Wednesday, March 12, 2025

"I Am on The Wait-and-See Train to Uncovering Junction; no Reason to Flap Around Being Upset about This and That."

God Poet Transmitting.......

First off, my apologies for the 4 or 5 links in the first half of this post. They are critical to the contents and the context. As you know, I try to put the links at GAB each day instead... so that The Reader has an uninterrupted experience, BUT... not everyone goes to the links, and... by the time they do... the references might be lost. Ah well... bear with me on the occasions when this happens because there isn’t anything you can do about it anyway except walk off in a huff. (grin) No... there are other options... heh heh. Hopefully, they will occur to you.

Let us begin with a question since it does connect with other curiosities that I will directly mention... immediately following my question; what happened to that Fort Knox visit that was in the news all day... every day... for several days, and then dropped from view like it had never been there in the first place?

Now... as for the immediately following... people seem incensed about all the files that were supposed to be released and did not get released, without realizing that their being withheld has almost as much impact as there would have been on their immediate release. In any case... you must admit that all kinds of strange behavior seem to be going on right out of our sight-line; then we hear that the unreleased files are being studied and verified because there are going to be criminal prosecutions and the chain of evidence needs to be secure. Well... at least it is some kind of an explanation.

I am on The Wait-and-See Train to Uncovering Junction. I see no reason to flap around being upset about This and impatient about That. In recent days I have been getting a steadily growing sense of EVERYTHING working out better than expected... unless you are with those people doing things you shouldn’t be doing. I get the distinct impression that something wild and beautiful is coming down The Pike, and even though I have been talking about it for years, it seems like I never was really completely on board like I am right now.

I always had the sense that The Right Thing could be derailed up the line BECAUSE that is how it has sorted out so often before, BUT... maybe... just maybe... not this time.

Yesterday, I mentioned the curious juxtaposition of three separate events... following one after the other, by the day. It occurred to me afterward that this may not evolve into negative outcome, BUT... might actually result in positive outcome. More and more I am getting the sense of an unstoppable force gaining speed, and it not mattering what day of the week it is... what time of the day it is... or where you are when it goes right on past you, AND... it is also the case that negative events... can wind up having a positive outcome... simply by being revealed to the public eye; case in point=

= The Maui police chief... who had previously been associated with The Las Vegas False Flag Shooting, has been linked with The Diddler. Apparently, he did a very baaaaaaaaaad thing.

What if all this energy coming upon us this weekend and beyond is about a deeper and wider reveal of the darker things that have long... been... concealed?

It seems like every day now, I see a dozen or more wackadoddles more wacked-out than the ones I saw the day before. On several occasions, I have brought up The Rim and The Spindle, which are archetypes of a sort, and are... initially... vibrating below the sight-line of The Hive Mind, BUT... the results begin surfacing once the lunacy has taken firm hold... in Wack-a-Mole fashion.

When you go to The Rim you get crazy AND Stupid. The further out toward The Rim you are, the crazier and stupider you are. The closer you get to The Spindle, the saner... the smarter, and the more restrained you get. Here is a classic example of French-Fried Brain Syndrome impacting people who were once... possibly... normal.

I see this going on all day long now. They are even lip-sync... rap dancing... in the halls of Congress. They are really losing their shit. It was one thing when it was mostly street-side, BUT now... it is at much higher elevations.

There were times in my life when I was full-on wackadoodle... due to a momentary possession by arcane comestibles, AND... sometimes not so momentary. It was then that I moved freely through The Wackadoodle Community as one of their own. I even lived in locations where wackadoodle was freely practiced and even celebrated. Now... I admit... I might have been a tad more wackadoodle than the average wack-job, BUT then... I am not average about much of anything. I am usually submerged to a greater depth or up in the skies doing an Icarus impersonation. Fortunately... for me... my own personal Daedalus happens to be everywhere at all times and was able to easily catch me; just one of the perks.

However... when I ceased to be wackadoodle... which happened quite a few times before I was able to make it consistent... I was transported from The Wackadoodle Community and deposited right smack in with The Spindle Sitters. Occasionally, I will check in with the wackadoddles I once interacted with, AND... they are even more wack than when I was among them.

If you don’t grow... you die. This should be a bumper sticker. In some cases it should be tattooed backwards on some people’s foreheads... so they can see it when they look in the mirror. You could call it, words to live by (he said in jest). It is a fact... that in a world of constant and NEVER-ENDING change... where change is the cornerstone of existence on the plane so referenced... if you do not change... you die. This is one of the keys to physical immortality, BUT... it is not based on anything physical; more on this sort of thing later when The Spirit calls for it.

Most people live in a state of disconnect from the principles of enduring reality. This is an observable fact... even though sometimes that fact is not entirely observable. People... for whatever their reasons are... consider The Divine as being something separate and apart from them, when nothing could be more off base than that. The Divine is an intimate and abiding part of every moment of your life; whether you live in the moment or your sense of Time is divided into three states which only exist in your mind. There is no escaping The Presence of God, REGARDLESS of your perspective on the matter.

God exists as the fundamental basis of existence... whether you exist or not, and you only exist... in any case... because The Divine has made it possible. This is a Cosmic Truth and even pedestrian Physics has proven this to be the case. The argument continues as to WHAT God is, but there can be no rational argument as to whether God is or not. Not being in resonance with The Divine causes you to inexorably gravitate toward The Rim. Being resonant maintains you at The Spindle.

It is a known and observable truth that having the wrong idea about what God is and what God wants can lead to serious mental disorders. We see it being demonstrated in Syria at the moment, and it is present... as a disorder... wherever Fundamentalism is present... regardless of the religion it manifests in. These are the people who believe that God is a boring... violent and dysfunctional cretin like they are... because they created this deity from within the fugue state of an anthropomorphic fantasy. That God does not exist except in the same fashion as that entity... euphemistically called... The Devil.

The Devil is the way wack-jobs see God. God is still there, but he/she/it is distorted through a lens that is lacking in transparency. When you can’t see something as it is, there is... in this case... the likelihood that you can’t see it at all. So... religion... over the course of time... has gotten seriously fucked up. All of them have. This happens when there has been no recent infusion of Love or Wisdom into the religious matrix. Love and Wisdom... when conjugal... result in Truth. So it is that The Divine has to come down here and appear in person to sort it all out because... otherwise... prospects are grim.

Fortunately... God is due to arrive shortly, but no one has the actual date because he is said to come as a thief in the night, and it is said that no man knows the hour of his coming. Given that The Divine has a different time sense than we do... because he is resident outside of the constrictions of Time... there is likely to be some variance between reality and expectations. Still; objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. The proper response to that is, I think; no shit Sherlock.

Yeah... these are very confusing times and people at every level of the social... political... financial and religious strata are feeling the confusion and acting accordingly. Ergo... if you are self-serving.... Grasping and tightfisted... sexually deluded... megalomanic... narcissistic, or otherwise bent out of shape, you WILL be demonstrating the truth of this due to being that much closer to The Rim, and...

... one last thing.

(God will do amazing things through us
if we will only get out of the way.)

End Transmission.......

Today's Original Song is;

A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

You gotta be a masochistic nutter to want physical immortality. Might as well as to be put into Rikers for all eternity. Gods, it you like limitations, illusions, pointless obligations, discomfort, and being a slave amongst other thangs, dis is de place fer you.

Today's 'One Last Thing' was quite a show, assuming it was all real.

I'm also rather optimistic. . .that the sojourn here will be quite a bit more convenient after the slum clearance, but I still don't wanna be here. I mean, why settle for Oreos when you can have mango mousse with whipped cream? (I NEVER liked Oreos even when I was a wee twat snot.)



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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