Friday, December 20, 2024

"Most of The Time... You Only Know What You Need to Know... to Get Yourself into The Trouble that You Can't Get Out Of."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I'm wondering if Trump... Musk and Johnson might not have cooked up the whole deal with the CR bill well before, and this shutdown stunt is about who they put into the speaker's chair. Surely Johnson knew how it would look for him to sign off on a pork-laden enterprise like that CR, and now? Now we find that there were all kinds of interesting items about to be written into law...

... that's what Congress does... they make laws. It's why they are called lawmakers.

I have always been a believer in the idea of wheels... within wheels... within wheels; a Russian Doll construct that applies from the smallest atomic dance... to the weaving of galaxies... like a cosmic DNA entwined connectedness... a living... breathing... vibrant as above so below... as within so without... schematic, at the same time too big and too small to see.

When I had access to the finest psychedelics to come down the pike of above and so below... before the CIA and other black-bag psychopaths handed the chemistry of this marvel into the hands of whatever Fauci-like... Mengele-minded... Walter White cooking... backdoor banging... Whitman reading anti-nature-fags did what they did to it, I was in the high heavens much of the time.

I used to dance through the parks in Washington DC with my merry troop of mind travelers and... I could have... literally been anywhere from Middle Earth to Shamballa. I would see sometimes golden and sometimes turquoise holographic serpents of great size moving in and out of The Earth. I would see green holographic Buddhas sitting in the foliage.

I saw various permutations of The Divine Mother and I felt the power of The Cosmos moving through me. It was a pulsing... vibrating electromagnetic seizure of compressing and releasing muscles... responding again and again to what was as close to sexual action as anything I have ever experienced, BUT... it was on a much higher plane and the only kind of such action I've ever had any real interest in since.

I heard voices coming out of nowhere, and to the point of whether these were hallucinations or not, they happened over... and over... and over again in the same way. Hallucinations don't do this. What I was experiencing was what is always there, but... is resident above the bandwidth of our ordinary senses. I should add that... at the time... I did not know what Buddhas were and had had no exposure to these traditions except as a small child in Japan and that would have been cursory at best.

This was all happening to me because I had gone through a massive Kundalini uprising earlier on, and it opened up an overflowing well of imagery from that part of the subconscious where memory of past lives is stored. I had only given the briefest description of what happened to and around me, mostly because much of it is beyond the capacity of words to describe. What has this got to do with the firm of Trump and Musk and Johnson?

Everything happening... in the pedestrian glades of same-old same-old... human interaction of interchanging banal redundancies... of adult patty-cake deceptions... within the usual cycling of lies... and half-truths... passing as the usual business of the status quo... back and forth... quid pro quo, of itchy backs and ministering hands of scratching accommodations; you do me and then I'll do you... in the endless circle-jerking nonsense of the sleepwalking ritual frottage... hand on the elbow of the hand I'm shaking... secret handshake... magic decoder ring of bullshit play-acting... is ALL... ALL reflected in the realms of awareness above and below the narrow and tight parameters of ordinary life.

Those serpents are still moving in and out of The Earth... whether you can see them or not. The hungry ghosts of dead sex junkies... are still loitering in a Bardo of vicarious blow-jobs... going down every night in the public restrooms and highway rest stops all along the way from Nowhere to Nowhere. Restaurants have their ghost brigades. So do battlefields. So do nightclubs. So do graveyards (ironically) and you had better believe that the halls of power are haunted and that the ghosts of long-dead politicians are whispering in the dead ears of all the temporarily... physically corporate... lawmakers and their fluffers... going about their business, and... on their way to the monkey business that their positions make possible for them later that night.

Jamie Raskin (Mr. Deep State of The House Democrats) and Chucky Schumer (Mr. Deep State of The Senate Democrats) are losing it because this kind of thing just doesn't happen; not like this. Payback is a seldom realized dream because canny vultures and other carrion eaters are of the cagiest sort when they get around on two feet. They protect their hindquarters. They take the basic precautions... such as are necessary, and... given that they are all on videotape in the Mossad Library of Dirty Tricks, they are really just going through the motions because... it... is... already... too... late.

Let's talk about what that means; too late. All of them know that you can only do so much to The Other Guy because... sooner or later... The Other Guy will have The Gavel. However... this time they got carried away. They really thought they could kill the spirit of Normal People. They thought... what with COVID and The Killer Vaccines, and... The UN... The WHO... The WEF... the intelligence services... God knows what all else. They thought the nails were going into the coffins. They had not counted on Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening... who also can't be seen on ordinary bandwidths, BUT... like The Wind, you can see where it's been and you can find evidence of it passing.

This is how The Divine and his... also... usually invisible agents settle accounts. They let those who violate humanity get more and more over-confident... more and more reckless... more and more careless until... it's too late. It is a process of encouraging them to overreach and over-extend. It is that certitude of victory that drives the ambitious and over-confident far past the supply wagons because they are so... damned... sure... that they got 'em.

You might say it is a built-in all The Laws of Heaven that keeps things in balance. Everything equals out... gets equaled out... by Laws. You would think The Lawmakers would know this, BUT... it is part of the dynamics of the drama that... most of the time... you only know what you need to know to get yourself into trouble that you can't get out of. Nature demonstrates this kind of thing all the time, but people don't pay attention because they think they are above Nature... that they tell Nature what to do, even when their own bodies betray them, and their vigor and vitality go... and the invisible predators set in upon their vitals.

So... you are about to see some things happening that I don't expect you ever thought you would see, oh ye of little faith. Yee Haw!!! Head 'em up and move 'em out! Rawhide!!! And... so it goes.

Well... I'm not going to go into any further detail at this time, mostly because I have no further details. (grin) Actually, I do have further details but now is not the time. It's like telling a story effectively. Sometimes it is better when you are sitting around a campfire in the woods. So... let's wind this up with another example of how everything connects to everything else.

Everyone you touch in a positive way... and who then goes on to touch others... in the same way... traces back to you... by mysterious agency, and the same applies to the negative touches. You are living... literally... in the echos of your past. You are resident in the sounding vibrations... of the slipstreams of your passage... through time and circumstance, and at any point... you can change your mind. You can change your perspective. You can change the way you go about doing things. You can change your intentions, and... further on... you will STILL be living... literally... in the echos of your past only it will be different.

You are making your future this very moment. In one direction lies all the things you think you want. In another direction lies all the things you are and can be. In that direction awaits a glorious eternal body of light. We build this body according to the same principles already mentioned. Maybe if you haven't read Chapter 43 of Autobiography of a Yogi, this would be a good time to do so.

Yeah... I could have been a little more detailed and precise, but I operate within the boundaries of 3 or so pages of my word-processing software. If we didn't get to it today, we'll get to it another time. We do have forever, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

Links appear at GAB=


We've been on X for a bit now too.

(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=

Substack is here=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

0 said...

Time and Phase are the main players in making sure that what is created is not instantly canceled out or there would be No iterations of form.

What applies for individuals applies to Solar systems and galaxies, perhaps even moreso. For such to exist, they must see space have non-homogenous vacuums which then present locations of stillness in the nothing that act like gravity wells and in such places are stars and planets set to aggregate into their forms until such time as those locations are no longer coherent and begin to radiate back into the all.

What takes form in one place had form in another place before which was coherent and then not coherent so that the other location could take on that coherency. If energy can't be created or destroyed, only changed, then time and phase allows for this to happen while allowing for From that to This and from this to That to happen.

Curious to wonder at. I again grasp why the All never takes up its Own form in any context since its a field that has presence in all contexts at all times to hold sway over time and phase. Perhaps that unformed field is the alls own form and all else is effect of its play. Why take a lesser form, unless its just as a break from upholding all iterations of form? And who sustains the play if such happens?

It will be interesting to see where it goes. They might enjoy shutting the fed gov down now so that whatever WAR results has open access to the USA with nobody "at work in the office" as it were.

The seeming wealthy and powerful still need a country to act from and if they don't start producing accountability of each other, then the ones taken advantage of will finally step to taking care of them in ways they cannot foresee.

I would like to attribute thiels stuttering response to the fact that this is perhaps finally dawning on these "clever ceos" who have clevered themselves into a pickle.

It sux to become the monster thru the actions taken to have their way but just imagine all the people who have been negatively affected by these asshats policies... imagine them waking up cold and without food and thinking, theres Nothing left to fear... Whose closest to me to go make PAY for my current predicament? and imagine vigilante accountability being woven thru their ends in such ways as to shift the perception of the threat from whatever They did to setup the UHC CEO hit to Every Tax Paying Citizen finally having enough of the never ending emergencies and clown two tier law enforcement.

Such Re-gauging as its called in the "free energy world" Happens Now.


0 said...

The Measureless Amplitude. :)

""So long as the soul of man is encased in one, two, or three body-containers, sealed tightly with the corks of ignorance and desires, he cannot merge with the sea of Spirit. When the gross physical receptacle is destroyed by the hammer of death, the other two coverings—astral and causal—still remain to prevent the soul from consciously joining the Omnipresent Life. When desirelessness is attained through wisdom, its power disintegrates the two remaining vessels. The tiny human soul emerges, free at last; it is one with the Measureless Amplitude.""

Thanks for the chapter 43 reference. Its been a decade or so since I read autobiography of a yogi.

Did you know that a Coil of copper wire, set with its axis facing the top of a magnet, which then sees the magnet slide past its top, depending on the Rate at which it Moves past, determines the height of the Amplitude of the sinewave that results on the coil? Aligned in this manner the coil sees a pulse first move in one direction and then it reverses and moves to the other direction before returning to relative zero.

A coil turned sideways so that the magnet slides past its side sees a unipolar pulse that has amplitude but that doesn't then invert like it does when the Axis of alignment is facing the magnets pole as it moves by. Thats what the infinity sav folks did to make their fuelless generator, put 6 coils sideways connected in series to create a 6x higher volt potential and then feed that into the two coils oriented to induce rotational momentum on the passing rotors magnets. (this is a radial pole configuration, and if all the same poles are outward, it generates a "superpole" for the opposing pole that is squeezed out between the physical magnets as the alternating pole which has less affect on balancing the pulse to a zero sum action. )

Curiously its the RATE OF CHANGE that determines the peak amplitude achieved. Speed up the rotors rpm, and the sinewave peaks grow in amplitude while Also compressing which is a result of the Raised Frequency of rotation.

Ties into your Success is speedy for the energetic. Specially when rate of change is arbitrary based on self and understanding of self.

Good stuff!

0 said...

hehe... "with nobody at work in the office"... didn't catch it when I wrote it... cracks me up still...

Visible said...

Your musings on the technical aspects of these things is beyond me, as my understandings... for the most part... are received intuitively and not gained through an assembling and interacting of parts, but more along the lines of a picture materializing in the mind's eye and communicating in the manner of flashes of realization, though... it's still a bit more than that.

0 said...

All good, I just share in case it helps others, if not then its of no consequence.

I am not tied to any outcomes here other than my own be-coming. And each one serves their be-coming thru being themselves.

Thanks for keeping at it, pal!

Visible said...

heh heh... I have no choice, and I want you to know that I really appreciate what you have to say here. I pay careful attention and a goodly amount of it filters through into my understanding. I'm grateful for that.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You just never cease to amaze me, Visible. This post kicks ass; so does
the song. Can't wait to hear more details when the time is right; always leave em wanting (smile).


robert said...


For a self-confessed right brain, your mastery of the Suno "AI" tool is bearing very tasty fruit!

Relatable to the sound bite generations and showing impeccable taste in your choices as writer/producer, you are conveying your lyrics into the light of the internet road.
Respect for the diligence and for the obediance to step aside to allow the message to move through you.
One layer removed from the sonic truth of your human voice but somehow, something more comes through the "AI" generated vocal simalcrum than expected
The sheer bounty of your harvest of songs qualifies your self-control and discipline

Gracias, brother!

Andrew said...


Blue-eyed murder in a size five dress.

Visible said...


Thank you! I am hopeful that the listener knows I would sing them if it were possible, and I expect it will be, but I too think this is working, although it can take a lot of time because I can't just use whatever comes along. I am learning how to work the system. (grin)

Anonymous said...

Go to Lane Myers will show a microcosm of Lez's vision of "then" getting their due.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"The Reason Everything is Grim at The Moment is Because The Falling Kingdom of Darkness is Getting its Last Licks In."



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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