Thursday, November 21, 2024

"To Live and Die and Dance with Useless Things... in a Temporary Charade that is... All for The Purpose of Demonstration."

God Poet Transmitting.......

The only thing worse than being guided in your thoughts and actions by delusion is... shared delusion. When Crazy draws a crowd then you have a problem. The crowd that Crazy draws is called, Mob. Crazy and Mob are what you would call rap partners in The Joint... in prison. Two people brought together by... hmm? right! Brought together by shared delusion.

Delusion falls into two main camps. Most delusions tend to create two main perspectives and then... there are little camps that come about through magnetic similarities. You've heard that birds of a feather flock together, and that is true with every species. People shouldn't try to mix in with those they have no magnetic associations with, cause... when you get found out... they jump you. This happens everywhere.

What do I mean when I say 'jump you?' Well, I don't... necessarily... mean that they literally jump you, although in certain circles and environs that is exactly what happens. It means they turn on you at the level... where that sort of thing happens... at the level it happens at. It could be everything from whisper campaigns and shunning to blanket parties. It could be everything from a dirty look to death and dismemberment. A lot of it is cultural. You find a different kind of justice in The Hindu Kush than you do on Wall Street or the salon society of The Upper East Side.

Magic runs like geometrically patterned seams through all of life's groupings. It is the shape that the electromagnetics take according to the congregation of auras. This is how people really react to each other. You might think they see the way you are dressed or... your skin color... your hygiene or lack of hygiene... your social status... your age... your weight or... some mysterious combination of all of them, but it is really about your aura.

Now, of course, most people can't see auras, but they can definitely sense them; I can't tell you why I don't like him but he's just not our sort. Yes... tribalism exists at every level in one fashion or another... from the deepest Hell... to Middle-earth... to the highest Heaven. The defining factor at the lowest point... is shown in degrees of alienation and separation. The defining factor at the highest point is shown in degrees of unity and love.

Wherever you may be at this moment... you are headed in one direction or the other... or you are swimming in circles, with a slight and imperceptible trend toward one or the other, which will become clear... as soon as you hit one of the main cross-currents, and... that is an inevitability.

Once again, I can feel a vast stirring out there... a kind of wonderment... mixed with some amount of annoyance (grin); where is he going with this? That's a good question because I am not entirely sure myself. Often I am uncertain of the terrain I am going to pass over, but... I am life-certain (the opposite of dead certain) about where I will wind up. For me... all roads lead to the everlasting present.

I don't live in The Past and I have no plans for The Future. I rely... utterly on the guidance of the one who has led me... out of all contention and confusion... to the sweet and endless sands of Serenity.

Pretty much everything that is going to happen to you is determined by the mindset in which you view life and how that influences the actions you take. If everything for you is decided by appearances, you will huddle up in the area of the familiar and seldom venture far from your clan's parameters of protective containment; whether that be The Hood or The Club. You tend to maintain a general sense of paranoia concerning The World at a further distance.

It's good when things go your way, and not so good when they don't, and... if you don't know this by now... you will learn that existence is a snake that moves its coils from side to side for the purpose of locomotion, and that is where Time enters the mix.

You find that no matter what; unless you have a PROVEN system... that life defines itself in side-to-side motions... between what is desirable and what is undesirable... between your idea of Good and Evil. It feels good and then it hurts. It hurts and then it feels better, and all the things that hurt you, you don't usually see that coming. Otherwise, you do see it coming... because you are headed in that direction by intention. Often enough... we hurt ourselves in the process of chasing after something we think is going to make us feel good.

If you are at the base level of taking appearances for reality, you have a fog inside your head, and depending on the speed you have chosen to move at... that determines the force of impact you are going to experience when you hit something, and it is absolutely certain you will hit something; literally or metaphorically.

If you are at a higher level of perception and you can read appearances with some degree of judgment... based on previous experiences of running into shit... you're going to have more say over whether you run into something or not. You can always get distracted by something, and... yeah... whoops!

If you are on yet a higher level of perception, you have gained an ability to see further ahead, and... it is likely you may get more premonitions than you once did. How many times have you said to yourself that you should have paid attention to internal warnings that you received about This... That... and The Other Thing?

Higher yet... you begin to see that every color has a meaning in relation to the rest of the spectrum. Sound too begins to play a part in the way that you analyze circumstances and even if you still can't see people's auras... you are starting to get a good sense of where people are coming from. You don't know why... maybe... that your perception of others is so accurate, but it is.

One's ability to rise to higher states of awareness is... VERY MUCH... determined by the level of their compassion for others. The quantity and quality of one's love has everything to do with the clarity of one's assessments of life, and the state of one's security or lack of it. One way or another... we are all seeking sanctuary. If one is fortunate enough to find sanctuary, it is because they possess the credentials for gaining it. It is in the nature of things that when you find sanctuary, after a time... you become a sanctuary.

Perhaps you are familiar with the way people pray to saints for protection; before entering into an arrangement... before setting off on a journey... before making an investment of time and money into anything. Some think these people are misguided... superstitious... immature, and... incapable of pragmatic and informed action without all that spiritual rigmarole.

Once again... it depends on your level of understanding... what kind of results you are going to get. That practice of praying to saints... who are an overlay on previous archetypes from a previous system... having to do with how people understand The World they cannot see... is a legitimate thing. We are talking about Devas and angelic personages and The Gita tells us that ALL blessings come from them. It is what The Divine empowered them to do.

The problem with Materialism and... it is a recurrent thing... is that it takes your attention off of certain important considerations and places them on trivial and insubstantial things. All technology is based on the human body, according to its needs... appetites, and desires. Take a look! It's easy to forget why you are here in the first place or... maybe that is the reason? To live and die and dance with useless things... in a temporary charade... that is all for The Purpose of Demonstration?

Materialism heightens certain senses and dulls others. You see the colors of The World as it has been adapted to your needs, appetites, and desires, BUT... you do not see the radiant colors that create a corona around every living thing. However separated you have made yourself from fear of association, you are going to see that expressed in your lived experiences.

It really boils down to the fact that you can't tell people what they don't want to hear. They have to find out for themselves, however much it may hurt to do so, but you can heal lives without ever saying a thing. If you can see the colors and hear the sounds and know what they mean, you can bring balance and order into the lives of others just by coming into sympathetic accord with them. Depending on the quality and quantity of your love, you can heal people with a look. Many people already do the reverse every day.

Raise your level of awareness by coming into sympathetic accord... with those life forms that are above you... in a manner of speaking, and... you will be changed accordingly, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Here is one final offering from Patrick having taken some of our lyrics and turned them into a song called, I Don't Know and I Don't Care. (I would love to hear from anyone who has skills with VSTs. My technical skills are limited and I am interested in getting the assistance of anyone who can do things with vocal tracks; I would much appreciate it!)

Last Sunday's radio broadcast with James Jancik can be found here at Feet to The Fire Radio.

Links are at GAB=

Substack Mirror is here=


Anonymous said...

as long as one is part of a tribe, a mob, a collective, you cannot evolve. Evolution occurs on the individual level. Not collectively. This is why society is the natural enemy of the individual. The new age is about the age of the individual. The age of the mob, the society, the collective, is over, and has literally committed suicide like lemmings. The people who took the death vax were the people who are too afraid to think individually and so they followed the crowd, the society, and took the vax, so that they wouldn't be an "outsider".

It is only when you are alone, that you can hear the voice of the divine. Maybe very elevated people can be in touch with the divine anywhere but for most of us fallen souls, we can only evolve when we are alone, and in silence, stillness, quiet.

0 said...

Found this guy from "What really" on X and he is at least being Objective.

Gaetz already withdrew. Thune didn't have to lift a finger. The Uniparty still hard pressed to excuse and justify their way into "business as usual".

I almost hope we get the Nuclear Exchange. Burn it all down as Vimalananda would say, Whats Left is whats real. ;)


0 said...

Well said, this is why I chuckle when I hear people say WE. WE never gets anything done. I get things Done. :P

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Mindset on perspective of life. We should know that by now. I think it's a POS, and currently a waste of my time. I think the only reason I'm here is the same reason I watched what ever crap was on before Married With Children when I was still watchin' the telly. A half hour of annoyance before a half hour of what I wanted to see. Just waiting for it all to crash and burn with a front row seat.

Appearances. I do my best to look like something the cat dragged in, I consider someone with high priced cars and status whatever to be misprioritised, voided, and avoided. I also got over the concept of fop arm candy a long time ago, not that I ever owned one. When I asked if they were for sale, they all said no. And though I now make just a little over half as much as I used to when I was at my prime in earnings, life's never been better. After all, now I have TIME! Roughly 25 hours a week of work beats 55 with a nuclear bomb. (By the way, I like the 'tude of #2 post. I'd LOVE to be nuked yesterday, though at Ground Zero with instant vapourisation. Which reminds me I got THREADS loaded up to watch for later.

There is also the question of WHAT WORLD ARE YOU LIVING FOR?! This cesspool, or the next realm. I'd say those of the latter preference have more integrity. I will never understand why anyone would choose limitations, illusions, constrainment, outer dictates you have no say in, government extortion, bladders, intestines, spending most of your time doing stuff you don't want to do; but HAVE to do, the stupidest social programming, and all the other perpetual inconveniences that come here to the TRUTH and FREEDOM of the next realm, provided you end up on the right level of course.

I swear, I canna understand the collective of humanity for shoite. A few individuals, aye, but. . .




Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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