God Poet Transmitting.......
The World that we see comes out of Nature. It is an adaptation of Nature. Nature is the warehouse of the components of creation. Your body came out of it... then your body (or a combination of bodies) adapted Nature into a house... a car... a highway... a town... a city. Everything... that composes every part... of everything you see... came out of Nature. So... we have Raw Nature OR... Nature in-the-raw, and... we have adapted Nature.
There are parts of adapted Nature where you now... seldom see... Nature Primeval. Then there are further and further adaptations. Let's look at sexual progressions. For the longest time... we had Man and Woman... as basic opposite numbers... that create more of the same. Religious traditions tell us that there were two originals in The Garden of Creation. They would be Adam and Eve. There was no Adam and Steve. Steve was an adaptation from the basic... once Nature had been further adapted to that point. It is more of a perversion by adaptation because the process by which all THINGS come to be can be used in a positive way AND a negative way.
Today we have the transgender mindset, which relies on technology being advanced and adapted to the point where such things are possible. What was Normal for a long time... started to degrade into abnormalities... perversely adapted from basic Nature... into abnormalities adapted from abnormalities, and... all of this is made more possible... the more a society moves away from Nature... into its own adaptations upon adaptations.
In clearer and simpler terms, we moved from simplicity to complexity... to ever greater complexity. Now we have life forms that are nearly completely detached from the originals. It is a kind of evolution that is designed in laboratories; a sort of hideous homage to Nature... a mockery of Nature. Dr Fauci... Bill Gates... others... and an army of sycophants and underlings... perpetuate this constant adaptation of adaptations into increasingly bizarre curiosities. You wind up with a bunch of real-life Sarumans making Orcs out of Elves and Men. To put it in simple terms... their intention is to create Hell on Earth, which is fine for them as long as they control it because... The Control Aspect is the driving force.
Each of these twisted creators lives... in their minds... on The Island of Dr. Moreau AND... their intention is to constantly widen the borders of their Empire of The Deformed. They work in an area we can call, Demon Science. There are others like them who work in the areas of Politics... Religion... Finance and Commerce... Bread and Circus industries and... well... the list is long. As they get to be bigger frogs in the entropic swamps where they work... they reach into all of these other areas.
Let's now make reference to another factor that plays a much larger part in all of this... than might seem apparent... to a cursory or superficial perspective. This is because... for the most part... it exists below and beyond the sensory bandwidth that accounts for cursory and superficial perspective. I am talking about what is called, God. This God... which so far has proven to elude definition and comprehension... is a single entity that gets broken down into multiple entities... due to variations in the cultures where this God is alleged to have appeared at one time or another. So this single entity is known by a variety of names.
Religions have grown up around the various appearances of this single entity... in multiple locations... at different times. They all agree on certain primary points and they all disagree about secondary and tertiary points. They war with each other for preeminence in the same way that proponents of Demon Science... politics... and other groups do with each other, and then the theaters of their wars expand as their sphere of influence expands.
So... on one hand you have this God entity... who was/is the original creator, and then you have these human adaptations of God who try to play God, and pretend to be God, but... they are not very good at it, and... sooner or later... they get into a situation that they cannot get out of. God is amused at all of this because The World, both the good and evil aspects of it... were created for his entertainment because he is The Watcher that exists in every... other... living... thing.
When God created The World and The Universe which surrounds it, he also created laws that hold it together, and maintain the passage of it all... as it moves through a continuum of Time. He created planets that surround our world and which represent archetypal forces that act visibly and invisibly upon us... from the inside and the outside. One of the planets... that is called Saturn... is the agent of Time, which exists as an irresistible force that acts upon ALL manifested forms. God him/her/itself can take form when it pleases... 'them' (grin) but in essence... God is without form.
I have a reason for scampering about in this field of words... as I am presently doing, and as I have been doing.. without interruption... every weekday... for several years now, and for much longer... in a more intermittent fashion prior to recent times. I have been noticing a sense of increasing desperation... bordering on despair... and involving amounts of fear and apprehension, and... a general atmosphere of uncertainty... in the hearts and minds of many people in this world. There is also a rather large body of people... who are indifferent to conditions, and who are scampering about in various stages of obsessing over This... That... or The Other Shiny Thing... that is dancing about in their sugar plum imaginations.
Some believe that imminent catastrophe waits right around the corner, and that is because there are a lot of very powerful and very crazy people scampering about with the intention of doing massive harm... across the board... to the larger numbers of us. Some think it is The Natural World... made more and more unnatural by more and more adaptations... that is going to be the cause of catastrophe.
Everything that you see all around you comes out of mindstuff created by The Mind. Initially, it came out of The Mind of God, and then... it has come out of The Hive Mind playing God... because God gave his creations the power to think and act, and... what you see is what you got.
I mentioned these laws that God set into place, and they exist independent of religious and political systems... Demon Science... and every other human adaptation upon existence which is built out of The Body of God... according to His Will. These laws are very important in the scheme of things, and... like Gravity and Time... they affect all of us. There is no getting around these laws, and... you are free to obey or break them as it pleases you. Following that... the consequences of obeying or breaking these laws are AUTOMATICALLY set into motion by these laws. It's what they do.
So... God... out of whose body everything is made by... adaptation, is also the... life force... in every living thing, while... at the same time... existing apart from every other thing. Though you may be... and most people are... unaware of how thoroughly God interpenetrates all things; THAT... changes NOTHING... the same way that ignorance of The Law is no excuse. You can either abide... in your mind and by extension... in your actions... in harmony with God... or not, and... once again... the consequences of this are yours to have and hold. Good luck to one and all on this account, although... luck as you understand it, does... not... exist.
What I am saying to those worrying about what might and might not happen, AND... to those oblivious of the possibilities entirely... is that some of you have good reason to worry and some of you do not. NOTHING ever turns out the way the powerful... or the experts... expect it to turn out.
God is The Joker in The Deck. He presents himself in one fashion to The Righteous, AND... he presents himself in another fashion to The Wicked. You see one or the other... even if indirectly... depending on where you are on The Dial. Turn it down and you get demons. Turn it up and you get angels.
I understand how it may be a little intimidating for many of you with The UN... The WHO... The WEF... ZATO and The International Consortium of Satanic Bankers and Sundry... breathing down your neck with the appearance of a virtual 1984... total control of all thought... feeling... and movement... SEEMING to be the case, and glaring at you from The Event Horizon. Screw them and the jackasses they rode in on. They are a whisper in a windstorm. They are a fart in a hurricane. They are... nothing but a pack of cards. Don't worry about them. Integers and fractions of a made-up fiction are not real. God... on the other hand... IS real.
You can worry and fret. That is your option. You are free to do this. I intend to whistle past the graveyard because... I am immortal, and I KNOW THIS, and... so do you if you take the time to reason it out. Don't let appearances... divert you from the reality of this being a remarkable time... to make a quantum leap in consciousness BECAUSE... that is here too. It's not just the fear aspect that is potential in some cases and a destined actuality for some. It is also a time of great promise spiritually; The Avatar is going to make an appearance too, that's where my focus is, and...
... one last thing.
— Thrilla the Gorilla (@ThrillaRilla369) December 29, 2024
Actor Tyrese Gibson Warns Hollywood Is Overflowing With Satanic Pedophiles
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
AND... I am including Jesus Understands (again) too... because it being posted when it was might have kept many from hearing it. I have finished recording all four albums this weekend and they will all...eventually... be on my music site.
Links appear at GAB=
We've been on X for a bit now too.
(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) December 30, 2024
"The World was Created for God's Entertainment. He Is The Watcher that Exists in Every Conscious Living Thing." https://t.co/SIPawbGhDn pic.twitter.com/45eF9X8pjV
Substack is here=
When your primary objective is to get taken off the planet, it's kinda 'no worries'. So what of it all? The status quo can go to Hell, along with all their superfluous rubbish. It's nice to live a life where you can disassociate from said status quo as much as possible.
Like you say, all this crap is temporary. Why value it? Nostrils to the sky.
A new Petri Dish is up now=
"The Bigger The Limos... The Bigger The Assholes Sitting or Lying in Them, and The Same Goes for The Funerals as Well."
Mas and Mas Visible
While i have truly enjoyed your postings and learned beyond the frame of my experience from them, including words i had not been exposed to outside of your blogs, i do not know whether it is the fault of the gringo military bases educational system or the learner’s capacity of inter-gration…. as english, a spell-binding pro-noun-ciation is so contarary to a phonetic language of my ‘mother-tongue’—– WTF between ‘things’ and ”beings’ or ‘entities’….
If you find the kindness to clarify your use of these words, for me and others, i would greatly appreciate it, truly, no shit….. no prabhu kundalini perceptions, (maybe a mirror ?) in the perception….
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug
The irony of Tyrese Gibson talking about the devil when he’s is actually one of his employees, a performer. Like attracts like.
Hallo Les! Feliz Nuevo año from the Mexican Riviera. This place is a fuckin' trip and I mean in every way ;) thanks amj
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