Friday, November 29, 2024

"Any Man... Be He President or not, Who Gives Lip-Service to Genocide and Fealty to The Genocidal is not My Cup of Tea."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Biden, like Obama, did not mention God at yesterday's holiday... set in place by Lincoln to show our Gratitude to God... and now... like clockwork... the government/Deep State has informed their media wing/information head of The Hydra Complex... to create some buzz on the alien thing, cause...

...any time you can get people excited about something... you can distract them, and that is better than giving them time to think, especially when they don't trust you in the first place.

Another reason why it is hard for me to completely trust the man... coming into office for the second time... is his PR-product placement efforts to legitimize the continued ingestion of proven poisons.

I pay attention. I do not pay attention all the time, but I am working on it, and I will not stop working on it until I am paying attention all the time. However, I will say that I pay attention quite a bit more than the average person, and my mind is analyzing information that I have consciously directed it to analyze. As a result, I was paying careful attention when The Deep State and its subsidiaries stole the last election.

I have since watched what happened in this election, and... more importantly... I am watching what is happening afterward... when all the warm and fuzzy people... in a state of momentary triumph... are jazzed-up on a hormonal sugar high. Schmuckerberg... looking all Shirley Temple-like... has gone to kiss the ring and act puppy-like. Trump's most vicious detractors at MSNBC headed over to Mar-a-Lago with Little Debby Humble Pies in their lunch box.

More than once... The View's in-house lawyer has had to announce a detraction on air. This sort of thing and similar... is going on all the time now, and what happened to Dominion? What happened to all the transparent, in-your-face voter fraud from last time?

The PR-hatchet department of Crass Media has all these other people in their gunsights and many of them are leaving the country, not because of Trump getting elected, but because of their connection to Epstein/Diddy... low-jinx Satanic activity.

Of course, all of this can seem quite natural after 8 years of relentless persecution. It can also be The Hand of God. It is a difficult art; not unlike brain surgery... to separate The Hand of God from The Hand of Man, especially when God uses The Hand of Man more often than you might suspect... because God does have more than one hand, and if you've seen the statues I have seen... then you know he has more than two hands.

Politics is a dirty business. Usually, politicians are corrupt, but... since it is all for The Purpose of Demonstration, God uses everything and everyone to fulfill His Will. So... that said, I don't know whose hands are doing what... behind the present veils of misdirection... put into place to confuse the inquiring mind, but I smell a rat or two in various locations where I have stuck my nose under the tent... while pretending to be a camel.

I don't spend the larger part of my time... looking outward... at what I can never see more than part of at any one time. I spend it looking inward and that explains everything else to me, and to my satisfaction anyway. I'm not supposed to know everything.

The true art of life is not to become more and more deeply involved in external matters. It is to become less and less involved in external matters, and at the same time become more influential at a wider reach. What is not seen has a far greater effect on life than the seen portions. Most of the seen portions are results of the power of the unseen.

I do not intend to disparage the incoming president. I wish him the very best because the hopes and future of this country are riding on him, and if he does a good job then his understudy will have eight years to continue to undo the tremendous harm that Obama caused while fulfilling The Deep State's agenda, and Bush before him, who was a rattlesnake-mean psychopath; they both were and are.

I do suspect that what is coming is not in line with The Deep State or Trump's vision of one nation subject to the whims of Israel. I think both of them are going to be helpless before the force of cosmic transformation, and that is coming... sure and certain.

Any man... president or not, who gives lip service to genocide and fealty to the genocidal is not my cup of Tea. I grant wide latitude to others when I know that they are learning on the job, and you never know what you are up against until you are up against it. I don't believe in accidents and I don't believe in coincidence. There is a great deal that I do not know, but I do know that the servants of The Darkness are going to be sent scurrying for the exit doors. Some of them are already doing so, and others are about to find a need to relocate soon.

The World goes through predictable changes and that's a fact. You can set your watches and your compasses to this fact. One of the greatest minds to come through these parts was Oswald Spengler. He wrote The Decline of The West, but I am more directly referring to his theory that history moves in cycles. If you know this then there are many things you can predict. You can also come to understand Trends and Patterns in a new light. Often enough, people who purport to predict the future are doing no more than following the guidelines concerning the cyclic nature of events, and the certainty that history will repeat itself in a predictable fashion.

One should run a country the way they manage the affairs of their own body. That leader should look after both of these with the same degree of attention, and ALWAYS he should follow after the best interests of the people... while understanding that there will always be rich and poor... always be the energetic and lazy... always be the stupid and smart... always be the honest and the criminal. He should steer them in the direction that their hearts are already guiding them in. He should read Lao Tzu.

Of course... when you are running the show... there will always be powerful interests that will come at you sideways. There will always be the clever manipulators and individuals for whom self-interest is supreme. He must be immune to flattery and personal gain. His satisfaction should ALWAYS be in a job well done. Common Sense is 99% of good judgment. Clear-eyed and open-minded is the way.

I like that Trump is a teetotaler. I like that he mentions The Divine. I like a lot of the things he says about the greater good of this country. I do not like his slavish support of genocidal monsters, and there can be no doubt of the crimes of this other nation that causes such harm in The World and... to its friends, and enemies alike. One can't tell the difference between them... because this country hates everyone else equally and it hates itself just as much, while ONLY looking out for itself at all times.

Surely... he has to know about the venal nature of this other country. I hope that he is playing them and that he will do the right thing when the time comes. Also... The Hand of God is always The Factor no matter what. God's Will is done all the time. God's will may not suit all of us at all times, but if you have any intelligence... you know to bend to The Will Of Heaven always As a great master said. Heaven favors no man, but the wise man favors Heaven.

If you are right with God, you need not be concerned about catastrophes... or invading armies... famines or plagues... enemies known and unknown. You need be concerned about NOTHING ever! That includes The Valley of The Shadow... The Howling Unknown, and whatever else might appear before you. It will only be a test of your faith, and if your faith is certain... then whatever it may be... will wash right over or around you to its attracted port of call.

When you are in The Zone, you are untouchable, and all the times that misfortune has touched you were only... some part of the process... of bringing you into The Zone.

Things are not what they seem. It is your mind... fueled by your desire body and emotions that sets the imagination astray, causing your fears to be realized. Appearances are appearances, they are not the essential thing behind appearances. Do not be led astray by the way things look. You have an internal antenna that will alert you to anything you ever need to know... if you will only get tuned in to the right frequency.

Powerful forces seem to be gunning for this president, while at the same time, a great deal of what has happened looks very suspicious to me, and not the least of them is that, Fight... Fight... Fight! sequence. Something is very off about that. Well... we will see what comes when it arrives. In the meantime, get right with God. Nothing else is anywhere near as important as that, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Anonymous said...

Another week of brilliant posts!

The links are always the dessert.

You are right about the chemtrails being as bad as they have ever been. I ask the Sun every day to please make these monsters stop.



Anonymous said...

PS Godbless Ursula Haverbeck. I wrote her in prison. What a courageous human being



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Me thinks the trumpster was selected, not elected, and the last 4 years were staged so we could. . .um. . .'elect' (yeah, riiiiiight) a saviour who is anything but that. I didn't vote. I'm not going to vote again. What's the point? De gubment does what de gubment does, and I'm just trying to be as much of a liability to it as possible by feeding it as little as possible, which ain't hard considerin' my economic circumstances, but hey! At least I ain't in debt. Breakin' even on statistically very little, thanks to a very nice landlord who outright owns the property and rarely raises rent, and knowing where to shop, and what not to do. . .like going to restaurants or buying superfluous garbage like anything that speaks status and vanity. KEEPIN' IT SIMPLE!

Nostrils to the sky

Visible said...

The moment I see Hindu or any trigger words I delete your comment, and only a line and a half of the comment ever shows, so no one... including me, ever sees it OR ever... ever shall... here.

Chillease said...

I couldn't vote for either though it would had been Trump mostly because of his support of what is happening in Gaza. For the love of God, how can they? Just realized tomorrow it will be 62 years since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. The next day, the 12/3 or 4, someone big in the "woo woo" crowd has predicted "alien" contact which will get everyone's attention. We shellsea seashell....! Thank you for the past several years of your support of our mental health. We haven't been alone in our insights due to you.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Visible,
Trumps loyalty to Ivanka and Jared speak volumes. Trump visited the grave of Chabad Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson on October 7. Schneerson and Netanyahu have a bond that death did not break. Trump’s daughter and son-in-law are Chabad Jews. He gave the ambassadorship for France to Jared’s father.
Bush’s nephew recorded the infamous Trump statement regarding the beauty queen contestants. He was going down fast, however, Chris Christie stood by him, which contributed greatly to the fact he was not destroyed by that commentary. Christie was a useful tool up to the point in time of the election. Then Trump’s appreciation was demonstrated by eliminating him from any of the coveted roles in his new administration. Christie was eliminated because he had prosecuted Jared’s father for financial fraud, for which he spent two years in prison for the crimes.
I believe Trump’s loyalty to Israel and the Chabad sect will never be broken, one might say it is in the blood.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"Where was God and The Archetypes when The Usual Suspects were Poisoning Humanity with The Killer Vaccines?"



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