(Today's post... as is usual for me... was written yesterday morning. Today is Inauguration Day. May all of our hopes and none of our fears be realized in this changing of the guard, which on the one hand guarded and protected our abusers, and... on the other hand... will be giving them the back of our hand in a collective statement of; Goodbye!!! Your ship did not sail and now... It lies sunk in the harbor because the captain was drunk and The World changed while he was sleeping it off. Good fortune to you... one and all, and may someone FINALLY do what they said they would!!!~)
God Poet Transmitting.......
Over the course of many years, millions and millions of children have disappeared. There are strong ties between these missing children and The Satanic Elite. There are only so many Satanic Elites. How could each of them be responsible for tormenting... consuming... killing (or whatever it is they are doing to them) thousands of children each, and... there's never any trace; no real whistleblowers... no empty bottles of Adrenachrome... no stacks of bodies? I can see one or two of these being possible but not all of them, and that is only a portion of the components of this logistical nightmare.
Of course... occult forces being involved... could account for the climate of ubiquitous concealment... maybe, but... it doesn't make sense that something on so large a scale can operate in plain sight. I've seen the videos of vans and buses... with men and women ferrying the children somewhere, but... how can so many people from all walks of life keep their mouths shut so comprehensively across so many borders?
Then... I remembered the aftermath of 9/11 and how... no matter what the effort expended was... the truth never came out; not at the time, anyway. I do know it is going to come out. Already, many tens of thousands know the truth; not the whole truth, but enough to be convincing, and now the slaughter of so many Palestinian children and their mothers... before the eyes of the World has set a certain fate in motion. That was the sounding bell of another epic failure to control The World... that is going to end in Shakespearean fashion; soon to come. Stay tuned.
All the big lies are about to dissolve like the mist... they have concealed themselves in... through infernal powers, now destined to recede... at the turning of the age. The Awakening cannot be stopped and as the apocalyptic reveals continue... the rising clarity of seeing... puts the numbers together in a way that the mind can understand, and then... the magic spell is broken. When The Time has come... The Time has come.
In the moment there is much to deal with and we shall see how the incoming administration deals with things like this...
There have been some theories about what may have contributed to the Los Angeles Pacific Palisades fires
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) January 17, 2025
The media goes up in a helicopter and while filming shows footage I think they may come to regret broadcasting
They say the fire didn’t get into this area but something… pic.twitter.com/bvhBSR4Q24
...which was preceded by events like this.
The Maui fires update.
— Herbthefox (@herbthefox1) January 19, 2024
Insurers still can't pay out because the US gov still won't let them onsite to confirm buildings were actually burned down. 🧐
Meanwhile banks are demanding mortgage payments from 2000+ homeowners.
Needless to say Oprah & Zuckerberg aren't among them. https://t.co/nEbDplKm6P pic.twitter.com/4TnHl6gyXj
The objective is made more and more clear... by... the... day.
Former Wall Street broker Ross Mandell says the Los Angeles Pacific Palisades fires were planned
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) January 18, 2025
“I'm gonna shock you. People from BlackRock are going door to door offering to buy homes. — This is highly organized”
“You think this happened by accident? The dams have been… pic.twitter.com/d7vsozotNX
The chemtrails have stopped here. It's over a week now and not a sign of them... not even one trail. I figured they were using up what they had left. Everywhere and in every area... EXCEPT FOR THE GENOCIDE IN THE MIDDLE EAST... the forces of darkness are backing off, and even there... a temporary peace is in place.
I expect them now to start probing for weak spots as soon as the new mindset settles in. Perhaps it will not go as it has so many times before. Maybe... indeed... The World is about to change in a very big way, AND... it could happen now. So many signs point in that direction.
There are a lot of negativity magnets out there... who believe we are all screwed. These are the people with no belief in a Divine Being, regardless of their protestations to the contrary. I have been in the darkest locations. Sometimes it looked like I was finished. There was no exit and... no hope. The odds against me were enormous, BUT... not only did I come out of my confinements and ordeals... but... for the most part, I came out unscathed and they are hardly a memory anymore. So... I know what is possible. ANYTHING is possible.
I expect setbacks to happen. I expect difficulties to appear, at least in The World. I don't really experience these anymore, for myself, but... I have no expectations that can be thwarted. There is nothing I want that I do not have, so... there are no possibilities of frustration or resentment. The World can only trouble you when you trouble The World. The World has nothing that I want. The Fears of The World cannot get to you... on The Outside... unless they have already gotten to you... on The Inside.
All that I ever wanted was to live in the atmosphere of God's Presence; write my poems and stories... sing my songs, and not be driven by hardscrabble and desperate efforts to survive. I never knew... at the time... that it was all necessary in order to write the poems... stories... and songs. Suffering is that exclusive oil that burns in the lamps of inspiration. If you are not living on the edge of extremity... you probably aren't going to be composing much that is worth reading or hearing, or you must have already done so at an earlier time.
Finally... in most cases... the torments back off, and... if all you ever wanted was that cabin in the woods... by the side of the river... with the noise of The World at a far remove, then that is what you will get. It will still be temporary in terms of location, BUT... it will not be temporary in the heart and mind. It will not matter where you go afterward. All you will ever need to do is close your eyes and you will be there again. The serenity of a soul in true content is unassailable by anything external to it. You can also share this state of mind with one and all, though most may never tumble to the source of it.
We are in a time of humanity's greatest challenge. Once again, let me tell you... there would not be so many people here if there were not a profound reason for it. All the arch-villains of the ages past... are here in different forms. Monsters from ancient and more modern times walk among us... dreaming that now... now they can crush the whole world in their hands... or carry out fiendish experiments... or make manifest whatever horrors dance in their degenerate minds. Indeed... in smaller and larger ways all of them are doing these very things... with government sanction, and the approval of large populations... that cannot think and speak at the same time. Forget about the listening part, and would that matter... anyway... when you cannot even understand what you are hearing?
The reason all those Central and South American countries (and other parts of The World) opened their prisons, and sent the inmates to the USA (like The Mariel Boatlift) is because Soros... and his hench-orcs... made arrangements with the governments. He already had Mayorkas... Blinken and Garland on board at this end. The same agenda was at work... with all those district attorneys in The Blue States... who would not charge these criminal aliens... so that they would feel they could act with impunity, AND... they did. Our own... homegrown criminals went nuts... with their new license to steal... main and kill, and then... through catch-and-release... to do it again... and again... and again.
We do not consider... also... the occult forces that are directed toward the manipulation of certain behaviors... having to do with twisting the sexual force of the youth (and every age group) in perverse ways; amplifying carnal desire, while feeding the lower and darker emotions of Greed... Lust and Anger. All of this and much more has been agitated in the human psyche.
We are on the very edge... where things can go one way or the other, AND... I suspect they will do both, and The Agents of Evil... while delighting in the collective fall of those they have driven before them... shall tumble right over that edge themselves. It is ALWAYS when the appearances of The Powers of Evil are at their greatest, and their representatives can literally smell the victory... that they find themselves trapped out in the open with nowhere to run to.
President Trump's people have evidence of plots against his life and they are the reason for going indoors at The Capital. EVERYTHING hangs in the balance. If THEY can stop The Inauguration... there are other options in play. A lot of 5-dimensional chess is going on right now, and... none of it really matters. All that matters is The Will of God... which shall be done, AND THEN SOME! How that comes about is what forever puzzles both the good and the evil among us. The outcome is never in doubt. The means and methods... are a blind... before the eyes of those with investments in The Game.
The whole of The Trial of Existence is to see what we are made of... and it is ALL defined by Intention for The Purpose of Demonstration! But... Visible! What about all the horrible things that happened and no one stopped them? What about the terrible things everywhere in The World right now? These are all dramas that were and are in play for the people with investments and debts outstanding. A lot of people did not show up for any of them. Some people were in a cabin by a stream. A lot of people weren't here at all. A lot of people were somewhere else; on Earth or... Elsewhere.
No matter where you might be... at this very minute... The Road is open before you, and The Road goes forward and back. The Road crosses other roads. Sometimes... The Road forks. Look out for the cloverleafs! (grin) But... seriously, you can go anywhere from here. Where do you want to go? Whatever the destiny of the moment may be... face it with open eyes and an open heart. God knows what is going on inside you, and his angels will guide you Up... or Down. Both groups of them are his angels!
He sets The Light AND The Darkness, and both sides work for him, His Will to be done; “It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing.”
Well... this is inauguration day. We shall see what we shall see, and...
... one last thing.
Dave Chappelle's message to Trump at the closing of his SNL opening stand-up monolog. pic.twitter.com/xiCkSnP46j
— M. Kendrick (@Kendrick_M4T4) January 19, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) January 21, 2025
It's Made From Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean https://t.co/XCS4ziM8m6 pic.twitter.com/UXOfa53MJn
Substack is here=
For the first summer in years, we've got a traditional stinking hot summer in Australia. The waters never settled proper after the floods. They are mirky, just like the conditions of the outer world. If it wasn't for your writings Les, I doubt I would have come to a place of anywhere near any peace. I have to admit that my patience wore thin a long, long time ago. God bless to you and all your readers. I prayer that we are liberated from all the shit. Rachel.
What Chappelle said about having empathy for displaced people whether from Palisades or Palestine caused my eyes to tear up. What a beautiful thing for him to say. ❤
Nostrils to the sky!
Really powerful post.
M; yup. Same thing happened to me on hearing the Chappelle video.
Very cool.
Rachel, same. I’m one of the most impatient patient peeple i know, and these essays help to settle the restlessness and the monkeys jumping around inside my barrel.
Also, the NY Post is reported that Trump did not put his hand on the bible(s) that Melania held during the oath of office ceremony. I watched most of the inauguration and saw Vance take the oath, but not Trump, and thought i missed it. Of course, they’re blaming Roberts again and making excuses like “oh Melania was late and Roberts didn’t want to wait”, “it doesn’t matter much”, quoting Matthew 5, etc.
“Trump’s Oath of Office” I’ve done a quick scan on search engines and nothing really comes up to confirm it.
I disagree that “it doesn’t matter much.” Oaths are very important and i wonder what sub symbolism is going on regarding it. Hmm.
Melania’s suit was exquisite, but what was with the hat covering half her face the whole time. Q tards should have a field day with that one.
just curious.
Thanks, Les. A fine post. Are the missing children numbers deliberately exaggerated to terrify parents and destroy childhood/family life further?
Yes, the occulting phenomenon....I was thinking out loud yesterday on the issue of why we can't seem to know/see exactly how this crap is worked upon us...is it due to a magic employed?...we can see this and this and this but there's an aspect that continues to not make sense....
9/11 opened my eyes to the reality of evil but also the reality of spiritual truth. Glad it happened soon after rather than staggering along for another decade or so and, of course, there you were with the light on to keep us newbies from getting lost in the woods again. Many thanks.
Any human looking for truth and honor from the political and ruling structure of the world will be deeply disappointed. The entire structure of society is deeply flawed without hope of correction. I trust my beloved Mother, Christ and the Divine Father. Whether salvation comes to the world it will only happen when they act. In the meantime, everything is a guessing game and the answers people will get are predetermined on the profit that will be made by the politicians who are the rulers. There is a reckoning coming but how and when I have no idea.
Hit RealRawNews this morning only to find it has been hacked and now sends you to random other sites. Cracked me up. 1 day after inauguration. I Wonder what that means for baxter.
A new Petri Dish is now up=
"I Got The Strangest Feeling God had Fallen Out of His Throne-Chair... while Watching It because It Was That Funny."
I am not saying you are wrong at all. I am not disagreeing with you at all. I just have had this question for a very long time rolling around in my head for a long time. I saw a group of missing children's posters in the Post office around 30 or so years ago. I was looking at them I had the strangest thought that some of these missing children were being transported to another world or the future of this world because nobody was able to have children there and it was dying. I have had that ponder in my mind for over 30 years.
I am not saying that all the satanic elite are doing what they are doing or not. I choose not to think about that stuff. It makes me angry to think anyone would do such a thing..
Ever since I saw the first group of missing children on a wall in a post office I have had that thought. I honestly don't know why that thought came to me. I was thinking about something entirely different. It comes up every time someone brings up the missing children.
I don't know either, Andy, and I wonder too. There's something I'm not getting and it isn't explained by all the rationales people come up with. I mentioned it because I am puzzled.
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