Wednesday, October 23, 2024

"You Need to have The Wack-a-Doodle Gene or... You don't Get The Swaying Effect... to Music that Only You Can Hear."

God Poet Transmitting.......

It's all about a crisis of faith. When there is wiggle room... then there is stress. You are either fully committed and... on board or... confusion ensues. You can't have a foot in both camps. What if the plates start to move under you? The Colossus of Rhodes is not standing anymore, and all that is left of Ozymandias is his head; at least that's what Shelley said.

It is interesting... from my perspective... to see the fear... the panic, and the rage or... the fear... the rage, and the panic. However, it comes about. One leads to the other... if any of them are sustained. It is the same with Lust... then anger... then self-loathing. Things go in series... emotions follow one another... like links in a chain. Everything is connected, but... you already know that.

There are a lot of things we know or... think we know... that have become ingrained in our thinking patterns. We take them for granted, but... they might not have been true, to begin with, or... they may no longer be true now. We might believe something in a general way but lack the critical specifics. Fear is like that. It causes aberrations in the thinking process. It brings a heightened anticipation, but... not in a good way.

It's a fine line between excitement and fear. Two people... in exactly the same situation... can cry out, and only one of them is terrified. Sometimes danger can be a turn-on. I do not get the upside of that. Then again... I have been in danger numerous times, and many people only imagine these things. You learn a great deal about yourself in moments like that.

I have learned that there used to be at least two sides to me, and... depending on which one I happened to be in... at the given moment... it had everything to do with how I responded. I have been in situations that were hair-raising, to say the least, BUT I was thrilled, and it is why many people considered me crazy at times. Then... there were occasions when I was somewhat less secure in myself and the reaction was completely different.

I have seen myself act out as a bonafide hero and as a certified coward. Sometimes age was a factor. When you are young you have much less of an idea of yourself. You haven't built up the reinforced facade yet. It is only lately that I have occasionally thought that certain emotions became present in me... to restrain me... from a course of action that might have proven to be … stupid.

I have acted nobly on many occasions where there were no witnesses in The Third Party, and I have let myself down on that account as well. Moods have a lot to do with it, and moods have a lot to do with The Moon, and where you happen to be standing... further enhanced by other planetary pressures, having to do with how you are arranged... inside... accordingly. I know a lot of people don't believe in these things, and an even greater number have little understanding of them, BUT... everything is connected.

What I am saying and... let's make that metaphorical... is that there are wheels inside of wheels, and most people only see... little further than the surface... on that account, and about to the same depth inside of them as well.

Our ego tells us all kinds of lies about ourselves, so... it is best to transcend it as early as possible. You can't kill The Ego. That is something neophytes tell themselves. It is similar to holding Mercury still on a mirror, BUT... it is also very much like balance never being still.

Why am I going on about this? I am noticing certain flare-ups in the human psyche, and it is reflected in groups and individuals. Panic is already showing its face among the liberal progressives who sense that Kamala is going down. They are developing strident personas (already present) and weird tics that seem to be connected to cellphone radiation or... something like the subterranean drums of Khazad-Dum.

It is the oddest thing. Did The Killer Vaccines bring it on? Is it the result of programming that seems to have done a Passover on the rest of us? It is genre-specific somehow. You need to have the wack-a-doodle gene or you don't get the swaying effect to music that only you can hear. I see certain things through the clarity lens of a focused detachment; one might say it has granted me a critical eye that does not move... even if everything it sees is moving.

So... for me... this is very strange and I don't know what to make of it because... there are a number of possibilities at work, and I don't know which ones apply or... is it all of them?

You have to figure that the people with all the money... have access to serious tech that we probably don't know about, but... can well imagine. Also... everything that has been going on... the conditioning... the telepathic invasion... the subliminal deep tissue work... has been in play for decades It goes back to before Bernays... before The Protocols. It has been happening for a while. Alfred Pike talked about it. So have a lot of people.

You have to think of Evil as being similar to waves on the ocean... the seven sets that surfers wait on. It rolls in and dissipates on the shore. It can do this over and over, and you can get the feeling that it's never going to end. You have to rise above that too. Evil can only touch what it can magnetize in you, and whatever Evil may get up to, a mirror is its worst enemy... depending on who is wielding it.

People think of Evil as being diabolically clever... smarter than the average weasel or hyena. Actually... Evil is profoundly stupid and misinformed or... it wouldn't be evil. Evil is only as clever and powerful as the evil in you that rises to greet it. Do you see yourself in that mirror? Hmm.

Evil is one of those strange half-formed illusions that remains uncompleted. It's like anything that goes wrong and winds up South of its best intentions. Hell is to the south of everything that goes wrong. What I mean is... Evil is very hard to define because it very much depends on who is defining it. Some see Trump as evil. Others see Harris the same way. In both cases and most especially in the latter case, it is a matter of stupidity and not evil. The Evil comes about through the people handling her.

When you want to do something really bad. If you have any smarts... you get a stupid person to take responsibility for it. All over The World these days... the truly evil are doing their work through marionettes and hand-puppets. Sometimes there are third and fourth parties in a chain. It's a spiritual shell game of shell corporations and... good luck trying to find the pea.

The idea... for anyone who is not stupid... is to find the evil in yourself and deal with it or... more importantly... find the door through which Evil accesses you, AND... close it tight. Check your appetites and desires... these are the mediums that compromise your connections to... your better angels. Demons are angels operating at certain frequencies within specific bandwidths.

There are different countries of the mind and the heart and large populations live in all of them. They think that where they are is a real place and not a reflection of their own being... at a particular stage of expression. Raise the level of your awareness and you will find yourself living somewhere else or... the place where you are living will turn into somewhere else. We live in something that possesses limitless possibilities. We restrict this capacity for reasons... heh heh; whatever it is it isn't rational so... fear is involved at some level.

Anyway... people are freaking out all over the place as certain forces try to turn Trump into the ultimate boogeyman. You see... certain vested interests... not necessarily in accord with each other... are trying to steal the country. They thought they already had done so. Oops! So now... they are very vulnerable. However... this is how Divine Justice works by getting people to over-extend themselves and lose their balance. This is one of the main keys to several martial arts; especially Aikido... Hapkido... Judo and Jujitsu.

There are other martial arts that do not involve the body as much but are easily as effective. I digress. There are all kinds of hot and heavy breathing... going on in select locations, and the pressure is being felt at every level... below those select locations... that have any association... with those select locations. You will note that appearances are proving more and more distressing to those who thought they had a hammerlock on the greased pig. It's not as easy as it looks, and it doesn't look very easy.

Let's just say that interesting times are coming to a location near you sometime soon, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be present at GAB shortly=

Today's song is;

There But For Fortune

♫ I saw a sad junkie changing his clothes

in the alley behind a store

wounds on his body

thin as a rail

Time running out

he don't have much more

bought him some food from a stall on the street

I watched him real close as he sat down to eat

Then I gave him some money

Do you want to know why?

there but for fortune goes I

There but for fortune

There but for grace of

the one who abides

in the innermost space

the silent witness

of all that we do

There but for fortune goes me

There but for fortune goes me

and... … …


I see beggars and hookers

no longer lookers

kings and queens upon a time

forgot about who they used to be

Forgot how they came to be there

forgot how selfish they once had been

but I can't judge

you want to know why?

there but for fortune goes I

There but for fortune goes I

There but for fortune

There but for grace of

the one who abides

in the innermost space

the silent witness

of all that we do

There but for fortune goes me

There but for fortune goes me

and... … …


I was hunted and beaten back in the past

lived in squalor instead of a garden

slandered and shamed I was betrayed

Whipped into the future of the life I made

I found my way to a kind solitude

The demons that chased me no longer intrude

don't let life's chances pass you by

there but for fortune

in the blink of an eye

Shiny new Rolex shines on your wrist

time can be expensive you know

you've never lacked for nothing

nothing at all

except for what... you're... chasing... now

You see lives scatter like leaves on the road

pay it no mind it's not your problem

oh! There but for fortune goes you

and there but for fortune goes me... ...


There but for fortune

There but for grace of

the one who abides

in the innermost space

the silent witness

of all that we do

There but for fortune goes me

There but for fortune goes me

and... … …

you ♫


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The Wack-a-Doodle gene. Most of those are walking dead, I assume; if they're not dead all the way. I wanna be dead all the way, but on MY terms, not on the terms of de gubment, which would mean really the terms of my higher self, who I would like to slap with a 2 by 4, since I'm still here, but it's not like I have a choice.

The grand majority of the much deranged got vaxxed voluntarily. Those who got coerced. . .your job or your life, or whatever. . .that sucks, but I suppose that's what they signed up for before they got here. I gotta wonder, regarding yesterday's comment I made. Were they players with a 'destiny', or were they 'extras'? I see this as THE GREAT SLUM CLEARANCE, very soon to be THE GREAT SCUM CLEARANCE.

Hopefully the world will go to a centralised government free, communal village type of life with more respect for the animal and plant kingdoms, and people become benevolent stewards of the planet instead of destroying it like now. None of this aiming for the lowest common denominator rubbish that rules now.

Don't tell anyone I said that, or I might get demoted to Arsehole to the 32nd Degree.


0 said...

"The idea... for anyone who is not stupid... is to find the evil in yourself and deal with it or... more importantly... find the door through which Evil accesses you, AND... close it tight. Check your appetites and desires... these are the mediums that compromise your connections to... your better angels. Demons are angels operating at certain frequencies within specific bandwidths."

I dunno about closing it off. Isn't it better to Harness all aspects found in oneself to keep oneself Whole? If its harnessed, then its To be used when the Context one finds oneself within Draws it forth. If the door is barred, then when needed, there will perhaps be Nothing to draw forth for Right Action in the Context of the moment.

I would make a great Serial Killer, but I don't do that because it is not something I want to do. It is something I'd do if someone killed one of my own tho. In various ways and means.

Reminds me of the statement that one has to be Capable of Great Violence and hold it in check rather than Not be capable of such and be the weenie that goes around loudly proclaiming ones unpresent capacity trying to get someone Else to step up and Check the claims.

The FED GOV is on Borrowed time now. Either way it goes, Alot of people are going to be Angry, it just depends which Group gets Enraged as to where the violence will show up.

As long as ones not out seeking it, what shows up on the doorstep can be dealt with in short order. Our invisible friends seem to look after us even when we go blind to some things ourselves, and perhaps because we go blind to those things.

What comes comes, hope it isn't prolonged overmuch.


Visible said...

"I dunno about closing it off. Isn't it better to Harness all aspects found in oneself to keep oneself Whole? If its harnessed, then its To be used when the Context one finds oneself within Draws it forth. If the door is barred, then when needed, there will perhaps be Nothing to draw forth for Right Action in the Context of the moment."

Well... this prayer was given by one of the true arcane schools;

"From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One* return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills —
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth."

There are numerous other resources from sources above my pay grade who say the same thing, and it is from the influences upon my own thought that I draw these things; given that the inner witness confirms them, of course.

Ultimately, I don't know, but I do what works for me and I rigorously field test everything more than once before it becomes part of my modus operandi. (grin)

0 said...

Its a weird thing to put ones hope on someone Else, presumably some Saviour who supposedly will do for oneself what oneself refuses to do for oneself.

The "great work" is constantly ongoing at different stages in each ones iteration of form, and it is the Alls field of coherent consciousness that produces the next context ones seeded in which then is aimed at furthering this increase of coherence in oneself.

I suppose thats the conundrum huh. It is One field from the angle of intent, so the All can be called the One and still wrap everything in any iteration of form within its being.

I don't disagree with your statements, I'm just noting other potential options available since there are so many ways up the mountain. All ways serve the All as it further expands its understandings as the macrocosm of the individuated microcosms do in iteration after iteration of form.

To be frank, when I've been confronted by groups against just myself, I just Stood there watching the group spread out in circle around me, and we'd stare at each other for a few minutes waiting to see what comes next, and instead of any violence, they seemingly decided against such and wandered off. That was back in High school while walking out to the parking lot after school. It could have gone the other way but it didn't. Its curious how things go when I find myself in such a position. I still don't know what that was even about and I didn't know the 5-6 kids that wandered up to me.

Curious times call for curious understandings huh.

Glad you're still about, seems like the injuries to people at large are increasing as I see more people local to me having injuries or ill health. Glad I was still about for my middle daughters Wedding last week. It saved me from having to go hold the HOA to account since the meeting was scheduled for the same day as her wedding.

Take care!

Visible said...

The something else you speak of is yourself. I don't know how to communicate this without going into exhaustive detail which I'm not going to do.

The Great Work is nothing than union with self and an end to The Self Divided.

AL said...

The beatings will continue until the last one who will board the train, has.

That Coyote pissing on the Opossum showed me a different picture, it was indeed Harris pissing on her dead playing supporters. lol

Good vibes to you Brutha!



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