God Poet Transmitting.......
The news today is filled with trivial items. For some time, I have watched the bio-rhythmic patterns of the various media as they go about the business of introducing common (accent on common) states of being into the minds of their readers. The idea is to snag the attention with colored lures which are attached to hooks... composed of words associated with basic urges, and... much like the processed foods of these times... are entirely devoid of nutritive value for mind or body.
The big news item... of the moment... is about how a sleaze-pandering reporter... who operates under the pretension of intellectual commentary... managed to get into a secret Zoom call about the Houthi conflict. The head of the CIA... who looks like a management-level spook, and the head of the NSA, who looks like a 60s folk singer... are going to be paraded on the big networks before some sort of fact-finder government functionaries. The Republicans will be operating off of the shit-happens platform and The Democrats will be howling with manufactured outrage, and pretending to be wanting to know how this could possibly happen, AND... the whole thing seems to be designed as a distraction from something else, BUT... just about everything they do these days is like that.
Of course... if you would prefer substantive interactions on more compelling issues like; Frazzledrip... Comet Pizza... The Epstein Files... what happened on 9/11, well... good luck with that. Mr. Patel... looking like a deer in the headlights and... demanding that we...must... prioritize... Israel... resembles a man with one foot nailed to the floor while going round and round like a clumsy ballerina on a music box.
I can visualize him doing a specialized version of Lennon’s Imagine; (a song I really dislike) ♫ Imagine there’s no there there. It isn’t hard to do, just stammer like a retard who doesn’t have a clue. Imagine all the people pretending they’re alive ... uh oh oh oh oh, you may say I’m a dingbat, but I’m not the only one. I hope one day you will go away and The World will no longer be full of shit... and a quart low ♫ I think I’m going to have to work on the rhyming structure just a bit there... toward the end.
All of these people who went into the leadership roles and... into the cabinet of this new administration... they all looked... in the beginning... like kids from good neighborhoods... headed for their first day of school. Then... they got schooled. Then they found out that Israel is behind just about every bad thing they have to deal with, and they can’t deal with any of it because Israel will throw a hissy fit and threaten to release the videos or... kill somebody... yadda yadda.
Now... if all it took to be in charge of everything and everybody... was to play to their weaknesses and then catch them in the act... and then threaten to tell their friends and family and the rest of The World, then... the people presently doing this could relax and not worry about too much because most people... especially people in positions of power... are not suicidal. However, controlling The World does not simply depend on having irresistible leverage that you can exercise at will. In fact... The World does not operate according to the whims of the players involved in the Punch and Judy dramas of any given time period. The World is a 24/7 schoolhouse... where endless consequences come off the assembly line of The Department of Cause and Effect.
The only time The Controllers can be sure that things are moving along nicely... just like they want them to... is when the rest of The World is not hearing about them every day. Conditions and events move along nicely when the media is in your complete control and you can deliver endless distractions that keep the public’s attention following the bouncing ball... until they fall asleep... and then wake up to follow the bouncing ball again.
Syria doesn’t fall apart and descend into chaos for no reason at all. Adjustments to the same old same old were made behind closed doors, and then Syria went South. Turkey doesn’t lurch around on the cliff edge of revolution, and the leader doesn’t have to jail the opposition when everything is hunky dory, and Turkey doesn’t just suddenly fall apart for no discernible reason. Adjustments to the same old same old were made behind closed doors, and then Turkey started to roll downhill, metaphorically speaking.
People don’t rise up all around the country and start assaulting Tesla dealerships because the guy who runs them... took a commission for no pay... to cut government waste. It is caused when the people who were stealing the money... under a whole lot of different false pretenses... activated their (not really) grass-roots opposition... the same way the BLM Burner of Cities operation went into effect when they were determined to steal an election.
Well... the worst possible thing happened. The guy they stole the election from got re-elected, and then all of the various investigative agencies had their attention directed to the who... did... what... action, only... to... find... that it all had something to do with Israel AND... The Money... cause it is always about the money, and this is how a serious cluster-fuck comes into play and... suddenly there are bottlenecks and construction zones, and bad shit happening all over The World; just... just... pretty much just anything needed to take the awakening focus of The Hive Mind off of the conditions being revealed by the force of apocalypse, which is what apocalypses do.
When the people who thought they were in control of everything... begin to see that control slipping away from them... BECAUSE control is a matter of perception... like most things are a matter of perception, well... then shit goes sideways, and this is where we find ourselves at the moment, while the people who keep adjusting the same old same old try to figure out what to do next because the whole house of cards looks like it is about to come down.
You see... everything starts in The Mind, and everything takes place in The Mind BEFORE... the action precipitates through the transitional planes... into material form. The thing is... you are not alone in your mind. You are not singular in your mind. You are not separate in your mind, AND... your mind operates on two distinct levels, and one of those levels... USUALLY... trends toward being the state of primary focus... DEPENDING on the degree of Material Culture that is in play. So... at this time... most of The Hive Mind is in a carnal wonderland of appetite engagements, and this is good for The Controllers because when people are bread and circus addicts, they can be kept under control. However... The World does not work the way The Controllers want it to all the time.
Every now and then... new states of consciousness are introduced into The Hive Mind by some mysterious agency that... I like to call... God. This mysterious agency triggers a global awakening in a time of apocalypse and massive change in set in motion. This causes The Controllers to freak out and try to do all kinds of adjusting to the same old same old out of the public view. However... a rising force of awakening makes this increasingly more difficult to conceal, and bad shit can become the order of the day, when the good shit starts to have its way. You catch my drift?
The Controllers thought they had everything covered when they cut certain deals with Trump... prior to the election... to obfuscate certain events that he had promised to let The World see the truth about. The Controllers figured they could control the information that got released. Let it come out in a nicely packaged assortment of partial truths and half-lies, and there would be a little; wow! How about that? And then everyone could be satisfied that he delivered on his campaign promises, BUT... it never goes the way you want it to go, AND... people... a whole lot of people are really watching now, and then there’s that Palestinian Genocide and The World is really ticked off about that, and the people who are used to getting whatever they want whenever they want it are no longer getting what they want.
These people are used to creating the reality that The World accepts as the way things are, BUT... The Awakening is really screwing everything up and Mr. (Jack in The Box) Apocalypse keeps popping up in the most inconvenient places. The Controllers are used to following the maxim of, If it doesn’t work, use force, and if that doesn’t work, use more force. However... that isn’t working either, and it keeps making them look worse in The Hive Mind every time they try to apply it now. Suffice it to say that... The World... is... going... to... change, no matter what. Period!
As a result, it is very important not to be right up on the action at this time. Have you ever been in a mob when it starts to move in a crowded space? I have. You don’t want to be there. Keep the love of God in continuous operation in your heart. Keep your mind uncluttered and step out of people’s way. There is a lot of bad Juju in play at this time; a lot of bad actors on the edge of denouement and epiphany... a lot of worlds in collision... a lot of not expecting the unexpected, and a whole lot of not paying attention in a crowded marketplace of grasping and delusional behavior. What is it that Desiderata says about; go placidly amidst the noise and haste? Yeah... do that and...
Beatbox Jcob recreating sounds 🔊pic.twitter.com/HbIZ1a3VEA
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) March 23, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today’s Original Song is;
(I was going to include a transmission I got yesterday in today’s post, but it doesn’t go with the topic, so I will include it in the next Origami. It is on the page with the song if you want to see it ahead of time.)
A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 25, 2025
"Right Thru My Heart." https://t.co/uh7hUZnAoX pic.twitter.com/ges5LNhVPZ
Substack is here=
YouTube is doubling down on the same crap that makes people hate them. The posts on Gab tells a different story. There are a lot of rah rah Trump posts there but folks can see through it…the awakening is here!
People in real life are losing their shit. I avoid them as much as humanly possible.
Great post!
Trump re-elected? I'd say, 'reinstalled' as a saviour who plays both sides of the fence. Some who know the game are gonna make out like bandits. Those who don't. . .well? I'm glad I'm not them. Not that I'm gonna make out like a bandit. I'm just above breaking out even, and that little bit extra does get put to good uses.
Me thinks one of the trumpster's main goals is to be the Orkin dude of world parasites, and I suppose who Israel thinks are the world parasites. But Israel is a HUGE world parasite (that may be covertly on the list), along with Vatican City, and a whole bunch of NGOs and gubments of other nations.
Ya know, I really don't know why so much money is given to other nations. Why don't we all let them solve their own problems? Sometimes feeding the wildlife only makes things worse. It's not like anything changes for said nations after the donations are given, since most of the money falls into the wrong hands anyway; not to mention some places haven't evolved their thinking one iota in how many hundreds or even thousands of years. Some cultures seem incapable of adapting, and as for the individual who can, and is born into that culture. . .they might as well be that nail that sticks out and gets hammered down. . .some times literally.
To them, I say keep your stupid traditions that keep you in chains, but don't bother me for ANYTHING!
Nostrils to the sky!
I thought this might get a giggle out of ya.
Now... that is indeed funny. I'm going to have to put that in the One Last Thing file.
A Charlie Brown meme I saw on Gab recently: " I'm not going out today Snoopy ,it's too peoply out there.
"Keep your mind uncluttered and step out of people’s way."
Someone said to me recently in regard to AI, "There is 8 billion people on the planet you best get busy, or they are all going to pass you by."
I said they are all in a race to the grave, I don't mind them all passing me by.
yesterday, I was talking to some astrologist, and she told me Asparagus is in Gatorade.. uhhh or something like that. I don't know much about that stuff.... so I bought a lotto ticket. And I won.
planets and shit are cool.
I mean when i stop think about how well the controlers are really doing. Its mind boggling.
The demicrats lost the election. Then they came up with a group effort to start keying and painting "facist" on each others teslas?
Brilliant Stratagy!
A new Petri Dish is now up=
"The More The Sense of Self is Reflected Back in a Series of Carnival Mirrors... The Less People Know Who They Are."/a>
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