God Poet Transmitting.......
Most readers have not been coming to these sites for the last 20+ years, so... you may be unfamiliar with that side of my nature; gone seriously into remission in recent years... where I used to create Jeremiads with a flamethrower. Yes, those were the days when I was channeling my inner Savonarola. Savonarola did not come to a good end. That kind of personality usually comes up against The Temporal Realm and gets the bad end of the deal.
Certainly, such things happened in my life and they resulted in extensive confinements and efforts to erase me from the landscape. I can’t say I didn’t have it coming AND... I also cannot say that I didn’t need to do it; somebody needed to do it. Now... The Temporal and Lord Visible... formerly operating out of his Richard Lovelace groove... have come to an accommodation.
Maybe they decided I wasn’t worth the trouble. Maybe I became less trouble. For whatever the reason, my existence now moves between the islands of Serenity and Quietude across The Sea of Tranquility... on the way to other locations that don’t really have a name yet, and then... back to Serenity again.
As for yesterday’s posting, that was a throwback to a rougher... less cultivated time in my history, although... I... meant... every... damn... word. If some found it shocking, well... I am sorry for whatever discomfort I may have caused, BUT... the genocide of Palestine causes me a certain amount of discomfort, and I cannot imagine how bad it's got to be for The Palestinians. IT IS AN OUTRAGE!!! Fuck The Empire and the Komodo dragon it rode in on.
That said... let’s move on to more interesting things. Decades ago, I was told... internally... that the starships that brought some of us here... were buried under the pyramids (or nearby). I wrote the piece, Jews From Outer Space about it.
It is from the album of the same name. I signed with Sony-CBS and they promised to put it in Tower Records outlets around The World. They did this. They also took the original recordings and scrambled them so bad that they were... for the most part... unintelligible, and my fantastic... very not-politically correct... album sank like a stone.
They intentionally destroyed my work and this was not the only time I was the beneficiary of such activity. The details of my long journey through darkness (grin) are not necessary now, and the darkness is long gone.
I was also granted a vision of an initiation I experienced in an underground temple somewhere near the paws of The Sphinx. Through my various travels... back and forth... through The Doors of Perception, I have been given numerous flashbacks and insights into ‘other times’ and they directly relate to what is now being revealed to the wider world in events such as this.
🚨Groundbreaking Findings on the Giza Pyramid Complex Could Re-Write Human History!
— Jay Anderson (@TheProjectUnity) March 19, 2025
This should not be possible. pic.twitter.com/Q3eAoAqwSL
I recommend that you pause your reading of this post and give this video the seven minutes needed to contemplate the implications.
This is not happening by accident. For years now... we have been talking about The Apocalypse and The Awakening. These are both very real and you can see the effect of them upon the people who resist their impact, and... those who embrace it. They are known as The Woke and The Awakening.
The Deep State knows what is coming and this is why The WEF... and the rest of the scoundrels... who are trying to lock us away into concentration camps where you can’t concentrate... are doing what they are doing. Let me be as clear and direct as I can be here. They are going to fail and fail miserably. Everything they are up to; the climate change scam... the chemtrails... the poisoning of the food and the water... the pharmaceutical assaults on the awakening Hive Mind pineal glands... the sabotaging of the emergence of the higher senses of perception; through social engineering, sexual perversity, and bad information... are a concerted effort to bypass and/or retard what’s coming.
The Aquarian Age is a reality and it is here. Subsequently, there are discoveries coming that are going to blow away all of your preconceptions... about what is real and the manufactured lies of our false histories.
Certain cabals of nogoodniks have created a false world and we have been living in it for a long time and at their mercy... of which they have none. Let’s not worry now about how this happened... why God let it happen... who they are or any of the rest of the yadda yadda. Let me simply say, IT... IS... COMING... TO... AN... END, followed by... a new beginning.
There may be some rough waters for a bit because these fiends are not going to march... through the very gates of the Hell... they have created for themselves... in anything close to a willing fashion. They know what the stakes are. Some of them know they have already lost, BUT... that changes nothing. The force that drives them is relentless. The good news is that you don’t have to oppose them or get in their way because they are on a predetermined course of self-destruction. They are also the sort of soulless entities that intend to take The World with them when they go. That won’t be happening, but... many people can be convinced that it is and that is enough to take them along for the ride. Don’t be one of those people.
You’ve seen all the cancer cures and other cures that are popping up all over the place. You’ve seen the wonders of the new technologies and... all the fun things one can accomplish with ones and zeros. These are early days. What is coming is guaranteed to blow your mind if you are still around for it... or... heh heh... on your way back.
It may seem hard to believe... that all of the dark things that have plagued existence for so long... could suddenly just melt away, BUT... that is what is going to happen. Waves of illumination are going to begin to pulse through the collective consciousness of humanity AND... if you are not resistant... oh!!! My friends... heh heh... wonder upon wonder is going to open up on... the... inside.
This force of illumination is The Advent of The Avatar. You begin to feel him long before you see him and some of us have been aware of this... in The Event Horizon... for a while now. You’ll be noticing a change in the atmosphere if you haven’t already noticed it. This... Presence... is unstoppable and cannot be opposed. If you do oppose it, you will set into motion an undesirable reaction that is AUTOMATICALLY generated by that opposition. If you do not oppose it, then... ♫ happy days are here again ♫
The faces of the movers and shakers of the moment are... in some part... known to you. Don’t put your hopes on them and you won’t be disappointed when they let you down. Some of them are doing their best but they are up against a serious opponent... who is also resident within them. It’s one of the reasons that conditions often turn to shit since we carry our own misfortunes with us. Don’t worry about any of that. The Light IS coming and its presence increases by the day.
Find that center at your core and consciously work to attune it to that blessed harmony that is on the way. The one bringing it WILL take care of all The Details. All you have to do is rely on it and pay attention. Do not let anything into your mind that is unworthy of you. You might tell yourself that you are a hotel owner and you are keeping the penthouse suite in reserve... for a particular guest... who might arrive at any time.
I realize that all kinds of people have told you different things at different times. You read certain books. You watched certain programs. You went to seminars. You bought the T-shirt. You tried to do this and maybe you tried to do that because... the people who sold you... whatever it was... told you it was the answer to all of your prayers. That’s how those religions became so successful. That’s how Scientology and all the other flimflam action got centers all over The World... with no real center inside any of them. The religions have all been corrupted by stages and something new is coming down the pike... to replace the ringing of the cash registers, and... all those guys standing street-side... inviting you to come... on... down~!
Religions are like strip clubs in the sense that they both tease you about revealing something that turns out to be no mystery at all. The only real temple is inside you and if you need something suitable to celebrate the wonder of The Divine, Lady Nature has just the thing.
So... all those files that are coming out and every... one... of... them connects to a certain nation... and all the horrors that nation is committing before the eyes of The World; all the revelations and uncoverings, which are the essence of apocalypse... the whole shebang... is part of a cosmic orchestration, AND... The Great Beast of The Deep State is going down... down... down. NONE OF THIS is by accident.
Deep within... the secret chambers of the heart... is a mighty rushing river of Love, and this is what you must find... so that you can open the dam and release the deluge. The One who is coming will show you how to do this. He is waiting within you right now to show you The Way. Let him do his thing. Do not resist him, which is the native state of most people... who have been turned against themselves... by The Controllers from The Dark Side. A great light is coming. Heh heh... makes me feel a little like Paul Revere, and...
(sometimes it is just fear that makes us think something is evil... and then you find out that all seeming evil has (can have) remarkable consequences.)
In 1995, 14 wolves were released in Yellowstone National Park. No one expected the miracle that the wolves would bring
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) March 11, 2025
[📹 Protect All Wildlife]pic.twitter.com/bjP5e3HdZb
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
Another New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 20, 2025
"I Am Alive" https://t.co/aNe5UbuVst pic.twitter.com/ZBDMSEQNYS
Substack is here=
Visible released his referral of The Door of Everything with perfect timing!
Thank you, Visible! (typed Vivable...)
Learnings from the Father consciousness:
Our surface minds may be rewarding ourselves for sorting the "good" players from the dark's minions, clawing our perception free of cultural hypnosis.
However, our heart desires for us more:
That we learn to see with deeper vision
How the play is perfectly playing
Showing ALL players what is real, even if some of us delay getting the memo!
Showing ALL how to become one with One unified feeling
Humanity is moving in that direction inevitably in any case, despite resistance, regardless of our doubts and fears blocking our depth from rising to the surface
Embrace the dawn!
Spring out of seeing only dark surfaces
Our minds twisted by unloved, unhealed, unintegrated feelings create more of same
Our responsibility is now clear: to see ourselves becoming one with One perfection
Our part of the whole is to seek ourselves whole from the center of being
There are no "others" in the end...
Secretary gut mein rudder!
The giza thing is curious. Its a wonder they don't start digging to Verify the radar data huh.
Looks like there are additional piles of granite rock like noted in the kings chamber but the radar doesn't seem to place them in the position most existing documentaries note.
It reminds me of the book "Cave of the Ancients" by lobsang rampa.
There are actually Infinite OTHERS who be-came One with the All. We don't lose our individuality just because we merge with the All. We lose only those parts that prevented such from being able to be manifest. Pretending suddenly everyone has the same ideals who become one prevents appreciation of the disparities that allow for constant growth. I suppose its just a choice how one chooses to see such. The whole Our/We thing is a farce, if ones still pretending to be part of a greater We then that ones still not come to the fork in the road where one leaves the We in favor of the All.
I'd also note that the texas state government is working just like the fed gov where it produces Hope by letting voters vote, and then Does whatever the hell the inbred c*nts in the state gov want regardless what the Voters majority Showed that it wanted. The latest bullshit being the texas state gov gutting the bill that would prevent tax payer funded lobbying from preventing tax payer funds being used to pay for consultants to enable continued tax payer funded lobbying.
Its like they WANT the Violent Uprising. They keep setting the stage for the voters, then piss in the face of the voters... and expect the voters will just think its a spring shower instead of golden showers... Maybe they'll get it. They've pushed the decent about as far as the Decent will allow.
What comes comes. Best be Prepared.
I guess I'm here to see that, though after I do, I hope I'm outta here. After all, no matter how good this place gets, the Otherside is better if you're in the right part of it.
I love wolves.
Nostrils to the sky.
Sorry for the spell checked German….son of bitches,!
A new Petri Dish is up now=
"The World is Going to Transform in Dramatic Fashion Because... a Great Change in Consciousness is Coming Soon."
I was wondering about that.
LV! Suffered another stroke just before Christmas back in action now.
For HE is mighty. Organized religion? LMFAO.
Strider! I wondered where you were. Dear God! Glad to see you're still moving around here, although... it's more serene in the place beyond.
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