Wednesday, February 5, 2025

"You Get your God... According to The Way You See and Live Your Life... on The Plane Where Your Appetites Are Exercised."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well!!! Ah... Well... well... Ah... heh heh... what can I say? So... we will present two situations for your consideration. Satanyahu came to Israel's Piggy Bank (America)... as The Big Piggy Banker... to look over his holdings... fairly stolen in the night, and... over the long term... through usurious testicle-tightening devices... applied to various locations on the dreaming body... of the sleeping masses of the well-fed and (mostly) materially satisfied great unwashed, AND... El Trumpster Donaldo of the gold-plated hotel fantasy franchise decided to go him one better.

He wants to clear out The Palestinians, now that Israel has Dresdenized Gaza, and send them to more comfortable gigs... somewhere... to 1... or 4... or 8... or even 12 different locations... all 2 million of them BECAUSE... they can't stay there; can they? Trump says, well, they were just unlucky. The hubris of this guy is something else. You really have to hear the speech. I can't do it any justice. You have to hear him tell it.

I don't know, do I? Maybe he is playing some deeper game that leaves Israel with its pants down in front of The World in a way it can't recover from. Maybe. However... isn't he living in a dream world?

Next, he says... apropos of nothing I could locate... that if Iran tries to assassinate him, then they should be obliterated... blasted to smithereens, and then he levied heavy sanctions on them because; well it's the same line of bullshit as every other time. It's because Iran is building a nuclear device. I don't know what to think. He is swaggering around like some Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade float... full of the helium of bombast and self-importance, and he is going to remake The World in his image whether anyone likes it or not.

Look! Bottom line. The only nation that assassinates American presidents is Israel, so this looks like they are going to put a hit on him and blame it on Iran. That is what it looks like, once you realize that only Israel kills American presidents or bombs American citizens, AND NOW!!! Now we come to Number 2 in our lineup of things for your consideration.

You have to watch this video.

It's eight minutes or so long, but it explains the whole deal with USAID... what it's been used for, and who is involved. In this case, President Trump is messing with The Black Money Bag that is used by The CIA and all the corrupt politicians... who are bought off with taxpayer funds that are laundered through USAID.

There seem to be two groups of The Usual Suspects. They are The Communists and The Neo-cons... who represent the opposite controlling factions... in the controlled opposition game... that is used to hoodwink the suckers at the Las Vegas Carnival of The Carnal Mind, where they wave carrots... sculpted to look like hot chicks and stacks of banknotes, and there's a guy with a whip in the back, but you never see him. You only feel him.

These two groups... appear to have... The World in a headlock, and I start thinking; well, not me... The Separated Mind starts thinking, Oh! What's going to happen? What's going to happen!? Then... inside my head... this partition slides open. You know? Like the partition in a confessional and the priest is on the other side of it? Only... it's not a priest. It's the angel of God and he says, “Tisk... tisk... Visible. How is it that you keep forgetting?” Then it dawns on me that no one is... ever... in control of The World or anything else except Almighty God; for about the 543 thousandth time. As Hermes says... in The Emerald Tablet; it overcomes every subtle and penetrates every solid thing.

One needs to understand certain technical details about creation and then it all comes into focus. The Two Faces of God that shine with their own curious and unique light upon The Supernal and Infernal kingdoms IS... IS!!! The Ruler of those kingdoms. You get your God according to the way you see and live your life... according to the plane upon which your appetites are exercised, and according to the manner in which they are exercised.

The Usual Suspects are the agents of The Prince of Darkness, AND... during Times of Material Darkness, They and He SEEM TO exercise great sway over The Appearances which dance in front of the light they conceal. Now... just as The Jesuits are The Demonic Agency of The Catholic Church (and they have their own Pope in situ), The Usual Suspects are The Demonic Agency that is representative of a certain genetic demographic, BUT... BUT... not everyone from that demographic is a member of The Usual Suspects. Boy! They cause a lot of mischief; don't they? Don't they!?!

it's a sticky wicket... trying to separate The Good Guys from The Bad Guys, especially since most of the rest of a cast of billions are... The Mediocre Guys. Perhaps mediocre is not the right word. (grin) Let's just say that everyone is on some step or landing of an endless staircase, and (as I try to remind myself- also endlessly) it's not a good idea to piss over the railing.

God in essence is a unified field of being; a singularity... a unique wholeness that is greater than the sum of its parts. HOWEVER... on the manifest end, you get a dual-purpose deity that handles every area of enterprise. If you are among The Wicked... you see God as The Devil... if you see him at all... because he is a master of disguises. On the other hand... if you are not among The Wicked but among The Aware... you see yourself... because you are looking in the mirror. Well... in both cases then... right? Except that in one of them, the image is distorted.

So; to the really important point here and... which we were about to get into when the angel drew the partition aside; NO... MATTER... WHAT appearances may indicate to you, depending on how your imagination is handling the matter, and depending on what you are chasing after... because that determines what aspect of The Divine you are dealing with; God is in charge of everything, AND that... THAT... is the one thing you most need to get your mind centered on.

After that, you are home free and none of the negative aspects of life can touch you because... you are in a state of unity. Balance has been reestablished and there is no evil; there is no division... there is no stress... there is no tearing... there are no dueling opposites, and I cannot explain the reality of this... through a medium... that is designed only to work in an atmosphere of dual interactions. The understanding of it is beyond words, and so long as words are in play it can only be partially understood because it is not being experienced.

Remember the difference between jnana and vijana? “Vijnana means knowledge with a greater fullness. Some have heard of milk, some have seen milk, some have drunk milk. He who has only heard of it – is ignorant; he who has seen it – is a Jnani; but he who has drunk it – has Vijnana, that is to say, he has fuller knowledge of it.” So... words are useful up to a point. After that, they are no longer useful and can even be a hindrance.

So... I do not know what game President Trump is playing. I also do not know if he knows what game he is playing. I do not know if... in fact... he is the one being played OR... if he is playing... as one being played... in order to play the player. Satanyahu is a mad dog and cannot be handled like a regular dog.

None of this is the important factor. It all comes back to the partition being slid aside and The Voice hailing and reminding me of what is and is not real. ONLY God is real. Everything else is a movie playing on a screen. When the movie ends... the glistening white screen remains. God is the screen... devoid of all distinguishing colorations, and... only light is there. However... in the manifest... where you and I are engaging right now... there are colors and sounds and all the varieties of existence that we identify as The World and as ourselves, BUT... it is all ephemeral. It is the substance of a dream. Hard... it may be... to grasp this, but it is so.

So... once again... I am going to suspend my judgment on the matter. There is so much swirling around at the moment... so much dust has been kicked up... that it is hard to see any distance at all, and we are dealing with both time... and space. (grin)

I hope it turns out like the cows; leave them alone and they'll come home, wagging their tails behind them. We'll see, eh? Those of us that are still around, and... those who are not... for the most part... will be on their way back in. I think this is some kind of evidence that what goes around does indeed come around, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Original Song is;

(I think we really hit on the spirit of the thing in this song and I hope you will listen to it.)

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robert said...

Trailing The Future Behind Him

Very moving! an anthem with some powerful hooks to our heart
The drama like Johnny Appleseed; the singer/protagonist dropping
an attitude behind them as they move out of sight

The productivity of your song production is amazing!
Your producer hat, your songwriting hat, your musical director hat, so many hats!
Bravo and gracias!

M - said...

I think our current POTUS will change things that will make some Americans feel more comfortable in their lives - whatever that might mean. Because, let's face it, there's plenty more $$$ to be made off wars (and such) and the American people as a whole really could give two shites about other countries and the people that live there.

On the bright side, if all the Palestinians who are still alive are relocated that will keep them safe when we wipe our 51st State off the face of the earth. "We" being us little people who are ♫♪ wishing and hoping and thinking and praying ♫♪ every single day of our lives. At least, that's what I do. Every. Single. Day. Sometimes more than once.

BTW, I loved the "one last thing" link.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky, and that song is definitely worth listening to.

0 said...

Did you see that nitwityahoo gave trump a gold plated pager and a normal pager... you think trump put those in explosion containing boxes or wears them like a good obedient boy? :P

Cracked me up. Its getting ridiculous!


AL said...

At the end of the day, is there an end of the day, I dunno but at that point everyone everywhere is getting their due and I never know what that due was until it's been and then I look and say; Oh they must have been due for that, didn't see that coming but due will be paid and when it's paid I know it wasn't a mistake because it was obviously due. Worry not, everyone's due for something and due will be paid in full because the "Due committee" doesn't make mistakes. BTW the due committee knows what's happening 577 thousand years from now and we cannot even be sure of a bowel movement Today.

Hoping everyone's due some love and light Brutha!

Andy said...

Les, per the one last thing, a while back I received rather large book. Well over 3000 pages. It was printed in the Vatican. One of only 73 ever printed. Let's just say I find things and things come to me. The book was hand signed by Pope Leo XIII on April 4th, 1879. The book is filled with Vatican Secrets. Even letters between Napolean and the Vatican. In the entire book it never mentions the word "Soul" it refers to and implies "the soul" as The Vocation. Interesting term Vocation when referring to ones Soul.

When one is climbing a mountain, one reaches the peak last. Be that a physical mountain, a mountain of faith or a mountain of corruption.
As in video games and The Book of Revelations, the Battle with the Big Bad Boss is at the end of the game.

If at some point you are going to go to war with Israel? What better way than taking over the land right next door to them? Sure, we will take over and rebuild the place out of the goodness of our hearts. We will make sure you are safe. Put your hand in my pocket while we walk around the prison yard so everyone knows you are with me and wont mess with you. (Grin)

"To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
Sun Tzu.

Visible said...

I am holding out for that. I think it runs even deeper, though I am not sure what the components are. Did you see what latrine scum Polard said about it?

0 said...

Oopsie huh.


Visible said...

Well, Nobody... there are no accidents. I don't see smooth sailing here, BUT... anything is possible in these times.

BeeGee said...

Astounding statement by DT but there is reason.. !!!!! You do realize that Trump just exposed Netanyahu as a vulture, ?
Everybody saw Netanyahu's reaction, the entire world.
God is control ALWAYS : )

Anonymous said...

'God in essence is a unified field of being; a singularity... a unique wholeness that is greater than the sum of its parts. HOWEVER... on the manifest end, you get a dual-purpose deity that handles every area of enterprise. If you are among The Wicked... you see God as The Devil... if you see him at all... because he is a master of disguises.'

I like the metaphysical interpretation of 'the devil'. 'The "devil" is a state of consciousness adverse to the divine good.... There is no personal devil. God is the one omnipresent Principle of the universe, and there is no room for any principle of evil, personified otherwise...The Devil is overcome by denying his existence and affirming universal Christ love for God and all men. The devils that we encounter are fear, anger, jealousy, and other similar negative traits, and they are in ourselves. Christ gives us the power to cast out these devils, thereby cleansing our consciousness.'

The Christ being the Indwelling Living Christ.

I seek clarification, which might put the matter to rest, in respect to who the wicked are who see God as the Devil, if you have the patience to bear with me.

Are you saying that the 'Communists and Neo-cons... who represent the opposite controlling factions' are 'the wicked' who see God as the Devil?

Or, are you saying the people who see the Communists and Neo-cons as evil and a part of Satan's worldly kingdom are the wicked?

Thanks Kazz

Anonymous said...

El Trumpo is a Narcissist with grandeur and lack of real empathy. The satanist in the East is a psycyhopath without considerations for the consequences of his own acts. Trump has Impaired Reality Check and lives in a Shared Fantasy world. His friend in the East knows exactly what he wants and has no empathy at all. Why don't the muslim brothers defend their brothers in Gaza? Is it because the Judeans are the real Semites and the rest is not? God is fond of drama.

Visible said...

I saw that BeeGee, and there are various reasons why I am taking the wait and see position. There is definitely more going on than meets the eye, and I can't believe that President Trump is unaware of the evils perpetrated by Satanyahu and his pack derranged cannibals.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now=

"It Can Lift You into an Extended Glide... of a Spiraling Nature... or It Can Rough-and-Tumble You on The Rocks of Tumult."



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