Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"It is a Truth of Metaphysics that Whatever Flashes into Being in The Mind of God then Precipitates into Reality."

God Poet Transmitting.......

America is the cultural Mecca for mid-level Joe (and the poor and huddled masses) who is looking to move up a few notches. Places like Monaco... parts of Switzerland... Singapore and certain island nations are the place for people at the top looking to not be hassled by the lower classes, and the upwardly mobile. The Crown Colonies and Europe are the places for poor and lazy people because of the social services, and you might say that applies to The USA as well in more recent times. I am not saying Europeans are generally poor and lazy. That was not my intention. I am talking about the governments.

Now...The World is in a state of global transition. In the short term... this is good news for various demographics of various states of mind and being. In the long term... it is good news for everyone except The Predators. The Eye of The Judgment of God is slowly turning its focus on them. It may not seem this way when you consider the appearance of Israel and other locales where one group of people is committing horrendous crimes upon defenseless populations, BUT... that is all about to change.

Many of the present problems in The World are caused by The Super Rich banding together to create police states for their own protection, and who are forming laws to control the behavior of everyone but The Super Rich.

The indications are that those who were pushing The Killer Vaccines on others are going to be held to account. This includes quite a few household names AND groups of people who worked the apparatus. If you wish to know who these people are, you need only look to see what group of people owned the companies that made The Killer Vaccines.

We are about to be told that the truth about certain events, (or so we are told) like the murder of JFK, and other hotbeds of conspiracy-think being made public knowledge. One side of the argument might say that... this is only their getting ahead of The Awakening... which is already making the truth known at an ever-greater reach, and that it will allow them to control the narrative and be selective about what details are made public. The other side of the argument says that there are mysterious forces at work here and though it may look like the work of Donald Trump and Associates, they are only a portal for what has already been decided upon at... a... higher... level.

It is a truth of metaphysics that whatever flashes into being in The Mind of God is IMMEDIATELY made a reality, at that level, and then only has to precipitate through 3 following stages to become a material reality. In other words, it then becomes only a matter of time. At no point... following after... can it be stopped because The Divine is in charge of everything at all times.

There is a schedule that controls when general conditions appear and disappear. This schedule also controls the personality face-plates... through which the archetypes display themselves, and direct the power that is channeled through them... from The Throne of The Almighty... to little you and I. This happens in cycles; greater cycles and lesser cycles. In present time, we are processing through a greater cycle. It might be said that among greater cycles... this particular cycle is one of the greatest and most profound of the cycles. Donald Trump... the rest of The World Leaders... The Billionaires and other public faces are all... only incidental to this cycle.

It is not smart to attribute the source of great changes to lesser mortals. They are incidental to the changes. Technological breakthroughs are soon going to appear... are already appearing... which will change The World... seemingly overnight. Conditions that have long plagued Humanity will be done away with, AND... even though the self-styled elite are scrambling to control what is coming in order to maintain their long-standing pecking order; it's over baby. A new world is coming. That world is already here but not yet realized.

So I deal with analogy and allegory... as they relate to Trends and Patterns... for The Purpose of Demonstration; what I said about present locations of The Rich... the neither rich nor poor, and... The Poor... is only true in the most general sense and may not have been what I was actually saying, but that is because I'm not really good at it yet. I'll get better, but... you are going to have to read between the lines for now. In fact, you might always need to read between the lines around here.

The Avatar is coming and he is going to re-balance The World. That is his main contribution; setting things in order. Following that... people are rewarded or punished as a result of the setting in order. It is automatic in many ways. Certain changes do not favor people who think they are running The Place, which is why they are constantly working to inhibit such changes. It is why they restrict and pervert Creativity as it tries to express through those of us who channel creative force.

Art inspires and elevates human consciousness. When that can be circumvented and when art can be demeaned and poisoned, it has a similar effect to calcifying The Pineal Gland and explains things like Fluoride... anti-depressants... and many substances... advertised as healing... which only cause harm.

Technologies have been suppressed as well as cures for ailments... that were created by the same people... who suppressed the technologies... and the cures. This has all been done for financial gain and the general herding and routing of The Sheep they sheer and butcher... for their own profit. This is all coming to an end. The Overlords are now being destroyed by the very tech they... seemingly... took control of for personal gain. They can no longer control the information that is reaching The Public. Their catamite media is dying because its credibility has been bankrupted before The Eyes of The World.

Sometimes it can be very hard to see what is going on around you when you happen to be in the middle of it. It is made even harder when those who have sought to rule over you have done such a good job closing down The Objective Mind of the population. By putting everyone in a subjective state... through various agencies and systems of control, they have made a most obliging flock out of a larger portion of us.

That is all over now. It may be hard to see because The Universe plays chess. Most people can only see a move or two ahead. As someone who once played chess and was surprisingly good at it... due to an unorthodox approach... that pissed off people now and again, I can tell you, if you can't see ahead, it can be hard to plan your route so as to avoid the difficulties and snares that are certain to appear.

Interestingly... you can see way ahead when you are able to get control of yourself because... it is this lack of control that accounts for not being able to see ahead, and for going in the wrong direction because of this. Self-control eventually puts you in The Mind of God; that same mind that was in Christ Jesus... is now being called everything from Yowshuah to Lackadackadingbat. Names and terms have meaning in both the general and specific sense. The reason that symbols have such power is that they are representative of entire volumes of commentary, and... it does go In-and-Up from there.

Mr. Apocalypse... The Awakening... The Advent of The Avatar and The Coming Age are all profound and embodied forces that are shaping the changes we are experiencing. Some are on the downside of these and some are on the upside, and this is to be expected because... that is one of the driving intentions... of what is driving the changes... of which... the objective is to... set... The... World... in... order.

Things get out of balance because people... en masse... depart from The Way, due to the pressures of Appetite... Desire... and personal ambition. So it is that some become able to ride roughshod over the rest of us. That is coming to an end. It has all been for The Purpose of Demonstration.

What I am trying to say is that it would probably be a good idea to not overly focus on Trump or any of the other appearances in The World... which are here for a while and then they are here no longer. What is happening is much bigger than Donald Trump or Elon Musk, and also a great deal bigger than Bill Gates... George Soros and The Rothschild Vampire Clan. We are entering The Time of The Summing Up, which could also be called The Time of The Sorting Out. It is a time of realignment... wheel balancing and fluid changes; if we are talking about your vehicle being serviced, AND... in a sense... we most certainly are.

Think of coming times as learning how to Surf or... hang-glide or... sailing. The idea is not to fight the ocean and the winds... but to learn to come into accord with them. The oceans and the wind are... like so many other forces... controlled by the force of The Sun that reflects on The Moon, and in all ways... is operated according to the principles of extension and adaptation. It is better to ride and glide than to be tumbled... and pounded and crumpled. At least that is my way of going about it, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

I would like to recommend a most profound and insightful book; The Life and The Way by AK Mozumdar.

You can read a free copy online.

eBay also has cheaper copies. It might take a little adjusting to get into it, BUT... it is on the money if you consider that certain elements in the text are also priceless. It's the theory behind Christian Yoga, which was his thing.

Today's Original Song is;

Links appear at GAB=


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robert said...

Time of test

I imagine we have heard stories that make us wonder
Thoughts like:
Does God care? Is there any justice? Do we have to make it happen?

How does is the story going?

Like that father-in-law who to whom everyone gives way to, creating space between their paths and his infantile but deadly stomping
To preserve their life paths from pollution by psychopathy

This person, possessed by impervious solipsism, manipulates everyone by using threats of throwing a fit if any perception of being thwarted appears...
On a path into a deeper personal hell
Throwing out web threads tempting others to join the pity party

Behind the threats lie an oath to take as many as possible along to a destructive certainty, backed by stolen technology

Everyone who sees this creature coming pulls in their aura and steers clear, if possible
But the in-laws have come down to the habit of giving everything this loose cannon requests

Does this enabling stain their integrity?
Should they waste effort resisting and giving more energy to the explosive climax building?

Did not the Son of the One let sleeping dogs alone in their path to perdition?
Going invisible when the mob was stirred by powers that consume human emotional angst?
Losing His temper only when faced with desecration of the temple by bankers arrogance, part of the designed trigger to His sacrifice?

Do we trust in perfect weaving of destinies and karmic balance or not?

Lessons from racial experience in human dramas:
Give them enough rope...
Let the aggressor's momentum build toward inevitable collision...
When enemies of humanity are on a self-destructive path, let them pass by...

The demonstration is growing to an unmistakable climax
Human history will remember this at the DNA level
Transcenfing time, our DNA holds space for this event...

Who would consciously interfere with Divine dramatic liberty?
Would placing more bodies in front of the train wreck save anyone?

Without wishing more ill, we can only envision the cleanest execution
A seismic explosion in the shortest possible time
Holding to our calm center, remotely registering the Richter scale release

The outrage is peaking and no media cover will dissipate the righteous fury
Yet we must not be tempted to join the entrainment to extinction through antipathy
Connect to the disconnected souls heading for the event horizon
The black hole conceived in conceit is calling all crustaceans down the drain

Let the fury spend itself in a natural laxative movement
Then cease in clean, satisfied emptiness...

Anonymous said...

Stepped outside my door with the intention of spreading the love of God to everyone.
“ What’s up cowgirl..” I asked she’s normally friendly
She’s on her phone.and says ,” son of a bitch.” Oh well…guess I learned something

Hare Krishna



Anonymous said...

Good post today. You are helping to make navigating thru these turbulent times easier . Re:some of the links @ GAB. Ihave lost all taste for meat and fish and chicken. I can hardly stand the sight of it at the supermarket. I am not sure why or what it means ,if anything ,but there is something of a horror as what these living things go through for us to have food on the table. This dimension is very strange indeed

0 said...

Good post today. Made me remember the huge delta between how my life has gone as compared to how my fathers life has gone.

He relied on groups like Church and Corporations and it was people in those things that got him where he is today.

My life has been the diametric opposite to his... I've relied on No groups and no known acquaintances to get my employment and I gave up the clown religion in my 20s. Every job I got was just some random position at a company where I knew nobody.

My life had no particular plan or agenda. His life was driven by the groups he chose to associate with. I don't know that theres anything better or worse between the two, just that they seem to show different levels of trust in the All which formed everything... one needs that seeming apparent support, the other just plows ahead into whatever shows up and sorts it on the fly.

Lets hope the All comes to Check Trumps antics, course in the long run it doesn't really matter. Groups don't become enlightened, only individuals do.

Take it easy!

Duntoirab said...

Jesse, after watching a video of male chicks being dumped into a maserator I stopped using all and any animal products 8 years ago. I recall reading maybe 10 years ago that you can't experience self realisation and eat animals. At the time I thought, well, I guess I'm screwed. Yet two years on.........

0 said...

Dang, sounds like the ex-wife. :P Avoid the noid!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"People Who Have Been Riding High for a Really Long Time are about To Be Brought Low, and... I Suspect They Know This."

Anonymous said...

"Life and action, thought and intent, are sacred. And what an end lies before us! To have a consciousness of our own ideal being flashed into us from the thought of God! Surely for this may well give way all our paltry self-consciousnesses, our self-admirations and self-worships! Surely to know what he thinks about us will pale out of our souls all our thoughts about ourselves! and we may well hold them loosely now, and be ready to let them go. Towards this result St Paul had already drawn near, when he who had begun the race with a bitter cry for deliverance from the body of his death, was able to say that he judged his own self no longer." George MacDonald
Justin V

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vis! I turned this book to an audio book
The Life And the Way... it will be available to download for 7 days.

Visible said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for that!!!!! I use the audio book format a lot when I am working out or cooking. This is a big help!!!



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