is generated... (according to the same principle as what happens when a cellphone tower... or any other broadcasting repeater station does its thing...) are crumbling. The certain integrity that holds anything together for as long as it holds it together... has been removed from the manifest engines of evil. That integrity/power is being rerouted somewhere else. Here is another example of... Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; That poem directly connects to these times in an uncanny fashion.

You have to understand what is going on from the perspective of eternal principles. As another great poet... Mississippi Fred McDowell once said; “You may be high, you may be low. You may be rich, child, you may be po' But when the Lord gets ready You got to move.” Amen to that. Evil is the raw materials that are used by Good to build a better world. There is never a time that the author of all Good is not in command of all Evil. As The Thrice Greatest Hermes once said, “There is nothing that is Good but God.” I tend to agree with that statement.

Appearances will mess with your mind if you let them. Appearances are like the clouds passing in the sky. They are ephemeral. They are lacking in real substance, and sometimes they can disappear right in front of your eyes. The real point behind all the saber-rattling of temporary Evil on its way to the cul-de-sac of Denouement,... which runs parallel to The Road to Damascus... is to test your Faith. God is The Alpha and The Omega. People hear that on various occasions, BUT... they never really think about what it means. It means that God is at The Beginning AND at The End of All Things.

What is the point of existence if there is no drama? You would be bored to tears without it. You'd be suicidal. It would be like living in North Dakota in your mind, all... the... time. God enjoys the spectacle, AND... it is his spectacle. He produces it. He writes it. He directs it. He acts in it. There is... in fact... nothing but God. It is Appearances that give the impression otherwise. Once you know this... you are home free or... well on your way there. You can sit and smile, like those few people who know what is going on, BUT... don't say much about it.

Everything coming to the surface and appearing before our eyes is not happening by accident. Think of it as the poison in a blister coming to the surface or... a seasonal cold or flu... that is really a process the body uses... for the elimination of undesirable things in you; maybe Lord Herpes Simplex the Third is in town for a speaking engagement?

The Usual Suspects promoted Gangsta Rap and... all the sexually-based... mental illnesses... that are now such a fixture in urban landscapes... in an effort to celebrate and elevate The Animal Nature. Now... there is nothing wrong with The Animal Nature... if you happen to be an animal, but... hopefully you are not. They do this because... they serve the Prince of Darkness and... that is his kind of thing. They also do it because people are easier to control when they are out-of-control.

You become a slave when you cease to be your own master, and when animal passions are the driving force in your existence... you are headed for tragedy because you are being manipulated by entities that don't give a shit about what happens to you. They'll be right there alongside you yucking it up, BUT at a certain point in the evening you will realize that they are no longer there.

If you have ever been a party animal, and then you stopped being a party animal... surely you have noticed that all of your companions from the former life disappeared... as if they had never been there in the first place, and suddenly... there were all these other people. If you go back to the former behavior patterns... up they will appear again, as if by magic, and... it is magic. The World is a magical device that is designed to fascinate you, BUT... there is nothing there... not really. You can hang out at the bar of The Overlook Hotel for a really... really long time.

The thing about the bar at The Overlook Hotel... is that it looks all elegant and upscale. Everybody seems to know who you are, even if you don't know any of them. However... if The Lights go on, AND... this has happened... believe me on that account. You see that they are all corpses... zombie dancers... going through the motions, and the buffet table is covered in spider webs... the platters and plates are filled with stinking offal. It is a large crypt, and there are skeletons everywhere.

Everyone you see... most of the time... is dream-walking through an unreal existence. Their eyes are fixed on something off in the distance... some future imagery projected forward in time.. the objects of desire... endlessly replicating. It goes on like that lifetime after lifetime of... feast or famine... war and peace... life and death. However... every now and then... an awakening comes. Where does it come from? Where does change come from? Where does anything come from and where does it go? It is all creations of The Mind.

There is another world besides this one. There are... in fact... many other worlds besides this one. Even in this one, you have countless people living in worlds of their own... right alongside everyone else. Worlds overlap... Worlds attract and worlds repel. Worlds glide and collide and create new worlds. Every now and then an awakening comes, and it is ALWAYS attended by an apocalypse. Eternal verities appear for a brief time. People see them. Everything comes back into order, and then... by a slow progression... in stages... it falls back into disorder.

There are secret fellowships that exist all through the disorder. They are the protectors of the teaching and lessons of the eternal verities, AKA; Ageless Wisdom. Nothing is ever lost. It is only hidden away until it is needed.

I'm not going to highlight the lowlife yet again... the ones that are relentlessly pressing... for their One World Government... of Endless Dystopia. They come around like flies on shit... like coffin bugs... to attend to the corruptions that appear whenever The World is coaxed into disorder. It's just a phase. You will probably not want to book passage on one of their ideological cruise ships... that takes you to the various playgrounds of Woke and Progressive Liberal... DEI... all-inclusive resorts that they have built for your lasting distress.

You'll want to avoid the trapdoors and oubliettes that lead to playgrounds of sexual dysfunction... the varieties of specific madness that are self-contained and filled with funhouse mirrors where you grow to resemble the appearances that you see; the way people and pets come to look like each other. Remember... whenever The Darkness begins to concentrate... The Light will do the same thing, BUT... in another location, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB=

Patanjali's Sutras; Book One continued;

43. When the object dwells in the mind, clear of memory-

pictures, devoid of any form, as a pure luminous idea, this is non-

distributive perception.

We are still considering external, visible objects. Such

perception, as is here described, is of the nature of that penetrating

vision whereby Newton, intending his mind on things,

made his discoveries, or that whereby a really great portrait

painter pierces to the soul of him whom he paints, and makes

that soul live on canvas. These stages of perception are

described in this way, to lead the mind up to an understanding of

the piercing soul-vision of the spiritual man, the immortal.

44. The same two steps, when referring to things of finer

substance, are said to be with, or without, judicial action of the


We now come to mental or psychical objects: to images

in the mind. It is precisely by comparing, arranging, and

superposing these mind-images that we get our general notions

or concepts. This process of analysis and synthesis, whereby

we select certain qualities in a group of mind-images, and then

range together those of like quality, is the judicial action of the

mind spoken of. But when we exercise swift divination upon

the mind images, as does a poet or a man of genius, then we

use a power higher than the judicial, and one nearer to the

keen vision of the spiritual man.

45. Subtle substance rises in ascending degrees, to that

pure nature which has no distinguishing mark.

As we ascend from outer material things which are

permeated by separateness, and whose chief characteristic is to

be separate, just as so many pebbles are separate from each

other; as we ascend, first, to mind-images, which overlap and

coalesce in both space and time and then to ideas and principles

we finally come to purer essences, drawing ever nearer

and nearer to unity.

Or we may illustrate this principle thus. Our bodily,

external selves are quite distinct and separate, in form, name,

place, substance; our mental selves, of finer substance, meet

and part, meet, and part again, in perpetual concussion and

interchange; our spiritual selves attain true consciousness

through unity, where the partition wall between us and the

Highest, between us and others, is broken down and we are

all made perfect in the One. The highest riches are possessed

by all pure souls, only when united. Thus we rise from

separation to true individuality in unity.

46. The above are the degrees of limited and conditioned

spiritual consciousness, still containing the seed of separateness.

In the four stages of perception above described, the

spiritual vision is still working through the mental and psychical,

the inner genius is still expressed through the outer, per-

sonal man. The spiritual man has yet to come completely to

consciousness as himself, in his own realm, the psychical veils

laid aside.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Tristan da Cunha is probably a lot more boring than North Dakota. Well, provided to volcanoes going off and fire wiping out the island, anyway. Probably our current most inbred community.

Even though I know your message is true, I'm still somewhat pissed about what's happening back East. On the other hand, I see that FEMA and the so called delusional 'controllers' (In name only.) are killing themselves without knowing about it. It is the same way the brainless enforcers don't realise they're taking away their own freedoms by suppressing or eliminating the way more intelligent rebels. Then again, you implied that in your post in other words. Hence I am only somewhat pissed as opposed to uber pissed. Then again, don't we all get what we signed up for?

You gotta be dream-walking through an unreal existence if you buy a Tesla or electric anything. Wonder how many just finished exploding in the floods back east, and Hell knows what they took with them?!

0 said...

" I cornered a big rat... in one of the outbuildings of the house we were living in... with a broom, and I had no sooner slapped the broom head down in front of it... when it came running right up the broom handle at me. Ah... yeah. Good times! Well, I dropped the broom... and the animal version of a Deep State operative ran off somewhere else."

That cracked me up. I've had similar experiences. Its what lead me to the statement "when they come for me, I will have come for them".

Its interesting to take note that if something is close enough to get hands on your iteration of form, then they are close enough for you to Snuff them out of existence.

Its like how I play with my brindleweiller who likes to get rough now and then. I treat her as a peer and she treats me as a peer. Half the time she ignores my words. Usually will look at me to show me she heard, then goes and does whatever she wants. And I don't get mad about it. It cracks me up.

I had to get some heavy leather gloves for the roughhousing. I can take the bites and shes pretty careful to Not break the skin but when it gets going, accidents can happen. Shes learned that when she bites me, I can grab her by the snout with the hand she bit. And then her mouths stuck on that hand and the rest of hers in trouble... haha She still seems to enjoy that roughhousing too.

What comes comes, Nail it as it attempts to Nail oneself.


0 said...

"Nothing is ever lost. It is only hidden away until it is needed."

Love Death and Robots Season 3 episode 6 rundown. :P


0 said...

"oubliettes" What a great word huh. I remember being introduced to it in the film "The Labrynth". Great film too. Entertaining.


AL said...

One thing, well maybe a couple but one thing I am looking forward to is visiting good souls at great distances on our floating RV my wife and self would enjoy having one day, after the dust settles, this lifetime or the next. How comes I don't have close neighbors like you Les? Or anyone in close proximity for an intelligent conversation of anything but the usual blathering mammon/ego fests.

Anywho thanks once again for the good read Brutha!

Visible said...

You'd be more than welcome. All you would need it to get here and back. You'd have no concerns in the interim.



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