Friday, February 21, 2025

"Here is A Little Introspective about President Trump... Elon Musk... Ketamine and God. Yes... Especially About God."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Time for a particular strain of Truth. It is my aspiration to tell the truth, even though that is really not possible... with any degree of consistency when you use words to do it. I try to avoid certain pitfalls. I have been trying to avoid those characteristics and behavior patterns I see in others... that I don't want to see in myself, even though... I suspect... we only see in others what we conceal in ourselves. You see? It's already getting difficult.

I'd rather not talk about myself when I have the option of talking about God. I would rather have a higher ideal that is the focus of my thought and conversation, than to always be talking about a work-in-progress. I don't like to brag or exaggerate my abilities and qualifications. I don't like seeing others do it because... I can see them doing it and if I were doing it... I suspect that there are those who could see me doing it too.

I do not know what God is in essence. As close as I can come is to say God is Truth, which is the combination of Love and Wisdom, and... we are the reflections, if... we... choose... to... be. Is that difficult? It is extremely difficult in the beginning and the one quality one must possess to be successful is... consistency. Once you get past the plowing and removal of stones it becomes increasingly less arduous to work with The Earth.

Anything... if you stick with it and don't give up... will get easier for you to perform as you go, and... that is why you should love what you do because it makes it a joy to do. If you don't love what you are doing, either learn to see more deeply or find something you do love. No matter what; you have to chop wood and carry water... one way or another.

I want to talk about President Trump today, and... Elon Musk, and... since it is trending on X (or was trending on X)... Ketamine. Apparently, Elon used Ketamine for a while. So... his critics are calling him a Ketamine addict and other things that are not applicable if you actually know anything about Ketamine.

One of the things I can say about me that anyone who knows me will confirm... is that I go at things full bore and with my whole heart or I don't do it. I discovered Ketamine by... seeming... accident, BUT... there are no accidents. I did Ketamine for about 10 years, and during the last several of those years, I did it in enormous quantities. There were people around me at the time who could tell you that I took more Ketamine than anyone they had ever seen before. So... if I tell you that Ketamine is not addictive... period... I know what I am talking about.

I did not take it non-stop for 10 years. It was probably more like half the time and sometimes... after protracted bouts of engagement... I did not take it for weeks or months. I never once noticed any addictive effects. You also cannot overdose on it unless you take more than anyone is likely to even be able to take. I once read about how much you would have to take to kill yourself and though I do not remember now what the amount was, I do remember thinking; well... that cannot possibly happen. So... there's that. I do think it's possible to have a fatal outcome if you combine it with other substances. I had no reason to do so.

Ketamine is very like a psychedelic and... at least for me... it is a very internal thing. It opens up a whole world inside and it also makes it possible to talk with all kinds of people living or dead; that was the case for me. At least you get the very strong feeling that this is happening. The first time I took it, Paramhansa Yogananda showed up and sat next to me for ten minutes or more and we talked and talked... in the fashion of mind to mind. That is not a hallucination. I would know because I am viscerally adept at the realities of drug experiences pro and con. I have PHDs and citations galore on the subject; metaphorically speaking.

It was a lifelong love affair. I know when I am hallucinating or not after decades of taking just about everything at least once. I am trying not to brag and why would anyone brag about such a thing? It was something I had to go through or... so I have been told by several guides and invisible friends... who were also not hallucinations, and... who are still with me, long after this behavior came to an end. I now understand... to a degree... why I had to go through this, and... when the time came several years or more ago (probably more) when I was told to put it all aside, I did, and I have had nothing of any such comestibles since.

Before I took Ketamine, I suffered from clinical depression. That probably played a part in my other excesses. Unless you suffer from this kind of depression, you really don't know how intensely it can affect you. Ketamine completely healed me of the depression and I have never experienced it again, even though I have not taken Ketamine for years now. It's a wonder drug and it does other things too, but I am not going to talk anymore about it. It's one of those things that the Medical Nazis have suppressed the use of. Of course, I had tried antidepressants. They often make me feel suicidal and I am as far from that sort of thing as anyone can be. They are awful and no comparison to the thing that actually works.

What I am saying is that Conventional Wisdom and Experts are... generally... across the board... full of shit. I know and learn from personal experience and not from what someone else says about anything.

I try not to form opinions about other people before performing exhaustive research on them. I try to find out WHY people are the way they are. I analyze. I sort and sift. I trust, but I verify. It's my nature. Subsequently, I have found that first impressions are often wrong. I have found that I have been wrong more times than I can remember. I TRY... really hard... to correct myself when I find I have been wrong. You see... it is of supreme importance to me to measure up to My Ideal, and My Ideal is... God. I see him within and in The Sun, and I see him in other vehicles of delivery, and I aspire to a likeness. I do not expect to accomplish parity, but I believe... with deep conviction... that I will get much further along than if I had not made the effort to be like My Ideal.

I used to be so disappointed with Donald Trump at his lack of gravitas and his pompous and bombastic personality that really sets his critic's teeth on edge. I would feel like he could accomplish so much if he would work on his character defects, and... the same is true of me. So when I see something in other people that I do not like, I work to fix that characteristic in myself. Sometimes, I find that I did not even have that particular shortcoming but I work on it anyway. I am after The Stainless White Radiance behind all colors and limitations, and I WILL achieve it. I try to ALWAYS look more upon my own faults than the faults of others BECAUSE... if I stop being relentless about my own behavior, there are pitfalls designed for that very thing.

I am in awe and fear of The Purpose of Demonstration. I try to keep my head down and remind myself to be utterly humble because... by comparison with My Ideal, I'm less than shit; even though My Ideal lives in me and is burning through all of that shit as I permit him to. God will do for you what you ask him to and what you allow him to do.

I look at the fated meeting between Trump and Musk and I tell myself that God's hand is in it. I can see God's hand in it. However, I can see God's hand in practically everything these days. The more I have turned my mind away from myself and directed it to the countless mirrors I see God in, I realize that my sense of the uninformed and separated self is what has kept me from being all that I can be. No! Let me say that differently; from being all that I am.

I am apprehensive about President Trump because I KNOW THEY are out to get him. I also know that no one gets anyone unless they are permitted to... For The Purpose of Demonstration. I am also pretty confident that were anything to happen to President Trump it would turbocharge his work many... many times over. People who make martyrs out of others do not realize what power is unleashed by the act, so... no matter what happens... The World is going to change and a golden age is going to come, and we were talking about that here well before Obama came into power. It is a guaranteed condition that occurs once The Avatar has walked through The World and emblazoned His New Gospel onto the hearts of humanity.

As for Elon Musk... who is very childlike in certain ways... I've had my hesitations about him. He speaks like an atheist and transhumanism is not possible. That is a dead end to which The Tower of Babel and many other tales... that were not just tales... attest. However, we are all works-in-progress and we learn as we go... or we don't.

It is evident to me that these two men were brought together for a purpose, and... lo and behold... Trump is recently showing evidence of more and more gravitas, by... the... day. If I have a problem with anyone, I pray for them. This is not to say that my prayers are divinely efficacious, BUT... it is also not to say that they are not, AND... I am not the only one praying.

We don't really see what is going on a lot of the time unless we are looking more deeply at ourselves. We are in command (or not) of billions of living cells in our own body, just as we are one of countless cells in the body of God. Regardless... someone has to be a cell in God's Cloaca. Maybe they will work their way up, if... they... are... of... a... mind... to. You can be sure that God loves every particle of his being because THAT IS WHAT HE DOES! That is what we are supposed to do also, and if we do... then we will become more like our ideal IF... that is our ideal. It is a simple dynamic and you are either with the program or you are not.

Well, I did not get to say so many things that I wanted to say because we are at the end of our usual parameters, (past them actually) so... we will leave it for another time. Hopefully, some amount of good information was permitted to get through, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Original Song is;

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Anonymous said...

greeeeeeeetings viz !!!!!!!

thanks for ALL THE POSTS.

best part of the day & oh boy the GAB page !

thanks you

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Hmmmmmm. And here I am tryin' to graduate to Arsehole to the 34th Degree, considerin' I hate this place, and am philosophically opposed to it. How else is a Nose supposed to protest? (Member of Holey Order of the Septum.)

However, this post does deserve a Nostrils To The Sky vote.

0 said...

I guess its just Ketamine and Hot Tubs that don't mix eh? Thinking about Matthew Perrys end.

I've never tried Ketamine, tho now I'd like to. I feel similarly about the use of anti-depressants... which when used inconsistently self evidently produce the suicidal tendencies they're supposed to prevent.

Most comestables as you call them only have an effect on me once. The next time I try the same, theres little to no effect. Which makes me think that, at least the initial time taking such, the changes get made to the iteration of form that stick, regardless how many additional times one indulges.

I'm with you on the firsthand experience being required to form an opinion, rather than forming an opinion of someone elses opinion of whatever thing. I am enough different from most that it makes no sense to take others words unless the objective understanding of the results makes there be no need to take anyones word about it.

Woulda liked to be a bug on the branch while you and paramahansa were chatting it up. :)

Its a curious thing looking in a mirror to see ones own face but experience the all talking out of it as if to self. A lifetime might be needed to experience a few such moments if ones walking up the mountain on some uncut path.

Take it easy!

Visible said...

Nobody; The Divine told me to let it all go and he would replace every experience with the real experience that the drugs were simulating. Since that time he has proven true to his word. It just takes a lot longer to get going, but it lasts longer than it ever did with the chemicals. I am coming to learn that every extrasensory experience I ever had can be duplicated and surpassed by The Mind. I wish I had known all along but I was told I did not have the option to do other than I did. For some reason... apparently... I had to be the mind explorer in the haunted kingdom of altered consciousness until the real authority showed up. The Mind itself is only a step on the way as I am discovering now.

Visible said...

Oh yeah... those hot tub details are bullshit. He was gotten out of the way.

oldmaninthedesert said...

I love your use of the word Ideal with regard to God, and the manner you use it separates the possibility of it being an idea about God. Very interesting stuff here with the Heart.....

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Ketamin. Had to take cat to the vet due to a urinary blockage, and when he got home he almost knocked my on my arse when he pulled on the leash when he was on it. He was a thirteen pounder. I can't wait to see him again. Sable was way more than a cat. His intelligence level was off the charts.

No longer a Trump supporter said...

I said some things about you here and on my Blog that I regret. I know you are on the side of truth and justice. I apologize for what I said and I hope you will forgive me. I spoke in anger because of my frustration. Again I apologize and ask you to forgive me for my error.

Visible said...

I have no idea what you are talking about or who you are, but you need not worry about hard feelings on my part. I don't permit anything like that in my head or heart. I never saw what you said, so... heh heh... heh heh... well; not a problem. You know we all live in a world of projection and make assumptions about others based on our own mindset, so... for my part, I keep an open and empty mind and allow my heart no feelings other than love, mercy, forgiveness, you know? The Usual. (grin)

There is no future in bad feelings and I do try to practice what I preach. I was not so consistent at other times in the past, however... I NEVER stop constantly employing rigorous self-scrutiny, but... only on myself. I am not the judge of anyone else and that is a truthul statement on part. I find resentment and all similar low emotions to be not only useless, but also harmful. They are not allowed to live in me. I wouldn't do that to myself.

So... not to worry and may God bless you at all times.

The Coming Avatar said...

Heaven Scent,

God values you by His Measure of Love. God has made you unfathomably Rich and your Wealth is not Hidden.



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