Wednesday, December 4, 2024

"The World is a Brutal Place where The Rich and Powerful Cavort as They Please... until God Cuts Them off at The Knees."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... The Alien Invasion apparently went off without a hitch yesterday because no one noticed a thing. I checked now and again, but that didn't last long because I didn't know where to check or what to check for. The day ended and nothing had changed. That is absolutely the smoothest takeover I have ever missed. I keep wondering if it might have actually happened long... long ago and they were only just now getting around to mentioning it.

I'm starting to see that world governing... social reactions... religious movements... individual actions and reactions are all similar to the movements of water in a bucket when one is carrying it from one place to another. It sloshes to one side and then it sloshes back. Various lesser sloshes veer to the side... flumes leap and fall, while some of the water splashes out of the bucket.

Finally... the water is poured from the bucket into something else or on something else or... it gets set down and then... fairly soon.... the surface is still and flat again. Maybe life is more like a mug of beer. It comes to you with a full head of foam like the urgency of youth, and the foam stays for a bit... then it goes away... the bubbles of carbonation still rise to the surface for a while. Then... even they stop moving and if there is any beer left in the mug, it's just going to sit there until the bartender or wait staff takes it away.

I don't know what any of that means, but I am sure it means something.

If I were attached to the way things look and the way things are; presuming I am correct about either one of those, I would say it is looking more and more like the more things change... the more they remain the same. Is Trump just the same old-same old with a New Coke label? He isn't even in office yet and I am seeing signs of the last time he was in office.

He'd appoint this guy and that guy. Then he would decide to replace this guy and that guy, and then he would do it again, and again, which... to me... smacks of either poor judgment or is a sign that he is a tool in someone else's tool chest. Then he winds up with people like Pense... Pompeo and Barr who openly plot against him.

I see all this talk swirling around that he's going to replace Hegseth. Now he is saying that he might instead nominate DeSantis, and DeSantis is a rhino. Who... with any sense of what is going on discusses things like this in public anyway? This is the behavior of a wishy-washy.

He's making ominous threats about BRICS. Does he really not know how The World operates? Politics may well be another form of showbiz, but only a fool engages it at that level. I'm a good card player, mostly because I pay careful attention to what the other players are doing. I don't play much anymore, but people who have played with me will tell you that I seldom lose. It's not because of some personal voodoo or that I'm smarter than The Other Guys. Only stupid people go around thinking they are smarter than The Other Guys. I pay attention. That is the point.

I found the same thing to be critical when shooting pool or any other form of competition; focus... concentration... attentiveness to the immediate action, and a keen sense of observation prior to. This gives you a leg up.

Now it could be that The Once and Future President is playing the competition and sucking them in... to get them to show their cards... or provide a tell or two. That's a legitimate strategy, BUT... he is behaving in similar fashion to how he did last time around. I was paying attention when he let Steve Bannon go; not that I'm a fan. Steve is owned and operated by The Israeli Mafia, and it seems like Trump is too.

Palestine is being leveled. Residential buildings are being bombed. Israeli is a criminal enterprise of bloodthirsty Satanic pirates; raping... torturing... sodomizing... killing, and running crocodile-wild on the defenseless people with the DNA that... they... don't... have. They have been doing this since 1948. This is all incontrovertible fact. Why are people still screaming about a Hamas that Israel created in the first place, and... this relentless bullshit about non-existent hostages? It's like all those imaginary holocaust victims.

How is it that such a large part of the human race is so cowardly and blind? Yeah... yeah, I know; no point in going over the same ground again and again.

Anyway, I'm just venting a bit. In real life I'm detached and removed in my mind from all this make-believe that dances across the walls like shadow-puppets at an Asian cultural event. The World is a brutal place... where the rich and powerful cavort as they please... until God cuts them off at the knees.

You need to have a true perspective on what is really going on. It involves a sustained mindset and a proper distance held. A certain stillness is required and a dispassionate detachment is critical. You can't have skin in the game or be backing one side against another. The outcome is already a fait accompli. The idea is to anticipate The Winds of God... which determine destiny and results, and then... to bend accordingly.

Of course... that viewpoint is not going to work for 90+ percent of humanity... the lion's share of which are literally in a dream... composed of endless wishing and hoping, with a whole lot of tossing and turning in bed. Moments of easy riding and gain intersperse with nightmare and loss. Fear of Death weaves through the whole of it like a carpet moving under the feet of the sleepwalking dreamers.

You're either shepherd or sheep, a lone wolf or a pack wolf. The shepherds don't hit the clubs with the sheep. They don't vacation together. The hopes and fears of the sheep are not the same as the shepherds. Except at certain times, the sheep are unaware of the shepherds. The wolves do what wolves do. You can't blame them. It's in their nature.

Material life is a zero-sum game of musical chairs. This side wins and that side loses what the winning side gains... then the course of the action reverses. Smart players know how to measure and anticipate the changes in the tide, and the tides change at regular intervals because an invisible moon determines and regulates that.

It's a circular dynamic that always ends where it began and none of it is going to stay with you... except what you are, and what you become, so... the REALLY smart players operate in ways that seem foolish to everyone else. They play as if it doesn't matter whether they win or lose. That's because they aren't concerned with what's in The Pot. They are already rich beyond the imagining of the other players, but they can't tell the other players about it. They wouldn't understand.

It takes an unbearable compassion to be in the game with everyone else when you know what is going to happen to every single one of them, and you could spare them so much of the suffering that is coming directly at them on a cosmic conveyor belt, BUT... they can't hear you. The noise of The World is in their ears and it is all they can hear.

So... you move among them and you make yourself useful on your way to somewhere else that you are already at anyway. It's just a matter of the environment adjusting to your interior state and that's a given. It's as inevitable as night and day, and it operates according to similar principles. Everything... in fact... operates according to similar principles that were old... long before The Sons of God danced upon the mountaintops with the angels in the morning of The World.

Some things are timeless and some things are not. Some things last forever and ever and some things do not. Wise souls make note of these differences and associate themselves with the timeless... while moving through the minefields of everything else that is living and dying all around them.

The cries of hunger are like the wind moving through the trees. The hunger never ends. The objects of the hunger are regularly in transformation, as the hunger moves on from one thing to the next, and the only place worth spending time in is that place where hunger ends, but hunger never does end. So... it is a bit of a dichotomy and a bit of a conundrum, and it takes a little savvy and a lot of patience to get the hang of it. There is only one thing that changes the direction of The Hunger and that is how great art comes into being. That is the well-spring of true imagining and a portal to immortality.

There is only one real artist and that artist is glad to appear in anyone who is willing to put aside pedestrian hunger to dance with him. The greatest and most enduring works of art are often created outside the view of The World, and there is no applause other than the laughter of The Sun and The Ocean as they disport with one another.

Then there are all those other worlds; may God in his mercy reveal them to you, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Anonymous said...

I am writing just to vent my frustration and confusion. So thanks for the space. As the Bible says and you have repeated more than once. “You Shall know them by their works”. Trump. So many of us prayed so hard and sincerely for a leader and it looked like God answered the prayers. Now I am not sure of anything anymore because of Trumps behavior on the so many issues that you bring up and I have also read about. I want so much to believe that God’s hand is in this . We shall see as it unfolds. I know you say God’s hand is in everything. No argument but maybe no agreement as maybe He just has washed His hands of Earth. I don’t know, just saying. If Trump turns out to be deep state then What the Hell Man? What’s it all for. Demonstrations of how corrupt everything is , is getting tiresome. Tiresome for me but a real life nightmare for others. I am going to wait and see and keep praying but I tell you it’s a hard place to be .

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Space aliens. I suspect they're already here and have been here forever. I swear, I sometimes think I live with one. Maybe I do.

Uh, You have no idea how 'ME' this post is on so many levels of awareness, though with my so called 'bad attitude', contempt spans the 90% you mentioned, but we all should know that by now.

Gods, I can't wait until this rubbish is OVER! I don't know why, but I have a weird feeling things are gonna get pretty epic by late February. Then again, I'm a crappy prognosticator, so maybe not. It's just all the news reports I'm reading everywhere. How much of what Trump is saying will be impossible to accomplish? Will there be a civil war? Maybe not. Let's see what happens in NYC over the next month, and any other city that's cutting benefits for the bottom feeding invader parasites.

Would be nice if the Federal Reserve and IRS were removed from existence. I'm not holding my breath, though. So many pipe dreams. I see a royal mess up ahead, and quite a few disappointed people when they realise there are no mortal flotsam saviours. Even Boudica couldn't do it, and Alaric was just a ratchet in the wheel.

Blah. Rome. . .Khazaria and what is basically 'Khazaria II'. . .tied for being the most disgusting nations on the planet from their inception to their end, whenever that will be for 'Khazaria II'. Looks like we're seein' that now.

Well, the nations led by Tamerlane, Alex of Mecedonia, Genghis Khan and a few others I can't think of right now were in the running, but they didn't quite have such a lasting effect.

Nostrils to the sky.

0 said...

Maybe these are why Nuclear is suddenly making a comeback in the USA?

Its centrifuges to increase the thermal output of uranium, which had no easy way of discharging the built up thermal potential once it reaches the "enriched" state to be used to superheat water to steam and drive big turbines tied to generators for electrical output.

I never really understood why they didn't take Spent Fuel back to the centrifuge to respin it back up to the right thermal output for reuse instead of taking the spent fuel and dumping it in the ocean or burying it underground.

There was a guy named Galen Winsor that was one of the pioneers of nuclear energy generation. The guy would do a demo where he'd have a pill bottle full of caffeine and same sized bottle full of hot uranium bb's which he would then announce, the contents of one of these bottles will kill you. Then he'd indicate the caffeine as the killer, while then dumping out a tablespoon of the radioactive pellets in his palm and licking them into his mouth he'd swallow them. Guy used to say he'd go Swimming in the spent fuel pool which was kept a nice 90 degrees all winter long. He'd also wander around the lab with two halfs of a critical mass, one in either lab coat pocket... said he knew when to stop handling them when his skin looked like it was sunburned. Its a good video. Think it was called the Nuclear Scare Scam.

Course then theres other stuff like what Tariel Kapanadze did.

Or what infinisav did with their uniquely configured permanent magnet rotors and circumfrential coils setup in a specific configuration to allow an amplified pulse to Drive the rotor while also outputting its extra power to run a load. Supposedly infinisav was selling 10kw generators that didn't require any input but I've never seen anyone get one delivered. They have videos on youtube that show you the principle of its Action.

Curious times. Most of these things will be forgotten with people so focused on politics and becoming Dumber and more dependent on people who refuse to be held accountable for their actions. Its sorta why we reached peak intelligence in the 90s-2000s and they then set about muddying the waters and hiding things behind paywalls to prevent the average joe public from bumping into things that would free him from being dependent on the clown show.

Lets get this Show on the Road... Rooooooooaaaaaaads... black sheepski?


Visible said...

Wow! Gene. That is some intense stuff. You should write about it for wider release.

0 said...

"It takes an unbearable compassion to be in the game with everyone else when you know what is going to happen to every single one of them, and you could spare them so much of the suffering that is coming directly at them on a cosmic conveyor belt, BUT... they can't hear you."

You nailed it with that statement. It is a challenge and it isn't, given entropy, to see things coming at others local to self that oneself pays attention to and sees coming before it even breaks the horizon of the other who is paying No attention to anything but what they WANT and How to get it by Taking the Advantage.

What greater compassion is there than seeing such for the ones one chooses to care about, watching the years pass, and the thing called out a decade back show up on time as it was expected to, while the other sits there surprised something showed up, having no memory of being told it was inbound a decade prior. And then one still tries to help those ones grow Anyways. Consequences and all. I guess its why they call it family.

Its ok. Perhaps the consistency will make a dent in a future iteration of form for they who refuse to consider that of benefit to themselves. And if not, the wise one makes use of the others behaviors and attitudes to further calcine self to be-come that which one desires most to be, even if its not a named thing.

The all looks out for they who look out for the all.


p.s. I have written about those things, they're buried in the bellerian1.substack. Open to discuss, tho most who were in the old yahoogroups that worked on replicating energy systems have wandered off to other things. Heres the video of the infinisav principle. (curiously its no longer named infinisav on youtube but now goes by infinity sav, couldn't find it by searching for infinisav.)

And heres a video of that principle spread out to additional rotor/coil sets to increase the output.

Visible said...

On behalf of the readers I thank you, and for myself too. (grin)

AL said...

"Material life is a zero-sum game of musical chairs."

There you have it.

Our Father sent us here to see all the bells and whistles and pretty things so we could figure out it's not all those that move us, it's the nasty, shitty suffering things that help us grow and boy will we see some suffering going round soon. Things are looking up with every large scale fuckup we see, make no mistake growth in wholesale is coming to a neighborhood near you!

Cheers Brutha!

0 said...

Terrence McKenna was brought to mind today...


Anonymous said...

wow really nice. where do you find the one last thing always make my day. trump has always been the dia's boy or he would have had a bullet in the head. just imagine if the mass murdering trust fund south african and vivek do what they say and rip the buthole out of the g7 oligarchs , everyone will finally be cognizant. its hard to miss hell on earth. didn't they have fully functional uranium salt reactors by 75 that were safer than conventional reactors that when the fuel was expired you had stabilized uranium which you destabilyzed again and used it all over a grain of sand in a box the size kitchen matches would power your car for 5 to 10 years grain of rice in a shoe box would power your house guess what no nuclear waste poisoning the planet a billion times worse than co2 which is what somewhere between 15 and 20 like irrelevant in reality and stopped this jane fonda and micheal douglas were the actors in the movie that was used to keep the status quo ltptb if musk and vivek do what they say their going to do you wont have to wait much longer gen x is going to it all down

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is now up=

"The Truth is... if You are not Engaged with The World at Certain Levels... It is Hard for The World to Intrude on You."

Visible said...

They shut down Visible Origami so you have to go here=

Anonymous said...

This Time around there was not even a Honeymoon at Trump Springs. Then again , any conversion let alone good works would be a mirable. Paul/Saul and blinded by the light to see and all that.



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