Thursday, March 6, 2025

"The Deep State is Not The Only One to Cause Weather Modifications. God and His Angels are Absolute Masters of The Art."

God Poet Transmitting.......

If I were a negative sort. If I did not have a firm foundation... I would find the tornado state of present time... whirling through The Hive Mind... to be a hard purchase with an oily grip. Everything is swirling and spinning; literally; when you consider The Media... when you consider people trying to explain things to each other... when you consider people trying to explain things to themselves; whoa!!! There seems to be nothing to get a hold of and anything one might try to get a hold of... is made from shoddy ingredients.

It's been years since we first mentioned the rising tide of madness, which is the real pandemic worldwide. Back in the beginning, it might have seemed like I was the one who was crazy; what is that fool talking about? Yeah... now you see it everywhere. A lot of it has to do with the reverse engineering of the sexual nature... by dark souls who feel there is no higher union than sex. As The Gita states (also in Chapter 16);

“There is no God,” they say, “no truth, no spiritual law,

no moral order. The basis of life is sex;

what else can it be?” Holding such distorted views,

possessing scant discrimination, they become enemies of

the world, causing suffering and destruction.

Hypocritical, proud, and arrogant, living in delusion

and clinging to deluded ideas, insatiable

in their desires, they pursue their unclean ends.

Although burdened with fears that end only with death,

they still maintain with complete assurance,

“Gratification of lust is the highest that life can offer.”

There is a particular culture that firmly believes this. We know them as The Usual Suspects, and... they work in every possible way to promote this view through all the mediums at their disposal, which they took control of for this very purpose.

Here we have an interesting thread that illustrates the central locus through which Western Christian Culture has been led astray through false understandings concerning the actual origin of the most recent avatar.

Well... that avatar and all avatars come from God. They do not come from any particular race of people. That would simply affirm the lie of life being only about sex.

Let us look more closely at the waves of insanity that are rolling through the human psyche, AND... let us keep in mind that it is hitting at every level of the social spectrum.

Here is a riveting example that makes perfect sense to me...

...and I do not doubt that this very thing is happening all over at this time, just... as... we... have... stated, again and again in our postings.

The Voice of God is coming into that one area of vulnerability from which NO ONE can protect themselves; their mind. This is happening everywhere and at every level and it is only going to increase. Do you see how batshit crazy it is getting from the top down? Congress is like a bunch of circus clowns and now... The Clown in Chief is threatening a people who have already been bombed into homelessness... by the invader psychopaths... in their native land... where they are being forcibly held hostage.

How is this at all possible?

You can expect and I mean... take it to the bank... that a whole lot of major players... who have been gravitating toward The Rim, simply because... by their works ye shall know them, are going to start having really bad dreams... chilling visitations, and their own personal versions of A Christmas Carol... coming down The Pike any time now.

Obviously, a greater plan is at work and you need to keep this uppermost in your mind because otherwise... you are going to get hit with one of those mind tornadoes. Now we are seeing what happens when people have no deeper connections within... to anything meaningful. Get closer to the spindle!!! At the core of your being is a motionless and inviolable sanctuary. It has a magnetic pull that is similar to the magnetic pull toward The Rim. Depending on what you are allowing to magnetize you... on that your fate depends. I'm not trying to scare anybody. Unless you are utterly clueless you can see the truth of it all around you; close up AND at a further reach.

It hasn't been enough for The President to come into power with majorities in the houses of Congress BECAUSE... as should be evident by now, The Deep State's biggest weapon is that The Judicial Branch is corrupted all the way to the top. You see this with justices, Barret and Roberts at The Supreme Court, who were supposed to be conservative jurists, BUT... are proving to be horses of a different color.

The phenomenon of Donald Trump is as weird as it gets. On the one side, he is doing all the right things. On the other side, he is on The Short Bus to Crazy Town. Even if Greenland and Canada were possibilities, why would someone publicly grandstand about them and create conflicting polarities around The World? This is the sort of thing that a sane person in power would handle through the diplomatic cores wherever it was relevant. Now he wants to back a full-scale assault on Gaza? He is either completely owned by The Synagogue of Satan or he's playing a deep game that had better come clear sooner rather than later.

I can't put the pieces together, but. I'm not a fly on the wall either. Robert Kennedy Jr looks completely haunted. Something is eating him up inside and my perspective... looked at through the lens of physiognomy... confirms this big time. Other members of his cabinet all have developed deer-in-the-headlights syndrome. Something major is going on behind the scenes, AND... meanwhile... given that those who are pushing the annihilation of GAZA are also the architects of The Ukraine War, and he has... heh heh taken the long position on the one and a short position on the other, it... makes... no... sense.

Nothing is being done about the chemtrails and no conversations are taking place in The Crass Media. Only at X do you see the outrage manifested. Nothing is being said about tackling the pharmaceutical serial killers. Nothing is being said about Gates... and Fauci... and well... there is a laundry list of peculiarities. Yes... efforts could be underway and The Media is refusing to talk about them... but... Crazy Town keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

Members of Congress are losing it by the day. Crockett is making lip-sync rap videos in the hallways, where the member's offices are, and I don't have room to detail how many other examples I encounter as I go.

What I can say... according to my observations of Trends and Patterns, along with the most recent actions... that exemplify what The Purpose of Demonstration is all about, is that I expect the mother of all mind tornadoes to hit Crazy Town any time now. The Deep State is not the only operation that can engage in weather modification. God and his angels are absolute masters of the art.

You might think... by this time... that I am rather puzzled. I am not... in fact... puzzled at all. I know that God is up to his usual; nothing up this sleeve and nothing up that sleeve, except... in his case... there are more than two sleeves, and... as far as the fastest-growing community in The World, Crazy Town, goes... it is really a Purpose of Demonstration exercise that indicates who is near the spindle and who is migrating to The Rim. This is all part of The Great Sorting Out that goes down (unless it's going up) in every apocalypse and... most especially... in a Grand Apocalypse, which this one happens to be.

I feel for those headed for The Rim. I REALLY... REALLY do, but it is a career choice and they will all be back for the next go-round, which is the point after all. Wiser souls know that Death is not the end of anything, so... if it can't get fixed now, it will get fixed later on. This has been going on for countless years. This isn't even a blip on the radar over the long haul. It's why I can afford to be positive and optimistic at all times, and my job is to remind the reader of this because... appearances can get quite intimidating now and again.

If you find ANYTHING concerning... it is because you have some kind of association with it; be it attraction or aversion... that still constitutes a relationship. You need to develop that blissful detachment that sees the passing of everything as a mere parade of straw dogs. At the moment... all kinds of situations can seem critical... further on it is hard to even remember what they were. One of your greatest accomplishments was learning to walk and I doubt you remember that at all.

God is REAL. Period. The closer you get... the better you feel. The further away you get, well... that is self-explanatory. Let's leave you with a few minutes of irony that may be funny and may not be funny at all. Irony is like that, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Anonymous said...

“One last thing.” If Only. If only that is what God has in His mind to achieve for us because only He can bring it about. “One last thing”sums everything up for me. This is so much confusion, craziness , lies, hypocrisy and contradictions I doubt anyone could untangle the web is which we find ourselves. The world is in ,what I dearly hope ,the last pangs of labor ready to give birth to a New Age.

Anonymous said...

Yes Vis
GOD and his angels are cooking up a doozy of a cyclone to slam into Brizvegas tonight (Brisbane. OZ)
One guy wants to sleep on his yacht that is moored to somehow protect it through the storm???? Strange behaviour indeed,,,
I think alot of infrastructure is going be toast.
We'll see how much dosh our Gov wants to chuck at this one
Futile attempts will be the order of the day
I had a dream 2 nights ago about playing the game Ker-Plunk
There won't be enough sticks to hold back the torrent of marbles-
Then the Usual Suspects will LOSE their marbles!!!!
Thank you for presenting Hermes Trismegistus in alot of your posts I know he will play a huge role in this new Aquariun Age
Let the Christmas Spirit shine throughout the lands of the world
Love Leesa

0 said...

Great post today!

"When they come for me, I will have come for them!"

It is not I, nobody, that I am referencing. :)


AL said...

"Although burdened with fears that end only with death"
That's one I do not agree with, they say you can't take it with you, oh contrary to popular opinion, you taken all the "important stuff" along for that ride and state of current internal affairs is on the list.

" heh heh taken the long position on the one and a short position on the other, it... makes... no... sense."

That's a good thing me thinks. If you want to stay alive long enough to get the job done does one go full on ten enemies at once or split them up for timely maneuvering. If you could figure him out so could his enemies.

I chalk most of what we see as waves like all of creation abide by. Too many waves at once would be dreadful even if divine in intention. I imagine what society would become if main stream media began to report all the dirt now confirmed by .guv in large chunks of shit fashion. You think crazy and chaotic is a popular menu item now..

Much Love Brutha!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

The sun, the moon, and the truth let it be!

Anonymous said...

Our power just went down when I was trying to send this. The power has just come up again, so I am sending this a second time in case the first failed.

Leesa, Viz and all,

Coming to you from the centre of what is expected to be the impact zone tomorrow night as cyclone Alfred touches down on our little island paradise off the se coast of sunny Queensland. The boats stopped running Wednesday so we are on our own, but not really because God is with us.

Storm surges and flooding are the number one concern on the mainland, with flooding expected up and down the coast. Northern New South Wales has copped the brunt of the rain so far. Since we are on an island flooding doesn't impact us, our major concern are the winds. We have handled 120 km winds here before. The eye is forecast to pass over us as it touches down. There have been trees brought down on the Western side of the island, and the power has gone out. The western side of the island has copped the brunt of it so far, and we will be in the firing line on the se of the island tomorrow as Alfred moves in closer.

We have said our prayers and asked God to keep us, and our 2 children and grandson, who are also on the island, safe. The rest of our family are out of harms way. Hopefully, our homes will stay safe too, if it is in God's grand plan.

We have a generator as a back up, food, and we have prepared, what we hope, is a safe zone in the middle of our home. Islanders didn't really have a chance to evacuate because the boats shut down shortly after the alert was put out. This was not the choice of the crews, they were happy to keep going to serve the people on the islands, but the people at the top didn't want their vessels put at risk. Damage was sustained by vessels in the last major storm so I think people are just generally on edge. As it stands the emergency station on the island is closed until the storm passes. Until then islanders have been asked to look out for their neighbours, especially if they are elderly or incapacitated. I have dealt with heart attacks, snake bite, reviving a drown victim, and broken bones since we moved here 35 years ago. I even had to drive the ambulance once. I couldn't get it out of 2nd gear but did manage to get it to the helipad so the patient, the water ambulance driver, could be flown to Brisbane. One has to be very adaptable and proactive when you live remote.

We hear on the telegraph our plight is reaching world wide attention, which is surprising, considering we have been through much much worse than what the last few days have thrown at us, but we know not to become nonchalant.

We are still tying things down and getting tarps, ropes and other materials prepared in case quick repairs are required, but at the end of the day we know God is in charge and God's Will will be done. As you always say Vis, time will tell.

If possible I will drop a note here when the danger has passed, if I am able to. Until then ~

Lots of luv to all,
May God be with you

word bird said...

Alice may have a point.
"According to Irenaeus, the Gnostics held that Sophia, ..., descended into the water and begot Saturn, who is identical with Yahweh." Carl Jung, Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self.
What Sophia created in error is the Demiurge. In the Secret Book of John, the Savior gives the most accurate description of God the Father or The One, as distinct from the Demiurge who masquerades as god in the Old Testament, and who constantly demands sacrifice; in particular, child sacrifice.
In the text, On the Origin of the World, "at the consummation of the age, ..., Sophia will take off her wise flame of afterthought and put on irrational wrath", to annihilate the Demiurge and his ruling cabals, ushering in heaven on earth. The same text ends with "Each one by his deeds and his gnosis will reveal his nature."

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"The Next Effort to Genocide Palestine is Going to be that Bridge Too Far and The Whole World is Going to Turn on Them."



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