God Poet Transmitting.......
Something is very wrong. Why would Patel have to say something like this? It reminds me of someone being held hostage and they start blinking in Morse code to tell you something is wrong; . . . _ _ _ . . . What did he see when he got to work? Who spoke to him? Who threatened him? Well, we know who threatened him. Where are The Epstein files and all the other stuff? I close my eyes and I keep seeing the face of someone who stepped into deep shit... and they are sinking. They continue to sink... and then you see it suddenly dawn in their eyes that they are not going to touch bottom any time soon. Also, what does Patel have to do with Iran? Isn't The FBI for domestic concerns?
So... this is all connected to Israel's supreme self-interest and gratuitous use of all of its allies. We are less than animals to them and deserve only to be exploited. Their Unholy scripture says so, and they are not shy of publicly saying so. This is all long past the need for debate.
Many will not speak out about this because of the threat it presents to their livelihood... their families... their reputation. I made arrangements decades ago to have no hostages to fortune in that respect. There is no one and nothing that can be taken away from me, AND... what could be taken away from me that is of value to me cannot be taken away from me because... it is invested in me by a power they cannot counteract, and which... IF and WHEN its gaze is turned upon them will neutralize them... utterly.
There is a kind of possession that takes place in the minds of those where self-interest is the prevailing motivation. They come to believe that there is nothing in Heaven or Earth that can oppose them. They begin to live in a bubble and a certain madness takes hold of them and... step by step... inch by inch... they are reduced to a gibbering lunacy. Finally, The World goes sideways on them and their own world turns upside down and the next thing they know, they are one of Kafka's cockroaches. This literally takes place. It might not be a cockroach. They could become swine or one of the shit-flies from Meet The Feebles.
The breaking of any of the invisible laws of The Cosmos has consequences. Sometimes they affect your physical well-being. Sometimes they affect your material assets. The enforcement of the laws usually leads to specific reactions within a narrow field of possibilities... usually... the punishment fits the crime. In certain cases... when egregious offenses are committed... it affects your place in the evolutionary process. It is a known punishment for black magicians to be turned into a rock. I am not speculating when I talk about actions and conditions that are generated or caused by certain behaviors.
In these times of Advanced Material Darkness... large portions of The Hive Mind reside in perspectives and mindsets that do not allow for the presence or possibility of an overarching invisible influence. If they can't see or touch it, it doesn't exist. Even basic physics puts the lie to this. Even more so does metaphysics. It's good to remember... at this juncture... which could be any juncture... anywhere... at any time... that metaphysics is still physics, and that The Invisible Planes are every bit as real as The Visible Plane. In fact... The Visible Plane would not even exist were it not for The Invisible Planes.
You are perfectly welcome to be a bozo. However... you will get what is put aside for bozos in every case. You get the results and conditions that exist and occur on your plane of operations, according to your intentions and your behavior. This doesn't change, no... matter... where... you... are; As Above... So Below. That is hard and fast and fixed. There are NO workarounds that can evade the supremacy of As Above... So Below. Many... heh heh... every day, and... since and before they were using flint to start fires... have been looking to evade the conditions and consequences of immutable law. It doesn't happen.
Just because it looks like certain people are getting away with shit, and doing it for what appears to be their entire lifetime... they aren't getting away with anything. Most pending judgments often do... eventually... get resolved down here, BUT... sometimes conditions have to be arranged further on for the specific resolution to be comprehensively resolved.
It so happens that we are in a period where wholesale resolutions are being carried out or... soon to be carried out. This is why the behavior of major offenders has become so very horrific. The Purpose of Demonstration exists for the profit and education of observers. Life lessons occur so that... hopefully... people will learn from what they see and hear about.
I do not know how to put the reality of how things work into words, and... very... very few of us have ever been capable of doing so. Even the great masters were compelled to resort to parables, analogies, and metaphors, BUT... this I can say; Existence is a jewel with precise facets that reflect light into specific conditions so that everyone learns the same lessons in one way or another. It is ALWAYS best to come to terms with Existence and... to ADAPT to Existence BEFORE Existence comes hard upside your head, which... it most certainly will do... if you are determined to fuck around and find out.
Obviously... the reason that The Epstein Files and all those other files have not been released is because they implicate Israel. The verity of this is indisputable. Now... I know that there are many people out there who know about this and despair of any positive outcome in the matter because of the level of control that their agents exercise over the government of The United States and most Western powers. Fear of retribution... loss of life and all fortunes... something bad in some shape or form... terrifies most people in a position to know and they choose to go along to get along.
The hideous nature of what has taken place in GAZA, and is presently taking place in The West Bank and in surrounding nations... is inexplicable. How could these things be happening? How can monsters in human form, casually use children for target practice, and then laugh about it in front of the eyes of The World? How is this possible? Is it the Samson Option? Is it the near absolute control over The World's money? Is it all the blackmail currency they have garnered from their honey-pot operations... among the rich and powerful in high office? Is it a combination of all of them?
I do not personally care what the levers are that these fiends are using against humanity. That is not my concern. The firm I work for; my daddy can beat up their daddy with both hands tied behind his back and his eyes closed. My daddy can destroy all the armies of The World amassed together with... a movement of his little finger. I know this is all going on to see who is and is not a coward. It is to see who is and is not sold out. It is all a matter of The Purpose of Demonstration and demonstration you will see.
All of the information that has been coming to our attention is not by accident, and... I might add... AI is going to prove to be the worst thing that ever happened to them, rather than the... other... way... around... as they imagine is the case. Digital currencies... Globalism... One World Government... The WEF and the assorted Whitman's Sampler of degenerate motherfuckers... such as they are... are of less power and importance than a fart in a cyclone, AS... WE... SHALL... SEE!
All of this... all of the stages of culture and technology from this phase to the next phase are only about you getting your eyes opened to what is... and is not... important. This is an apocalypse after all. Certain things happen in apocalypses and I am not talking about any of the mini-apocalypses in this segment of recorded history. I am talking about one of the larger apocalypses... this apocalypse that we are in, and... which is about to get very interesting.
No matter what pressure there may be to conceal the truth in those files. No matter what kind of efforts are made to shut down the possibility of these files reaching a wider public, all of this is like some clumsy drunk in a big city... trying to make it back to his hotel room, and... he can't remember which hotel it is, and he must have left his hotel key and wallet on the bar because he can't find them either. This is how prepared these Satanic yahoos are for what is coming BECAUSE... what is coming is coming INSIDE of them; is already inside of them. Indeed; those whom God would destroy... he first drives mad. Madness usually implies a loss of faculties... an inability to reason things out... a state of persistent disorientation... and the like.
When you can't find your ass with both hands and... you REALLY... REALLY need to be able to find your ass because; imagine what could happen to your ass if you are not in possession of it? Yeah... certain things are deteriorating at a rapid clip. Certain other things are getting stronger and more present all the time. You would know this if you were more aware of THE FACT that Heaven is in control of all things on Earth, at... all... times. This is a movie of sorts and the outcome was decided long ago. Let's take a good look around, and...
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
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So, basically the ones who should be Checking their Light Source are trying to sexually dominate it. If the shoe fits! Lol. Definitely popcorn time!
There are some very clever bacterial and fungal infections that, when they enter our bodies, often mimic healthy cells in order to be around long enough to take us down.
So they say..
Be well my friend!
Social media and other fora are spheres of influence or planes of consciousness. be it X, Facebook, GLP, Redit, 4 chan et al, Some of the Very Hot words that are rapidly becoming increasingly frequent in occurrence are "Fight and Kill". These are Hot Terms. It has been my experience that when we see common terms increase in rapid occurrence across all these platforms. or planes, spheres without the influence of suggestion (suggestion is a subtle command) especially in places where people with a greater degree of ESP ability tend to gather in groups ----> event of Great Magnitude is sure to follow unless an alternative release is provided.
The rapid acceleration of the frequency of occurrence of these terms, indicates Impact of such event impact is imminent
we who are in the know: observe, not absorb the information provided.
have wonderful week.
Ayuh, when you try to live by I DON'T ADJUST TO REALITY, I MAKE REALITY ADJUST TO ME, it doesn't always work. And when it doesn't, you get whacked. Personal experience. Egos can be your worst enemy. I swear, if something on the Otherside didn't have a vested interest in my being here to finish the job I signed up for (Damn bastich! Thank you, anyway!), I wouldn't be here now. I have had some pretty close calls.
Nostrils to de sky!
Ah! A chance to try to get promoted to Arsehole to the 34th Degree.
Technically, the jar still ain't full (One last thang), even if ya do add water. Atoms are mostly space.
And MY golf balls are OMNISCIENCE, which I can't even have as long as I'm here. I heard my head would explode if I got what I wanted, but I don't think that's a bad concept. At least I wouldn't have to go to work tomorrow, if. . .
Hi Les,
another brilliant, thought-provoking post. I'm sooooo ready for the show!!!
Thank you for all you do, some of us need a daily dose of Les to get through this mess.
It affects us only to the degree of our attachment, which includes aversion as well as attraction. I've been dealing with it my whole life. It's finally starting to leave me alone. Imagine that!
Yes, thanks for your posts, it helps in keeping perspective. Being a product of the overarching programming, I have struggled with faith after being taught it was just a slick marketing scam. Funny how what you are taught is a complete inversion. I’m progressing in growing my faith, but still tend to wake up in the middle of the night frightened and angry by the crazy evil goings on in this world. I thank God for His love, strength and protection in my life. I know I need to concentrate on removing any obstacles to communion with God. Fear and anger are obstacles. I’m realizing it takes a lot of feeding your soul to counterbalance the deluge of crazy that keeps permeating through the world. Thanks for sharing the readings you have. Any thoughts on accelerating stepping out of the fear/control grid by using the faith muscle?
"I know this is all going on to see who is and is not a coward. It is to see who is and is not sold out. It is all a matter of The Purpose of Demonstration and demonstration you will see."
B-E-A-utiful! On with the Show!
That one last thing was a nice display. It must be how the All integrates in ones iteration of Form as well.. by degree. :)
Anonymous; On reading your comment I was struck with the need to turn you on to a book and to a specific translation of a book; The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran. You can get a free download online of a PDF through any search engine and it's available on eBay too for not much. This is a simple and profound reminder of the basics one needs to keep in mind. I have read it every morning now for at least 5 years.
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