Friday, March 28, 2025

"It is Due to These Rules and Laws that Everything Meets The Destiny that is Appropriate to The Actions Taken by It."

God Poet Transmitting…….

I’m going to try to deal with something today that will put us in the ballpark and cover a few of the bases at the same time. The only thing we won’t be able to do is get up into the stands because we don’t control what other people think about what we say, nor do we want to. What difference would it make anyway? What is… is. What is not… is not, and time provides the necessary circumstances that reveal whether we have been right or wrong. I’ll take that construct.

We have said that… Everything is under control. I was told this by an unimpeachable authority. I can see why people have a problem understanding what that means. They live in a world of self-will run riot, which... includes their own. They see people running around doing whatever they want. They see rich people plundering The World. They see wars and various disasters that come and go, and they want to know how it is that God is controlling all of this; and... if he is; he’s doing a piss-poor job of it.

According to Ageless Wisdom, there is one will from which all personal will draws the power to act. In that sense, we have a certain freedom… a certain latitude to act. We exist in a world of duality, which means there will always be the appearance of Good and Evil struggling for control in a win-some/lose-some environment. So far… that’s what we got. However… there are rules in place that are activated by every thought… word… and deed. You do or say anything, and a certain process is set into motion. These rules are everywhere present and apply to everything.

These rules were set into place by Divine Agency for The Purpose of Demonstration and that is how everything comes to be under control. Existence is the ballpark, and we are the players in the game that takes place on the field. You couldn’t have a game without rules, and The Game of Life has rules. You can abide by them and you get one outcome. You can consistently break them and you get another outcome, and the offspring of every interaction on that field is called Karma. It’s up to you what consequences you encounter in your passage through here.

There are also laws that exist here, like The Law of Gravity. If you step off of a building, you will fall to the ground. If you set something in motion… it will continue in motion until it meets resistance that slows it down or stops it. This can be the law of inertia at work, or it could be an obstacle. The rules and laws are ALWAYS present and defined by the plane upon which they operate. Next… we have commandments. Commandments exist to advise you on the proper way to go about your life. You can live by them or ignore them. It’s up to you.

It is due to these rules and laws that everything meets the destiny appropriate to the actions taken by it. These are comprehensive and cannot be gotten around. That is how and why everything is under control. God does not run around micromanaging everything everyone does. God set certain constructs into place and they determine the outcome in every case. You have the freedom here to be a fuck-up or a saint. Neither of these is appreciated by everyone. Plenty of people did not and still do not like Jesus Christ, and there is no one you can name that meets with universal love and approval; no one

Killing the messenger does not affect the message. Saying The Sun rotates around The Earth does not cause it to do so. Torturing people to recant having said it does not... has no impact on The Sun or The Earth. Over the course of thousands of years (in this go-round), great minds have explained the nuts and bolts of physics and every other science. If you don’t like what they had to say on the matter, that… changes… nothing. Some aspects remain theory, BUT we operate theoretically every day without even paying any mind to it.

We just had a major earthquake in Myanmar. There is no information readily available about what the effects were at the point of origin because that country operates under a military dictatorship. However… Bangkok got a taste of the rumble.

Material Culture makes people stupid. This is an observable truth. You immerse yourself in it and you will become a dipshit. If you can take it or leave it, you live in the best of both worlds. Material culture creates a world of Surface-Mind dwellers that worship the gods of Trivia… Appetite... and Superficial Nonsense. Anything that people get together and... give their attention to... in a regular fashion... gets accorded God-Status. This does not affect the status or reality of the Real God, who cannot be perceived directly, BUT… can be somewhat apprehended through Reason and Higher Love. I’m not going to explain that. I only know it through experience.

This God is The Single Self who resides in every… living… thing… as The Silent Witness… The Watcher. The whole evolution of consciousness moves in glacial fashion toward God-Consciousness… in every particle... where The Universe knows itself as God or The Cosmic Dancer. This is all covered in scriptures and the writings of mystics… yogis… sages, and so forth. Enough people have experienced some dimension or perspective... of The Incomprehensible... to confirm that there is… something that exists and does not exist simultaneously. Reason may take you near The Door, but it will not take you through The Door. Higher Love will.

In The World of The Present we are witnessing many absurd demonstrations of Death by Selfie and the purveyors of this behavior… these clueless self-fellating morons... who are called Influencers... are followed by millions. They publish nothing but sensational superficiality. If you do write about meaningful things, The World will not beat a path to your door, and… how wonderful is that? That is actually a very good thing, given the evidence of the character and composition of the fascinated moths who flit about the false light landscape of the influencers.

At present… the most popular personalities on social media are also the most clueless buffoons in existence. This, too, is an easily proven fact. If you take this into consideration that most people are following and listening to retards and idiots, it should hip you to what the message of Trends and Patterns has to say about where it is all going to wind up. The prospects… overall… are not good.

It should come as no surprise that so many dangers and unpleasant conditions loom before us and that just about all of them are caused by selfish mindsets. When the prevailing philosophy is looking out for number one, some amount of number ones are bound to run into misfortune every single day... somewhere. Do stupid things… get a stupid outcome. This is one of those rules. Blind yourself with a myriad of attractions and you will not be able to see where you are going. That is another one of those rules, but... these are esoteric rules. They are still rules. There are inside rules and outside rules, and a whole lot of rules that most people have no awareness of, but… they do discover them through persisting in their folly.

The human stupidity of the moment... which we see and hear about every day... can make the future appear grim. I should point out that when humanity goes off course, Nature reacts. That is another rule. When you mess with Nature, Nature responds. So… the human stupidity of the moment is enough to doom humanity, if it does not get its shit together, Nature is going to be speaking more and more loudly until she gets your attention. So… expect more theater from Lady Nature.

Now… everything happens for a reason, and everything also happens for The Purpose of Demonstration (yet more rules) and also for the entertainment of The Divine, who likes a good show the way we like to watch a movie or... any form of entertainment. There is no difference between God and ourselves, except for the quality and reach of our respective consciousnesses. God sees things as they are. We… generally… do not. The exceptions are very happy campers who can camp anywhere they please.

Human culture is becoming fungoidal. There was a healthy tree, and then something happened to its diet, and that changed the natural processes it was resonant with. Someone altered the sunlight... the way they poison a mountain stream... that winds up running through a town. Mothers warn their sons not to go to town. We have a common mother that has been warning us, but... we are too distracted by superficial bullshit to see what is trying to kill us.

The terrible results of The Killer Vaccines are becoming more and more widely known. We are in a race between finding out and it being too late to find out. The outcomes are running neck and neck. Will The Awakening save us in the final reel or… whoops?

Somewhere, there are dog-faced pony soldiers riding bicycles with the fishes. Somewhere, there are warriors gathering in a mist. Somewhere, there is a watcher who knows how the movie ends, and he is not troubled… not even a little. That is why everything is under control... because everything and everyone gets what it is after... and then… whatever it is... gets them. If you’re not happy with this arrangement, may I recommend that you change your objective(s)? You will... eventually... anyway. Of this I am certain, and… last thing.

End Transmission…….

Today’s Song is; (sorry about this, I don’t know what possessed me)

Johnny B. Bad

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