God Poet Transmitting.......
It is our sense of time that imprisons us as much as anything that might represent constriction... like a wall... a border... a body... or a point of view... Many forms, both visible and invisible qualify for being a limitation... a constriction... a restriction. However... time is the most amorphous confinement and it starts in The Mind.
A liberated soul only exists in The Present. The disparities between us are best exemplified in the status of Master and disciple. One is confined and one is not. I’m not going to get into greater detail here. That belongs more in Origami and I’m also not in the mood.
I want to talk about how time features in the changes we are experiencing in The World since Trump became president for the second time. In The World... there is always a social dynamic in place. A dynamic of dueling opposites, whether it be cops and robbers... cowboys and Indians, or the pulsing confusion that exists between the sexes, which is especially confusing when The Lord of Diversity and Division... the one who sows discord... starts creating culture on a spectrum of whatever you feel like being today.
Give it time.
Diversity is a primary characteristic of Materialism. You could say it is the first principle of Materialism. That falls directly into the bailiwick of The Prince of Darkness who most completely comes into his own in Times of Material Darkness. What The Devil is... is The Mind when it is focused on externals and the satisfaction of appetites... to the exclusion of all other points of interest.
I have said that The Devil is God as he appears to The Wicked. Perhaps ‘the wayward’ is a better term, which means when one goes wide of the way. It is the same thing as Sin meaning; to miss the mark. It’s all about having bad aim or the wrong aim. There are so many ways to describe the same thing and... the truth of it is a matter of greater precision. To truly see it you must become it. It’s like walking a mile in somebody’s shoes.
You might be wondering... about now... what any of this has to do with Time. Perhaps, I am wasting your time, BUT... you would have to think of yourself as an equal party in that. As is always the case here, I’ll get to it when I get to it. Give it time.
I hope you realize that I could be talking about a lot of other things besides Time (which I will probably do anyway) and still come to my point while making... whatever it is... all about God because... that is what I do. There is God and there is everything else. If your focus is on God then your aim is true. If your focus is on everything else then you are seeing The Devil in the mirror. He’s leading you on a not-so-merry chase after nothing at all because only God is real and everything else is a temporary manifestation in Time and Space.
Let’s return to the dueling opposites that are always interactive in material culture in The Theater of Time. Let’s make our present opposites; The Deep State, which represents entrenched interests, and The Force of Change, presently represented by President Trump and the wave he is riding, and... which has a number of other politicians and name players riding alongside him or in his wake. Trump is not the force of change itself. He is just playing a force of change character on TV.
There has always been a Deep State that stands for the established order, even when managed disorder is its objective. Satanism is always at the core of the established order. There is always an empire and some facsimile of the horned one sitting on the temporal throne.
President Trump is messing with The Money... which is the life’s blood of The Deep State; presently defined by The Rothschild Banking Family and the international syndicate that grew out of it, and operates through people like George Soros et fils, and... other bloodlines. Messing with The Money is the single greatest motivator for assassination that exists in The Material Sphere.
All of the changes that President Trump is trying to bring to pass are an offense against The Deep State. The oddest and most ironic feature of it all is that he is pathologically protective of the very heart of The Deep State, which is Israel. Israel was created by The Rothschild Vampire Clan in order to have the protection of a sovereign state to mask an international criminal enterprise. This is prima facie reality. They orchestrated the 9/11 attacks in order to destroy the atmosphere of freedom here (through Skull Chertoff and other gangsters) upon which The United States was established. President Trump MUST know this. Certainly, the people working for him know this, and yet... and yet? It really is a puzzle, is it not?
Now... this man of peace is poncing about like he did the last time... by trumpeting (pun intended) the killing of some faceless ISIS mastermind, and ISIS was created by The Deep State. He is also bombing The Houthis, while Israel genocides Palestine, and bombs Lebanon... and Syria... yadda yadda. They are doing this because they can and they like it. They really really like it.
They are also fighting a war on the internet.
— The Saviour (@stairwayto3dom) March 16, 2025
This is who you’re arguing with in the comments section… pic.twitter.com/ywGymPz9mO
AND... in order to keep the insanity at a high pitch, they have assembled a group of the least attractive people on Earth to protest for Palestine at the street level because it gives that movement bad optics; drag queens for Palestine... Antifa for Palestine... goofballs for Palestine... Road Kill for Palestine... etc. Believe me, they have raised misdirection to an art form, while simultaneously destroying all real art in the culture.
The facts about who controls The Deep State are easily discovered as soon as you inquire after who controls The Money. In order to do these things, YOU... HAVE... TO... BE... in league with The Prince of Darkness.
Well... the whole thing is a spiritual war, BUT... how do you make sense of President Trump trying to do the right thing in so many areas... while finding himself in direct opposition to the people that he is also the biggest defender of? It will make your head hurt. Fortunately... for me... I don’t obsess over these things. The side I serve already won a long time ago. Now... it is simply a matter of whether you can be confused into submitting to your own demise or... you know better.
So... his best buddies... are stimulating the antenna... of all those activist judges they put into place to do their bidding... whenever the need arises. Meanwhile... Trump as president, has the right to do what he is trying to do. The Law says so... so how is this possible for judges to do this? It’s a bunch of smoke and mirrors is what it is.
Thank God he is not really in charge and... neither... are... they. THEY... The Deep State... operates on both sides of the fence. On one side of the fence, they are The Communists... who are busy organizing The Canaille, and factions of The Lumpen Proles for the street disturbance action. On the other side of the fence, they are The Neo-cons; Kagan... Kristol... Neuland, and a Whitman’s Sampler of shitheels with radioactive centers; kinda like bad isotope truffles. Their bit is taking over Ukraine and manipulating the EU... The WEF, and other collectives of ambulatory excrement. As you have probably realized... there are places where the fence is broken and both sides get together for regular death orgies... with tormented children as the main act.
Give it time.
While Trump learns to play the fiddle, the chemtrails continue... the weather modification sector and Department of DEW Enterprises are working the hurricanes and Tornado Alley...
...the vaccine junkies are hard at it, and Bill Gates just keeps on killing people and getting ready to kill oodles more. Black Rock is down in Panama, so...
Joe Rogan and Elon Musk point out the INSANE details surrounding the Butler, Pennsylvania Donald Trump assassination attempt shooter
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 16, 2025
- The assassins house was PROFESSIONALLY scrubbed
- His home was scrubbed so well there wasn’t even silverware left in the home
- No footprint on… pic.twitter.com/1qywOJpK2Q
...the Globalists... who are also The Deep State are trying to work their vision of Rollerball into material form.
So... President Trump says there are only two sexes, which everyone but the walking wounded knew all along, and... he says Climate Change is a scam. Both of these are primary agendas being coordinated by the very people he is in bed with. Are any of them getting a decent night’s sleep? Is he a carnival barker... flimflam man or... is he keeping his cards close to his chest? It keeps looking worse, BUT... maybe that is when he is at his best.
I keep telling myself it is early days, BUT... something is going on behind the scenes with all those files not getting released, and that... of course... is Israel... because they were deeply involved in all of the action recorded in those files. Oh well, I guess we’ve run out of space before we got around to talking about time. Time and Space, right? Let’s see if I can encapsulate the matter. The deeper you go into the density of matter... mind-wise... the more Time becomes a weight. The further you have detached your consciousness from the form world, the less effect time has on you. I should add that you can be right in the middle of form world, yet not attached to any of it. It is a state of mind. EVERYTHING is a state of mind and that determines your state of being.
Don’t let your mind become too involved in The World outside you. It will make Time harder for you to process, and... it will make your heart heavy. Either you know it’s all going to be fine, except in those locations where those who have decided otherwise have congregated or... you do not know this and so you will need to gravitate closer to The Spindle where all the useful information is, and...
A day in the life of a Brit. 🤣
— Red Pill Dispenser (@redpilldispensr) March 6, 2025
Funny because it's actually true. pic.twitter.com/xBIrEkplZg
(if anyone in The UK knows about a gig or a cottage... somewhere other than Nottingham... for the man who holds these sites together, please let me know. I would sincerely love for him to survive the transitionary phase)
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
Another New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Today's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 16, 2025
"I Sail Away" https://t.co/lyghI2wVkx pic.twitter.com/Lb3JUq1Z8M
Substack is here=
God is in control. No argument ,No two ways about it. I am a spiritual being and I am having a human experience . The current situation is exhausting even with the knowledge that God is in control. The world is on fire and Hell is here and now .I am grateful that I live in a relatively sane place however it is a daunting draining experience. So it’s all theater but that does not mean I have to like the play. It is not entertaining to watch the Devil dance along with so many who find him more than amusing . Will it change for the good ? Time will tell and we shall see
Had the biggest scare of my life so far last friday.
My granddaughter whos almost 2 evidently had severe anemia and on Friday it manifested as a stroke on the right side of her body. Right arm and Right leg hung limp and her eyes could barely stay open. Luckily the inlaws who watch her noticed it promptly and brought it to my attention and I met them at the ER closest to them to get her treated. She had to have several blood transfusions to get her hemoglobin back up to "normal" levels as it was so low she might have died had it been not been noticed and rushed to the ER. Shes had 2 mris to look for strokes in her brain now and she seems to be at least physically back able to move her arm and leg. Hopefully she comes home from the hospital today. Scared me to a ridiculous degree, and made me Angry that it happened and her mom and my ex-wife and even I hadn't paid enough attention to help her with it by giving her iron supplements. The All has seemed to help bring her back for the most part but now I will watch her like a hawk and pay very close attention to her whenever I get to see her.
I just note it to also ask for your consideration and they who are like minded here to please reinforce the request for help and health for her. I know the All does what it does for the alls ends and this brought me and the inlaws closer together as family.
My Thanks in advance,
Wow, Gene;
That's a rough go. It points up our helplessness, all these things that happen without our permission or desire for them to occur. Life goes its own way and we have to adjust. fortunately she is still around and on her way back. Prayers, of course, followed the request. The marvel and miracle of The Divine, regardless of outcome... is forever beyond definition or description.
Thanks Viz!
Isn't everyone with a job, bills to pay, and whatnot a prisoner of time? After all, we have to be here or there at a certain time, and have time related things to get done or things are going to get more unpleasant than they already are. Then again, I live in the future, not the present, but is it a perspective thing alone in western culture? After all, I hate the present, am eagerly waiting for my stupid contract to finish so I can get off this vile, stupid planet and start really living after I've shed this annoying mortal coil.
Israel. It seems to me it's being set up for complete destruction, not directly by the U.S.. That's just how I see it. Israel is doing a lot of really over the top atrocious things, and the rest of the world is getting pretty pissed, government heads and employees not included, since I supposed they are being bribed, threatened or deleted if they aren't psychopathic enough to play the game, but in the long run nothing ever stays the same, so. . .
Wow the last few days were so intense for me. All the stuff you mentioned blood moon, purim, ides of march, also t think mercury in retrograde i was going through the mind wringer. seems to be better now and i thank God and his help and in turn you for your help via your writings and links. Several years ago God showed me that he has already won, is always a step ahead and the best I can do is stay in the now and enjoy it and love praise him. Easier said than done but it is awesome!
'Isn't everyone with a job, bills to pay, and whatnot a prisoner of time?'
One ascends, then they tote water and chop wood.
Jesus told us to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is God's. You give the thieves their money rather than fight them and lose your soul. Those who choose gold over God face a horrible plight as a result of the suffering they cause humanity. That is why they are called the 'cursed'.
On another note, we survived cyclone Alfred, which exhibited all the hallmarks of manmade weather modification. A branch went through the roof of our home and another damaged our shed. We had to replace a couple of sheets of tin on the house and the shed, and do a bit of gyprock repair to the damaged ceiling in the house, where it collapsed from the heavy rain entering. We got off easy by comparison to some. We had to throw a tarp over the roof of the house in cyclonic wind and rain, but God kept us safe, which was nothing short of a miracle considering the debris that was flying around. The power went down for about a week, and all services were ceased to the island within an hour of us receiving an alert to evacuate, leaving islanders no choice but to hunker down. That is the first time in the 35 years we have been cut off from the mainland. When the boat service was a smaller operation the people's welfare was prioritised over that of the vessels, not any more. The government spent a million dollars on building an emergency centre, but it was closed when it was most needed. Blessedly us islands are a resilient lot so we took care of each other.
One does what One has to :o)
Luv Kazz
"Israel was created by The Rothschild Vampire Clan in order to have the protection of a sovereign state to mask an international criminal enterprise."
Boy, Les... you sound exactly like another great thinker who wrote this in his book 100 years ago. I'll let you guess his name.
"While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.
It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race."
Hah! Joe, I had not heard that before. Those are the very thoughts that are in my head. I'm guessing that is Henry Ford. I probably should read that book.
Thank you!!!
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