God Poet Transmitting.......
Let's start off with something useful and uplifting. I don't want to talk too much about the specifics of what is going on in The World right now... around that pinheaded... Loony Tune... Zelensky and his sycophantic catamites or any of the rest of the clueless yahoos in search of self-immolation. This is Smoking Mirrors... where we are supposed to talk about these things, BUT... I am in the delightful position where ONLY God tells me what to do, and what he tells me... nearly all of the time... is to not get in his way while he handles every detail of my existence. Interfering with God is probably the most ubiquitous activity carried out by the people in this world at any time of day.
Okay... on to the uplifting. As the reader should know... if the reader comes here with any regularity... I attend the sunrise every morning... without exception, AND... the sunset... without exception, whether The Sun is visible or not. Even a heavy bank of clouds... rain... sleet... snow... and hail, will not deter your spiritual postman; Visible... from his appointed rounds.
(After I released my first album; Jews From Outer Space... in 1984 as Les Visible and The Critical List, I have been called Visible or Viz ever since, I did nothing to bring it about... it just happened. Some people still refer to me as Les and... whaddya gonna do? The reason for this digression is explained at the end of the post.)
Now back to the morning sunlight. Did you know that observing the rising sun in the morning has a number of physical and psychological benefits?
The importance of early morning sunlight pic.twitter.com/V71mAKxKVR
— Not A Number (@myhiddenvalue) March 1, 2025
I'm kinda dismayed that the guy in the surgical suit has to read it off of something, BUT... if you research further you will find many other sources that tell you the same thing.
I did not link any of the other sites I went to about these features of early sunlight because all of those people had hyphenated names and various initials after them, and... extensive experience has proven to me that there is something wrong with people like that.
There are also various elements of positive results that happen when you celebrate the setting sun as well. There are more and more people appearing by the day who are involved in the quiet revolution of natural health remedies and enhancements that is presently taking place. It explains the appearance of Robert Kennedy Jr. and many other helpful folks like Barbara O'Neil.
She is a real sweetheart, and like most people who are seeking to benefit the human races with all of the ancient understandings... now making a return in the various cultures... due to the arrival of The Aquarian Age... she's had her share of people throwing shit at her.
The reason there is a revolution of health perspectives... is due to the AMA-Pharmaceutical Combine's deliberate efforts to kill off a significant portion of the human race. This is an important part of the agenda that is found in The Protocols of Zion, which includes applied and enforced race-mixing and the promotion of sexual perversity from Kindergarten on. I'm not making this up. Anyone who watches movies and TV... who sees advertising or... observes any of the various mediums of what passes for art these days... can see this. It also includes the promotion of race wars; wars against intelligence... wars against normalcy... wars against competency... wars against harmony, and wars against Nature and God.
These are all facts of life in these times of global transformation. The reason I don't want to talk about what The Media is reporting in the news lately is because it is... pretty much... all bullshit and fake news. Here is a great, for instance. It was reported that an American nuclear sub was rejected by Norway when it stopped in to refuel. Nuclear submarines do not make fuel stops. They are nuclear-powered, which means they don't need to stop for fuel anywhere. The Norwegians confirmed that the story is bullshit.
That has not stopped the story from making the rounds.
At the core of a lot of The World's distress... at the moment... is The Bankers. The International Bankers have stolen so much money that they desperately need a larger war to cover their tracks. This was one of the reasons for Israel attacking The United States on 9/11. If you look over the government agencies that were destroyed, and you dig a little deeper into the various investigations that were going on at the time of 9/11... you will get a few eye-openers. If you go back to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma and do a little research; once again... strange anomalies appear and many of them have to do with Clinton Enterprises.
All over The World... for the last few decades... nasty business has been a routine thing. What you also notice... if like me... you have looked into this nasty business syndrome, you see that the same vested interests have been involved in every one of them. Generally... the nasty business has been concerned with taking over The World and/or covering for other nasty business that happened earlier on. A good example is the fabrication of a holocaust following The Second World War. It was created for several reasons, but one of the main reasons was as a distraction from what happened in Russia during the many years in which tens of millions of Christian Russians were murdered by the alleged holocaust victims.
Here is the kicker to all of this. The people behind these various offenses against humanity are aware of certain changes that are going on in human consciousness that affect the Hive Mind's perception of life conditions. Revelation is in operation worldwide, and by the day, humanity is awakening to what has been going on. You can find all kinds of people... with all kinds of reasons to give you... for why what is happening is happening. The Simple Truth is that Heaven wills it for The Purpose of Demonstration.
The progression of corruption that traveled from Clinton... to Bush... Obama... and Biden were all part of a calculated effort to enslave The World. Unfortunately for their massive efforts in this direction; which included... The Oklahoma Bombing... 9/11... The Sexual Perversity Agenda... the mendacious assault on the education system...The Fake Pandemic... The Killer Vaccines... The Global Warming Scam... weather manipulation via HAARP... DEW attacks, and many another vile effort, there has been a parallel agenda that has been traveling along... out of sight... the whole time.
It involves President Trump and what Elon Musk has been up to. It involves the army of keyboard warriors and truthtellers who proliferate on social media, AND... it has a lot to do with why things keep going wrong for The Satanic Globalists... Deep State Cabal... of nasty customers extraordinaire.
Everything is a matter of timing. I don't care if you are a musician or... a basketball player... or a boxer... or a politician... timing plays a big part in whether one succeeds or fails at whatever it is they are doing. What? Too Soon? That's also about timing.
It is the most difficult art in life to convince yourself of The Ageless Truth that a divine agency is in command of all phenomena, as well as being the arbiter of the destiny and fate of every form that comes and goes here. I KNOW this to be true. I know it the way I know I am sitting here and writing this right now. I persisted until it was proven to me. I did not prove it to myself, BUT... my efforts to do so... resulted in my having it proven to me. Anyone can have this same experience, you simply have to be relentless about it and NEVER... EVER... give up until it happens, AND... it... will... happen.
Everyone... who is up to whatever they are up to now... came from somewhere else at an earlier time... when they were on their way to what they are doing now. Whether it is Klaus Schwab... Zelensky... Trump... Elon Musk... The Pope... Me... You... everyone else... came from somewhere and... are on their way somewhere... FOR The Purpose of Demonstration. Some of us are demonstrably Good and some of us are demonstrably Evil, AND... some of us vacillate between the poles. Simplistically; some of us are self-serving and some of us are working for The Greater Good. Some are serving their author in Heaven... who is also directing them from within, and... some are serving The Prince of Darkness, who is also directing them from within. They are serving two different versions of the same thing.
There is ONLY one force at work, both visibly and invisibly. This force is conscious, and it reflects the mindset of whoever is in service to it... whether it be Mammon-associated or divinely associated. Both get the rewards and lessons of their service and the fate that attends it. It is a closed shop. It is all fixed. Look in any direction and you will see people headed toward the result of their efforts and intentions... all of which are permutations of The Attractive Force. Generally... all of these little journeys end up the same way again and again... with certain variations, of course, BUT... whatever waters you are swimming in... you will encounter the creatures that are native to those waters.
However... people are blinded. They are also deaf to anything that works counter to what they are in pursuit of, BUT... I can tell you... with absolute conviction and assurance... ONE FORCE rules all things, and the closest one can come to understanding that force is through the presence and experience of Love... which is The First Emanation of that mysterious and incomprehensible force called God and... is generally personified in The Avatar of The Age, of which... a new interpretation is on the way right now, and...
... one last thing.
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) February 21, 2025
End Transmission.......
(The reason I mentioned my name being Visible is because Grok told me it was a pseudonym and my bio was somewhat arranged around that. Then, I remembered that I hear... now and again... what leads to a lot of now and again and again; that I am doing what I do from the relative safety of a false identity. This is not so. I was Les Visible before I ever got on the internet. All of my identification says Les Visible. I am most certainly Les Visible; let me ask you. when was the last time you saw me anywhere? Does this not make me Les Visible? Grok corrected the error.)
Today's Original Song is;
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is: (you'll like this one)
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 3, 2025
"I Can't Tell You Why." https://t.co/dkPCX63jTL pic.twitter.com/2zxqYAlm99
Substack is here=
Nice dig on the Visible name. I remember when you told us about being Les Crooks I think it was. I like Viz better than Crooks even as just a name.
Surprised you're playing with AI at all tho. I still haven't bothered to engage with any of them. I am waiting till AI gets to a stage where it can be formed by its interaction with the individual it serves so that any interaction had with such causes it to be-come more like Me than whoever programmed it. I don't need AI to learn, but it might be useful to leave a remnant of self once this iteration of form has served its purpose. Guess we'll see how that shakes out over the coming years.
Take it easy!
That one last thing was amusing, tho we have been on the moon. Check out Gene Cernans movie called "last man on the moon". He was the last guy in the last apollo mission to go up. I used to talk to a guy who went by "smokey" on the old yahoo groups who was a orbital trajectory engineer who worked on the apollo missions, and he had the skinny. Hes not likely still around now.
They pulled the same shenanigan in that film interstellar where the "new education curriculum" included the idea they never went to the moon, when the kids Dad knew they did... Just cuz they didn't want people working on space flights when the agriculture of the world was dying.
Speaking of the moon, the private company firefly evidently just landed their lander on the moon over the weekend. There are articles on it over at space.com. No doubt many people still think we never went, but then since nobodies really in a position to be able to verify, it ends up being an arbitrary belief one picks one way or the other.
I tellya who I Don't think made it to the moon, was the India lander which looked like it was computer graphics from the 90s.... nevermind the angles being claimed as live video which would be like a selfi-stick hanging 10 meters off to one side to "capture the descent and landing"... :P
I have... for the moment... lost my ability to sing acceptably. I therefore... if I want to be creative with my poetry... must rely of AI in part. I don't see why that would be a problem. As for contacting GROK, I was told what my bio was saying by another party. So I went to GROK and discussed the matter and GROK corrected the misinformation. I am of the inflexible opinion that a tool is rendered good or evil by the person wielding it. I draw no lines against tools. I am only concerned with my intentions in the matter. What other people do is their lookout.
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